That time I bragged about being able to deep throat for the wrong reason

I am a hermaphrodite who grew up thinking I was a boy. Adolescence was a confusing time for me to say the least. Being surrounded by all sorts of lovely people and never quite sure if my constant arrousal was from the right thing I developed symptoms like ADD. It got so that my schoolwork was a serious problem. I was just exhausted by trying to police my own thoughts while hiding my tiny erection.

Anyhow I got shipped off to Randolf Macon Academy, an Air Force prep school. First day of school, long wavy hair chopped off, uniforms that did nothing to support my tits and all I wanted was to find some friends. Fast forward to lunch and I sit down to eat with my tray.

Side note, the food they served was amazing southern banquot style and if I had stayed more than a semester I would be at least 100 lbs heavier. Not entirely a joke, I am getting aroused by the memory of their biscuits and gravy . . . oh and the syrup, I have yet to find its equal.

Anyhow I spy a brunette getting just ALL the attention who is talking with a big grin on her face. Im not close enough to hear what she's saying and as I lean closer to find a hole in the crowd I have a chance to stare unabashed. She has nice deep red lipstick on and thick eye-shadow, the beginners make up look, bordering on racoon eyes.

I am smitten. Just weak in the knees for this angel who was going to be my in on socializing and something . . . I was so deeply confused I stopped that thought before it could form. She had finished saying whatever it was and I was too lost in my thoughts to have a clue.

I am suddenly aware of the banana in her hand and how she slowly lifts it to her gratuitously open lips, shiny where her tongue darts around playfully. With deliberate force she slides the fruit past her teeth and back down into her throat.

The room is silent and I am perplexed. Glancing around, female faces mirror my jealousy, obviously for all the attention she was getting. I avoid looking at the guys as their expressions are scary.

The solitary sound of her beginning to gag and her suppressing it echoes out. Seconds pass and she removes the banana.

Suddenly, it all makes sense.

"I can do that!". I confidently proclaim to the absolute horror of everyone in the room.

Excuse me while I cringe hard enough to make my diamond plug an actual diamond.

You are probably as confused as I was at this point. My imediate thought was that this gorgeous creature was a fellow competitive swimmer!

I love to brag, so I will. At my peak training I could swim 100 meters, an olympic length swimming pool at competition speed, while holding my breath. In order to achieve that I had to learn how to control the involuntary breathing reflex, er, gagging.

By learning to use gagging as a method to force CO2 out of my blood I can hold my breath for a LONG time.

The idea that anything sexual was going on didn't occur to me until much later.

Right around the time I was first raped.

More story tomorrow.

If this is not an appropriate sub I'd appreciate some guidance.

Lots of Love!

Edit: I need to learn to edit before posting, lol



  1. I do a bit each day, not sure how to organize them yet. I was inspired to do a Funhaus bit today.

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