[mf] A New Member (The Risk Part:1)

Forgive me if this is shit, I know it's long, I had fun writing it and it is my first ever posted piece.

You don't have to be kind, but please enjoy the effort I put in!

 I slipped the door open a crack a few moments after someone knocked hastily, peering into the dorm's main hall. Jacob, my 'assistant' stood outside sweating, an envelope clutched in his left hand, his right raised to repeat the ceaseless pounding. "Sean," he began, stopping to catch his breath, "I have a note from the Class President-" I snatched the envelope out of his hands before he could say more. Tearing open the envelope, scanning the contents, and letting the note fall into the bin by the door, I allow myself a heavy sigh, Alex never did make things easy. "I suppose he doesn't give me much choice, where are they?" Jacob's head snapped up, "I left them in the foyer, I wanted to-" "Yes, yes of course, bring them in, I'll leave the door open." Patrick stood confused for a moment, before turning sharply and jogging out of sight. I slide the door to a barely perceivable crack and return to the kitchen a few feet away. Halfway through slicing strawberries the door creaks open. Heels click in the entrance to the foyer, and I let my face take it's usual impassive face before turning. Before Jacob could make an idiot out of himself, I turned, "Thank you Jacob, please wait outside." He paused for a fraction of a moment to bob his head in my direction, and disappeared, leaving behind three women. The first two were cut from the same stretch of cloth, blonde, wearing bright dresses and with a slim figure. Their dresses were cut short, with low necklines and thin fabric. Faces heavy with makeup and gold jewelry dominating their spray-tanned skin. I knew them both from classes, Abbi and Sara. Next to them, as different as one could be, stood a far more interesting woman. Wearing a long deep red dress with one sleeve, her pale skin was brought to life by minimal silver jewelry adorning her ears and neck. With a low, yet not indecently so as with the others, neckline her well endowed chest was finely portrayed. Stepping forward, I took her hand, and gently pressed my lips to the back of it, "What might your name be, beautiful?" "Veronica," she whispers, and I realize that at that moment, naked save for a pair of athletic shorts, the bulge that was usually hidden by compression shorts was clearly visible. Her cheeks take a rosy hue as she realizes I've followed her eyesight directly to my shorts. "Abbi, Sara, you may take your leave. Ask Jacob to take you anywhere you wish," I mention, not taking my eyes off of Veronica, who has struggled to hide her eyes flickering between my eyes and my shorts. I can imagine the other two's pouts as they shuffle to the door. "Please, Veronica, take a seat," with a gesture towards the bar I turn back to dumping my strawberries in the blender. Flicking my eyes back to her, I see the sway of her clingy dress and her well outlined, and very large ass, for a moment. She sits on the other side of the counter, and I slide the blender to the side. "Can I get you something to drink?" Uncomfortably, she clears her throat, "I'm, ah, I'm not sure." Nodding, I take a whiskey glass from a tray behind me and pour part of the decanters contents into it, swirling gently. "I'm not sure if you're a big bourbon drinker but I simply love this," I say, taking a sip. Her head tilts as the glass is slid across the table towards her, "Please, try some." Taking a sip, her face switches into one of pure bliss, and her posture relaxes slightly. "It's delicious," she says, motioning as if to give the cup back. I merely wave her attempt off, "Then enjoy it, I would rather you be comfortable." She nods and continues sipping. "I've never seen you around much before, are you new?" She blushes, "No I've been around for a while. I stay in the library for the most part, and haven't cared to introduce myself to the Risk." Her eyes manage to scan every visible part of me as she talks. "Would you like me to put a shirt on?" I ask, watching her blush even deeper. "No!" She nearly shouts, causing me to chuckle. Composing herself, she manages to return my gaze, "I mean, please remain however you are most comfortable." "So, Veronica, why did you decide to 'introduce yourself to the risk'?" Letting sarcasm lightly drip into my voice as I make air quotes. "It's my last two years, everyone knows that the best scholarships are through Risk, so I decided to become a part of it." Her jaw was set in a way that made my believe she thought she'd have to defend her argument to me. "It's not common for intelligent women to join the Risk early, as they fear they will be overly sexualized." Her head popped up a bit at that. "Which is why you didn't join, with your body every single one of the leadership would be begging for a chance to bed you, consensually or not. Which brings me to my main question, why are you here?" "I've heard that out of the leadership, you are by far the most powerful-" "I currently remain in second behind the president," I cut in. "True," She admitted, "yet everyone knows that those under your name have climbed higher as you pick only the best. I know that I am one of the best this school has to offer, and considering you take time to help out those under your arm, as well as that you are by far the most caring of the six leaders." She stammered out, clearly veering off of a well rehearsed speech nearly halfway through. I nod, and walk around the bar to face her, standing closer than I would to most, "Then let's see if you have what it takes." Clicking a button on the wall, a solo cello picked up a tune, and I offered her my hand. "Let's dance." She smelled of crushed flowers, not hairspray, and the smell was unusually intoxicating next to the arousal stench left by the blondes. Stepping back, I draw her into me and placed a hand above her hip, as politely as possible. Her breasts press gently into my bare chest as I take her hand, and the music turned it's tune to a mellow low scale. Spinning her back, I snap out my right foot and clip both of her heels, allowing her to trip back into my arms. Without the stilettos she's a mere three inches shorter than me or so, her dark curls spinning as she turned back into me, pressing against me with more force than before. I guide her through the steps, though her feet seem to move on their own accord. "You're a dancer," I said easily, throwing her into a twirl that kicked the end of her dress up and momentarily revealed a set of dark lace panties. "As are you," she whispered as she spun around my back, and my left arm caught her without thinking. Spinning her I whip my hand out and drag the zipper of her dress down five inches or so. As she swings in from her twirl, her dress sags lower, and a generous amount of cleavage presses against me, the dress barely containing her chest. Her back is arced, showing me more of her chest. Her head leaned back slightly, judging my facial expressions. Leaning in, my lips brush hers, and an arc of fire races through my veins. She half turns, allowing her back to fall into me a second after her dress hit the floor. Her bare chest is exposed, and I rake my hand across it. Her amble bottom presses into my pants as my lips meet the neck above the shoulder, trailing hot kisses up to her ear, which my teeth gingerly tug on. I scoop her up with easy, allowing the muscles of my back to tighten and stiffen my core. She weighs more than most women here, thanks to her incredible figure, but it's nothing to me. Kissing her deeply, feeling the hot passion inside her jump to my lips, I step over her dress and heels, leading her to the tea room. The tea room, an old bedroom that I had refurnished with a couch and some chairs, was also the only room in the apartment -- that was big enough for two people mind you -- and it was perfect for such unanticipated encounters. Setting her in a chair, I lean over her and kiss her, my hands trailing around her breasts and running down her sides, down her legs, and back up the insides. Her moan reverberates throughout my mouth, and a soft squeeze registers on my member as she slips my athletic shorts, held up mainly by my erection at this point. She breaks off the kiss and looks down, her eyes going wide. "Dear god, that's much larger than I've seen!" She exclaims. I shrug it off, "There's plenty bigger, just the upside of average." Before she can argue, I slip her legs over my shoulder and tear her panties off. Setting one of her legs on each of my shoulders, I lean in. Compressing her, my lips brush hers as the tip of my dick flicks over her clit. With a shudder, she returns passion into my lips. Breaking off the kiss I suck eagerly on one of her nipples, elongating it with a gentle bite and rabid licking. Repeating the process on it's twin I trail kisses down her stomach, pausing to kiss the inside of her legs, and flick my tongue over her clit. Going lower, I start my tongue just past her vagina and lick upwards, slowly spreading her lips and pressing my tongue onto her vagina as I make a lengthy swipe up her. Repeating the process a few times, I can feel the wetness dripping out of her, and fully insert my tongue into her. After a moment of writhing her hands find my hair, and I continue forcing apart her lips, taking cues from the changing of pressure on my hair to find her sensitive areas. She shuddered, and I slipped a small device out from under the chair. Clicking it on, a faint buzz rendered in my ears and I pressed it to her clit. "Oh fuck!" The instant gratification is all I need to keep going. getting the small ball wet, I slide it into her open vagina, and her legs tremble. Stepping back, she follows as if on instinct, allowing me to catch her before she falls. Kneeling on trembling legs, she looks up as I plant my dick a few inches from her face. Licking her lips she grasps it, and wraps her lips around the head. I force down a moan as she fondle's my balls, and lightly sucks on the tip. Releasing me for a moment, she runs her tongue over my length multiple times, sucking on only half of it at points. Stroking gently, she places her mouth at the head and takes it down four or so inches, bouncing there as my ecstasy builds. Looking down, I notice one of her hands is pulling on her nipples as her legs quiver. Forcing my dick deeper inside her, she gags slightly, pulls back, and tries again. Forcing her mouth to nearly the base of my 8 inches she pulls all the way back, gasping for air. Her hand is a flurry of motion, running from one end of my cock to the other. After a minute I feel an orgasm build inside of me, slowly. She's moaning herself now, and wraps her tits around my dick, spitting on the head. Shoving them up and down and taking the tip in her mouth on each stroke, the orgasm builds. "Take it in your mouth," I order her, and she eagerly lets her breasts drop forcing her head down most of my dick as I climax. She continues sucking, taking it all and swallowing. She pulls back and gasps for air. Grabbing her shoulder, I pull it towards me and she falls onto all fours. Walking around to behind her, I kneel, and see the egg is causing her to drip. Noticing, with interest, that her ass was quite clean and, in fact, bleached, I allow my tongue to circle the rim of her rear. "Ooohh fuck, yes, fuck," her monologue begins as I plunge my tongue into her ass. Her entire body racks after a moment, and I slip my finger in with my tongue. Arcing her back, she screams in pleasure and collapses, face down with her ass in the air. Slipping out my tongue, finger, and the small egg, she manages to catch her breath before I kneel behind her. My dick teases her clit as she stretches her back and she stops mid stretch to gasp. "Oh yes," she moves her rear back towards me, "Give it to me." I play for a moment more, before slowly sliding my head into her. She gasps and I push more of me in, bouncing gently to let her adjust before I fill her. Then, with about half of me in, I press the rest forward in a long, easy slide. "Yes!" She moans, "All of it, give it to me," naturally, I oblige. Sliding all the way back to the tip, I shove in again. The quivering starts in her legs again, and I repeat the motion, slowly pulling out before shoving deep inside her. Soon all of my motions are fast, her ass claps each time I shove into her, and I grasp her hair, yanking her back as I press forward. Curious, I slap her ass with some force. "Yes baby, oh do that," she moans around the grunts associated with each stroke. I do, her ass is a flushed red as I begin to feel my next orgasm come on, slower than the first. Just as I feel this, she screams, "Oh! I'm cumming! Yes, fuck me, harder! Harder!" Shoving all I have into her, faster and faster, she orgasms. Her face falls back to the floor, and I continue to pound into her from behind. Her moans get louder as her orgasm intensifies, her vagina tightening incredibly. I let the cum flow into her, and her moan turns into a groggy, "Ohhhh yess," as I continue to stroke slowly, easing out every drop into her. Pulling out, I smile at the small white beat forming at the entrance to her pussy. She falls completely flat on the floor, save for the bump that her boobs cause, and gasps for breath. 

EDIT: I apologize for formatting, I will work on it.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/3y9cgl/mf_a_new_member_the_risk_part1


  1. Would be much easier to read with indentation and the beginning didn’t feel very clear. Too many names that end up subtracting from setting the scene. You could simplify it with only starting where he brigs the three in or reworking it so it’s clearer.

  2. Suggested Edit: the small white (beat) forming at the small white (bead) forming at Hey u/Edgar_Allen_Swole You still around? Part 2?

  3. That would be nice, but I don’t want to put you out if I am the only one who suggested it!

  4. Hahaha I don’t share much of my stuff, I’ll get on that second part of the story over the weekend!

  5. This might be a stupid question, but… How did her dress suddenly fall off? I mean sure the zipper was undone…but what about the sleeve? If the dress has a sleep she would have to get her arm out if said sleeve? …maybe I’m overthinking this but…

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