[FF] The Scent of the Flame–A romance between a rocker and her new crush

I'm working on an erotica/romance story on a free writing site. I don't profit off it if you click to read more. Here's the first chapter:

It was 8 pm. Kris tamed her messy mop of black hair, straight bangs falling over her eyes with blonde highlights. She’d hesitated before accepting the invitation to a new friend’s house because she hadn’t had any luck meeting people, ever. It was as if right when things were turning horrible for her, a knight in shining Ray Bans was there to comfort and console, nursing her post traumatic stress-induced wounds… over Skype.

Kris didn’t self-harm but she subtly self-medicated. Alcohol was her drug of choice. It was cheap, efficient, and weakened inhibitions. Suffice to say, the beer did a good job of masking her true feelings on the long drive to Alex’s house.

They had a lot in common, namely, one another’s interest in lesbian romances, so they had a movie playing in no time. Beer and wine were had and a quickly cooked meal of their favorite—quesadillas. The movie of choice—Better than Chocolate. The movie reminded Kris that she had her strap-on in the car—a habit from her days with her last girlfriend but she hadn’t needed to use it because she was fresh out of libido ever since. Alex, however, had different plans.

With the prospect of soft girl skin in mind, she went to the bathroom to wash up with the excuse that she had to pee. Too much wine was drunk, after all. She used a freshener of body wash on the nether regions, her finger rubbing slyly over her own swollen clit, making her jump in excitement. She wet and rubbed her clit with water and meticulously patted dry the area. The fragrance of strawberry blossom wafted up as she pulled her black girl briefs up.

The movie was 70% over and they laughed at the mishaps and the masturbation scene, where Maggie’s mom finds all the hidden sex toys. Kris had a “girl boner” for Maggie, the femme one, and Alex on Kim, the butch one. When the movie neared a climactic violent scene, Alex drunkenly gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh my goddd! How dare they!?” Kris laughed.

“Aw, it’s gonna be okay. Want me to kick their asses!?”

Alex smiled at her.

“Yes, please!” She hugged Kris from the side—again, drunkenly. She was ready to throw herself at her and it was readily apparent.

The movie came to a steamy scene and just at that moment, at which Kris said “Heh… this is getting steamy,” Alex’s dad entered the house. He dropped his keys on the dining table.

“What are you guys watching?” he asked, curiously.

Alex answered, “Better than Chocolate.”

He exited, silently. Kris covered her own mouth, smiling. “That was awkward,” she said. “Does he know?”

“Yeah, he’s just messing with me.”

Her dad was quiet in his room as the movie played on. They had two more drinks each. Kris lay back in her spot on the couch, slouching, her small beer gut protruding. But she could help thinking about how soft Alex’s lips looked and how nice they would feel if, with her heart speeding, she topped her right there and they made out and grinded on each other. Just thinking about it started a swamp in her underwear.

Sparked by the movie, Kris got into a conversation about her possessive ex. Usually ex stories are a big no-no, or a deal breaker on a first date, but Kris and Alex’s friendship had developed itself over the weeks online, so they were comfortable talking about that stuff.

“My ex used to be incredibly jealous. I couldn’t even have a female friend that liked girls or suddenly I was this huge liar and a cheater even though I’ve never cheated.”

“That’s stupid,” Alex said.

“Yeah. One time I had a girl over—just a friend! Literally nothing happened between us. She gave me the silent treatment despite my repeated texts.”

“I would never do that to you,” Alex said. She looked at the floor immediately. She hadn’t meant to say “to you.” “I would never do that,” yes. “To you”—no.

Oh no, oh no, oh no! I fucked up… Alex blushed.

“I bet she would get mad about this.” Kris finally topped Alex as she’d been fantasizing about all evening. And the kiss was immediately returned. They slowly fell back onto the couch in a horizontal makeout frenzy. Her lips were as soft as she imagined. Her kiss were returned with tongue and her breath tasted of mint and water. Kris’s privates immediately found their place on top of Alex’s hip. She sighed as she moved in excitement, secreting hidden juices.

Their lips smacking were nothing compared to the snoring coming from the other room a whole 10 feet behind them. The couch was a prospective candidate to be their love making nest.

Kris’s heart beat fast as all this sexual tension was finally released. She almost broke the kiss just to smile at how lucky she felt. Her non-figurative horniness had been growing for so long in wait as she’d chatted every night on Skype with (her lover? Her friend?). Now she had her!

She kicked off her Top Ten Adidas high tops. She snuck a hand up Alex’s soft tummy and up to her bra, tight against her ribcage. As they continued kissing, Kris’s crotch was firmly pressed against her thigh. Alex reached one arm back and unbuckled her bra. As the climax of the movie was nearing, they were just beginning to fall in lust.

Kris lowered to Alex’s right nipple and sucked it in, gently tonguing it around in circles. She lifted her black skirt and gripped her thigh, which was covered with black leggings. With no urge to delay, Alex kicked off her shoes and pulled down her leggings. Kris’s imploring hand was met with the most wet, dripping-in-come pussy she’d ever felt. “Ooh,” she breathed out.

Up and down, she rubbed her clit. Her neck was acting as a hanging post for Alex’s arms draped around it as she bumped and grinded with the motion of her fingers. Inside she went, the warmth of her vulva opening and inviting. She finger-fucked her slow at first, but quickly sped up as the moans coming from Alex’s mouth cried out for more. “Oh, Kris, fuck” she breathed out, “Uhmm, MM.” In and out she went. It wasn’t long before Kris crawled atop her, fucking her with fingers in place of her absent strap-on and licked her nipple again as she cried and moaned. She breathed out sighs of “Oh yes” and “Fuck me” and “Fuck yeah.” The waves of come were surely getting on Kris's black Nintendo shirt but she didn't care.

Finally her fingers were penetrating so quickly and rapidly and the juices in there splashing with come, that she was ready to cream. Alex’s hips rocked and bucked and she said “Oh, oh oh! NNRRG! Fuck!” and she came at last, laughing quietly with the force of adrenaline.

Kris looked at her glossy eyes. Her heaving chest. Her long brown hair a mess, like a mane fallen around the pillow.

Kris kissed her again, hugging her, and squeezed next to her at the couch’s back. She kissed the back of her neck and hooked a leg over hers.

Read more at booksiesilk.com/users/mixtape02

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/3y6g54/ff_the_scent_of_the_flamea_romance_between_a