The Virgin [FM]

The village elders had summoned me, so I made my way as quickly as possible to the Great Hall, only stopping to smooth my long dress down and check my hair. The three elderly men sat behind a long table, and an old man I'd never seen before stood beside them. Off in the shadows I could make out another, female figure. I stood before them and bowed my head. "I have appeared as summoned." I said. The chief elder spoke: "Girl, you have been chosen by the Gods to take part in the annual fertility ceremony in the King's castle at the capital. This man is the High Priest of the Harvest Gods, and has spent the past year searching the land for the most beautiful virgin, and the honor falls on our village."

I blushed at the compliment. I knew I was very attractive, everyone said so, and my father had been made many offers for my hand since I turned eighteen, but in the whole land? That was quite something. The stranger spoke: "You are a virgin, correct?" I blushed deeper. "But of course, sir," I said, in an offended tone, "I am unmarried!" Of course I had fooled around with plenty of boys, and even let some of them touch my breasts, but none had ever got between my legs. One had even persuaded me to touch his cock, and I had been amazed at how it had grown in my hand. "Well," said the man, "We must be sure. Mary?"

At this, the figure in the shadows stepped forward. She was about my mother's age, with long silver-blond hair. She walked right up to me and said: "Very well, girl, I want you to squat down and raise your dress for me. I won't hurt you, and it will be over quickly." Unsteadily, I did as she instructed. She knelt beside me and slipped a hand under my dress, up my thigh, and into my drawers. She felt around quickly for my opening, and pushed one finger a little way inside. Then she stood and bade me to do the same. I felt humiliated, but tried not to let it show.

She nodded to the men. "She is intact." I gave the priest a defiant glare, but remained silent. "Very well, it is settled," said the priest, "We leave at first light. You will not need any belongings, so go say your farewells. From now on, Mary accompanies you in everything you do."

I hurried back to my father's house. They had been told, and between sobs, my mother said how proud she was of me, and how much she would miss me, and how blessed the next harvest would be because of me. I told her I would see her in a few weeks, and she burst into floods of tears. I had to have Mary in my bed that night, instead of my younger sisters as was normal.

True to the priest's word, we set off as the first glow of the dawn grew over the horizon. In all, the train consisted of six wagons and a number of soldiers on horseback. Mary and I rode in a closed wagon. She tried to distract me from my sorrow at leaving home by describing some of the wonders of the castle and the great city that surrounded it. I asked her if I was really the most beautiful woman in the entire Kingdom. "The most beautiful virgin," she corrected, "Everyone agrees that the Queen is the most beautiful woman who has ever lived."

The days passed ponderously, as the oxen did not move quickly. Sometimes we would walk ahead and then pick berries whilst waiting for the train to catch up. At night, most of the wagon drivers slept under the stars, but Mary and I were locked inside our wagon. "Your virginity is the most precious thing in the kingdom," she explained, "The next harvest depends upon it." After six days of travel, crossing the plains beyond my village and a small mountain range, Mary pointed out a haze in the distance. "Look, you can see the smoke of the city – we'll be there tomorrow."

Late the next morning, we rolled though the city gates. It was so much bigger that I had envisioned from Mary's description – there were thousands of people, and the houses were pressed up against one another, without fields in between. "Where do the people grow their food and keep their livestock?" I asked. "Why, they buy it from farmers in the surrounding area," said Mary, "You really haven't ever left your village, have you?" I shook my head, and felt like a poor, stupid country girl.

We slowly trundled uphill until we reached the great gates of the castle, and they creaked open to admit us. We climbed out of the wagon, and were quickly escorted up to a room that was larger than my father's entire house! There was a large bed, a skillfully carved dresser and a few padded chairs, the like of which I had never even heard of. There was also an odd-looking chair that appeared to have hinged legs and back. The level of comfort almost overwhelmed me as I tested the softness of the bed, and marveled that there was a separate room to make toilet. Soon after we had washed off the dust of the road and had a small meal, there was a knock at the door. Mary opened it and admitted a blacksmith. He had with him four broad bands made of bronze, which he proceeded to fix around my wrists and ankles. Mary explained that these were to signify that I was a special person, the chosen virgin. I asked why the bands also had a ring welded to the outside of each. Mary told me to undress and sit in the special chair, and she would show me.

I took off my dress, underwear and stockings, and gingerly sat in the seat, and she quickly fastened the metal bands to the arms and legs of the chair, so that I was held in place. I cried out in surprise, and asked why I was being restrained. "Hush, now," she said, "It's just so you come to no harm." Then she pulled back a lever on the side of the chair, and it swung back, and the arms and legs splayed outwards, spreading me wide on my back. I gasped in shock.

"See," she said, "If you weren't attached to it, you might have fallen off and hurt yourself! Now, we must prepare you for the ceremony tomorrow – holy law decrees that the sacrificial virgin must have all hair below the neck removed." I squealed loudly. "Did you say 'sacrificial'?" I asked, beginning to panic, "Are they going to kill me?" "No, no," she smiled, "It's true, a hundred years ago they would've cut your throat and splashed your blood on the Sacred Dirt, but now it's just symbolic – all that gets sacrificed is your virginity." I relaxed a little, but not a lot. I gradually realized that by this time tomorrow I would finally know what it felt like to have a man inside me. "If I'm not a virgin, I'll never find a husband – what will become of me afterwards?" "Don't worry," she reassured me, "The king issues a royal decree that states that you are still pure, since your virginity was taken in sacrifice to the Gods."

"What will happen?" I asked, "Who will take my virginity? The king?" "No," she said, "Whichever of the great knights has conquered the most territory for the Crown this past year – it will be revealed at the ceremony." "And he takes me to his chambers and has his way with me?" That didn't sound so bad… She laughed.

"No, it must happen in front of witnesses – the whole court." My blood ran cold. I was to be deflowered in front of the entire court?! "Now then," she said, "To business. We need to shave your legs and armpits, and most of all," and here she gestured towards my crotch, "that bush!" She pulled up a stool alongside me and a small table. She ran a wet cloth across my legs, opened a large razor, and began to shave. I tensed up and held as still as I could, not wanting her to cut me. She proceeded slowly and carefully, and whilst she did so, she explained that at the ceremony tomorrow I would be required to walk naked down half the length of the great hall of the castle, in front of the entire court, and take my seat in the “Virgin's Throne". She wouldn't tell me what would happen after that, since my mind was also supposed to remain virgin, but she wanted me to know that much so that I was prepared for my entrance.

She reminded me that I had an exquisite body, and that all the men, and many of the women of the court would be quietly lusting after me as I paraded before them, but I was to walk demurely and not flaunt myself, as befitted a chaste virgin. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what it would feel like having so many eyes on my naked body, gazing upon my pert, high breasts, my long shapely legs, my round bottom, and I felt a tingle in my nipples at the thought, almost as if those eyes were caressing me…

I had always enjoyed being the center of attention and teasing the young men of my village with little flashes of leg and shoulder, but this would be something else entirely. I wondered if the 'Virgin's Throne' would be like this chair I was secured to, if I would be opened wide to the crowd as the knight penetrated me, and the tingling spread from my nipples down between my legs. The girls in the village had often gossiped about what the farmhands had between their legs, and I always joined in as if I knew what I was talking about, but I really had no idea how big a cock could get, or how something inside me would feel. I was afraid it would hurt if I was too tight, but still, I wanted to be too tight for him, for I knew that was what would please him, what would show the gods that my virginity was a suitable sacrifice to ensure a bountiful harvest. I hoped he would be handsome and strong, that his hands would take firm hold of me as he deflowered me, that he would enjoy my breasts, my dark aureolas and my narrow waist… I let out a deep sigh, and was brought back to earth with a sharp slap on my inner thigh.

"Girl! Keep your thoughts pure! This is a serious business – the kingdom depends on the fruitfulness of the harvest, and I will not have your mind polluted!" She had finished shaving my legs and armpits, and crouched down between my legs. "Please be careful!" I begged.

"Goodness, my dear, can you imagine what would happen to me if I damaged The Virgin down there!" she laughed, "Don't worry, I will be as careful as can be." She cropped my hair as close as she could with a pair of shears, and then lathered me up with soap and a soft brush. I tried desperately not to enjoy it, but when she took a firm hold of my lips and began shaving, it was almost too much for me. I frequently touched myself down there, so I was all too aware of how close I was to a climax, and as she pulled my clit to one side a shudder went through me. Another stinging slap brought me to my senses.

"You dirty, lascivious girl!" She scolded, "Look at me! This is an old woman touching you! How can you react like this?" "I'm sorry," I spluttered, "I was just thinking about, imagining tomorrow, all those people, the man, my first time…" I petered out. "Well, don't!"

She finished shaving me in silence, while I concentrated on what an old woman she was, and how there was nothing even remotely sexy about being touched by her. She washed the remaining soap off, then took care of a few remaining straggling hairs with a small pair of tweezers. She walked over to the door and stuck her head out. "She's ready!" She called.

Moments later, the high priest walked in and stood before me. I squirmed in my restraints. "Please cover me!" I begged Mary, "He can't see me like this!" "Oh hush, girl," he said, "Tomorrow the whole court will see this." He looked me up and down, and nodded appreciatively. "The Gods did not lead me astray – only they could have created a flower this perfect. You almost make me wish I were a knight again, and had not given up the sword to take holy orders."

He turned to the door. "You may come in!" He called. Two young men came in and stood on each side of him. I wriggled again in the shame of my open nakedness, but the wideness of their eyes as they stared at my bare, shaved pussy, and the obvious rapid bulging in their trousers sent another tingle through me. Now that I had no hair down there, I hoped there were no visible juices running out of me. The priest handed one of the young men an evil looking metal contraption that looked like a very bulky, blunt pair of shears. "You go first, and remember, firm and decisive, like you practiced." He said.

The man took the device and pulled back a lever on the underside of it. There was a metallic sound of a spring being stretched. He stepped up to me and took a firm hold of my right breast and closed the jaws of the device around my nipple. There was a loud click, and a searing, burning pain in my nipple. I screamed, and as he opened the device, I saw though my rapidly-forming tears that there was a metal pin through my nipple. He handed the machine to his companion, who pulled the lever back again and stepped up to my left breast. "No, please!" I yelled, "No more!"

Again the firm grip on my breast, the clamping motion, and the loud click. I screamed again as the pain shot through my other nipple. He released me and stepped back, handing the device to the priest. I sobbed, but somehow, through the almost unbearable pain, there was a hint of pleasure burning in my nipples. "Well done," said the priest, "You both performed admirably. These things are not pleasant if performed incorrectly." He stepped between my legs, and I heard the spring tension again. A sense of horror washed over me. "Oh, ye Gods no!" I yelled, "Not that! Please no, not that!"

I tried to rip my legs free of the restraints, but to no avail.

He took a firm hold of my pussy, and I felt the grip of the jaws on my clit. The click, burning pain, and a tearing feeling in my throat as I screamed my lungs out, then I must have blacked out.

I awoke to sunlight streaming through a crack in the shutters, and struggled to remember where I was. A dull throbbing in my nipples and clitoris reminded me, and I lifted the sheet to examine myself. The three metal pins had been replaced by shiny gold rings, and I tugged on them speculatively. The ache gave way to a thrilling tingle. I tried twisting the rings, and it felt even better. Mary stirred beside me, and awoke, and saw my hand on my breast. "Playing with yourself again?" She asked, disapprovingly, "I hope you're really a virgin…" "I am," I assured her, hurt, "You checked me yourself."

She pulled the sheet off the bed, and checked my piercings. When she was satisfied, she called for breakfast. As we ate, she felt the need again to explain that I was to walk in a soft, ladylike manner when I was bared to the court, and not, as she phrased it "like a common whore". I acted hurt, but from what she had seen of me, I could hardly fault her for her concern. Around noon, she had a hot bath prepared for me, and allowed me to luxuriate in it for over an hour, even calling for serving girls to bring me more hot water. After the bath, she produced an exquisitely-carved wooden box lined with velvet, in which lay three delicate bottles of perfumed oil. She allowed me to test the scent of each, and choose which I would like to use. She carefully dripped a small amount of oil onto each of my breasts, and between my legs, and told me to rub it in.

"This close to the ceremony, you may enjoy it," she said, "I will return in about thirty minutes for you." She left the room, and I heard the loud sound of the lock.

I laid back on the bed and began to massage the oil into my breasts and pussy, enjoying its sensuous smoothness as I fingered my nipples and my pussy lips. I hoped the knight would get close enough between my legs to detect its aroma, and I imagined him kissing me there, licking me, parting my labia and probing inside me with his tongue. I felt him tug on the ring with his teeth, twisting and sucking, his fingers slipping inside me, gently pinching my lips. I luxuriated in the incredible feel of the oil on my bare cunt, and pulled as hard as I dared on the clit ring, feeling the delicious combination of pleasure and pain. Even as I caressed my pussy, I didn't neglect my breasts, and my other hand continued to work the oil into them, squeezing and kneading, spreading the oil all over and under. My nipples felt like they were on fire, and I imagined him biting and sucking on them, maybe tying a silk ribbon between the rings and pulling me towards him, on top of him, sliding into me as I gripped his rock-hard cock with my cunt, straddling his muscular body, riding him as my hands stroked his chest…

The door opened suddenly, and Mary came back in. I jumped up, blushing furiously. She glanced up and down me, taking in the flush of my cheeks and breasts, and the visible swelling of my pussy lips.

"Looks like I didn't leave you long enough," she sighed, "Well, it's too late now – it's time to go." She produced a long, pure white gown, and tied it around my neck with a light ribbon. It had no arms, and simply hung to the floor, flowing down over my breasts, and clearly showing my erect nipples. The collar and hem were sewn with small jewels which glittered when I moved across the room through a shaft of sunlight.

She ushered me out into the hallway, where two guards escorted us down some stairs and down a long hallway. At the end of the hall were a huge set of wooden doors, and the priest stood waiting, dressed in magnificent robes, carrying a long wooden staff with a golden ear of wheat on the top. "I shall announce you," he told me, "then you will enter and stand before the court. As the divinely-chosen one, you need not courtesy. Simply stand there until I remove your gown, then walk as Mary has instructed you and take your seat in the Virgin's Throne in the center of the hall." He opened one of the doors just wide enough to slip through, and I heard the murmur of a crowd. I took a deep breath, and tried to control my nerves. This was about to be the biggest moment of my life.

I heard the muffled sound of him banging his staff three times on the wooden floor, then the two guards swung the doors wide open. I stepped forwards into the great hall of the castle, into the presence of the king and all the nobility of the land. I walked across the raised wooden platform, and stopped before the three steps leading down to the stone floor of the chamber, beside the priest. I kept my head high and forward, but my eyes took in the high, vaulted ceiling, the ornately carved stone pillars running down the sides, but most importantly, the dozens of finely dressed lords and ladies lining the length of the hall. At the very far end, on another raised platform, sat the king in his throne, and in the middle, facing him, stood another large wooden seat – the Virgin's Throne.

A low murmur rose as I stopped. The priest struck his staff on the floor again three times. "Your Majesty, my Lords and Ladies!" He announced loudly, "I present The Virgin!" With this, he reached over to my throat and pulled the end of the ribbon. The silk gown slid down me, momentarily catching on the rings through my nipples, bringing them back to full attention, then fell at my feet. I stood naked before the room, bared to all, no secrets, no place to hide, and no shame. A sigh rose from the assembled company.

I made my way down the three steps onto the cold stone floor, and began to slowly walk towards the middle. I was acutely aware that every eye in the room was on me. I kept my spine straight, my belly in, and my breasts high. I felt the slight weight of the nipple rings as my breasts bobbed up and down with each step, and the feeling of my bare cunt lips brushing against each other was divine, and almost made me lose my footing. I heard snatches of comments as I passed – "so beautiful", "delicious", "heavenly", "those breasts…", "that rear…", "such slender legs", and I knew that at that moment every woman in the room wanted to be me, and every man in the room wanted to be inside me. I reached the Virgin's Throne and sat down. As I laid my hands on the arm rests, I noticed metal rings that lined up with the rings on my bronze bands, so I wasn't surprised when two serving girls quickly stepped forward and secured my wrists and ankles to the chair. I hadn't noticed any hinge mechanism on this chair, so I wondered how the knight would enter me.

However, instead of a man stepping forward to claim his prize, side doors in the hall opened, and a host of servants with trays of food and drink entered. The lords and ladies helped themselves, and began to mingle, chatting. Several ladies gathered around me, and began talking about me as if I wasn't there. "She certainly has fine hair," said one. "Her breasts remind me of mine ten years ago!" joked another.

She leaned down and took one of my breasts in her hand, gently tugging on the gold ring, "Very nice!" Several other ladies leaned in and touched me, stroking my hair and shoulders, squeezing my thighs and fondling my breasts. "I hope this one is a virgin," said one lady, "Last year's harvest was awful, so I strongly suspect that one wasn't." "Frankly, I don't see how she can be, looking like this – her virginity wouldn't last ten seconds around my husband!" There were a few knowing laughs, and more touching of my breasts. One woman twisted my nipple rings cruelly, probably thinking to hurt me, but it simply inflamed me more. I wished the process would move forward to the part where I finally was filled. One woman took hold of my clit ring, the first to touch me down there, then leaned in and softly kissed me on the lips, her tongue probing against them, but as soon as I pushed forward to respond she stood up and laughed. "Ha! She's no virgin!"

A few other ladies then tried the same trick, but I was careful to keep my mouth firmly closed. Several became bolder about touching between my legs, but no-none tried to part my pussy lips, they just toyed with the golden ring, twisting and tugging. I became worried that there would be a large damp patch on the throne by the time I was released, but realized there was nothing much I could do about that… I noted with disappointment that no men touched me – they simply acted as if I wasn't there. This went on for some time, but eventually I heard the loud thump of the priest's staff again. The nobles retreated to the edges of the hall again, and the priest's voice came loud and clear.

"Bring forth the Deflowering Stone!"

A side door opened, and four men emerged, pushing a large square stone before them. It was about three feet on each side, and must've been extremely heavy, judging by the effort they were expending. They pushed it until it was about twenty feet in front of me. It was as dark black as anything I had ever seen, and appeared completely featureless, apart from that I could just see that it had gold rings protruding at various points. Again the pounding of the staff, and three ladies stepped toward the stone. They each grasped a gold ring on the stone, two on the top, and one on the side facing me, right at the top. They began walking towards me, and in doing so revealed that the rings were attached to gold chains that unspooled from inside the black cube as they pulled. When they reached me, two of them carefully attached the chains to my nipple rings and stepped back. The third leaned over me, grasped my pussy to push my clit forward, and clipped her chain to my clit ring. She then unfastened the restraints holding me to the chair.

As the lady retired into the audience, another, even more finely dressed, stepped up to the far side of the stone. She reached down, and began a winding motion. I realized there was a handle down there, and the chains began to retract into the deflowering stone. They pulled hard on the rings in my nipples and clit, and I yelped as I leaped to my feet. She continued to wind, and I stumbled forward, afraid of having the rings ripped out of me. The lower chain pulled me all the way to the stone, and then pulled my clit tight inside, pressing my pussy lips against the cold stone before it stopped. The upper chains continued to retract, forcing me to bend over until my nipples were drawn inside, and the edge of the hole threatened to cut my aureolas before she stopped winding. Hands grasped my feet and spread me wide, securing my ankle bands to the cube. My bare cunt was fully on display for all to see, and mixed emotions of humiliation and arousal fought in my mind. I swung my arms back in an attempt to cover my pussy, but my wrists were quickly also secured to the top of the stone. I knew that this was the position in which I would lose my virginity, and my splayed pussy lips burned against the cold rock.

The High Priest spoke again: “The knight who has conquered the most land for the Crown is…” – the assembled crowd held their breaths in anticipation – “Sir Owand of the Crescent Island!” There was loud applause, and a large man stepped forward. I had to bend my neck back as far as I could to see. He stood directly between myself and the King and bowed deeply. He then turned to face me. Two pages rushed up to him and began to undress him. First his long cloak, then a fine velvet jacket, then his white shirt, baring his muscular chest. Then they lowered his trousers, which had such wide legs that he was able to step out of them with his boots on.

There he stood, naked except for his boots. He raised his arms in acknowledgment of the audience, and there was a ripple of applause, and a few good-natured insults from the men. He walked up to me, his cock swinging, and as he reached me I realized just how big it was. How could I possibly fit that inside me?! “Well, my sweet virgin,” he boomed, so that the entire room could hear, “All this will soon be yours!” There was laughter, and he took hold of his cock and put it to my lips. “Now kiss it for me, for luck!”

I tentatively puckered my lips and kissed the tip. “Good girl,” he said, and walked around to my right, disappearing from my view. There was a pause, then the crowd laughed again, at what I couldn't see, but I'm sure it was at my expense. Then I felt his hands on my bottom. He stroked my cheeks, squeezing and pinching. Then he smacked me hard on my right cheek, and in surprise I tried to pull upright. The nipple rings kept me firmly in place, and the sharp pull send a shock of pain and pleasure through me that I felt between my legs. I yelped, and there was another round of laughter.

He smacked my ass a few more times, but I was able to control myself, then he smacked me once, hard, square on the pussy, and once again I jerked against the nipple restraints. The pain brought tears to my eyes, but at the same time I thought I might cum. He held his hand firmly covering my cunt, and pushed two fingers forward so that they were on either side of my clit. The pressure pulled hard on my clit ring, and I moaned softly. He slipped his fingers back up, running across my lips and dipping slightly inside me, sampling my wetness. “We got a live one!” he joked, and the crowd laughed. It was so humiliating having them all know how much I wanted it. He let go, and the murmur of the crowd faded. I knew it was about to happen.

I felt something other than his fingers rub up and down my wet pussy, then it stopped at the entrance. Another pause, then he suddenly, forcefully thrust inside me. I felt a sharp pain, then an overwhelming, satisfying fullness. I gasped loudly, and the crowd let out a huge cheer.

He began to fuck me, hard and deep, his hand on my hips, grunting with each thrust, and the force of his motion rocked me back and forth, the clamped rings tugging at my nipples and clit. Despite the pain and humiliation, or perhaps because of them, I was in heaven. The well-dressed woman stepped up in front of me again and crouched down in front of me. I craned my head back to look at her, and she looked me right in the eye as she took hold of the handle on the rock and began to turn it again. I gasped in horror, thinking that it would rip my nipples and clit clean off, but instead of tightening the chains, it made them vibrate. She turned the handle faster, and the vibration became more intense, surging through the rings and into me. My clit and nipples felt like they would burst into flames, and all the while this huge cock was pounding away at my wet cunt.

She kept turning, and he kept fucking, thrusting in and out of me, my body tugging back and forth against the buzzing rings. I began to moan loudly, no longer caring what anyone thought of me. The lady turned the handle faster and pressed her mouth against mine, pushing her tongue forcefully between my lips, and I kissed her back hungrily, sucking on her tongue and lips.

I felt my orgasm building, losing control, my vision fading. I felt like his cock was going to rip me in two, tear my clit and breasts off, and I wanted nothing more. I tried to lift myself off the rock, pulling as hard as I could against the chains on my nipples as they vibrated through me, waves of pleasure and pain washing over me.

The orgasm hit, and I screamed out in ecstasy, each thrust of his huge cock pounding through me. I clenched my cunt as tight as I could, and I heard him groan loudly. He gripped my ass tightly, painfully, and he began to spasm. He grabbed my shoulders and thrust into me even more forcefully, and held himself there. I clenched his cock again, feeling him twitch in response. I grabbed over and over, milking him, feeling the hot cum fill me, and he groaned, then collapsed on top of me.

The crowd went wild, clapping, cheering and stomping their feet. Eventually, he lifted off me, his cock slipping out, and I lay there panting, clamped to the Deflowering Stone, feeling completely fulfilled. I felt his cum seep out of me and run down my leg, completing my delicious humiliation.



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