The Website [M,F, mast] (long)

Trying my hand at writing. Please tell me what you think.


“Good, Nora, now just let the bra straps fall a little until one or both of your nipples show.”

The command was simple enough for me to follow, and a few months ago, I would never have done it. Now I was here in another man’s apartment getting pictures taken for who knows how many men to see on the Internet. I had started doing the website with only bikini and lingerie shots just for the possibility of extra money and realized that I loved the attention I was getting. Now I was crossing over into actual nudity.

Alexander and I met at work. We both were low-wage employees at a customer service center. Getting paid next to nothing to get yelled at by people for shit we can’t control. He and I shared the same schedule and lunch break so I started up a few conversations with him, mainly because neither of us seemed to know anyone else in the small break room people crammed into for lunch. He was a nerdy guy, but knew his stuff when it came to the Internet. All I knew was what we learned in training. We both were divorced, but unlike me, Alexander had no children.

Once after work, Alexander saw me crying in my car and came to ask what’s wrong. I tried to blow him off but he had known about the angry caller that unloaded a profanity-laden tirade on me. Our supervisor did nothing to help me, so I just had to sit and take it. Alexander consoled me and suggested that I try to find something else. I confessed that I had been trying but could find nothing that could work with taking care of my kids that paid even worse. Then I began unloading about everything going wrong in my life, including the fathers of my kids that wouldn’t pay child support, much less call their own children.

Alexander suggested we go to the closest fast food restaurant to talk since everyone in the parking lot could see me crying. He was right that it was none of their business. Over burgers, I confided in him how tight my budget had become. If it hadn’t been for government assistance and the aid of family, I wouldn’t have been able to take care of my kids. The jobs we had didn’t pay much and I was looking for either another job that paid more or a second job, but that would keep me away from my kids more. Alexander listened and thought heavily before saying he had a suggestion, but wasn’t sure if he should mention it.

Almost immediately, he began to back out of his idea, before even telling me what it was. I had to practically beg him to tell me. He then, very hesitantly, told me that whatever he suggested couldn’t be held against him, it was just a suggestion. I told him I was desperate, I’ll consider almost anything right now. He then leant in closer.

“Nora, You know I’m a photographer, right?” He asked in a lowered voice. I nodded my head and leaned in closer as he continued, “I’ve done pictures for a lady in Florida that had a website where she posted pictures of herself, in sexy clothes, swimsuits even some nude.”

My mouth dropped open. He was suggesting that I pose for him. Guys had hit on me before, but never in such a way. I was about to object when he continued, obviously trying to sway my obvious shock, “Her site was membership only, and you could probably pick up a little extra money just posting bikini pictures for a monthly membership fee.”

I sat back, still a little shocked. “If you’re just trying to…”

He interrupted me, “I’m not trying to hit on you. Sure, I think you’re hot, but I’m just trying to get back on my feet, too. We could work together on this and both help ourselves out. You don’t have to be nude, just pose in bikinis or something like that. Heck you’ve probably already posted pictures like this on Facebook.”

I had posted a few bikini shots on Facebook before. Once, I inadvertently put up a skimpy lingerie picture up that I meant to send to a guy before taking it down. I asked him, “If it was a paysite, It’d be more private, wouldn’t it?” He nodded, so I asked him where we could take the pictures.

“I have a two bedroom apartment and one of the bedrooms is my studio.” he answered, “I urge you to tell someone you trust where you’ll be. If you wanted to bring someone, you could.” He was very open to making me feel all right that he wasn’t going to try anything, so I told him I didn’t need to bring anyone, the fewer people that knew right now, the better. He insisted that I still let someone know that I would text them around a certain time, and if I didn’t respond, call me first before worrying too much.

“Okay, but just bikini photos,” I answered him in a whisper, “Will it take a lot of effort to set up a website?”

“No, there are templates available, and all I would need to get started are some pictures,” he relaxed in his seat, probably relieved that I wasn’t upset at the proposition, “My schedule is pretty much open, so I can take them whenever you’re available.”

My aunt watched my kids while I was work and always said that she can watch them for a little longer if I needed to work late. I hated to lie to her so I asked how long it would take. He promised me for one set of pictures only an hour or two, but if I wanted to do a couple of sets, it would help get the web site launched properly. I told him tomorrow after work I could follow him to his studio and bring a couple of bathing suits to pose in. He reminded me that bikinis would be best.

“Don’t worry Alexander, I only wear bikinis,” I answered. It think it turned him on a little bit by the smile he gave me. He said he’d have things set up tonight so we could get started as soon as possible when we got there. He told me that his apartment was a half hour away, so I could make arrangements for my kids. He also gave me his cellphone number and told me to let him know if I changed my mind.

I didn’t know how I felt about him not trying to hit on me, unless this was his way. He did say I could let someone know where I was going. So on the way home I called a friend that I trusted and told her that tomorrow I was meeting a guy after work. I didn’t want to give her details, so I let her believe it was a date. I told her that I would text her the address of where I was going to be when I got there..

After the kids were in bed I went through my bathing suits to pick what I was going to wear. I knew I wanted a royal blue bikini as it was my newest, and my favorite. Even before I get a good tan going, it makes my skin look darker. I was torn on the other one to wear. It was between a leopard print that covered a little more than the blue one, or an orange one that really looked best when I had a darker tan. The orange covered less, especially on the bottom, but I thought that the leopard print looked sexier. Unable to decide I texted Alexander pics of them both and asked which he preferred. He replied that he’d need to see them on, so bring them both.

I had trouble sleeping that night, of course. I was nervous about someone taking sexy pictures of me, but couldn’t figure out why. I had taken sexy shots for guys before, but I always took them, and the only people that saw them, to my knowledge, were the guys I wanted to see them, and were guys I was interested in. Tomorrow I was going to have someone take pictures of me specifically for men I didn’t know to masturbate to. I didn’t know how I felt, but I needed to get over my nerves.

I figured the only thing to do was to follow up on my text to Alexander. I got up and dressed in the leopard print bikini and took a couple of selfies in the mirror. I didn’t try to be too sexy, but showed it off from front and back. Then I took pictures of the orange one. I sent them to Alexander with no message. I wondered how he would respond to them.

When I took them off, I didn’t put anything on. My nightshirt was by my bed if any of my kids needed me during the night, but I got back into bed nude. I was now excited to the point that I could feel my pussy growing wet. It was so stimulating that I couldn’t go back to sleep until I dealt with it, so I reached between my legs and placed three fingers on the lips of my pussy. I was going to have to shave my pussy in the morning, but right now, all I could think about was what men everywhere would be doing when they saw pictures of me in a bikini.

They would want me, and in wanting me they would be getting harder and harder until they had to stroke their cocks to my photos. I could see them in my mind glistening as they slid their hands up and down the shafts. My fingers explored my clit as I thought of their cocks glistening with precum, and imagined them desiring me and wondering what it would feel like pull aside my bikini and slip inside of me. I put a second hand on my clit while my first reached inside of me, arcing up to rub the sensitive area inside.

I could feel my climax growing closer. My mind began to focus on my fingers, my pussy, and my clit. As it drew closer, I felt more and more sexy. I was so wet, ready for a strong man to penetrate me. I wanted to feel his hard cock fill my pussy. I wanted to feel him throb and flood my cunt with his cum.

Then I felt my orgasm crashing down on me. It hit as hard as it ever had, curling my entire body as it withdrew, then came back like a wave.forcing me to shake from inside, making every inch of my body vibrate with intense pleasure. My hand separated from my wetness and i gasped to catch my breath, holding enough of my wits to not be too loud and wake my kids. I could feel an uncontrollable smile on my face as I drifted off to sleep.

The next day at work was uneventful, but I tried to catch a glance at Alexander, to see if there was any sign of what he thought of the pictures I had sent him. The few times that I did see him, he was busy, so I never got his attention before our shift ended. I waited for him outside of our call center for just a couple of minutes. He came out, putting on his jacket and asking me if I wanted the address or did I want to follow him. I opted for both. Once I followed a friend and got separated by a red light and was completely lost. He was fine with that.

Once out in the parking lot, I felt a blush move across my face as I asked him if he got the pictures that I sent him. He smiled at me and said that he did. He had a very warm smile that read of a little bit of deviltry behind it. I asked him what he thought, and he let me know that they were nice but he really couldn’t wait for me to see myself in some professional shots.

The drive to his studio seemed to take forever, but Alexander made an obvious effort to keep me behind him so I didn’t get lost. When we pulled into his apartment building, I was surprised that it was much older building, but was well-maintained on the outside. Inside, the stairwell and hallway were more modern, but very plain. Alexander explained that he took the apartment specifically for the extra room he could turn into a studio. It even had its own door onto the hall to make it more professional. I was a little nervous, but remembered at the last moment to text my friend the address.

Alexander opened the door and stepped aside, allowing me to enter first. I wasn't sure what I expected, but it instantly struck me that Alexander knew what he was doing. He already had a light blue backdrop and lights set up. There was an upholstered dining room chair off to the side. In one corner he had six louver closet doors set up as a screen. The window had heavy curtains blocking any outdoor light. A very small desk was sitting in an open closet with his laptop, which was closed.

“You can change over there,” Alexander pointed to the screen, “I need to get a few things ready while you do.” I carried the large purse that I had chosen today so I could bring three bikinis with me. As I got behind the screen, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Then I lifted my shirt above my head.

I was going to do this. I had to mentally prepare myself. I remembered the fantasy I had the night before and that helped as I unclasped my black bra. As my breasts fell free, I immediately went to undoing my jeans, as if I were doing so to prevent myself my stopping and running out the door. The fantasy was exciting, but this was now very real. I was undressing in a photographer’s studio so I could start a website where guys could leer over me. Peeling off my panties, standing totally nude, I stood up straight and took another deep breath. Of course I didn’t have to completely undress before putting on my bikini, but I needed to on some level. This had to be a process where I crossed a line, and standing here in Alexander’s studio nude was it.

I noticed the lights turning on in the room, snapping me back to reality. He was really going to take pictures of me, and this was definitely not some ruse to get in my pants. There had always been that nagging suspicion in the back of my head. I think part of me hoped that was it, which is why I teased him with the selfies the night before. However, he was being completely professional, and that put me more at ease.

I reached down and pulled out the first bikini that I found, the royal blue one that was my favorite. I started with the bottoms, sliding them up. As I pulled them over my butt, which I had always considered too big but never ceased to get comments from guys, I heard Alexander’s laptop starting up. There’s that unmistakable chime and somehow knowing it was on, added an air of professionalism to the shoot. It also reminded me that these photos were for a purpose and not simply for one person.

I fastened the bikini top under my breasts. I spun it around and stretched the shoulder straps up over my arms. I gave the cups an adjustment, before looking down and twisting to analyze the bottom for fit. Whenever I got a bikini on, I felt better about myself. I could always expect compliments and lingering looks from men. Feeling more confident already, I proceeded to step out from behind the screen.

Alexander looked me up and down. I asked his opinion, “Do I look alright?”

“Very nice,” he answered, “Very, very nice.” I had to giggle at the way he said it.

“Do you really think we can make money from a website? “ I asked.

“Seeing you here,” he answered, looking me up and down again, “I am very confident. It's just a matter of getting people to check out the site.” He gathered a couple of pieces of paper from his printer. “The more picture sets we have on the site, the more enticing membership is to the site.”

“So,” I tried to carry through with the thought,”the pictures need to be really sexy, huh?”

“Yeah,” he said giving me a look like he wondered where I was going, ”but don’t go any further than you’re comfortable with.” He then handed me the papers from the printer, “These are our agreements for the web site. One is a standard model release, just agreeing to be photographed, and the other is for the partnership. I run the web site, and you pose for pictures. It’s a 40/40/20 split on all money the web site earns. The costs of running the website come out of the 20 percent.”

“What if I want to stop the website?” I asked.

“You just state in writing, and the website shuts down when the domain name expires. It’s in there that the domain name only gets renewed at one year intervals, although I hope we can keep this going for some time,” he said. That last bit was the closest thing he’d gotten to flirting throughout this entire thing. I smiled and signed the paperwork.

“Let’s get started.”

The first set of pictures were standard, almost akin to modelling. Alexander’s camera used bluetooth to upload the photos directly to his laptop, so after about fifteen minutes he let me look over what he had taken. Everything had been full body and very posed. I thought that they were good, but Alexander was much more critical. He asked me if I thought the photos were sexy enough. Of course, I had to say no. He asked me to trust him and walked back to the backdrop.

The next shots had me accentuating my boobs and butt. I would squeeze my breasts together, increasing the already ample cleavage that I had. It also involved pulling on my bikini bottoms to let a little more of my ass to show. Alexander was professional through it all, even asking if I minded him touching me to show me how he wanted me to tug on my bikini to show more body without actually revealing anything. whenever he touched me, as professional as it was, I found myself wanting him to do more. I was getting more and more turned on as it went forward.

I would tug on the front of my bikini bottom and would roll them down as if I were taking them off. We even took a few shots as if I were sunbathing, lying on my stomach and completely unfastening my top to show my bare back. When we looked back at those, both Alexander and I were impressed with the look that I gave the camera in some of the shots. We were both pleased and Alexander told me to change into my other bathing suit for the next set of pictures.

It was the leopard print bikini next and we did some cat-themed shots, lots of me crawling. Alexander suggested that I mess up my hair a little for those, and the pictures after I did it were much better than before. I was getting ready to change into my orange bikini when I got an idea. I was comfortable with Alexander, but didn't know if I could be naked in front of him. There was only one way to find out. I was already topless, so without warning I stepped out from behind the screen.

“Alexander, I have an idea,” I stepped out, grabbing his attention. “How does bra and panties sound for a series?”

He looked over and his mouth dropped. A smile appeared on his face, “I think it sounds great, but if I can ask, how far are you willing to go with it?”

I thought about it out loud, “Probably this far,” I motioned with my hands over my topless body, “But I could probably show my butt, too,” and I turned, quickly tugging my bikini bottom down to show him my bare ass, looking back at him and smiling. I was now flirting with him, almost by habit.

“oh-okay,” he stammered a little, making me feel better that I could distract him a little, “Why don't you,” he paused as if he was deciding where to go with me nearly nude just a few feet away, “Get changed and we’ll see where it goes.”

“Okay,” I turned a little as I jerked up my bikini bottom, intentionally causing my breasts to bounce. Part of me was relieved that Alexander remained a little professional, even though it was obvious that I had rattled him for a minute. Another part of me was hoping that he had just taken me there.

As I went behind the screen, I could hear him whispering to himself, “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” I held back a giggle, but it was good to know he wanted me a little at that moment. I put on my black bra and panties that I came in and walked out.

Alexander started taking pictures, suggesting sexier poses as we went on. It was becoming obvious that this was going to be our hottest set of photos for the day. I was lost in the moment when his direction became, “Good, Nora, now just let the bra straps fall a little until one or both of your nipples show.”

There I was, about to bare my breasts in front of a camera. I took a deep breath and slowly let the straps fall. Alexander snapped shot after shot as my nipples became exposed. He directed me to switch up my facial expressions. After a couple of minutes, he directed me to pull it back up and turn a little so he could shoot me from the side.

He then lowered his camera and asked, “Are you alright with losing the panties if we don't show the front?”

“You mean butt shots?” I was a little shocked, but I had opened this topic by teasing him with my bare ass, “I-I’m okay with that, I think.”

“You don't have to do it if it makes you uncomfortable,” he reassured me. Without actually saying so, he let me know that I was in control here. I simply nodded at him and hooked my thumb into lacy top of my panties. He coached me on slowly removing them, until they were around my ankles. He had me turn my back to him.

When I lifted my leg to step out of my underwear, he moved to the side. I must've given him an odd look, because he instantly gave the explanation, “when you lift your leg and bend over at that angle, we can see everything.”

The fact that he could see my pussy excited me. How long had it been since a man had seen it? It had been far too long since a man made me feel desirable, and Alexander not only found me sexy, but he was convinced that other men would, too. Now, every pose he suggested with me bottomless was getting me hotter and hotter. I was squatting, kneeling, giving looks to the camera that showed how badly I wanted to get laid.

I was on my hands and knees when Alexander directed me to unhook my bra, but not take it off yet. I sat up on my knees and reached behind my back to unhook it. As soon as I did, I realized that I was about to be fully nude in front of Alexander’s camera, and Alexander himself. I paused for a minute, my bra starting to hang loose on my breasts.

“Is everything alright?” Alexander seemed to sense the hesitation on my part, “we can stop if you want to.”

“Alexander,” I started to ask a question, then thought better, “No, nevermind. Let’s keep going.”

Alexander lowered his camera, “No, something’s bothering you, and if I can see it, the camera will see it,” he wasn’t going to let this go. I didn’t want to ask him this question, since we had taken all these pictures for the web site. I was worried that this would ruin everything. I needed the extra money and the thought of guys getting turned on my pictures excited me. Those guys were anonymous, though. My question had to do with Alexander.

“Alexander,” I hesitated, trying to find a way to stall, “Are you – Do you think I’m sexy?” I knew the answer, but didn’t want to just come out and ask the question I wanted to ask.

“Um, Yeah,” he answered as if it was a fact we both knew already. He was right, we did, but I think he didn’t know where this was going, “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have suggested the web site to you. Are you…”

“These pictures,” I interrupted him,”Are you going to beat off to them after I leave?”

He was a little stunned, “I hadn’t actually thought of it,” he paused for a second, “I mean, these last few pictures are very hot and all…”

“Are you hard right now?” I interrupted him again.

He sat there a second, “Yes,” then as if trying to backpedal, continued,”It’s something that just naturally happens, especially with you looking so….” I closed the space between us instantly. I threw my arms around his shoulders and kissed him before he go any further. My bra was hanging off my arms and my arms were falling free. After the kiss I looked him in the eye and told him, “Show it to me.”

Then I couldn’t wait for him to respond, my hands went instantly to his belt to undo it. His hands went to the floor behind him to brace himself so he could lean back. Once it was undone I quickly was able to open his pants. As my hand went inside, feeling his hard cock, I leaned into him kissing him deeply and pushing open his mouth with my tongue. As I pulled down the waistband of his underwear and my fingers found his shaft, it was like fire was in my loins. At this moment, I just wanted him so bad that nothing else mattered.

“Lie back,” I told him in the most direct way possible. As he did, I bent down and took him into my mouth. I went down and back up a couple of times before rolling my tongue around the tip. I then ran it down the shaft before coming back up to roll around the tip one more time, before taking it back into my wet and waiting lips. I looked up at him to see him watching me, obviously enjoying it.

I went slowly, massaging the upper half of his dick with my lips, tongue and mouth. I maintained eye contact with Alexander, trying to convey with my eyes how badly I wanted his cock. When I went down and moaned around his cock, I saw the effect it had on him, his head went back and I heard him exclaim, “Fuck, yes.” This was the best part of a blowjob, knowing that the guy was really enjoying it. So I went a little faster with going up and down on his pole. This elicited moans from Alexander, and the occasional, “Oh, God, Yes.”

In just a few minutes he pulled me up by my shoulders and gave me a deep, passionate kiss. It really surprised me because most of the guys I’ve been with wouldn’t kiss me after I’d had their dick in my mouth. One actually told me that he thought it would make him gay. Alexander either didn’t think that or was too horny to care. I took the opportunity to shimmy my arms out of my dangling bra. As our lips parted, he pressed his forehead against mine and said, “I have got to fuck you.”

He put both hands under my ass and lifted me up. As he stood up, his pants fell to the floor, piercing the room with the telltale clink of his belt buckle on the floor. I clinched my knees on his hips and gripped his neck tightly. We kissed passionately as he carried me to a door in the back of his studio. Each second our open mouths were together conveyed how badly each of us needed this.

Pressing my back against the wall, he took one hand off of my ass long enough to open the door. As he lifted me back up, I could feel the tip of his cock against the lips of my pussy. I wanted to feel him inside me, pistoning that hard tool of his in my pussy.

He carried me through the open door into his bedroom. “One of the advantages to having a studio in your home,” I thought. I tried moving my hips so his cock could be inside me, but nothing that I did worked. I let out a moan to let Alexander know that I was aching from this emptiness and needed him to fill me up.

Alexander dropped me on his bed so I was lying across it. Standing over me, he opened his shirt ferociously and practically tore it off. From just below his waist, he was pointing straight out, and I knew that I was going to stuffed full of that meat within seconds.The look in his eyes would have told me that if I didn’t know it already. He then reached over to his nightstand and pulled out a condom. I was impressed he could still manage that level of self control. I was just craving his dick, and didn’t even consider a condom.

We locked gazes and I started masturbating for him while he tore open the wrapper.It was so wet already, just from kissing Alexander and being practically nude around him for so long. I was so close to cumming already, and I figured that I would probably erupt as soon as he started thrusting inside my pussy. I know my face was telling him how badly I wanted him inside of me. My breath was picking up and I couldn’t form the words, “fuck me,” but I didn’t need to. He rolled on the condom as smoothly as I’d ever seen a guy do it before, then dropped his underwear to the floor. While my legs were already parted, he lifted them up by my calves and pushed my legs back over me as he climbed on the bed.

He stayed on his knees as he positioned himself in front of me. I felt the tip of cock rub against my pussy again, but this time I didn’t try to move to work him in. I knew that he would do that himself soon enough. He was looking down at my pussy, lining up his cock to enter me. Then he looked up, staring directly into my eyes and I felt him enter me in one hard thrust.

I grabbed the sheets and nearly came right then. He held his cock still for a couple of seconds before I felt him slowly withdraw. “Oh, God,” I moaned, “That feels so fucking good!” He grinned at that, thrusting back into me. He began to work into a rhythm, and I could hear his bed squeaking as he pushed into me.

I begged for him to fuck me harder and deeper. He started to put more of his weight on my legs, practically folding me in half. I started paying attention to every detail. His musky smell as he worked my pussy hard, the sound of his balls smacking against the bottom of my ass, and the sound of my own heavy breathing as I approached an earth-shaking orgasm were all burning themselves into my memory. I don't know how long it took but suddenly my hands grabbed the sheets above my head and my upper body did its best to contort as a wave shot through my body. I came so hard that when I looked up, my legs, which Alexander still held firmly over my body, were shaking uncontrollably. Alexander looked down at me and gave me a satisfied smile, pleased that he’d made me cum.

“Oh, shit,” I gasped, “I-I’ve never cum that hard before. You're fucking me so good. “

Alexander, who had been pretty much silent since we started, responded to me, “You are one hell of a fuck,” he said, grinding his hips and hitting the really good spots. “First, a great blowjob, then a pussy that won't quit.

“This pussy is all yours,” I said to him, trying to keep up the pace, “You fuck that pussy hard as you fucking want.”

He smiled at me, not much an evil smirk, but a smile of enjoyment tinged with lust, “Yeah, whose pussy is this?” and he let go of one leg and put his hand on top of my pussy, his thumb directly on my clit. It was almost like electricity.

I gasped.

“Whose pussy is it?” he repeated, massaging my clit with his thumb.

I panted out, “You-Yours. It’s your pussy.”

“Whose pussy?” he rubbed faster. I’d never had multiple orgasms before and now one was rapidly approaching.

“It's your fucking pussy!” the wave was cresting, “FUCK IT!” I screamed, “FUCK ME TIL I CUM!”

Then it hit, harder than the first orgasm. I convulsed and shook uncontrollably. I didn't even realize that I had reflexively pulled myself off Alexander’s dick until I came down off my orgasm and noticed the emptiness between my legs. I groaned.

“Are you okay?” Alexander asked, laughing a little. He was sweet, even if he was a little perverted.

“Fuck yeah!” I didn't even look at him. I was still riding a wave of pleasure, but I didn't want to stop until I felt his hard cock throb inside me, “Lie down,” I told him, “I want to ride you.”

He did as asked, and my legs shaking, I climbed on top of him. I guided his cock into me as I lowered my hips to meet his. I felt every inch slide in, and I thought that I might cum again. I had to close my eyes, but the smile on my face gave me away.

“Feeling good?” he asked.

“Feeling fucking fantastic!” I had almost forgotten how good it felt to be fucked this hard. Alexander was filling me up, and I felt like I was getting something that I had needed for a long time.

Alexander pumped his hips upward, shocking me back into the moment. I Started to bounce on his cock, enjoying the friction. I looked down at him and saw him smiling up at me, “Does this feel good for you, too?”

“Absolutely,” he answered, “and I get to watch those magnificent tits of yours.”

When I was younger, I had been self-conscious about my larger than average rack, but after enough guys complimented me on it, I began to own it, and loved being with a guy who appreciated my breasts. We’d already exchanged some dirty talk with my last orgasm, so I thought that I’d continue the trend.

“Yeah?” I gave him my best sexy look,”You like watching those big tits bouncing?”

“Especially with you bouncing on my cock,” he replied. He grabbed my ass, guiding me up and down, as if I needed incentive. He felt so good inside me, and I really wanted to cum one more time. It felt like I was right on the verge of it.

“That’s it, grab that ass,” I urged him on, “Feel it bounce, too.”

“You like when I grab that ass?” He asked. Of course he knew the answer.

“You grab that ass all you want,” I was starting to get close again. I hoped that I would be able to stay on when I did.

He grabbed my ass hard and began moving me so I bounced hard and fast on his dick while he pounded it up into me deeper than I thought it could go. At this pace, like a freight train plowing into my pussy, I knew I would cum a third time.

“That's it,” He grunted between powerful thrusts, “Cum on that dick!”

It wasn't going to hold back any longer. I screamed out, “I'M GOING TO CUM AGAIN! I’M CUMMING!”

Alexander kept the rhythm going and continued to talk dirty, “Fuck! That pussy is so fucking wet! Soak my dick! Cum all over me!”

Then my third orgasm hit me, and I lost all control,. If Alexander hadn't been holding onto my ass, I probably would have fallen off. He kept fuckibg me as hard as he could, and the third orgasm rolled into a fourth and then into a fifth. I let out a guttural noise that was somewhere between a grunt and a scream.

Then I felt Alexander slam his hips into mine. He grunted, “Yeahhhhh, you feel that? “ I could. His cock was swelling and he was making small thrusts deeper inside me. He was cumming inside me, filling his condom.

“Oh my God, I can feel you throbbing,” I told him, cooing at the sensation of his hard cock unloading. The only way it would have been better if he had worn no condom at all. However, my track record with men cumming inside me was not too good. I was relieved that he had remembered to put one on. I rolled off, onto my back, panting heavily and with a huge smile on my face.

“Alexander,” I said, still breathing hard, “That was exactly what I needed!”

We laid there together catching our breaths after what seemed like an eternity of fucking. We didn’t make love, we fucked. I got fucked within an inch of my life, and it was the best time I ever had, but something had to be said now that it was over. Alexander was the first to break the awkward, post-coital silence.

“I wasn’t kidding earlier when I said I didn’t want a relationship,” he said, obviously trying not to hurt my feelings by saying this.

I touched his face,”I know, and I’m not looking for a relationship,” I hoped I was reassuring him,”I just needed this so bad. You don’t know how long it's been since I felt sexy.”

“Well, I’m hoping that the response we get from the website will stop that,” He continued,”And I really don’t want a thing between us to get in the way of that working. I’ve seen too many web sites go away because a guy got jealous.”

“Well,” I started to propose something, “You fucked me too good for this to never happen again, so how about we just keep this as very casual. You, know, friends with benefits, fuckbuddies.”

:Fuckbuddies is nice, “ he laughed, “Listen, let’s take some pictures of you lying here in bed for the website, before you have to leave” he suggested. I looked at the clock and I’d been with him for going on three hours, including the time we’d been taking pictures.

We did, very sexy shots of me lying in the sheets, sometimes covered, even a few of my teasing with a condom still in its wrapper. By the time we had finished, I wanted another go at his cock, but it was too late. I needed to get home so my Aunt didn’t feel like I took advantage of her. Alexander told me he would get the site online that night and start posting cropped teaser photos on various web sites and forums. As soon as we had enough income to draw a check, he’d get it to me. We pencilled in another photo shoot for a week later, and we’d plan on what to do for it based on any e-mails we got to the web site, but those are a story for another day.
