Dirty Laundry [MF] [Long] [Funny]

I copied and pasted this from a script I wrote in final draft so the formatting is a bit off but if you can understand it enjoy.

INT. SIENNA’S HOUSE. NIGHT Sienna opens the door to her house and stumbles in after a long day of work and school. She throws her backpack on the ground next to the door and closes the door behind her, two dogs come to greet her as she walks in. She walks a few steps into the house and notices no one else is in the house. SIENNA Mom!!! Dad!!! There is no answer. On the coffee table in the living room there is a note on the table. She bends over and picks up the note. NOTE Hey Sienna its mom something came up and me and Jerry had to leave for the weekend probably won’t be back until Monday morning. Call me if there are any problems. Don’t forget to feed the animals, Love you SIENNA Sweet there’s no one here for the weekend. Whole house to myself. Sienna quickly strips off her clothes starting with her shirt then her pants and eventually getting completely naked. She neatly folded all her clothes and laid them on the sofa. SIENNA (CONT’D) That’s better Sienna picks up her folded shirt puts it against her nose and smells it. SIENNA (CONT’D) Wow I really need to wash this She rubs her vagina a little bit as well and puts her finger to her nose. SIENNA (CONT’D) Fuck I really need to wash that Sienna takes her clothes and walks to her room, she picks up her dirty laundry and heads to the laundry room. On her way she walks by a large mirror. When she see’s herself in the mirror she stops and puts the dirty clothes on the ground. She takes several seconds and looks at her naked self in the mirror. She grabs her breasts with her hands and turns around so she can see her butt as well. She turns back around and does a few jumping jacks. She stops and smiles at herself in the mirror. SIENNA (CONT’D) Fuck I look good naked She starts walking towards the washing machine again SIENNA (CONT’D) I really haven't gotten laid in a while. Been working to hard recently. I really want something in me again. Sienna starts the water and keeps loading clothes into the washer. Before she can finish putting in clothes the machine starts painfully shaking and water starts overflowing. SIENNA (CONT’D) Fuck, fuck, fuck Sienna stops the water and pulls her clothes out of the machine. She goes back to her room and grabs her phone. She calls her mom SIENNA’S MOM Hey honey hope you got our note. We got to go baby-sit this weekend hope that's OK. There’s food in the kitchen I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Probably be back Monday SIENNA Oh yeah I'm sure I'll be fine with that but I think there’s a problem with the washing machine. SIENNA’S MOM Oh yeah we’re not sure what’s exactly wrong with it but we called some company and they said they’ll come over tomorrow and try to fix it SIENNA So someone has to come over tomorrow SIENNA’S MOM Yeah, I think they said they’ll call in the morning and let you know when there coming over. SIENNA Great now I got to deal with that tomorrow SIENNA’S MOM Don’t you have work SIENNA Well yeah but I'm not gonna be able to go when I don’t have any clean clothes SIENNA’S MOM Well you’ll figure it out. Go out and find a boyfriend. I love you see you later SIENNA Love you too bye Sienna throws her phone on her bed she looks down and see’s one of the dogs looking at her from her feet. She bends down to pet her. She gets down on her knees and pets her. Eventually the dog starts licking her nipples. SIENNA (CONT’D) Whoa now Sienna stands up and looks at the dog looking innocently down below her SIENNA (CONT’D) I don’t think I'm quite ready for that type of relationship yet. Sienna’s phone starts to ring, she looks at it SIENNA (CONT’D) Fuck its work Sienna continues to watch her phone ring until it eventually went to voicemail SIENNA (CONT’D) I think I know exactly what they want Sienna picks up her phone and listens to the voicemail VOICEMAIL Hey sienna some shit head called in sick tomorrow morning and we were wondering if you come in tomorrow. Call us back to let us know. Thanks Sienna starts pinching her nipples SIENNA I’m just gonna pretend I didn’t see the voicemail She looks down at her nipples SIENNA (CONT’D) Wow these things are really ready to party Sienna looks at the clock on her night stand SIENNA (CONT’D) Well looks like I'm gonna masturbate and go to bed. How’s that sound. She looks at the dog and the dog looks up at her SIENNA (CONT’D) That’s what I thought Sienna lays down in her bed still naked as the day she was born INT. SIENNA’S HOUSE. MORNING Sienna is laying face down on her bed still naked from the night before. Her bottom is glistening from the morning sun hitting it from her window. Suddenly the phone starts to ring and the dog starts to bark because of it. Sienna slowly opens her eyes SIENNA What the fuck She slowly sits up in her bed and covers her blanket over her naked self. She looks at her clock and notices that its 8:00 in the morning SIENNA (CONT’D) Its only 8:00 I should still be asleep Before sienna could fall back asleep the phone and the dog starts barking again. SIENNA (CONT’D) Fuck I'll get the fucking phone Sienna throws her blanket off and runs over to the phone in the kitchen. She picks up the phone SIENNA (CONT’D) Hello WASHING MACHINE OPERATOR Hi is this 123 beach street SIENNA Yes it is, who is this WASHING MACHINE OPERATOR Hi this house reported something wrong with your washing machine and we were going to send someone over to fix it this morning if this is alright. SIENNA Oh right, yeah that's fine WASHING MACHINE OPERATOR OK good, an operator can come over in about a half hour if that's alright SIENNA Oh that soon yeah that's fine, hey could you do me a favor and don’t send anyone that ugly OK. I don’t want to see this guy’s butt crack when he’s fixing the washing machine. WASHING MACHINE OPERATOR Well I can’t make any promises but he’ll be there in 30 minutes or so Sienna hangs up the phone SIENNA Still don’t have any clothes to put on Sienna walks back over to her room SIENNA (CONT’D) The dudes probably gonna be some old fart that smells like he pissed on the floor then rolled around it. I don’t need to dress up for him. I’ll just put on some old pajamas. Sienna goes to her dresser and grabs some pajama bottoms and a white t shirt SIENNA (CONT’D) I don’t need a bra either, I'm not gonna try to avoid him as much as I can. I don’t give a fuck. I probably should wear some panties though. She puts on some panties as well as some short pajama bottoms. Still topless she looks at her self in the mirror. SIENNA (CONT’D) Fuck I've got some really big breasts. She throws on her shirt and it barely covers her belly button SIENNA (CONT’D) Well this is a bit smaller than I remembered. Its fine though INT. SIENNA’S HOUSE. MORNING Sienna is laying on the sofa watching TV when she hears the doorbell ring. SIENNA Well I guess he’s finally here, can’t wait to see what a fat shit he is Sienna walks over to her door and opens it standing there with toolbox in hand is not a middle aged fat shit who smells like he was dipped in piss but instead a 20 year old built man with brown wavy hair that rolls past his ears. His broad shoulders and sexy scruff makes sienna’s ovaries quiver with excitement. His green eyes are looking right at sienna and she doesn’t know what to say DANNY Hi are you sienna SIENNA Yeah yeah that’s me, who are you DANNY I’m from the washing machine place my names Danny SIENNA Well come on in and do what you do best Sienna opens the screen door for him to come in. As he passes her she catches his smell and its she just falls into ecstasy as soon as it hits her. DANNNY OK where’s the machine The sound of his smooth voice wakes her up and she remembers what she has to do SIENNA Oh yeah sorry its this way follow me Sienna walks through the living room SIENNA (CONT’D) It’s right through the kitchen, sorry about my outfit I just don’t have anything clean to wear so I had to just some small thing on DANNNY Don’t worry its not problem plus you really pull it off SIENNA Oh why thank you When sienna and Danny reached the kitchen sienna notices a small pice of ripped up paper on the ground SIENNA (CONT’D) Oh what’s that doing down there Sienna bends down to pick up the paper down on the ground and stays down there half a second longer than she really has to. Danny can’t help but look at her exquisite ass pointing up at him until he had to look away in embarrassment. Sienna eventually stands back up and puts the piece of paper on the counter SIENNA (CONT’D) Sorry the dog must have gotten that, I just like to keep things clean down below DANNY OK Sienna wipes her hand against her sexy little shorts Sienna continues to lead Danny towards the broken washing machine. Eventually they get there SIENNA Well this is it DANNY Now what exactly is wrong with it Sienna sits on top of the washing machine and it emphasizes her thick beautiful thighs on top of the machine. She crosses her legs which emphasizes her legs even more SIENNA Um well yesterday I was gonna wash some clothes and when I started the water a few second passed and then all of the sudden it started shaking very violently and water and foam started coming out of it. All my clothes got wet, I'm still a little wet myself. DANNY OK I'll look at it I think I might now what’s wrong with it. SIENNA Sounds great, call me if you need me I'll be around Sienna walks back through the kitchen, Danny gets down on his hands and knees and looks at the washing machine. Sienna looks back at Danny and see’s his butt sticking out like that. SIENNA (V.O.) Fuck he’s cute, I kinda want to do some dirty things to him Sienna walks back into the kitchen and walks over to danny on his knees SIENNA (V.O.) Fuck I want to squeeze his butt like I've never squeezed anyone’s butt before SIENNA Hey Danny DANNY Oh sorry I didn’t even here you come up SIENNA Oh it was just gonna ask if it was OK that I could take a shower, I haven’t take a shower yet because I didn’t have any clothes. Would it mess it up if I took a shower. DANNY Oh no its fine go ahead and take a shower, I found out what’s wrong by the way it shouldn’t take to long to fix SIENNA OK great Sienna walks through the Den towards the bathroom. Danny watches her walk away. Halfway through the den sienna grabs her shirt from the bottom takes it off and throws it on the ground in the den. Danny stares at her back and tries to grab a glance of her breasts but couldn’t see anything but the sexy thing walking away from him. Several long sexy minutes pass Danny is still working on the washing machine when he hears his name SIENNA (CONT’D) Danny!!! Danny!!! Could you please come to the bathroom Danny walks through the den and over to the bathroom where Sienna was taking a shower DANNNY Sienna? Sienna cracks open the door and only reveals her face SIENNA Hey dannny, sorry to bother you but I was taking a shower and when I got out there weren't any towels in the bathroom and I didn’t want to run in my room completely naked. With my boobs bouncing up and down. Anyone could see me. So I would like to ask you if you could do me a favor and pass me a towel through the door DANNNY Sure, where’s a towel? SIENNA Oh I think there might be another one in the bathroom down the hall can you go down and grab it for me DANNY Sure be right back Danny walks over to the bathroom grabs a towel off the rack in the bathroom and walks back over to sienna DANNY (CONT’D) Alright here’s a towel I hope its OK SIENNA Yeah I'm sure its fine just slip it through the door if you would, I'm dripping wet over here Danny hands Sienna the towel through the door and sienna grabs it SIENNA (CONT’D) Thanks so much, I’ll be out in a few minutes Danny walks back over to the washing machine Several more sensual minutes pass Danny is hitting the washing machine with a wrench when sienna comes walking over only wearing a towel around her. The nipples on her breasts are just barely covered. Her hair is still damp from the shower SIENNA (CONT’D) What are you doing? DANNY I’m just fixing the machine, just putting on the finishing touches just a few more of these. Danny hits the washing machine a few more times with the wrench DANNY (CONT’D) And were done Danny turns around and gets a look at sienna only wearing a towel. He can imagine what she looks like under that and would do anything to get a look at that beautiful body. Sienna notices that he is just staring at her and not saying anything. She can even start to see an erection come up in his pants SIENNA I didn’t even think that I still didn’t have any clothes to put on until the machine was fixed. The only clothes I had to wear were some bra’s and a few pairs of panties. Nothing I could really wear in front of you. SO I just decided to wear a towel. DANNY No worries the washing machine is all fixed now, you should be able to wash all your clothes now. SIENNA That sounds good, so are we really all done here DANNY Not quite there is one more thing you have to do with me SIENNA Oh yeah and what’s that Danny goes into his tool box and grabs a clipboard and a pen DANNY I just need you to sign this to prove that I was here and that I fixed you up SIENNA Oh sure if that’s all you want Danny holds out the clipboard and hands sienna the pen DANNY Here you go While sienna starts to sign the paper, she adjusts her shoulders a little and her towel starts to slide down her body. SIENNA Ooops Sienna tries to pull it back up but it just continues to fall down. SIENNA (CONT’D) Fuck it Sienna just pulls the towel down off her body and Danny is able to see all her beauty in front of him while she signs the clipboard. DANNY Ummm SIENNA There all done Sienna hands the clipboard back to Danny. Danny is just standing there in amazement at what is standing in front of him. Sienna can really see the erection in his pants now and wants to see it in its full form SIENNA (CONT’D) Now you have to something for me DANNY And what’s that Sienna puts her arms around Danny’s broad shoulders goes on her tiptoes and starts kissing him. Danny puts his hands on her hips and brings her closer while they both continue to kiss. Sienna grabs Danny’s hands and puts them on her ass. They kiss for a few more minutes before sienna pulls away starts to kiss Danny’s strong thick neck and whispers in his ear SIENNA I want you to fuck me, put you hand up here She grabs on of his hand and puts it on one of her breasts SIENNA (CONT’D) Now squeeze Danny squeezes her breasts and sienna lets a deep breath out SIENNA (CONT’D) No ones touched me there in quite a long time. Now lick Danny bends down and licks and sucks on sienna’s nipples SIENNA (CONT’D) Fuck that feels good Sienna grabs Dannny’s head and brings his lips back to hers. He grabs her by the waist lifts her up and puts her on the kitchen counter. They continue to kiss Danny starts kissing up and down sienna’s neck. SIENNA (CONT’D) Its time to take off your shirt I think Sienna grabs danny’s shirt and takes it off his body. She touches his chest and his shoulders. Danny continues to kiss her neck.
SIENNA (CONT’D) You think I look good without my shirt on Sienna grabs Danny’s ass while they continue to kiss each other. SIENNA (CONT’D) I think I want you inside me Sienna scoots off the counter and while still kissing Danny unhooks his belt holding his pants up and tears his pants off his legs. SIENNA (CONT’D) Time to get to the good stuff Sienna starts kissing down Danny’s neck and slowly works down his chests. She feels his throwing Dick in his boxer shorts with her hand. She feels his cock up and down inside his shorts. SIENNA (CONT’D) What do you want me to do with this DANNNY Anything you want SIENNA Were gonna do some dirty things Sienna continues to kiss down his chest and eventually gets down on her knees and kisses Danny’s stomach right above his boxer shorts. SIENNA (CONT’D) Its time to get you completely naked, I really want to see your Dick Sienna slowly rolls down danny’s boxers and watches his Dick bounce out. Sienna grabs his Dick in one hand and starts going up and down. Danny lets out a deep breath SIENNA (CONT’D) You’ve got a huge Dick, I've never seen one this big Sienna licks danny from his balls all the way up to the tip of his Dick and continues to stroke it with both hands SIENNA (CONT’D) Its quite beautiful, I want to do so many things to it. Would you like to see a magic trick DANNY Like what? SIENNA I want to make your Dick disappear Sienna grabs danny’s Dick and slowly put inch by inch her mouth trying to get it all in her mouth. She stops before she can and pulls it out of her mouth. SIENNA (CONT’D) Your Dick's way to big, I'm not sure I can make it disappear. Or at least not with my mouth Sienna continues to lick and suck on his cock SIENNA (CONT’D) I might be able to make it disappear somewhere else though, should we see? DANNNY Most definitely Sienna stand back up and continues to stroke his cock in her hands and kisses Danny SIENNA Follow me Sienna leads Danny to her room dragging him by his Dick. She throws him on her bed and again licks his cock again. She slaps his Dick against her breasts DANNNY Oh fuck SIENNA Oh you like that DANNNY I like everything you do to me SIENNA Well now its your turn Sienna let go of Danny’s soaking wet Dick and crawls over on top of Danny’s face. Danny slowly licks Sienna’s vagina, several times before he quickly licks her clit back and forth. He grabs her ass and brings it closer to his face. He continues to lick her clit SIENNA (CONT’D) Oh fuck right there, don’t stop please don’t stop Danny grabs one of his fingers and puts it inside of sienna’s vagina while still licking her clit SIENNA (CONT’D) Whoa Danny keeps thrusting his finger in and out of her vagina SIENNA (CONT’D) I can’t stand this anymore Sienna spins herself around on top of Danny’s Dick and starts sucking on Danny’s Dick while He sucks on her clit. Danny continues to put his fingers inside her and lick. SIENNA (CONT’D) Oh my god, oh my god DANNNY Don’t cum yet sienna SIENNA I’ll try SIENNA (CONT’D) Fuck fuck DANNY Are you gonna cum all over my face SIENNA FUUUUUUUUCK!!!!! Sienna’s legs shake and she continues to scream while sitting on top of Danny’s face. Sienna rolls off of danny and lays there in ecstacy next to danny SIENNA (CONT’D) OK time for you to actually go inside me, I want to cum again Sienna grabs danny’s Dick while he is laying on his back. She put her knees on either side of him and slowly puts his fat Dick inside her. She slowly starts to ride against him. Her clit rubbing against his body and his Dick going in and out of her tight vagina. Her breasts are right in Danny’s face, he grabs them and sucks on her nipples SIENNA (CONT’D) I fucking love it when you do that DANNNY Ride me sienna, just bounce on my Dick Sienna starts riding really fast jumping up and down on his Dick. The bed starts to shake and you can hear the clapping of the skin on skin from all over the house. Sienna then gets on her feet on the sides of danny and slowly rides danny that way. She puts her hands on danny’s chest and uses it as support as she edges her vagina to the top of danny’s Dick then goes back down using her legs to push her up and down. Sienna soon gets up from on top of his Dick SIENNA OK time for you to take me from behind Danny stand up on the floor while sienna gets on her knees on top of her bed. He easily slides his Dick back into sienna DANNNY Fuck your really wet SIENNA I'm gonna cum again if you keep this up He starts to trust into sienna his Dick going all the way inside her and his balls slapping against the outside of her vagina. Her grabs her ass while still thrusting as to support him while he makes love. He grabs her hair and pull her head back up. SIENNA (CONT’D) Spank me Danny uses his other hand and lightly slaps sienna’s big butt SIENNA (CONT’D) Harder than that Danny slaps hard on her ass and you can see a mark on where he spanked her DANNNY Fuck you feel good Danny pulls out SIENNA What are you doing DANNNY What I want He puts sienna on her side on the bed and puts her knees against her body. Danny then puts his Dick back inside of her. Danny still standing on the floor is able to grab her breasts and thrust hard inside her. SIENNA Don’t stop, please don’t stop DANNY Oh my god Danny slaps her ass again Several minutes pass again SIENNA Can we do missionary DANNY Yeah Danny pulls out and before he can go back inside her she grabs his Dick again and sucks on it going as deep as she can before she has to pull it out. SIENNA Just wanted to make sure your Dick was still wet

Danny spins Sienna on her back and goes inside her thrusts harder than he did in any of the other positions. He watches her breasts bounce as he goes in and out. She starts to scream SIENNA (CONT’D) Fuck here I cum again, don’t stop. Ahhhhh. Her legs shake and she even squirts a little onto danny’s Dick. SIENNA (CONT’D) I came again DANNY I know, now its my turn Danny still thrusting looks deep into Sienna’s eyes and goes in and out of her vagina SIENNA Please cum danny, I want you to cum all over me Danny thrusts and thrusts DANNY Here I cum After a few more thrusts danny pulls out of sienna’s tight vagina sienna grabs his Dick and starts stroking it until he cum all over her. Several burst of cum come out of his Dick some lands on sienna’s breasts and a little gets on her chin SIENNA Wow that’s a lot of cum DANNY I know Danny wipes of his Dick on sienna and gets the cum off of his Dick and goes back inside of sienna. He thrusts several more times before he soft Dick falls out of her vagina. He lays down next to her. Cum is still all over her DANNY (CONT’D) You still have to fucking pay me by the way SIENNA Get the fuck out of my house

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3zotnb/dirty_laundry_mf_long_funny