The Corset Queen (Story for a friend)

The ropes groaned under the weight of Harper. Her nude form hangs suspended from the ceiling by several ropes, her mouth his gagged and her limbs bound. Her eyes are closed, and her head pointed at the floor. The dungeon holds several hanging posts just like the one she dangles from. Several yards in front of her is a large door she knows is hidden behind a false wall. She hears the squeal of the rusty hinges, and raises her head slightly, her vision is blurred from her recent sleep, and dreams still echo in her head, but she sees a humanoid shape moving towards her. She blinks several times, and meets the eye of Seth, the Corset Queen. In her hand is a long rawhide whip. The queen stares at her subject for several moments before walking over to the steel table and looking over her instruments. Before her lay an assortment of whips, files, knives, screws, bindings, and seemingly the contents of a toolbox. She coils her whip and sets it down gently on the table. She is dressed in a tight black corset, high heel shoes, black leather fingerless gloves, nylon fishnets, and a studded collar. She is wearing absolutely nothing else. The warm, damp air in the room is already making her sweat, she watched beads of sweat roll down her breasts and drop to the floor. Seth looks to a table on the other side of the room, there are several sex toys, vibrators, strap ons, dildos, and anal beads have been set upon this one. Seth walks over to this table and picks up a long, black strap on. Her eyes cross the other toys, she sets her gaze upon a short pink vibrator, it looks well worn. She smiles. The queen walks over to her slave and scrutinizes her for several moments, her fingers idly playing with the buckle on the strap on. She places the toy around her waist and tightens it firmly. Harper breaths heavily as the queen does this. She would try to move her hands had the rope not rubbed her wrists raw, she couldn't see them, but she knew they must be a deep shade of red by now. The queen walked to the back of her subject and placed her hands on her waist. Firmly grasping her sides, she lightly pressed the toy against the pussy of Harper. She then pushed deeper, slowly. Harper let out a quick moan before cutting it off. The queen smiled and leaned against Harper, the rest of the naughty belt following her movement. She pulled it from her and thrust again. Her thighs damp and hot. She fucked her harder and harder, getting more and more into the moment. Harper was letting out loud moans, she wasn't enjoying this nearly as much as the queen was. She pulled it from her and walked around her to her head. "Open wide" She said menacingly as undid the gag and pressed the toy against Harper's lips. She knew there was no use fighting it, and let her jaw go slack. The strap on went deep into her throat, Harper gagged and coughed, she tasted her own cunt on the rubber cock. The queen, seemingly satisfied with this toy, withdrew it from her mouth and took it off, being careful to put it back where she had taken it from. She walked away from the toy table, and over to the tool one. She chose a whip, and let it unravel onto the floor, making sure Harper saw her imminent fate. Seth walked to the back of her captive and pulled a small knife from her fishnets. She cut a rope supporting Harper's legs and let them fall lazily to the floor. She took several steps back, and snapped the whip against her back. Harper's muscles rippled and tensed from the sudden shock, and a small cut appears diagonally across her left shoulder blade. The queen walked forwards and rubbed her finger across the cut. She walked to the front of her bond servant and stuck her bloodied finger into Harper's mouth. Harper immediately spat the blood into her master's face. Seth slapped her hard across the face, and fumed to her back. She whipped her several more times, each one with more anger than the last. When she had finished, she walked to the front and looked at Harper's tear stricken face. Her eyes cried, but her face remained strong, she stared down the queen. Seth felt no empathy for this girl, only enmity. She walked back to the tool table, haphazardly laying her whip down. She stood over the desk, with a hand on each side, and slammed her fists down upon in in anger. All her past victims had simply broken down and accepted it, what the hell was wrong with this one? She grabbed a dremmel with a grinding bit and walked to her slave. "You will fucking break, I can promise you that." She said angrily. "I'd like to see you try." Harper responded in a defiant tone. She started the tool and took the skin from Harper's stomach. Then moved to her chest, her cheeks, her arms, her back. Harper never made a sound. The queen, angered by her subject's lack of reaction, walked back to the table, throwing down the tool, she picked up a pair of pliers. She walked over to her thrall and wrenched open her mouth. "You can't stay strong forever you bitch!" She screamed in a blind rage. She grabbed hold of a molar and pulled, the tooth came with a sickening ripping sound. Harper groaned loudly and winced. Harper spat a mouth full of blood into her oppressors face. Seth screamed and punched her hard in the ribs. She wiped her face sloppily and looked into the eyes of the defiant slave, her face covered in blood and shaped by rage looked like that of a warrior. She grabbed her slave by the throat and pulled her close, "Do you know what happens when I'm done with people like you?" she asked. "You end up with your back to them." She said with a smirk. The queen spun around to meet a nude, emaciated young woman, and the barrel of a handgun. A deafening bang rolled around the room. The queen fell to the floor, a dark red spot forming on the back of her corset. Harper's ears rang violently. In a few seconds though, she wished the shot had been louder. The queen lay on the floor, gurgling, she was choking on her own blood. The young woman limped over to Harper and undid the ropes holding her up. Harper fell to the floor before being helped up by the mysterious woman. Harper looked at her former owner, and saw her eyes gloss over as the life left them. The woman winced as Harper touched her back, she felt the gashes. This woman, was another slave. They walked out of that room and tried to forget what had happened inside of it, but they knew they never would. Things would never be the same for either one of them.

(Hope you enjoyed, Seth!)
