Quicky on the Kyoto train line[mf][exh][anal]

*I wrote this for r/dritywritingprompts the other day. Thought I'd try branching out to other subs. *

Two college girls got on to the train from the country side into Kyoto mid-afternoon. It was an American exchange student and the daughter of her host family. Aiko flung a bag full of art suplies into the opposite seat. The train was mostly empty this time of day. She flopped, equally playful, into a seat. Her dark hoodie and colorful skit spread out over the seat. Her hoodie was open revealing a black tune too and the smooth skin of her stomach. Much less used to the environment, Anna clutched a laptop to her chest. She brushed Aiko's skirt out of the way to sit down, and adjusted her glasses. Her jeans were faded and torn at the knees in the way that suggested she hadn't bought them that way. Colorful pins adorned her satchel bag and knit benie hat. They were chatting happily to each other as the ten started moving. Warm sunny images of alternating cityscape and parks passed by the window. Anna says to Aiko "the past month here has been a blur. It been amazing, but you know I've been so occupied with school and traveling, I had forgotten all about men. I didn't even realize until the other night when we were watching that movie after dinner where that guy took his shirt off, I hadn't mastrubated since before I got on the plane! Oh my god I'm embarrassed, but I feel like I have to tell you. I got super horny watching that. I was saying for the next ten minutes after that scene! I had to get up to go touch myself in the bathroom." Aiko burst out laughing. "Oh, that's hillarious! I thought you had to piss because of the alcohol! I know what you mean though. I told shinji to meet us in a few stops . We don't get to see each other very often because of work and school. I feel the need to Fuck him almost every time we meet. He doesn't know it yet but I'm going to try and Fuck him before the end of the train ride." she said this very matter of factly. Anna started wide eyed, surprised to hear this scheming. "We should try to get you a boyfriend while your here. You don't want to go the rest of the semester without some attention…what?" "Nothing. I just wasn't expecting you to blurt out your plans to Fuck your boyfriend in public. I thought the Japanese were more subtle." "What the fuck ever. You're the one telling me you were masturbating in my house, after sitting next my grand mother snoring on the couch. Besides when have you known me to be subtle?" "Point taken. You guys would really do it in public?" "I'm not a lecher. We're not going to strip naked and fuck in the seat here. The opperators will come by and kick us off the train. I gotta use this train to get around. You have to be sly about these sorts of things." The train came into the next station. The automatic voice announced the stop in japanese and then english. The place was pretty barren. There were another 2 passengers a few cars up. Mostly it was just the girls and the train operators. There air was quiet but there was a sense of in patience that hung on the platform outside. A young man causally made his way through the turnstyles and entered the train behind their car as they chatted. "So which station is Shinji meeting us at?" Aiko looked at her watched then bobbed her head past the window. She was looking for the station label. "This one actually…where is the bugger." the door opened to the next car and they both looked back to see the young man. "There you are!". Aiko got up to meet him. "We were just talking about you." he was wearing a school uniform. His coat was hung over his bag. His shirt sleeves were rolled up and his tie was loose. He looked at once intelligent and charismatic. Aiko pulled him in with his tie and gave him a peck on the lips. "Oh. Nothing bad I hope." She looked down at his chest playing with his tie. "Oh, nothing bad." she gestured to Anna including her in the conversation. "I was just telling Anna how I wanted to Fuck you before we got to our destination." then she looked up into his eyes with a devil's grin. It was clear neither the friend not the boy quite new how to takes this. He was taken aback but quickly recovered from the positive news. "Is that what she was telling you? You mus'nt listen to her. She's a wretched pervert." He grinned and they all took a seat. Aiko cuddled up next to Shinji and Anna sat across from them. The seats were against the wall facing inside. "Oh don't worry Anna. He may look reserved but a body wants what it wants. Sooner than later we'll both agree with each other." Aiko smiled up at him and her hand wandered over his crotch. Anna squirmed in her seat. Her eyes began to wander towards the hand. "Uhh.. Your sure you want me to watch?" Shinj I looked down at Aiko "I'm fine with it if you are." Aiko didn't respond. She took his face with her free hand and planted her lips firmly on his. Her other hand flexed and began pumping slowly over his pants. Anna was transfixed now. Without knowing she gripped the edge of her seat with both hands. She stared as his dick grew under the pants like a mole digging mounds in the yard. It wasn't a small one either. She continued kissing him and brushed back some of her long back hair. An acomplished look came over her face like she was finished preparing a meal. She stood up and looked down the hallway. The train was moving now, Had been for some time. She could see through the doors clearly down five cars. It was almost a fun house perspective. As the train passed through several curves she could see the fluid movment of the train like being in the belly of an animal. Satisfied, she turned back towards Shinji and pushed him back into his chair. He leaned back fully enjoying the show. Aiko pulled Her unzipped hoodie down, just over her shoulders. It framed her breast well. It prosimed the entertainment to come. With one more long kiss she held his lower lip in her mouth, taking her time, enjoying the moment. With a sly grin she turned over her shoulder back towards Anna. She fell forward a little in the seat and Shinji's hands held her at the waist. She took her skirt in her hands and slowly pulled the material up. It bunched in Her hand. Until it revealed her uncovered ass to Anna. They would have locked eyes of Anna hadn't been staring at her ass. Her mouth had been slowly easing open. Anna's jaw was at this point, completely slack. Aiko stood and turned like a princes with the skirt in her hand until she was completely facing Anna. Then she very delibritly planted her ass in Shinji's lap. Shinji's hands came up under the fabric. She let the dress fall to cover their deed. His hands began to glide over her smooth flawless thighs. Slowly, like a train she began to grind over his pants. Anna's eyes finally came up to meet Aiko's, like a deer in head lights. She was totally overcome with the situation. Anna was only mildly aware of the heat and softness violently growing between her legs.

Aiko continued to grind until she began to hear labored breathing coming from behind her. She was already acutely aware of Anna's shortness off breath. She likes that Anna couldn't help but study every feature of what was happening. Aiko felt a great sense of power over the other two and it was intoxicating. She could feel the addrenaline streaming into her chest and neck. Her spine was a think column of energy. She wanted to, Had to maintain control of her subjects. With a sudden stop she looked back behind her at her partner. "I want to touch your cock. I want to feel it against my tongue." she slumped over in the seat next to him. She began to fiddle with his belt. A look of panic came over his face. As much bravado as he had expressed this far he was still unsure of the course a head. "Oh hey. I'm not sure I want to pull my dick out in the middle of the train. This is crazy." as meaningful as his words were he wasn't about to fight Aiko opening his pants. Shinji's new found anxiety set Anna's nerves freshly on end. She pulled her benie tighter aginst her head with both hands and started mubling 'what the fuck' repeatedly under her breath. Without losing pace on her mission, Aiko casually looked up to confirm their issolation. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine." With everything undone her hand disapeared, and Shinji's let out a mildly paniced gasp. Both of his hands came up to grip her wrist. They were under orders to remove her arm from his pants, but only succeeded in holding her in place. He closed his eyes and rolled his head back. Aiko gave Anna an insinuating eyebrow wiggle then pulled the full member from its hiding place. His hips pulled back in his seat and his head snapped up. He cringed and look about worriedly. Aiko gave one soft and gentle pump. Shinji returned to the action. He looked down at himself and then back up at Anna. They locked eyes and shared their sense of the situation. Its was a state of definite panic mixed with the uncomfortable feeling of unexpectedly sharing this intimate moment with someone so foreign to the situation. Aiko then bent over. She reached out with her cherry red lips and pink glistening tongue. Her breath washed over his exposure. She slid to grip him firmly around the base. Her tongue contacted first. It explored the surface. With one last inhale she closed the gap and took the head in her mouth. Her soft lips seal thightly around. The gentle vacuum and the tenderness of her mouth were amazing. She explored the texture of his skin with her tongue. The moment held like air time. But she had no sooner hotter her lips around his dick than the automated voice came over the speaker. Now arriving at the next station. This time they were all snapped back to reality. There was a quick scramble. Shinji closed his pants up, and the girls reassessed security. New passengers at the platform. Looked like the party was over. The train came to a halt and the three started to consolidate their space. Anna looked up at Aiko."what now?" Aiko looked around as people entered the car. Their activities had been concealed and unoticed. Aiko whispered "Well now you're gonna ride the train like a normal person." "What about you?" "Me? I'm gonna get fucked." Aiko grabbed shinji by the chest. "You're coming with me ." The couple got up to leave the train. "What?! You're just going to leave me here like this! After that?!" they were stuggling to whisper now. "Uh… yeah.. I'll meet you at school. We'll catch the next train. The tickets don't cash out till you leave the station." "Really!?" "Yeah. Tough tities. See you at school." the doors closed behind them and the couple watched a sexually bothered friend sail off down the line with a shot storm of emotions. It didn't bother them at all. Shinji was checking his bag to make sure he didn't drop anything. Aiko pulled him down the concourse into a bathroom. They checked it was empty. They threw their Shit on the counter. She took him and kisses him up against a wall. He was in familiar teritory now. He kissed her back and his hand made its way up under her hair. He gripped it firmly as he started kissing down her neck. He got to her chest and tore off her hoodie. She opened the buttons into a shirt. It revealed his firm chest underneath. It was her turn to stare. Her hands felt his chest as he watched her. He gave her another kiss. "So how are we gonna do this? I wasn't expecting this. I dont have any condems on me." She looked back up at him. She had already considered the problem and emotionally ignored his question. "Oh don't worry about that. You're gonna Fuck me in the ass. I've got some lube in my bag. She went back over to the sink and rummaged through the bag. The lighting wasn't great. She turned the bag to collect the flourecent haze. Got it She handed him the tube and dragged him into a larger stall. She unzipped him and out popped his dick. She took the bottle and put some in her hand. She took hold of him and looked up in his eyes as prepared him. His dick was already dence as rock. It new what was coming. He took her jaw again a kissed her firmly. This time he held her lip. She stiffened with excitement. Suddenly he jerked her chest round and held her upright against the wall by the arm. She let out a muffled gasp and moan. With other hand he pulled the fabric of her dress up around her waist. His dick found its place and he pressed it between her ass cheeks. Breathing from both of them became heavier,.. rougher. He adjusted his hips and dragged the goopy wet tip of his penis down until it seated it self at the entrance of the gate. He breathed heavy over her shoulder. Long stands of her hair ebbed and flowed with the breeze. He began to push in. "Unghf." Slowly it gelled its way up two inches of her ass. "Nnn, Fu,mm." out one inch, add two, all the way until there was a little more than half a foot of fleshy steel rod up her ass. "Mmm Fuck! You're in my Ass!" He moaned in her ear "you're damn right" they sat there for a moment fully locked and pressed together. Then he pulled back all the way to the tip, and all the up, just like a violin. He grabbed her by the hips and she bent forward, her back arched to curve her belly. They both moaned indescreatly as he began pump her for real. "Mmmmm..fuckfuckfuckfckfkfkfk." His balls stroked her cunt wwith every thrust. She braced herself against the wall with one arm and reach down to finger her clit with the other. It didn't take long before they were both at full steam. Her moans began to crescendo. She heard them echoing off the wall and did her best to stifle them. Their legs began to shake and her ass began to clench. It locked its iron grip around His dick and strangled it over the top. He pulled her in and gripped her right as jets of cum filled the void. He held deep in her ass until they were both limp. "Mmm….. Mmm…. Mhhmmn…that was good. I needed that."She said resting her head against painted brick. "Let's do this again on Thursday." she turned back and smiled at him. "Whatever you say little miss." They grabbed their stuff and caught the next train. Aiko smiled again when she saw the white stain she left on the train seat when they arrived near the school.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3zwoin/quicky_on_the_kyoto_train_linemfexhanal