Lechomancer Curses 6: The Game [mf] [public] [oral] [sex]

Amber kept her headphones in and pretended to play with her phone. She could hear the other girls on the university volleyball team snickering. Someone knew that she had let a stranger fuck her in the rest stop bathroom, and the rumour had scorched through the bus like a wildfire.

She saw the business card sitting on top of her bag, the one Lisa had given her, which showed only a phone number. She was supposed to call it when she was ready to surrender.

Amber looked at it for a long moment. What was happening to her, it was getting worse. It had been embarrassing the week before, when she’d lost it at the game. This, on the bus, this was worse.

…but then again, she’d gotten away with cumming on the big screen in the gym, in front of hundreds, if not thousands of people, and no one had noticed. She’d followed that up with an intense orgasm in the locker room, with some phantom lover. The guy from her psych class, who she hadn’t seen before or since, had fucked her and then she’d walked past a bunch of people who knew why they had been looked out of the room. She was ashamed, but it was also a turn on. All those people, they kind of knew. They didn’t really know, all the details, all the dirty things she’d done on the professor’s desk in that lecture hall.

And now there was this, sneaking off into the bathroom, and getting off three times with some stranger. As people avoided her eyes, or giggled and guessed at what she had done, she felt a terrible mix of lust and shame. She shifted uncomfortably, trying to figure out which was stronger.

“Fuck that bitch,” Amber whispered to herself, and stared out the window, fondly remembering being ravished. Lisa wouldn’t be breaking her, not any time soon.

It was a long bus ride to the away game, and they wouldn’t have time to check into their hotel rooms until after the match. The team had to go directly to the other university’s gym, and start warming up, to be ready in time for the game. They left most of their things on the bus, which would go directly to whatever cheap hotel the budget would put them up in, and headed to the warmup.

Amber found herself exceptionally focused. Despite the dirty looks and whispered comments from her teammates, she was on fire. It wasn’t long before the rest of the team forgot Amber the slut, and remembered Amber, the rookie star. All was forgiven, as they drilled and prepared for the game.

About ten minutes before the game, Amber stepped out into the hallway to refill her water bottle. She held it under the drinking fountain in the hall, and watched it slowly fill. Amber jumped with shock as she felt a firm hand grasp around her wrist.

A tall man in a hoodie, with shaggy hair, and a dopey grin, laughed at her surprise. Amber shook it off quickly. This was the third time she had met a man who looked like a demon she had dreamed about. He reached down and grabbed her wrist. He started walking towards the exit of the building.

Amber dug her heels in and pulled against him. She glanced back towards the gym. The game was starting soon. Crowds had already gathered to watch the last few minutes of the warm up. She considered shouting, fighting this guy, and heading back to her team.

She wanted to resist, but not as bad as she wanted to go with him. His vice grip on her arm made her feel helpless, in a way that sent a shiver up her arm and through her body. She delighted in it, much to her surprise. He glanced back, and the smile in his eyes told her that to him, it was a foregone conclusion. She would go with the man she had seen in the dream, and he could use her in any way he wanted. She felt dirty, and she felt herself grinning. She liked feeling dirty, liked the idea of being his little fuck toy, of being thrown around and used for his pleasure.

Amber knew she was grinning as she walked along behind him. She ran forward a couple of steps, and wrapped her other hand around him, walking like they were holding hands. He shrugged. She pulled his arm against her, pressing her breast into his triceps, pushing her body against him.

Unfamiliar with the layout of the University she was visiting, she had no idea where they were headed. He opened a set of double doors, and lead Amber to a well-lit parking lot, full of tailgaters. They were the sort who would never watch the game, they just used it as an excuse to hang out and get drunk. While it was warm for November, the cold night air sent pin pricks up her bare legs. She was wearing her jersey, a T-Shirt and shorts, and didn’t have a jacket. She pressed herself closer to her new friend for warmth.

He picked his way through the various revellers, smiling and waving vaguely at them, but he never spoke. When they were near the edge of the parking lot, he turned to face her suddenly, grabbed her by both shoulders, and shoved her back against a big red pickup truck. It clanged a little like a bell. Amber yelped, more surprised than anything. His fingers were still clamped around her arms, and he surged forward, his mouth searching for hers. He was tall, and she had to reach up on her tiptoes to have her lips meet his.

As they kissed, she pressed herself against him, melting into his body as best he could. He kept her upper arms pinned to the truck, and seemed to enjoy her struggle to feel more of him. She squirmed, and could feel his excitement growing. Finally, their lips parted with a gasp.

He ran his palms down her sides, to the bottom of her jersey, and then began to creep back up, disrobing her. The night danced on her skin, but she realized how naked she would soon be. “Stop,” she begged. “You can’t.”

Stop me, his eyes dared her, wordlessly. He slowed, his fingers still knotted in the fabric, his thumbs rising up the sides of her stomach, teasing the underside of her tits. Amber bit her lip, and waited, torn between the thrill and the shame. She knew this was worse than the other times. Now there were no walls, no locks, not even a door. There were dozens, if not hundreds, of college students partying in the parking lot. At any moment, one of them could walk over, and find her half naked, pinned up against this oversized truck, fucking some stranger.

The thought made her legs quiver with anticipation. Shyly, she raised her arms over her head, and he nodded as he pulled her clothes clear. He glared down at her sports bra, and she removed that too. Now she was standing in a parking lot in just her shorts, her socks and her shoes.

The stranger’s hands were soft but certain as he took her face in both hands and kissed her again. His left slid down her neck, trickled across her collarbone, over her right breast while barely brushing the nipple. It crept down her taut stomach, and his palm flattened. His fingertips slipped under the waistband of her shorts and her panties, over the sensitive skin of her pelvis.

She was about to plead with him again, but he slipped his other thumb into her mouth. She surprised herself by sucking on it.

Carefully, his fingers slipped between her legs. With soft, feathery touches, he teased her slit. She looked into his eyes, and saw the certainty, and the mirth. He was taunting her, barely touching her. He knew he could take her, but instead he wanted to play with her. His hand was like magic, and every time she tried to press herself against him, to intensify the sensation, he would pull away, just out of her reach, something of a feat with his hand trapped in her pants.

She shivered, but not form the cold. He started to dip his fingers inside her, massaging the ache that burned through her, first with one finger, then two, then three. She was certain she couldn’t take it anymore, yet he added a fourth. He stretched her wide, and she was having trouble standing. His breath came in desperate gasps. He stared directly into her eyes the whole time, and she had to look away.

“I should …” she started to protest, trying to think of some reason to stop, but too lost in the moment to form a full thought. “The game …” His fingers continued to dance inside her, but to her dismay they were slowly pulling out. He was going to let her go, and she would have to grab her discarded clothing, dress, and go back to the game. She turned to look at him, her lower lip quivering, begging him with her eyes not to stop.

His smile was cruel when their eyes met, all fire and passion, and certainty. She nodded slightly, knowing now they would not stop.

He grabbed her by the shoulders, and flipped her around. She nearly lost her balance as she slammed into the truck. Hey forearms, from elbow to wrist, were prickling against the cold metal of the truck. She started to turn towards him, but he pressed his hand between her shoulder blades. She yelped as her hard nipples met the side of the vehicle. Her breasts ached with desire, her breathing causing them to swell against the truck.

With his other thumb, he traced his way down her spine, hooking into the waistband of her shorts and her panties, and slipping them down. The night tingled against the bare flesh of her ass. He slipped them down, just below her cheeks. Then, with the toe of his sneaker, he nudged her ankle a little further apart.

“What…” She started to ask over her shoulder, but then his fingers slipped between her legs, turning her words into a sigh. He spread her pussy lips apart, the chill of the air intoxicating.

Then he pressed the head of his cock against her. She was about to speak, to feign disinterest, to say anything that would make it seem like she wasn’t a desperate slut, needing this, but nothing escaped her lips but a moan. With a long, commanding thrust, he slide deep inside of her. Another moan escaped, as the stranger just kept going. He had to be over nine inches long, and she was so wet, so ready for him, that she took his whole length in a single stroke.

He placed his hands on both her hips, and kept fucking her, almost slowly, pulling his length almost entirely out of her, and then sliding the whole cock back into her. His lips were by her ear. Almost all she heard was hot breath, inhaling as he pulled out, exhaling as he slipped back into her. Her arms remained pinned against the truck. Without realizing it, she stood on her tiptoes, to allow him deeper inside of her, to feel more of his skin against her at the end of each long stroke.

He held her firmly in place with the weight of him. Each time his hips met her ass, sliding as deep into her cunt as he could go, she would let out a little satisfied grunt, steam forming against the side of the truck. Each stroke was a little faster than the last, slowly building up speed.

Soon, he was colliding into her, sending her into the truck, faster and faster. Her legs started to shake as the long member slipped deep into her cunt. He took his hands off her hips, and intertwined his fingers with hers, keeping her pinned in place. He started to grunt with each thrust, and she knew she was getting louder and louder. The power of his thrusts grew. They were beating the truck like a drum, her skin covered in goosebumps from her shoulders down to her stomach.

Faster and faster, she was nearly being lifted off her feet with each thrust. She spread her legs a little wider, hoping to feel him even deeper inside of her. She heard the shorts rip. With one hand, the stranger bunched them up and tore them off, leaving her in just shoes. She tried to care, tried to worry, but the feeling of that long dick, pushing so far inside of her, the night cooling her skin, it was too much. All she could focus on was the tide of him crashing into her, again and again.

Her whole body began to shake, and felt herself legs start to go limp. He took one hand off hers, and wrapped it around her waist, not letting her fall, not breaking the crescendo rhythm of their fucking. Amber’s whole body began to spark against the night air. Her head started to spin, and every muscle in her tightened, holding the stranger in place, deep inside her.

He began to swirl his hips, not with drawing them, just moving deep inside her. She gasped and her whole body vibrated. She came hard against him. He never stopped moving, and the sensation was so intense she thought she was about to black out. She closed her eyes and gave herself entirely over to the orgasm. Her whole body quaked, and when it finally subsided, she couldn’t move.

The stranger pulled out of her, and she let out another moan. With a hand around her waist and the other interlocked on her arm, he slowly turned her to face him, and gently lowered her to the ground she wasn’t able to stand. Her legs splayed, and she heard the shorts rip, but she didn’t care. She smiled and opened her eyes.

That’s when she saw the audience they had drawn. A bunch of the tailgaters stood around, beers in hand, bundled up, wide eyed and grinning. She let out a little surprised yelp, and threw one hand across her perky tits, the other reaching down to cup her cunt. She started to blush, over her entire body.

It got worse, when she realized that her pussy still ached, and the fact that she had been watched seemed to turn her on more.

It got even worse when she realized the stranger hadn’t been quite done. A strand of cum splashed across the bridge of her nose and down her cheek. It was warm and tingly where it hit, and it sent a hot shiver down her spine. Without meaning to, Amber’s tongue reached out and tasted it. It was a strange, sweet, floral taste, and her tongue buzzed. Her fingers reached between her legs of her own accord, and she began to play with herself. She leaned forward with her tongue out. The stranger aimed the rest of his load at her face, some splashing onto her tongue, some dribbling down her check and onto her chest.

As she swallowed, the world seemed to fade away. Her whole body vibrated, but nowhere so hard as her pussy. Her fingers were the only relief, strumming against her clit. She grunted out another orgasm, sitting on the pavement, her legs spread wide.

The sound of applause brought her back to the real world. The tailgaters who had gathered to watch clapped and cheered. She blinked, hopping they would vanish, but when her eyes reopened, they were all there, staring at her. She looked around, for her discarded shirt. It was nowhere to be seen. The stranger shrugged, and handed her his hoodie.

Amber quickly tried to cover herself with the sweater, but she quickly realized a few problems. It seemed to be just a little too short to cover her ass, and the zipper in the front was broken. She could tug the shirt down in the back, but it would fly wide open, leaving her slit, and her cum covered tits out in the world. If she bunched it up in the front, her but was hanging out.

The tailgaters watching her started to cheer. “Ass! Ass! Ass!” One group called out. “Tits! Tits! Tits!” came the opposing response.

Through all the shame off it, Amber felt herself a little … excited. That made her more embarrassed, and she pulled the front closed and ran away, to the grateful cheers of the Ass crowd.

Amber wasn’t quite sure what to do next. She considered running back into the gym, and hiding out in the change room. The only problem was the team. If there was one group of people who could not find out about her little show in the parking lot, it was the vicious bitches she had to spend twenty hours a week with.

She was considering walking to the hotel. Even half naked, it was better than letting the team find out. She could claim she got sick before the match, and as long as she got there before the other girls, she could claim she had spent the whole time in her room.

As she considered that, Amber nodded to herself. She could handle strangers watching her fuck, or staring at her ass. She started heading towards the motor inn, which should only be about a ten minute walk. She pulled the hood up to cover her face, and clenched the hoody shut as tight as she could.

It felt like it took forever, heading through the area around the university. Everytime she walked by someone, she stared at the ground, and hoped they would ignore her. More than once, she heard people behind her whispering, and she picked up her pace. A car full of people drove by, and howled at her. Then it circled the block and took another pass, this time a bit slower and a lot louder.

The strangest part to Amber was how much of a turn on this was. She didn’t want anyone to know who she was, but no one here knew her. Something about knowing she was turning on the car driving by, that the whispers behind her were either appreciative or jealous, it all served to make her wet. She couldn’t believe she was still turned on. This wasn’t like her at all.

She couldn’t deny it anymore. Lisa had done something to her. Those dreams, they weren’t just some random thing. Somehow, that bitch was turning her into an exhibitionist slut. Each time, Amber had been a little closer to getting caught.

Amber tried to imagine what she would say, if anyone in her life knew what she had been doing the last week. Her friends, her family, her teammates, no one would respect her if they knew she was fucking strange guys in public places. That she wanted to, that the very act of remembering made her body ache with desire.

She had to make it stop. She had to call the number.

Find more here: https://erostopholes.wordpress.com/2016/01/15/lechomancer-curses-6-the-game/

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/41cgz1/lechomancer_curses_6_the_game_mf_public_oral_sex