The Phantom Penii

Marie was a woman of large girth and was often described as BBW around the office. For those of you who haven't mated with a woman of ample carriage while also having a cute face, this is a big beautiful woman. I'll never forget her crying that morning, that normally innocent secretary: her panties twisted, turned up and ruffled around her thigh with a small puddle in front of her. She had clearly been experiencing pleasure; her flushed cheeks and deep breaths beside the water cooler assured that, but something was wrong. A tear had dripped about half way down her cheek before coming to a rest on her third chin, signifying pain.

"There was two of them."

I looked around before realising we were alone and she was talking to me and responding.

"Two of what?"

"Two of them, one black, one white."

"Two men?"

"No, well…uh…kind of."

"What do you mean, kind of?"

"There were two penii."

"What? Two penii? Two penises?"

"Yes. A force just took me down, one went into my jam factory and the other in the rump."

ARGH, I let out a loud whelp and recoiled in horror catching her bulging eyes. Something had forced me into the wall. I crumpled to the floor, feeling the chaffing of my torn pants.

"My pants, these were brand new, I-"

I was cut off and let out a grunt as i was fully penetrated in the back end.

"NO!" she screamed, "the black one is tearing through your pants."

"I know, I fucking kn-"

I yelped but it turned into a gargle. The other penii had entered my mouth. I throttled back and forth like a paint shaking machine and every few milliseconds locked eyes with the horrified and now screaming secretary. I was being rammed and taken advantage of but then it got worse, the secretary was touching herself vigorously. She had a mischievous smile and was clearing coming close to climax, her hand flailing wildly on her clit.

My confusion turned to sheer terror as she approached me slowly, raising her arms.

I shut my eyes, "is this real?" I thought as her hands wrapped around my throa-
