Elly at the Farm [str8][nc][huml][bd][Mdom][fsub]

Elly was driving home after visiting with her boyfriend for the evening. She’d left a little later than she’d have liked since she had to be up early for class in the morning, so she was looking forward to getting home. As she turned onto another street, she could see red and blue lights flashing just ahead, and a small line of cars stopped at a police check-point. “Great,” she thought, “I really don’t need this right now.”

A large, powerful looking officer approached her vehicle and she rolled down the window. He bent over to speak to her, and she glimpsed “Ricks” on his nametag. “Good evening,” the officer said in a deep voice. “License and registration, please.” Elly was nervous. She had only just received her learner’s permit and she was just past curfew for driving alone. She fumbled with her purse and the glove box and retrieved the documents for the officer.

“Elizabeth Banson. Age: 17. Eyes: Green. Hair: Red. Height: 5-5,” Ricks read aloud, pausing between each statistic as if considering them for some reason. “It seems you’re past your curfew, young lady,” Ricks accused.

“I’m sorry, Officer. I am on my way home now,” Elly said, shaken.. “I live just around the corner.”

“Elizabeth Banson, step out of the vehicle,” Ricks commanded. His words echoed in Elly’s ears. She had never even had a detention before! Her thoughts scrambled as her heartbeat became rapid.

“But Officer! I just want to go home! I haven’t done anything!” she pleaded, the fear evident in her voice.

“Elizabeth. Do you go by Elizabeth?”


“All right Elly. I’m only going to say this once more. Get the fuck out of the car right now before I come in after you. Move!”

Elly jumped. She complied with Rick’s order and stepped out of the car into the warm air outside. Now Ricks could see this girl had a lovely figure: round ass that her tight jeans showed off, curves around her hips, a tight belly, and well formed breasts whose curves were betrayed by her form-fitting t-shirt. Ricks’ powerful figure towered over the frightened girl. His bulging muscles and dark complexion made him especially intimidating to the young girl.

“I’m only going to say this once,” Ricks growled. “You are under arrest for breaking curfew. Place your hands behind your back.”

Elly couldn’t believe what was happening. Panic began setting in. What would her parents think? What about school tomorrow? Was she going to jail? She couldn’t go to jail!

“Officer, please! I just want to go home! I live right around the cor…”

Before she could finish, large powerful hands were grabbing her arms tightly. Cold steel clicked shut around her wrists, and Ricks was dragging the girl to a police car. Elly instinctively tried to pull away, but it only made Ricks’ grasp more painfully tight as he continued dragging her away. “Please stop! I just want to go home!” Elly sobbed, warm tears rolling down her pale, freckled face, now splotched with red from crying. Ricks gave no response save to shove her into the back of his car and slam the door.

It was a short ride to the station. Elly sobbed softly in the back seat and Ricks said nothing. On arrival, Ricks pulled the girl from the car and marched her into the station. Bypassing what appeared to be a check-in deck, they entered an empty room and Ricks closed the door behind them. “Now then,” Ricks said through a grin, his unusually white teeth contrasting with his dark exterior, “what have we here?”

Ricks put his powerful hand around the restrained girl’s neck and forced her to look up and meet his piercing eyes. “Why are you doing this!?” Elly shouted through sobs, anger burning though. A sharp pain pierced her face and she staggered back from Rick’s slap. Her sobs took on a new intensity as the utter shock of what just happened set in.

“From now on,” Ricks said in his commanding tone, “You’ll obey when you are told to do something. Otherwise, you’ll be punished. You don’t wanna be punished, right? So let’s just do this nice and easy.”

Elly couldn’t look at him. He’d violated any trust she may have had in him as a police officer and she was too shocked to think straight. Ricks approached her and took the handcuffs off, which was a small relief. “Now, I’m gonna search you. I want you to put your hands on the back of your head and stand nice’n straight.”

Elly complied. She was suddenly aware of how this position thrust her breasts out. Her feminine t-shirt didn’t do much to hide her, and she felt very exposed. “Good, good,” Ricks said in a mock-soothing voice as he approached her with a pair of heavy duty shears. “Stay just like that for me. If you move, you’ll be punished. Understand?”

Elly nodded, but internally her mind was scrambling to make sense of what was going on. Why did he have shears? They were in a police station, not some back alley, so surely he wasn’t going to hurt her, right? It was only as Ricks effortlessly sliced the shirt off her body that it all made sense – me meant a strip search!

Instinctively, Elly covered her chest with her arms. No sooner had she done so than Ricks’ powerful fingers were wrapped around her throat, constricting her breath. “What’d I say?” he breathed into her ear. “Didn’t I tell you to keep your hands on your head?”

Elly couldn’t breathe. She began flailing and grasping at Rick’s cinderblock-sized arms as panic arose once more. “Didn’t I say you’d be punished? You don’t get another warning. Put your fucking hands on your head now.”

Elly subdued the panic long enough to command her arms to comply. Once she had done so, Ricks released his death-grip on her throat. “There, isn’t that better now?” Ricks mocked as Elly was catching her breath.

Snip, snip, snip! Elly’s bra fell away in pieces, revealing her well-proportioned spherical breasts topped with puffy pink nipples. Her face turned red with embarrassment and more tears escaped, but she maintained her position, fearing what Ricks might do to her otherwise. “Yes,“ Ricks said to himself, “You’ll do very nicely.” In his commanding tone, Rick then instructed Elly to remove her shoes, socks, and jeans and then resume her position.

“Please… don’t do this! I haven’t done anything! I just want to go home!” Elly pleaded once more, tears now forming a steady stream down her reddened cheeks. “Please…”

Ricks said nothing, but the look on his face told Elly that his patience was rapidly running thin. She forced herself to comply, much to her own humiliation. She now stood before this strange man, hands on her head, breasts thrust out and heaving as she sobbed, wearing only her pink panties. Although Elly had worn form-fitting clothing, as was the fashion trend for girls her age, no one had ever seen her like this, and right now she wanted to die.

Cold metal touched Elly’s thigh as Ricks slid the blade of his shears between her skin and the cloth of her panties. Snip, snip! Just like that, her panties fell away, revealing her most intimate area to a strange man in a cold room. Even her boyfriend had not yet seen this part of her! Her chest turned red as her humiliation intensified.

Ricks examined her well-kept pussy, noting that she was a true redhead. He walked behind her, admiring her round, but tight ass, which formed tight creases at her thighs. “Excellent…” he muttered to himself. “Now, keep your hands on your head and get on your knees.” Ricks commanded, now sounding more ravenous.

Elly carefully got down on her knees. This position was distinctly uncomfortable, but she hoped if she was compliant, Ricks would complete his search and send her home. Since she’d led an insulated middle-class life to this point, Elly had no idea what was normal when it came to how police treated people and she didn’t want to make things even worse.

Elly felt cold metal again touch her skin and heard several clicks followed as shackles were applied to her ankles. Next, Ricks brought a thick leather belt around her slender waist and locked it behind her, running a chain from her ankle shackles through a metal loop riveted to the rear of the belt. Finally, he brought her hands down behind her and fastened cuffs around her wrists, binding them to the belt behind her as well. This forced her to arch her back slightly, further showing off her breasts and adding to her utter humiliation and sudden feeling of completely helplessness.

Just then, it occurred to her that Ricks wouldn’t be putting restraints on her if he were going to let her go…. And why hadn’t he given her a prison uniform if she were going to stay in jail? Panic was setting in once again. Elly stood up and backed away from Ricks, getting closer to the door they had entered through. “What are you doing!?” the naked, bound girl demanded with fear and anger evident in her tone. “Are you even a real cop? I want to call my parents right now!”

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible. You have two choices – you can try going out that door and run around the station shackled and naked. You won’t get far. I’ll come get you, and I promise you don’t want to know what happens next. Or, you can get back over here and I’ll forget this little fit of yours.”

Elly’s panic continued to rage through her. Going with Ricks might mean rape, or death! Others in the station might help her, even if it meant humiliating herself further. Facing Ricks, with the door behind her, she fumbled with the lever. Ricks began walking towards her. She fumbled faster as he approached, finally getting the door open and pushing it out into the station proper.

Elly stumbled backward, her chains restricting her movement, and fell on her ass in the main lobby of the station. Everyone from the receptionist to other officers that happened to be nearby saw the frightened, naked girl fall on her ass. Ricks continued his approach, but another officer addressed him.

“Ricks… what’s going on here?” he asked. Elly felt a wave of relief. This officer was going to help her. She’d made the right move, and in spite of her humiliation, would soon be home with her family. “Do you need some help with this one? Seems she’s a little too feisty for her own good!” the officer continued, smashing all the hope she had built up in an instant.

Elly balled herself up as best she could where she fell, hiding her face from her surroundings. Maybe this was all a bad dream. Maybe she’d wake up in her own bed for school in the morning. Maybe…

Powerful hands grabbed at her armpits and legs, effortlessly lifting her despite her defensive position. “You’re gonna regret that,” was all Ricks said as the two officers carried the girl back into the room, through a backdoor, into a police van that had been waiting. They sat her on a bench in the back, pried her legs away from her body, and fastened her wrist and ankle restraints to metal loops built into the side and floor of the van. Elly looked up what she saw sent another shock of fear through her heart.

Ricks approached the trembling girl with a thick canvas hood. He quickly pulled it over her head, cinched it around her neck, and pulled laces at the back of her head making it nearly form-fitting around her face. There were holes cut out for her nose and mouth to be exposed so she could breathe normally, but there was thick padding around her eyes and ears, effectively blinding her and muffling voices into unintelligible noise.

The van sprung to life with a small rumble and Elly felt the vehicle start moving. With every stop, she wondered if this was the end of the line, but the van eventually started moving again. Eventually, the stops became less frequent, until they had been moving for what felt like hours. Her bottom and shoulders were sore from sitting on the metal bench, she was cold, and she had to pee, but she dared not say anything lest she provoke her captors further. She was already dreading Ricks’ last words to her.

Eventually, the van slowed and made a turn. The vehicle began to rumble, telling Elly they were probably on a dirt road. This continued for quite a while before eventually coming to a stop. This time, the engine was cut and Elly could feel the fear rising within her once more.

Jeb walked out of his farmhouse to meet Ricks as he stepped out of the van. “Whatch’er got fer me today?” he inquired.

“I think you’ll really like this one. She’s young, healthy, and shapely. She’s mostly complaint, but can be a little willful. In fact, she’s needing a punishment for tryin’ to run away at the station.”

“Well then,” Jeb chirped, “Let’s see ‘er, shall we?”

Ricks threw open the back doors of the van and hopped in to unhook Elly from the van’s attachment rings. Leaving her hood on, he simply carried her out to avoid risking her falling. It was no burden for a man of his physique. Elly yelped and squirmed a bit when she was suddenly lifted, but didn’t want to fall, so she tried to stay still. Once they had stepped down from the back of the van, Ricks stood her on her own feet.

It was an odd sensation – the cool morning air wrapping itself around all of her exposed skin. Her nipples retreated and her skin formed little bumps all over. The morning sunlight caressed her. It was a lovely sensation that she’d never felt before – almost enough to make her forget her situation.

That moment of zen was broken when Ricks quickly unlaced her hood and pulled it off her head, revealing her now-frazzled red hair and green eyes, puffy and reddened from hours of sobbing. The morning light was blinding. As her vision adjusted, she could see an older looking man with tanned leathery skin looking back at her. He was tall, but not as tall as Ricks. In contrast to Ricks, this man was skinny, almost frail looking. His gray eyes stared back at her.

“Hmm… yep, she’s nice,” Jeb said, addressing Ricks. He ran his long, leathery fingers over her goosebump-covered skin. He casually lifted one breast, causing Elly to try pulling away, only to be shoved forward again by Ricks, standing right behind her. Jeb lifted the other and from there let his fingers trace her skin down to her pubic area. Again, Elly pulled away, and again, Ricks held her firmly in place.

As Jeb continued his examination, Elly looked away. Partially from the shame and embarrassment of it all, and partially so she wouldn’t have to see herself being touched like this. It looked like they were in a huge open area of land surrounded by thick forest all around. She noted a farmhouse and a large barn on the property, as well as some other structures she wasn’t sure of. There was also a thick T-shaped wooden post sticking out of the ground not too far from where they were. That seemed like a strange thing to have…

Elly’s attention was brought back to her captors when Jeb started talking again. “I’ll give ya 5 for this one.” he said, matter-of-factly.

“10.” came Ricks’ response.

“6. Not sure she’ll last long’nuf to be worth any more.”

“8. She’s young and healthy – she’ll last.”

“Fine, fine. But you best make sure she disappears clean.”

“Don’t I always? It’s a deal. But one last thing before I go – her punishment.”

“Yep – best to break ‘em early anyway. Nick! Git out here!”

“Hey… what’s happening!? You’re a police officer! You’re supposed to be protecting people like me!” Elly shouted, as the realization that she’d just been sold sunk in. She tried pulling herself away from Ricks again, even though she knew she had nowhere to go even if she got away. Her breasts bounced as she struggled, giving Jeb a show.

From the corner of her eye, Elly saw someone else approach. She turned to face him – a boy that looked to be mid-twenties, heavyset, with a face covered in old acne scars. As he got closer, she could see his clothing was filthy and he had a disgusting stench about him.

“Yeah?” Nick inquired in a voice that sounded intellectually stunted.

“Git’er set up fer a whippin’.”


“A whipping!?” Elly thought, her heartbeat suddenly racing.

Rick released Elly from all of her restraints and Nick stepped behind her, grabbing both of her arms and pushing her forward. His hands were huge, powerful, and gnarled. His stench made Elly sick, but there was no way she could pull away from him.

Nick pushed her toward the T-post. On arrival, he turned her to face away from the post and fastened large metal shackles to both of her wrists, hooking them to chains hanging from each end of the T. He pulled the chains tight, forcing Elly into a Y-pose on her tip-toes. This completely exposed her sides and pushed her breasts out. The metal shackles cut into her wrists, but she didn’t even have any wiggle room. She was barely standing on her own feet, and it felt difficult to breathe.

“Please,” she said, addressing Nick with fear in her voice. “I’ll give you anything you want – just let me go! You don’t have to do this!” Nick didn’t respond.

Once Elly was stretched out on the post, Jeb and Ricks approached. Jeb was holding a small whip, about 4 feet long, which tapered to a single strand of leather at the end. “See, I dun like doin’ this, but all the new livestock gotta learn. Best to learn quick.”

“Please!” Elly shouted just as the tip of the whip made contact with her left breast. Searing pain burst through her body as a mean red welt formed where she’d been struck. She jerked in her restraints, but they held her in place – exposed and helpless.

The tip of the whip sliced through the air, making contact with her right nipple. Again, searing pain shocked the girl and she jerked around, sobbing and and crying out in pain.

Again and again the whip met her skin. Elly’s voice grew hoarse from the crying and screaming and somewhere along the way she’d lost control of her bladder. Her torso was covered in red welts, though Jeb was skilled enough to not break the skin once. Elly slumped in her chains, sobbing and pleading unintelligibly. Her energy had been worn out and her world was pain. The whip finally stopped, but the pain persisted. Every welt throbbed, but she had no energy left for sobs. Nick let her chains down, and Elly crumpled to the piss-caked dirt beneath her.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3y3gnr/elly_at_the_farm_str8nchumlbdmdomfsub