Island Vacation pt5 [mf][ff][oral]

Click on my name for previous parts of this story.

"Renauld, we have to go after them," Robby screamed as Renauld throttled the old fishing boat down.

"It would do no good," Renauld said with a helpless shrug. "This boat is too old. That ship is already going faster than we can go."

I watched Robby's face screw up in frustration for a moment, then he ran to the side rail to scream, "Sarah! Sarah!"

It was no use. The wind was blowing in our faces and Sarah was still trying to push away the guy forcing his kiss on her. Some of the other people on the deck were laughing at her feeble attempts to defend herself. I swear, no matter how much I hated my sister, if I had a gun right then I'd shoot that bastard or die trying.

I pulled out my cell phone but cursed when I saw no bars. On impulse, I started snapping pictures, zooming in as close as I could. The boat was passing ours just then, so the shots were clear. Then back of their boat threw up a larger wake as it accelerated toward open water. My stomach clenched as I read the name painted across the stern; Stolen Kisses. I stared, helpless, wanting to cry and scream at the same time.

Renauld revved our engines to head into the marina. "When we dock," he shouted out the pilot house door, "run to the harbor master, Selwyn Goodman. He has a powerful patrol boat made to chase drug runners. He'll be able to catch them."

It seemed to take forever for us to get there. Robby paced in frustration while Camden tried to comfort him. Renauld was focused on piloting the boat for a quick arrival, but I couldn't help resting my hand on his shoulder to seek what comfort I could.

When he finally threw the engine in reverse to ease the boat into its berth, Robby jumped over the rail and quickly tied off the line Camden threw to him. Then without waiting for us, he ran full speed up the wharf.

"Go," Renauld said to me as he killed the engine. "Save your sister."

I kissed him quickly, then ran from the pilot house. Camden and I jumped down to the wharf, helping each other over the growing gap when the boat hit the bumpers along the edge.

Robby was too fast for us to catch, but we could see him running along the the shore towards a two-story stone building. When he slipped through the door, I finally admitted to myself I couldn't keep up with his pace. Panting hard, I slowed to a jog and tried to catch my breath.

"Damn, still no signal," I muttered after checking my phone again. When Camden and I reached the stone building, I could hear Robby's raised voice.

"You're telling me that my underage sister being groped on a yacht isn't worth a few gallons of gas to check out?" Robby asked a uniformed man wearing a scowl.

I noticed the name Timothy etched on a black plastic tag on his chest. His white shirt had black and gold striped epaulettes on the shoulders and an a nautical patch of some kind opposite the name tag.

"What do you want me to do? You don't even remember the name of the boat!"

I still had my phone in my hand, so I brought up the pictures I'd taken of the boat. "Yes we do! It's called Stolen Kisses."

"Shit," Timothy muttered as he flipped through the pictures. "Dat's Mister Gaspard's boat."

"So?" Robby asked as he flung his hands out.

"Mister Gaspard owns the resort," Timothy said with a significant look. "That's his son, Peter, with your sister right there." He pointed the screen at us.

"Okay, good, so let's go get 'em!" Robby rubbed his hands together. When Timothy kept that strained look on his face, Robby said, "What?"

"It ain't worth my job, mon." He handed my phone back with a wary shrug.

"She's my sister!" I screamed. "If something happens to her, I'll make sure you lose more than your job." My first thought was his balls, followed by his head.

Camden walked over to a old-fashioned black phone sitting on the counter. She picked it up and began dialing.

"What are you doing?" Timothy demanded as he tried to stop her, but she blocked him by giving him her back.

"Uncle Mike? It's Camden. I hate to bother you on vacation, but it's an emergency."

"You cannot call long distance from this phone," Timothy said as he tried to take the phone from her.

"Don't worry, it's local," Camden said as she picked up the phone base and stepped away as far as the line would reach. "No, an underage girl is on a boat heading out to sea and it looked like she was being taken against her will. Seriously! And this guy in the harbor master's office, Timothy, won't do anything." Camden put her hand over the phone and whispered to Robby, "My Uncle Mike is a District Commander in the US Coast Guard."

"What?" Timothy shrieked. "Stop it! I'll go get Captain Goodman right now."

"Oh, Timothy just decided to do his job. Yes, I'll keep you in the loop. Oh, I'm sure he'll take care of it for us. Thanks so much, Uncle Mike!" She hung up the phone and gave Timothy an expectant look.

"Fine," Timothy went back behind the counter and down a hallway leading to the back.

"I didn't know you came here with your uncle," Robby whispered in confusion.

"There's a very confused receptionist at the hotel," Camden whispered back with a sly grin. Robby looked so confused that I had to chuckle despite the tension.

"She lied," I whispered to him and watched the confusion clear. Then he grabbed Camden and pulled her into a tight hug, kissing her hair.

"I am Harbor Master Selwyn Goodman. What seems to be the problem?"

Selwyn caught me by surprise. I had expected a far older man, with sun-wrinkled skin like a sailor in the movies. Selwyn was rail-thin, with an air of authority that defied his age. He stood there with his hands behind his back, stretching his uniform across his broad chest. Robby finally stepped forward.

"Sir, my sister, Sarah, is on a boat heading out to sea. She's underage and she was fighting off an older guy trying to kiss her. Kat? Show him the pictures."

I pulled out my cell phone again and opened the photo app. Selwyn swiped through the pictures, his mouth twitching when he came to the pictures of Sarah fighting off Peter Gaspard.

"Timothy, get the boat ready."

"But Mister Gaspard will—" All it took was one glare from Selwyn to stop the words in his mouth. "Yes, sir."

Selwyn looked at the trio with a firm expression. "Let me get copies of these pictures and your statements. Then I will be in touch as soon as we can."

After transferring the pictures off my phone and writing down a basic statement of facts, we headed back to the hotel to let my parents know what was going on. I dreaded seeing them again. Mom's secret burned in me constantly, drawing my attention like a sore tooth. They weren't in the suite and it wasn't time for dinner, so we went to the little covered bar near the pool and found Mom and Dad sitting together at a small table.

They hadn't seen us yet. Both had colorful drinks in front of them that contrasted with their stormy expressions. It was obvious they were ignoring one another. If Dad had know about Mom's time with Theo, he certainly wasn't happy about it now.

"I should let you guys talk to them alone," Camden said, her hand still firmly trapped in Robby's grip.

I didn't want her to leave, but left Robby to respond for us both.

"You saw what happened, too." There was a tortured look of worry on his face. "Please." She nodded, then we approached the table.

Mom saw us first and nodded for Dad to look as well. I was surprised that Dad smiled for a moment before he caught our expressions as we walked up.

"What's wrong?" Dad said.

"Sarah may be in trouble," Robby said. "We saw her leaving the bay on a yacht and she didn't look sober or willing. We've just come from the Harbor Master's office. They're gonna chase down the yacht to check on her for us."

"What?" Mom gasped. I figured the pictures told a better story than words and handed her my phone with the photo app open. "Who's she with?"

"Apparently his name is Peter Gaspard. He is the son of the guy who owns this resort," Robby said. "None of us knew she was going around with him."

Camden and I confirmed what he said with nod. Mom scanned the pictures with a pale, blank expression. Dad glanced at them as well before rubbing his hands on his face.

"What a colossal fuck-up," Dad sighed and placed his face in his hands. I didn't know if he meant Sarah or the whole trip. He looked up. "where do we need to go?"

"The officers locked the office when they went to their boat. They said they would call my phone when they knew something," Robby said. "I've got signal here, we might as well stay put."

"So we wait," Dad sighed and signaled the bartender for another drink.

No one was in the mood for small talk, so we sat around eating plantain chips with a garlic and basil dip. Camden sat close to Robby and I saw them holding hands under the table. I think Mom noticed them as well, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier between her and Dad.

Around four in the afternoon Robby's cell phone rang. Dad grabbed it before Robby could answer it. "Hello? This is his father, Max Myers. How's my daughter, Sarah?" His frown turned grim. "I see. Where will you be taking her? Yes, yes, we'll meet you there."

We all watched him end the call and slide Robby's phone back to him across the table. "What happened?" Robby asked as he caught his phone.

"She's been drugged," he growled through clenched teeth. "There are bruises and she's still unconscious. Janet and I will be going to the hospital. You two stay here." Mom got up biting her lower lip and allowed Dad to lead her off.

"Fuck," Robby whispered.

"So stupid," I said with a sarcastic sniff. "At least she's still alive. I'm going up to the room and shower." The combination of salt water and sex had me feeling skeechy. I got up and stretched my back.

"Good idea. I'm gonna do the same," Camden said as she rubbed Robby's shoulder. I heard her whisper, "Wanna come scrub my back?"

Despite the tension, Robby shot her a grin and a nod, then we all left for the elevator. Robby and Camden got off on her floor while I went on up to our suite. I was alone for the first time since I before I arrived on the island.

After getting clean panties and a long t-shirt, I stripped off the clothes I'd worn all day and stepped into the bathtub. Washing away Renauld's scent gave me an unexpected sense of loss, but feeling clean after the rough day I'd had was still worth it. While I dried off and dressed, I heard someone come into the suite talking and laughing. I opened the door while I rubbed my hair in a towel.

"Sorry," Robby said when he saw me come into the living room. "One of Camden's roommates has the Do Not Disturb sign on the door."

"Mind if I shower here?" Camden pleaded. "And can I borrow something to wear?"

"Of course," I said. She followed me into the room Robby, Sarah, and I shared. I opened my drawers to let her to search for something that might fit.

"Which drawer is Robby's," she asked with a wicked gleam.

"Here," I shut my drawer and opened his instead. She picked out a pair of boxer briefs and one of his old soccer jerseys. "He's gonna lose it when you come out wearing that."

"That's the plan," she laughed and ran off the to bathroom.

When I went out into the suite, Robby was getting a drink of water in the kitchenette. "Aren't you supposed to be in there scrubbing her back?"

He actually blushed, then let out a nervous chuckle. "You cool with that?"

"Dude, I saw you two on the deck chair when I went to get my clothes after swimming this afternoon," I admitted with a matching blush. "Go on. Have fun."

I made a pot of coffee while the water ran and Camden moaned. Just a few days before, I'd have been weirded me out knowing my brother was screwing someone in the shower. Now I just smirked as I stirred cream in my coffee. My phone vibrated on the counter as a text came in.

I just got off work. Renauld left me a message. You ok? Vicky asked.

I called her instead of texting back. "Hey."

"How's your sister?"

"Drugged and beaten up, but alive." I couldn't keep the contempt out of my voice. "Mom and Dad went to the hospital where the harbor master was taking her."

"I'm so sorry." Her voice was full of sympathy, then she growled, "Dat Peter Gaspard is a royal ass. His daddy rolled in here a few years ago, throwin' his money aroun' and now he t'ink his own bum don' stink." Her anger brought out a thicker patois and, ironically, made me smile.

"Have you met him?"

"No, but Theo knows him. Sometimes he works the bar on his boat when dey have parties. Rumor say Peter will drop a roofie on girls that don't move fast enough to suit him."

"Shit," I sighed. Sarah could be so stupid sometimes. She had a bit of Robby's lack of awareness coupled with her own unique brand of poor impulse control. It would be just like her to let some flashy guy talk her into a ride on his yacht and drink whatever he served her.

"If your parents are at the hospital, what are you doin'?"

"Standing in our suite listening to Robby fuck Camden in the shower," I said with a sad chuckle. "Want to join me for a cup of coffee?"

She laughed. "I'm still in the spa. I'll be right up."

While I waited, I poured another cup of coffee for Vicky. The noises in the shower built to a crescendo, then there was nothing but the hiss of the shower until I heard a knock on the door.

I opened the door to let Vicky in and could feel her eyes tickle from my toes up to my damp hair.

"I feel overdressed," Vicky whispered as she stepped closer. Her coconut scent preceded her lips by a moment when she greeted me with a soft kiss.

"Come on in," I said as I took her hand to lead her inside.

"I've never been in one of the suites before," Vicky said as she dropped her purse on the counter and kicked off her sandals. "It's really nice."

"Come see the view," I said as I handed her a cup of coffee and walked to the sliding glass door. The view overlooked the beach. The sun was heading towards the horizon, making the sky above us darken. We stood close, sipping coffee.

"Last night was amazing," Vicky whispered while staring down at the waves.

"Yes," I agreed quietly. "And apparently it was again after we left. Simone came by at lunch and… thanked me."

"She told me," Vicky chuckled.

Vicky had her curly black hair pulled back in a tie leaving her long neck exposed down to her collar. I loved the way the color of her skin deepened under her jaw. What I felt for Renauld was so different from the way Vicky made me feel, but my attraction toward both of them was undeniable.

She looked over to find me studying her and asked, "Did you have fun on the boat today?"

"It was pretty intense." I smiled as I recalled the way Renauld responded to me taking control. "And after…" I didn't know whether to share his tearful reaction at the end.

"He really cares about you, you know," Vicky said with a suppressed smile. "I know it's quick, but he's got it bad."

"It scares me a little," I admitted. "I was expecting a summer fling and a few laughs. I never counted on him. Or you." The tangle of fear, hope, and desire left me silent.

"And I never expected to understand what Simone meant." Vicky said as she sat her coffee cup on the railing and pulled me into her arms. "She kept telling me I would one day." Kissing her sped my heart rate.

"Understand what?" I asked when the kiss broke. Her coffee eyes captured me.

"That I can love her and still care deeply about others. Be with them even, without losing anything she and I have."

I kissed her this time, offering my open mouth for her to explore while I fanned my fingers up her back. Vicky gripped the back of my long t-shirt in her fists as she pulled me tight. I was lost in that kiss, feeling the heat swirling in my stomach as I hungered to taste her again.

"Wow," Robby whispered from the open sliding door into the patio. Camden stood beside him with a smirk as she clutched his arm. They both had that freshly fucked look coupled with a look of happy surprise.

I was proud when I didn't jump away. "Uh… Vicky, this is my brother Robby and his friend Camden."

"Nice to meet you both at last," Vicky said, but kept her arm around my waist. "I've heard a lot about you."

"I've… uh… heard," Robby mumbled as he kept looking back and forth between us.

"Nice to meet you, too. Mind if we join you out here?" Camden asked for them both while Robby shook his head as if to clear it.

Vicky and I moved around to the other side of the small table on the patio. There were four chairs, but I soon found Vicky had moved her chair to snuggle closer to me. Camden waited for Robby to sit, then plopped in his lap, leaving an empty chair.

Robby was clearly struggling to connect the dots and see the picture. "So Renauld doesn't mind that you… two… uh…"

Vicky leaned into my arm as if to let me explain for us both.

"Who do you think cooked us dinner last night?" I asked, trying not to give an explicit answer to Robby's question.

"So he was… with you?" Robby asked, confusion still creasing his brow. Camden leaned in to whisper something to him and his mouth made an O shape.

"I thought you said bisexual doesn't mean threesomes?" Robby asked Camden out loud.

I covered my face with my hand while Vicky chuckled silently into my shoulder.

"It doesn't automatically mean threesomes, but other people like what they like," Camden said. "I just prefer my relationships one-at-a-time."

"Okay," I said to draw his attention. I realized that I'd have to spell this out or Robby would just keep asking embarrassing questions. "You met Simone at lunch, right? Vicky and Simone live together and have an open relationship. I was attracted to both Renauld and Vicky, and they both like me. So we had dinner last night and ended up in bed together. Trust me; Renauld didn't mind at all."

Robby shrugged and waved his free hand. "All I know is watching you two kiss was fuckin' hot and that creeps me out because one of you is my sister."

"I love the contrast in your skin tones and bone structure," Camden said. "I wish I had my camera equipment on this trip. You're both so gorgeous! I'd shoot you together in a heartbeat."

Vicky and I looked at each other. The idea of Camden photographing us made me hot, but I would be too nervous to just come out and say it. Vicky's mouth twitched before she leaned in to give me a tender kiss.

I heard Camden hum as Robby kissed her, too. Every time I peeked I caught his eyes shooting our direction. The mutual attention seemed to be turning Vicky on, too, based on how her hands were sliding up my bare leg.

The tickling touch opened my knees to her fingers. She pressed into the damp fabric. I gripped her shoulders to leverage myself closer to the edge of the chair.

"Why don't we go somewhere more comfortable?" Vicky whispered as she slipped one finger up and down the slick gusset of my panties.

I shivered despite the heat. "Yes."

When we stood, Camden was already leading Robby back inside with a carefree smile over her shoulder. She tilted her head in a clear invitation. We followed them into the bedroom Robby, Sarah, and I shared. Robby kept glancing back like he was making sure we were coming.

I pulled Vicky around to stand at the foot of the bed I slept in. I kissed her as I untucked the white shirt from her shorts. She was still in her hotel uniform and I wanted to taste her skin. She allowed me to open her shirt and push it back over her shoulders before she lifted my shirt over my head.

Her shorts and thong went next, followed by my panties, then we giggled as we threw the bedspread on the floor and climbed onto the cool sheets together. I hadn't paid much attention to Camden and Robby, but when Vicky pushed me back into the pillows and kissed my breasts, I caught them watching from the other bed.

I got lost in Vicky's lips, my fingers running along her cheeks and into her hair. I lifted my hips and opened myself to her hungry mouth. The sensations took my breath, making me hold on tighter to keep her tongue where I needed it.

"Oh, Vicky," I murmured as she dipped the tip of her tongue down lower. My back arched on its own as my legs opened wider. She consumed me with her hands pulling at my hips to keep us connected. When I cried out, she rode my bucking hips, her tongue flickering across my nubbin.

"Cum for me," she begged, her words whispered across my wet skin.

Just as I teetered over the edge, she filled me with two fingers, pressing in on that sensitive spot inside that forced me even higher. For the first time in my life she lifted me into a kind of cosmic, never-ending orgasm. All I remember was crying and writhing in bed while she fed from my body.

When I couldn't take it anymore, I climbed away from her mouth. She let me go long enough to slide up behind me and wrap me in her arms while I quivered and shook.

With her arms around me, I saw Robby laying on his back with Camden riding him slowly. She was watching us with a heavy lidded look of lust as she rocked against Robby's cock.

"You two were so hot," Camden whispered. Robby didn't appear able to open his eyes or do more than whimper. "I think I've cum a half-dozen times so far."

"Way to go, Robby," I whispered with a cheeky grin.

"It's never been like this," he gasped. "God, it feels so good but I don't want it to end."

Camden leaned forward to rest her hands on his shoulders. She ground so hard against Robby that his mouth opened. "Come for me. I want to feel your heat."

"So close," Robby moaned as he lifted his hips to meet hers. "Oh God, now, oh now."

Vicky gripped by hand and sucked my neck as Robby shouted out his passion. I never expected how satisfying it would be to watch someone else like that. When Camden collapsed against his chest, I rolled over to give Vicky my full attention.

Kissing while I ran my hands along her body, she opened her wet lips to my fingertips. The slick opening sucked my fingers in to trace inside her. Vicky whispered French in my ear while I brought her along. She tickled her fingers along my back, kissing me until she wasn't able to do more than moan. Seconds later she froze, her body stiffening as she convulsed to climax.

"So good," Vicky muttered. "So good."

I kissed her brow as I met Camden's lazy gaze from Robby's chest. "I agree."

The quiet knock brought us all up to stare at the suite door.

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