A Family Fewed [FmMD] [anal] [inc] [reluc] [preg]

Once there was a horny young buck who wanted a vagina. Tarquin thought that he was very malleable with his bulging genitalia. Yet whenever he had a venereal disease he would get jellified beyond control.

“Wow! It is so crusty. Why is it so jiggly?” he whimpered playfully. Meanwhile his mother found her knickers in his satchel covered in goey man-juice.

“Oh my, this smells like his floral puckered todger,” she gasped in anticipation. Tentatively, she licked it and gushed appreciatively.

“Mother! What tomfoolery are you up to?”

“Son, I was merely checking your disease with my cunt.” They embraced jovially and Syphillia began to nibble her son’s jelly excretions.

“Oh god, this feels like heaven on wheels. You make my appendages vibrate.” Outside, the father – Denny – was peeking in while thumping his todger aggressively.

“What a beautiful anus he possesses, plump, rigid, bouncing with fervour under piles of jelly excretions. This familial bonding makes my nipples turgid.”

As the pair slowly accelerated into an unrestrained frenzy, the thrusts were reaching new levels of springiness, sending the putrid puss outward and making the mother choke joyously.

“Do your labia always flop so rhythmically like the wings of a jellyfish?” Tarquin yelled into Syphellia’s pulsating sphincter.

She spurt some creme brullee coloured sacs of ovum into Tarquin’s anxious stoma while he began to nibble on Syphellia’s engorged clitoris.

“Ouch Tarquin that’s only my love handles which have flabby pink warts worth biting.”

Tarquin looked ashamed as he glanced at the shrivelled cock that he was one enamoured with. Getting more excited, Denny reached into his urethra with a grin. Pulling his glans fervently with a traumatic sigh designed to seduce the family dog.

“Tommy please give me attention.” He sobbed at the aroused canine. Smearing his butter on the dog’s ears. The beast whimpered and licked his goey scrotum obediently.

“Oh how you make me complete and feel wanted. Now somebody needs to pleasure Tommy.” Denny kneeled passionately and reached into Tommy’s rectum with his stubby fingers. Tommy growled with anger and bit Denny’s shit-covered digits with unbridled feistyness. The mutt tore Denny’s skin with his luscious jowels, swinging furiously. Denny cried as he let out a gentle squirt from his anus.

“Oh no! I thought you cared about me you ungrateful poppyswick.” Denny pulled Tommy’s trembling rocket and punched tenderly through his own abdomen as Denny’s rocket came.

Tommy mounted the corpse of his violator and proceeded to hump gleefully the intestines with a boyish smile. He slobbered lustfully, splattering intestines and yelping pompously. Now the tables have turned. Denny was now Tommy’s bitch.

Meanwhile Tarquin was staring at his mother’s birthbox with envy. He stroked her dangling urethra, gasping in delight as he pulled it towards his trembling nipples.

“Please give me your vulva,” pleaded Tarquin.

“You make me feel like an amorphous swine son.”

Ripping her blubbery vagina from her silky snatch, Tarquin hastily began to lick the blood from the dripping oyster. Sewing his mother’s gorgeous pussy onto his visage, he felt like the graceful possum returning victoriously from Carthage.

“That made me so proud,” blushed Syphellia. “Now you must return my glistening mother hole to me.”

Tarquin panicked whilst bludgeoning his mother’s cavity with a chair. Syphellia slumped onto the floor seductively. Unrestrained pleasure filled the hole as Tarquin pounded into it with bullish grace.

Grunting, Syphellia slowly rubbed her fishy nipples while Tarquin gushed uncontrollably over her voluptuous prune. Suddenly a howl came brazenly through Tommy’s pugnacious orifice, trumpeting his dominance as Traquin excreted a luscious soup from his numerous wobbling, infected pores.

“I never felt so exretious before seeing such a viviparous hound,” Sypehlia said now climaxing as if thousands of foreskins were being flossed through her digestive tract and exiting ostentatiously through the openings of her porked openings.

Overtaken by an overwhelming sense of grief, Tommy shot out some chunky bi-product from the tip of his wiener. Tarquin bent forwards and spread his juicy, succulent, noble peach, as servile as a Japanese housewife during the wartime rationing of porridge.

Both the rotund cheeks were joggled in utter serenity while the beast clung onto Syphellia’s feet. Delightfully, Tommy surged forth a reddish glue onto the pouting, suctioning pores, now titillated and teased to nirvana, brimming with the juices of honour.

Smashing Syphellia’s attached rose against the snout of the barking, climaxing companion, Denny cooed and dived into the ravishing vessel which was the birth canal of Tarquin and plummeted in a furor, cascading down both Syphellia and Tarquin, dying lovingly in a syrupy embrace of pure jubilation.

Syphellia squirmed maternally and congratulated Tarquien for his gregarious acquisition. The End…?

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3ymr1q/a_family_fewed_fmmd_anal_inc_reluc_preg