Within Reach [fsub][M][bd][voy]

Stick to the Plan
Lauren had always been into restraints. Ever since she was a little girl she has been fascinated with ropes, chains and later handcuffs. But not like this. Never like this. Now and again she had tied her wrists together or padlocked a chain around her ankles. But this was something bigger. This had a clear motive. Was she actually going to do it? Was she really going to tie herself down? The idea had been circling her head for a week. No matter what she did she just could not shake the idea of being bound. It was new and novel and… strangely arousing.

Door to the bedroom locked? Check.
Ankle ropes attached to the feet of the bed? Check.
Padlock by the headboard? Check.
Rope left over to tie the wrists? Check.

It was all very carefully planned. Lauren was going to lay down on her back on the bed. Then she would be able to tie her feet down, one at each foot of the bed. Finally she was going to tie her wrists together and use the padlock to secure her hands against the headboard. She had not been able to think of a means to escape, so she left the key in the padlock. Would not want to get stuck.

Lauren was attending her second year of college with a major in economy. During the summers she would come home and live with her mother and her mothers boyfriend. They would spend a few weeks together just like the time before college. When it came to good looks, Lauren had it all. Long brunette hair, slim face, sharp chin, gorgeous dimples and deep blue eyes. Her skin was pale as snow and her lips a soft pink color that she got from her mother. From her father she got an amazing athletic figure. Muscular but slender. Strong but curvy. She had the typical hourglass figure. Medium sized breasts, small waist, wide hip. Thanks to this good fortune Lauren had never had any trouble with men. In fact they were lining up for her. All in all, Lauren was a socially active, outgoing and innocent girl. Until she got home. Somehow she turned into a freak when she got home. All her inner desires that had been lurking in the back of her mind suddenly surface at once. Laurens mother and her boyfriend had left the house for the day and would not be back until later in the evening. So for once Lauren had a chance to act on her inner desires.

Lauren executed her plan. She sat down on the bed and tied her feet to the edge of the bed, legs spread apart. Then she let herself fall back onto the bed. With her head on the pillow she tied her wrists together with a series of improvised knots. She raised her hands above her head and grabbed the padlock that was hanging from a metal ring in the headboard. Click, click. The padlock locked shut. Laurens heart started to race. For a whole minute she did not move a muscle. What had she done? She could almost not believe it. But it was not fear nor anxiety that she felt. It was excitement. She managed to calm down and relax. Then she tried to wriggle her feet and realized she was stuck. Heart started racing again. Wiggle the hands. More excitement. She was well a truly stuck. Lauren felt the tank top rub against her back as she tested the restraints. Her white skirt was slowly gliding down her hip from all her moving. She loved it all. But she did not know quiet what it was that she loved so much.

-Knock knock.
It felt like her heart stopped. Someone was knocking on her bedroom room. Shit! Shit shit shit!
“Lauren are you in there?” Three more knocks. “I can't find my phone. Can I come in?”
It was her mothers boyfriend. Lauren struggled against the rope. Suddenly she felt truly stuck. Adrenaline kicked in and she remembered that she left the key in the padlock.
“Lauren? Are you ok?”
“Uh.. I'm ok! I'll be there in a second.”
She managed to unlock the padlock and untie her wrists. As if her life depended on it, she untied her right foot, then her left. The knocking on the door continued. Acting on impulse Lauren hid the ropes and the padlock under her cover. She rushed to the door and opened it.
“Hey Matt!”
“Hey, sorry, have you seen my phone?”
Without waiting for an answer Matt entered her room. Within a minute he found the missing phone lying on a drawer by the door.
“Ah thank goodness. Can't survive without my phone.” Matt laughed.
Lauren nervously laughed back.
“Anyways we're off now. For real this time. See you later kiddo.” Matt closed the door behind him as he left. Lauren collapsed on the spot. She sat against the closed door and closed her eyes. The sound of footsteps got more and more faint. Too close, she thought to herself. But then she noticed something. A tingling feeling. Her right hand slowly traveled down to her bellybutton and then further down. She gently caressed her panties. They were soaking wet. Every little movement of the hand sent tingling sensations through her body. In that moment she realized what it was that she loved so much about being bound.

Brave new World
Wiser than before Lauren spent a lot of time finding out what worked and what did not when it came to bondage. It did not take long for her to experience the complete and utter ecstasy of being bound naked. Some night, just before bed, when everyone was asleep; she would undress and lay under her covers with her wrists and ankles bound. It felt amazing. The feeling of her breasts brushing against the cover as she tried to wriggle free was like no other. Even though she was bound, her nudity made her feel more free than ever. Sometimes she would leave a small wet spot on the sheets of her bed. But it was nothing compared to that first time. Then again, she had not had the courage to actually tie herself down since then. Instead she had been practicing on her knots and on different ways to make escape possible. Her current favorite was to tie the key for the padlock on a really long string and throw it somewhere. That way it would take a while before you could actually get free. Just thinking about it made her excited.

A week later another opportunity presented itself. Her mother and Matt was away for the evening and she had the house to herself. She kindly refused any offers from her friends to hang out. This was a night she had been waiting for with great anticipation. Same plan as last time, except this time naked. Lauren took her tank top off and unhooked her bra. Then she pulled her blue jeans off and stepped out of her panties. For a moment she caught a glance of herself in the mirror. She admired herself. Her firm, round breasts. Her slim figure. Her long hair tied into a braid. It excited her. Once again she sat down on the bed, tied her feet down, fell back and tied her wrists together. Finally she tied the piece of string that was connected to the key to her finger and threw the key away. The key landed with a muffled thud. After making sure the string to the key was still secured to her finger, she locked her wrists against the headboard with the padlock. It was as if a wave of relief washed over her. As if she could finally relax. Like last time she wriggled against the rope and rubbed herself against the bed. But it still was not the same. The thrill was gone somehow. After 20 minutes she decided to free herself. She found some pleasure in having to drag the key closer, inch by inch. When she finished she was no longer in the mood. The bondage session had not even made her particularly wet. It was not until later that night that she had a naughty thought. Lauren was in the kitchen looking for some snacks when out of nowhere a thought came to her. It would be really embarrassing to be found naked in the kitchen. Where did that come from? It did not matter. She was hooked. Lauren forgot about the snacks and rushed up to her room. Leaving only her panties on she rushed back down to the kitchen with some rope. The stove and the over was located in one corner of the kitchen. Next to it was the doorway leading to the hallway. On the other side was a back door leading from the outside straight into the kitchen. In the middle of the kitchen was a large wooden table. Lauren instantly knew what to do. She tied the rope around two of the legs of the table. This left her with a nice anchor point for the padlock. She walked around to the other side of the table and leaned over it. In order to reach the rope she had to stand on her toes and lay on the table. The padlock clicked, locking her wrists to the rope on the other side of the table. The thrill was back. Her breasts rubbed against the hard wood. No! Not her breasts, her tits! I'm a filthy slut, she told herself. Realizing that she left her ass exposed to the back door made the thrill time times greater. Add a little wriggling to that and the juices started flowing. She could feel it soaking through her panties and running down her right leg. The sound of infrequent dripping echoed in her mind. This time it took 40 minutes before she decided to free herself. 40 minutes, 2 minutes she could not tell. It had been a blissful haze. Lauren calmed down, untied herself and got back to her room. In bed that night she pondered on the progress that she had made. It seemed to her that she was getting closer and closer to the source of her desires. But then again, she told herself, you cannot expect to uncover quickly what has been brewing for so long. That night she slept better than any other time she could remember.

Within Reach
The following days were filled with scheduled family activities. There was going to the market, going camping, riding horses, visiting uncle Steve and not a single moment alone. But Lauren kept practicing. She got bolder as well. What had started under her covers had now reached to the toilet. She would tie her wrists and ankles and spend 10 minutes in toilet. The sound of footsteps outside made her shiver with excitement. One time she even had to pretend that she was doing her makeup as her mother knocked on the door. But it did not stop there. The toilet presented no risk of getting caught. It had a lock on the door, so if anything it was probably the safest room in the house. Lauren did not want to think about what would happen if she ever got caught. It was unbearable to her. That was the last thing she wanted. But that is what makes the risk of getting caught so good. Fate was her mistress and she was being naughty, tempting her.

One day Lauren abandoned the idea of going to the toilet for a new one. She sneaked her way into Matt's office and found a wardrobe that she could fit inside. After opening the door to the wardrobe she got inside and sat down. Her skirt glided on the shiny surface of the floor of the wardrobe. She closed the door behind her and waited for a few minutes. Then she tied her wrists and ankles together, just like she had done a hundred times before. Lauren felt none of the usual excitement. Instead there was a ramping anticipation. Any second now, she kept telling herself, any second now. Every now and again she would open the door just an inch, just enough to gauge the occupants of the room. Still nothing. She waited and waited but the anticipation never faded. The door to the office creaked open. I knew it, Lauren told herself, as if it had only been a second and not 20 minutes. Matt closed the door behind him and sat down at his desk. Lauren felt all the anticipation converted into excitement. She could hardly breath, instead she panted. The sound of Matt fiddling around with the chair. The sound of buttons being pressed. The very sound of someone so near, yet so far. Drip, drip, she remembered from the kitchen as she felt exactly what she had felt then. Her arousal made her more courages. She had to see. With her right shoulder she nudged the wardrobe door open, just a little bit, just enough to see him. Matt got out of his chair and walked over to the bookcase, walked out of sight. Lauren had to see. She leaned against the door. Suddenly she felt her t-shirt sliding against the door as it wildly swung open. Matt screamed out, startled by her appearance. Lauren screamed out, surprised by the sudden turn of events. Matt did not say anything for a while. He just looked at her. Then he called out for Laurens mother.
“Rachel!” he did not take his eyes off of her. “Rachel get in here!”.
Laurens mother enter the office in a cheerful mood. But her mood turned from cheerful to somber when she saw her daughter. “Lauren?” she asked.

Minutes later they were all sitting at the kitchen table, one on each side.
“So” Rachel started. “Do you want to tell us what was going on in there?”
Lauren lied. Lie after lie came out of her. She made up stories about watching too many superhero movies where the main character gets tied up and always manages to escape. There was mention of Houdini and his amazing performances. At one point she even compared the wardrobe to living standards around the world. She was talking too much and she knew it. But she could not stop.
“Lauren! You should know better than to do that kind of silly things. You could hurt yourself.”
Was she buying? Come on! She was not, was she? Is she? “I know mom.” Queue puppy eyes.
“What if we hadn't found you? You would have been stuck there the whole night.”
A shock of electricity shot through her. The whole night. Lauren just nodded in silence.
“Just don't do it again. It's not safe.”
The meeting was over quicker than Lauren could ever have hoped for. Maybe it was just her dirty mind, but finding someone tied up in a wardrobe would strike her as deviant in one way or another. She soon found out that it was not just her dirty mind.

“Lauren!” Matt caught up with Lauren on her way to her bedroom. Lauren stopped and turned around.
“Look, your mother might not realize it” he was talking in a whisper “but I get it.”
Matt went on to talk about the hazards involved in bondage and how he did not want it in his house. But all Lauren could hear was the words 'I get it'. He gets it. Another tingle down the spine. “Understood?” he ended.
“Um, yeah sure. Alright.” Lauren replied on instinct.
Matt did not look convinced. Just before he turned around he added.
“Oh… and if you ever find yourself in a pickle don't be afraid to call for help. It can be a matter of life and death.” Matt gave her a stern look. “Also, don't tell your mother.”

That night was a sinful night. Lauren let her imagination run wild, no holds barred. She fantasized about bound, about being caught and about Matt. Oh how she fantasized about Matt. I get it, echoed in her mind. Whatever he had meant by it did not matter, it meant only one thing to Lauren. She started playing with herself. Other than in her bondage sessions she rarely aroused herself. It was easy enough for her to find someone to have sex with that she did not need to. But this time she did not want just anyone. She wanted Matt. But he was as much out of reach as she had been within reach just hours ago. He gets it. Tingle. Call for help. Tingle. Call on me for help. Tingle tingle. Let me help you. Tingle tingle tingle. Lauren caught herself panting and shivering. It was not right, she decided. She must wait. Wait for him. That night she slept terribly. Her frustration kept her up most of the time.

The next day Lauren woke up late. She felt like she had the worst hangover. Probably dehydrated, she thought and went down to the kitchen to get some water. The similarities to a hangover continued as she started getting flashbacks to her fantasies from the night before. What was she thinking? Matt? Ugh! First of all he was practically married to her mother and second of all he was almost 15 years older than her. He is not even that good looking. In the kitchen Lauren found both Matt and her mother. Her mother was fully dressed and holding on to a travel case. But Matt was only wearing sweatpants and an old t-shirt.
“Nice to see you up, Lauren.” her mother greeted.
“Doesn't feel so nice.” she replied.
Lauren has a few glasses of water while her mother explained that she had to go on a last minute thing for her job. Lauren did not understand all the details and did not really care either. But before her mother left she turned around and said:
“So you and Matt are going to be all alone for a few days. Are you going to be alright?”
It was like rewinding time. Lauren was back to where she had been last night. All the frustration, all the anticipation all the arousal. She just nodded in response.

Lauren did not see much of Matt that day. He mostly kept in his office. But that was perfect. Lauren had it all figured out. It was seven o'clock and the house was quiet. The plan was just as simple as the first one. Only a few things added. She started by getting naked and admiring her beauty in the mirror. Then she opened the door slightly, just enough to let some light in. She put the key to the padlock on the drawer by the door, far away from her reach and no string this time. She was determined. Lauren sat down on the bed, spread her legs and tied her feet to the bed. The wonderful sensation of the spread eagle rushed through her body. She fell back onto the bed. Then she picked up her phone and texted Matt: “Hey, I really need your help! I'm upstairs.”. When the text was sent she turned the phone off and put it on the floor. She reached for one of the mothers sleeping masks and put it on, effectively blinding her. Finally she put her hands behind her head and used the padlock to fasten her hands to the headboard. Click, click. It was like the first time all over again. She could hardly move out of excitement. Her legs were spread open, exposing her already wet pussy. Her tits were gently bobbing around on her chest. Lauren thought about the small gap in the door. What if someone was watching? What if… drip, drip. I'm such a slut, she thought to herself. Oh yes I'm such a dirty fucking whore.

Half an hour passed, or was it 3 minutes? Lauren could not decide if it felt like an eternity or an instant. Suddenly, steps in the hall. Socks against wood flooring. A hand on a handle. A creak. Every second was like a new wave of emotions. First dread, then joy, then fear, then relief. But one constant remained. Arousal. Tap tap on the door. Drip drip onto the bed. Another creak. More footsteps. More dripping. It was pure ecstasy. But it was taking too long. More footsteps. Lauren was waiting for a reaction, but nothing came. She felt someone standing beside her and then sitting down on the bed next to her.
“Lauren.” said Matt's voice.
A wave of pleasure engulfed her.
“Why are you doing this?” he continued.
Lauren realized something awful. She had not planned this far. In all her frustration and arousal she had failed to account for the fact that there was no way Matt would go along with her fantasies. She started shivering.
“Answer me.” he said calmly.
Lauren swallowed. “Because… because I enjoy it.” she said.
Where did all the sexy confidence go? All the conversations you've had in your head and that's what you come up with, she thought to herself.
“So you enjoy being tied up and letting men look at you?” Matt continued.
“Can you take the blindfold off please?” Lauren pleaded, realizing her predicament.
“Answer the question.” Matt was still calm, but firm.
“Yes… Yes I enjoy it. I like it.” Lauren replied.
“Don't you think that's a little strange?”
“Maybe…” Lauren wanted to be anywhere else right now.
“What would you call someone who enjoys what you do?” Matt remained calm and collected.
“Uh… what? What do you… mean?”
“Someone who likes to be tied down and taken advantage of, what would you personally calm them?”
“I… a slut maybe?”
“Slut. I would call them a slut.”
“So what does that make you, Lauren?”
Hearing her own name sent a newfound stream of excitement down her body.
“A slut?”
“Say it!”
Lauren hesitated and Matt picked up on it. He put his left hand right above her bellybutton. It gently caressed her stomach up to her left breast. Matt used his fingers to play around with her nipple.
“I'm a slut…” Lauren whispered.
“What was that?”
“I'm a slut!”
“Very good. Let's try this again then. Why do you do this Lauren?” Another wave of pleasure. She felt his hand travel down to her crotch. The warmth of his fingers mixed with the cold pussy juice.
“I do it because I'm a slut!”
“Good girl.” Matt encouraged her both verbally and physically. “And what does sluts want?”
“To be fucked!”
Matt pulled his soaking wet fingers away from Laurens pussy and pushed them down her throat.
“Wrong! They want to be used and abused. To be taken advantage of.”
The taste of her own juice made her writhe in pleasure. Matt's forceful fingers left the blindfold moist with tears from Lauren's eyes. He was right! His left hand went back down to her wet pussy and his right hand found its way to her throat. Lauren panicked, she could not breath. But in her panic she found the most amazing feeling. Futility. No matter how she wriggled, it was up to him to decide her fate. It was a new high for Lauren. She wanted to scream FUCK ME. But all that left her lips was a hoarse, unintelligible plea. Matt finger fucked her pussy and choked her. It was heaven. It felt like she could see right through the blindfold, into another world. She was somewhere else. Her body was shaking and shivering, exploding and imploding all at the same time. A feeling of falling through her own body filled her. Suddenly the number 20 000. Black. Then it started all over again, this time in reverse. It kept going like that for what felt like a lifetime. By the time she came to, she felt herself lying in the puddle of her own pussy juice. Matt was standing in the doorway.
“I put the key in a block of ice. It should thaw out in an hour or so.”
Then he left the room and closed the door.
Blind. Wet. Constrained. For another hour.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3zrdp4/within_reach_fsubmbdvoy


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