[MF] Crystal get a steamy unexpected workout in the gym locker loom shower

Moisture beads of sweat roll down the bottle and across Crystals fingers as the chilled countians slowly fills up her sipper bottle. Crystal loves the gyms water fountain besides the habitual workouts to sculpt her curvaceous form her favourite part of the gym is the attention from overly buffed up and constantly slowing off guys, and the water fountain at the front of the weights area guaranteed that her toned butt and small spandex short shorts would at this moment be accosted with hungry eyes pealing the fabric from her hips. A small smile curled the edge of her lips her green eyes drift up into the wall to wall mirror sighting her target, she didn't even know his name but the sandy blonde 6" muscled God hunched forward breathing heavy and flowing sweat on a weights bench headphones on as usual, his thick tattoo sleeve arms kneading a towel as hungry eyes bored across the room onto rear the petite brunette filling her water bottle.

Hot muscles as Crystal had decided to call him was her inspiration for the evolution of her gym outfits going from full length modest workout gear to midriff showing sport tops and cheeky spandex short shorts. She had over the years always had a few male admirers during her workouts, it was a perk of a mixed gym and it made the thought of yet another workout a little more fun leading her to several casual dates and fucking the odd worthy hot guy. Hot muscles was something different, he made her excited from the first time they literally bumped into each other late one nite at the 24 hour gym.

In the flashback, Crystal clumsy as usual was more focussed on her iPhone walking into the facility walked straight into hot muscles sending her bouncing off onto the floor and her iPhone flying, before her brain registered what happened thick strong arms wrapped around her waist lifting her up the intricate designed tattoos of his sleeves reaching out across toned pecks mesmerising her as she inhaled the musky scent of the man, the proximity and his strength intoxicating her senses. Dazed she looked up her green eyes staring into his deep brown.

"Ah, ah, I, I, I'm sorry"

she managed to say, her body weakening, heart rapidly beating and nipples sub conceptually stiffening against the fitted sports top.

"No problem, you ok?"

The stranger replied with a flashing smile looking Crystal up and down, as slight curve appearing on the corner of his lips as his eyes roam over her bust.

"Ah, a, yup"

Crystal replied pushing away from the strangers allure before it absorbed her and hurrying to bend over to pick up her lost iPhone inadvertently giving hot muscles a prime view of her curvy ass as it strained against the taught material.

"Well you be careful as I may have to try catch you next time"

Hot muscles said with a clearly impressed smile as he continued put the door.

"Jesus, you can catch me and then do what you want with me any day"

Crystal thought imagining those big arms and tattoos holding her body close causing her nipples to firm once more.

Icy tendrils bite into her fingers bringing Crystal back to the present as her bottle overflows, screwing the sipper cap back on she walks over to the weights bench right at the front of the areas nearest the mirror so she is in prime view of hot muscles and the three other guys exercising that late evening.

Throwing her towel and bottle into the ground next to the bench to claim it, Crystal saunters over to the weights rack gliding past two mid 30's guys spotting on the press bench. The reps slowing as her butt wiggles past to feeling of molesting eyes once again washing over her. After grabbing two Dumbbells she flashes a smile and coy lip bite at the pair on her way back past encouraging an appreciative low whistle in response.

Returning to her location Crystal sets up kneeling bend over the bench facing the mirror curving her back into a reverse fly giving the room a full view of her shapely ass peeking out from the tiny shorts. Watching though the mirrored reflection Crystal subtlety watched hot muscles move to the chest press situated directly behind her his eyes never moving from her curves as he continued his workout.

"You keep thinking about the workout you could have in this ass"

Crystal said to her self grinning at his attention, she had been flirting for weeks since she first seen him knowing she wanted this man if only for the entertainment of letting him do also rats of naughty things to her body, even when one night she over heard him talking on the phone to an apparent girlfriend she still wasn't put off wanting some of this cake and was only more determined to make the conquest. Despite playing hard to get and only politely responding to her attempts to initiate flirtatious conversation she could see he was slowly softening and hungering a taste of her cake more and more as she continued the tease.

Finishing her set Crystal turned purposely catching hot muscles eye briefly before he broke away attempting to cover his staring with a brief blush. Looking across the room the two guys on the bench were not as subtle clearly discussing what they both would do to her winking as she cast her gaze past and a guy in his 40's at the back was attempting to appear to be stretching,


She said to no one grabbing the sipper bottle pouring the cold water into her mouth allowing g the icy liquid to fill and dribble over her pink lips and down her chin tracing paths along her slender neck down the valley of her 34 D cleavage, the cool fluid causing small mounds to rise against the taught fabric of the punk crop top.


She cried grabbing the towel and patting off her chest, multiple eyes lingering on her every move.

Putting the weights away in the rack nearest her bench Crystal sauntered directly upto the older guy awkwardly trying to stretch briefly passing hit muscles purring a "hiya" locking his deep eyes.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could trouble you to help me stretch"

Crystal coyly asks the confused looking man as she walks right up to him.

"I would normally do it myself but…. I'm really tight in the butt from yoga today?"

Following up loud enough to be heard over the music by hot muscles.

"A, um, a, are you sure. I suppose, I don't know what to do"

The poor man stammered, trying to appear confident infront of the younger woman.

"No problem"

Crystal replied, walking upto within arms length of the man not worrying about him wanting to finish any exercise he may have been in the middle of.

"You just need to stand there"

Crystal kicking a lithe leg up into a standing splits easing her ankle down onto his shoulder, her flexibility and speed startling him briefly.

"And I will press against you, I just need you to hold my hips so I don't fall"

Crystal moved her hands over his wrapping them around the smooth firm flesh of her midriff as she deepened the stretch leaning closer and closer into him until the were nearly nose to nose her inner thigh pressing against his groin.

"Oh, sorry I must be pressing against your phone in your pocket"

She whispered, watching the mix of confused dread and excitement wash over his face in the knowledge that his phone was in his bag in a locker.

After a minute Crystal pulled back swapping legs pressing further against the strangers the proximity stirring excitement in her as well.

"Mmmm that feels good"

She cried pulling back again and taking a few steps back as the stranger quickly turned away to hide his own stiffness that had just been pressing against her inner thigh.

"Ah, uh I got to go"

The stranger called scurrying away towards the lockers.

"Hmph, at least I will be getting some action in someone's imagination tonight"

Crystal thought to herself the hot press location of his excitement still tingling on her thigh.

Watching the stranger flee Crystal scanned the room noticing the two bench pressers had returned to their workout and hot muscles had collected his things and was walking her way to leave as usual his eyes boring onto her.

"Oh you can't leave, I still have a lot of tightness I need a good partner to release"

She pouted, hands on her hips as he passed.

In character he stayed silent just holding the eye lock as he passed.

"See ya"

She called, clearly disappointed.

Christ she thought stretching alittle more I really want him inside me right now, I so hot I would consider riding the stranger. The press against her thigh was not a bad size and could be fun. Briefly she toyed the idea of the other two whom clearly fancied themselves as hot stuff but she had fucked that type before and they were too caught up in them selves,

"Although a three way would be fun"

She quipped before dismissing the thought collecting her stuff to walk to the locker room.

After peeling off the small amount of clothing she was wearing Crystal stepped into the steaming shower booth, she lived the late night showers when the locker rooms were empty alone in the steam. Thoughts of the evenings flirting washed over her with the warm water and a hand eases down her toned stomach expertly running finger between her smooth waxed lips. Closing her eyes crystal sways her hips against the fingers her mind drifting to the tattooed muscles of her fantasy.


A moan slips from her lips as she gyrates faster against her probing fingers as she builds to a climax.


The shower door was pulled open, Crystals eyes snapping open hands instinctively moving to cover her up.

Peering through the stream for the person whom disturbed her alone time a large solid shadow formed the thick muscles glistening in the moist steam framing the glossy tattoo patterns.

"Holy shit"

Crystal thought, her eyes drifting down his naked form past his chest and rippled abdominals.

"Holy shit"

She thought again lingering on his shaved well sized cock standing in full erection.

Drifting back up his body she meet the deep eyes now burning with lust and desire, he was here for one thing and he was going to get it. Not saying a word he stepped into the stall, strong hand wrapping her waist pressing her back against the wall. On hand moved up her glistening skin grabbing a breast greedily kneading a stiffening nipple as his mouth leans in to engulf the other pink nipple eagerly nibbling and suckling her ample flesh.


Crystal moaned loudly her body giving in to the want of roaming lips and hands enjoying her form.

After having his fill of her breasts hot muscles dropped to his knees kissing slowly down her wet body before reaching her smooth lips, lacing an arm under each thigh slipping them up onto his broad shoulders so she was straddling his face he buried a darting tongue deep between them lapping vigorously, his strong hands on her ass pressing his tongue deeper between her thighs. It wasn't long before Crystal was groaning and rocking against the probing tongue literally fucking his mouth until her moans peaked and her body went ridged pressing hard against him in orgasim.

Panting wildly, Crystal slid back down the wall onto her feet as the silent hot muscles eased onto his in front of her, his hands moving to her shapely hips again firmly gripping them suddenly causing a startled squeal from Crystal. Twisting her entire body around so she was facing the wall away from him, his thick cock pressed against her ass as the strong hand glided around her front and up her body to cup full breasts playing over the firm nubs, one hand didn't linger long moving around to her back until it gripped her shoulder firmly pushing her forward to bend over position exposing her firm ass. It wasn't long before the familiar hot press of hard flesh pressed between her thighs into her smooth lips.

"Ooooooo, faaaaaaaa"

She cried as hot muscles eased his length further and further between her thighs, gently rocking his hips against her ass as she loosened to his manhood moistening up.

"Yes, oh yes, oh yes"

Crystal moaned placing her hands on the shower stall walk to push him further into her rocking against the firm cock until the strong hands wrapped around her hips again holding her in place. Hot muscles began to firmly thrust into her vigorously the lust and pent up desire releasing, the loud slapping of his wet thighs and groin smacking against her ass mixing with ever louder moans and screams escaping Crystals lips until she orgasmed again falling limp and panting into his arms. Not finished his strong physique holds her upright one arm looping around below her heaving breasts and the other round her waist like a panting and moaning rag doll. He wasn't done and she had teased him for so long, made him desired and want this body so bad that she was going to be his playing until he was exhausted, holding her up he continued to pound against her butt thrusting deep inside her as she let out exhausted groans until he tensed, his balls shooting out the pent up desire deep into her. Gently he eased Crystal back onto her feet as he slipped out from between her cheeks the limping and drooling cock running down her inner thigh as she looked back over her shoulder into the brown eyes a smouldering fire still alight in the depths.

"That was fucking hot!"

"I hope you don't have anyone waiting up for you tonight"

She purred.

"As I am not finished with those gorgeous muscles"

She cooed turning and pressing their naked bodies together slipping to her knees in the dense steam.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3yhc2n/mf_crystal_get_a_steamy_unexpected_workout_in_the