Fun in Public – [mf], [bdsm], [exh]

Conrad waited for her on the second floor of the enormous penthouse apartment. Standing in an alcove that overlooked the party down below, he studied the crowd. Katherine was looking for him, a thought that made his chest tighten. He liked the thought of her searching for him, her thoughts on him, her eyes searching for him in the crush of people.

From the distance, her floor length strapless dress looked black, but Conrad was certain it was navy. The material was light and frothy, floating back from a high split up the middle that revealed barely-there silver heels and the smooth length of leg up to her knee.

Conrad could have watched her forever.

But eventually he took the elevator down to the first floor and worked his way through crowd to her.

“You look amazing,” he said, and then realized that didn’t really get across his reaction to her hair glossy and smooth on her shoulders, her bare neck that was beautiful without jewelry. He added, “I could lick you from head to toe.”

Katherine said, “You look quite nice yourself.”

Conrad shrugged. “You don’t like me as much in suits, and even if you did, you prefer it when I’m naked anyway.”

“Where were you?”

He leaned down and whispered, “I was hiding upstairs until you got here.”

“I don’t think guests are allowed up there.”

“I didn’t ask permission.” Conrad held out his arm to her.

Katherine put her hand in the crook of his arm. “How about we hide together?”

Conrad’s voice immediately dropped to a low tone. “Hide and do what?”

Katherine looked up at him with a smile. “I thought we could play.”

“Here?” Conrad asked. He looked up at the alcove. It was tucked aside next to the elevator, out of the way but definitely not private. His pulse suddenly thumping, he squeezed her hand and tugged her behind him to the elevator. On the ride up, they said nothing, but

Katherine looked at him, her eyes curious and approving. When the doors opened, Conrad ducked to the left of the elevator and stepped back into the alcove. It was shadowed but still completely visible. It just so happened that most of the guests downstairs were too busy to look up.

Katherine stood against him in the narrow space and put her hand to his chest. “Are you breathing?”

“Not really,” he said, his voice a rasp. “What now, Katherine?”

Katherine put her hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down until he was eye level with her. “Mr. Conrad, I want you to spank me.”

Conrad opened his mouth to speak and then closed it, swallowing hard.

“You’re going to spank me when I tell you and as hard as I tell you. Do you understand?”

Her grip was so tight he couldn’t move to nod so he said, “Yes, Katherine. I’ll do what you tell me.”

She reached down and cupped him with her palm. “And when I tell you, you’ll finish me with this. Understood?”

“Yes, Katherine. When you tell me.”

Katherine turned and put her hands on the rail above the glass half wall that separated the upstairs hall from the space above the party. She set her heels about a foot apart. “Lift my skirt, Mr. Conrad.”

Conrad did as she told him, lifting the layers of silky fabric and gathering it in his fist at the small of her back. As the material lifted, it gave him a view of the tops of her stockings, fastened to light blue lace suspender belt. She wore no underwear, but it was that flash of pastel the caught his attention. All of her lingerie was dark – usually black or navy. “New?” he said, his voice barely audible.

“I bought it this morning,” she said. “For you.”

Conrad drew in a breath. He traced a finger down the strap of the belt connected to the stocking. “For me.”

“Now, Mr. Conrad, I assume you know what you’re doing here and you’re okay with this.”

“Yes, Katherine,” he said, his eyes moving over the curve of her bottom as she tilted her hips giving him a better view. “Very okay.”

“Show me a one,” she said. “Now.”

Conrad drew back his hand and brought it down on her bottom with enough force to make a sound but not leave a mark. He felt an immediate and conflicting sense of satisfaction warring with concern that he’d hurt her.

“Okay,” she said. Then she reached back and looked at him over her shoulder. “Give me your tie.”

Conrad lifted a hand to his tie and then hesitated.

“Unless you want me making enough noise to attract an audience?”

Eyes wide, Conrad loosened his tie and put in her hand. He watched as she put the folded tie between her teeth for a moment. Then she nodded and said. “Do it at a four. Wait a five count and then spank me again until I tell you to stop.”

“Four?” Conrad repeated. “Four times what I just did? But that’s too-“

“Mr. Conrad,” she interrupted. “Do as you’re told.”

Conrad nodded even though she was no longer looking at him, having put the tie back between her teeth and turned back to the railing. Conrad held the skirt of her dress in one hand and drew his other back to bring it down harder, much harder this time. Almost immediately a print of his hand appeared red on her tan skin. He waiting the five count expecting a complaint, but there wasn’t one. She only tightened her grip on the railing.

Conrad pulled back again and brought his hand down again. The impact sounded loud to his ears but didn’t draw any attention from the people mingling below. He closed his eyes so he wouldn’t watch them and then landed another blow. This time he heard the muffled sound of her moan and when he hit her again, lower this time, he felt that she was already wet from being spanked.

Sure now that she liked it, Conrad was able to enjoy it too. He hit her again watching her body for every response. This time she shivered. Then she took the tie from her mouth and said without looking back, her voice breathless. “Give me a five – just one five – and then take me nice and hard. Understood, Mr. Conrad?”

“Yes, Katherine.” He waited until she replaced the tie and then brought his hand down with a crack hard enough make his hand sore, almost hard enough to bruise. And she liked it, her body dissolving into shivers. She lifted her hips, opening for him, obviously eager to have him, and Conrad no longer cared if anyone saw or heard. He unzipped his pants and gripped her hips, driving hard into her. Her body, so warm and wet, gripped him as he dove in and pulled back. When she rocked back against him, he took the hint and moved faster, pushing into her until he felt the now familiar quiver of her body around him. He kept pace until that quiver turned into a vise tightening on him as she shook with one orgasm and then another.

When she was finished, limp against the railing, he asked, his voice tight, “Katherine?”

She nodded without lifting her head.

Conrad picked her up and turned her to face him. Then he backed her against the wall and pinned her there. Her legs went around his waist and he tangled his hands in her hair. This time he kissed her hard but kept his movements slow and easy. He moved back and forth until she made the slow transition from loose with release to tight with need. When she was squeezing him again, returning his kiss with desperation, he gave himself over to it. He finished as she did, her nails digging into shoulders and her legs hugging him tight against her.Katherine slowly let her legs drop and lay back against the wall catching her breath. She flattened both hands to his chest and let her head drop back.

Conrad kissed her jaw and then straightened his pants, suddenly aware again of the party behind them. “Holy shit.”

Katherine tugged at his jacket. “No cursing.”

“I just had sex in front of two hundred people. A little cursing is justified.”

“No one was watching.” Katherine stretched her arms above her head and smiled. “That was very nice.”

“Nice,” Conrad said. “Not the adjective I’d choose but okay.”

Katherine stepped aside and shook out her dress so the material fell correctly. “Alright. Let’s go downstairs and get a drink.”

“What? Right now?” There was no mirror, but Conrad was pretty sure he looked like he’d just been having sex. Katherine certainly did. He put a hand to his collar. “Where’s my tie?”

Katherine laughed and pointed at the railing. “I dropped it.”

Conrad looked at the railing shaking his head. “It probably landed on someone.”

“Relax, Mr. Conrad. That’s an order.” She held out her hand to him. “Follow me.”
