The Scholarship [FFFm,mast,inc,CEI]

“To friends,” said Sylvia, raising her wineglass.

“To friends!” agreed Meredith, raising hers.

“I’ll drink to that,” Lisa slurred, sloshing her wine.

So far the dinner party had been a success. Her friends had raved over the quality of the meal. Many fun anecdotes had been shared, catching up on the gossip and news. A lot of wine had been consumed.

Sylvia would normally have been very contented at this point of the evening. But she was troubled, distracted. This did not go unnoticed by the other two.

“Sylvia, what’s bothering you?” Meredith asked, creasing her brow.

Sylvia returned her friend’s gaze. Meredith was so prim and proper, and a bit of a prude at times. But she was still very trim and attractive at 60. Blonde hair in a pageboy cut over a symmetrical face with few lines, Meredith looked younger than her age. She was smartly dressed in an expensive tailored dress which accentuated her large bosom without showing any actual cleavage.

Meredith was sort of a mentor to Sylvia, who was 44. Sylvia enjoyed her company and kept Meredith on a pedestal in her mind.

“You know my nephew Cory is staying here with me. I’m disappointed he couldn’t at least come downstairs and say hello to the two of you. Pretty much all he does is play video games, twenty-four seven.”

“Bleh, all kids are like that, Sylvia,” Lisa said, rolling her eyes.

“Well he’s not really a kid anymore. He had to drop out of college for lack of financial support from his parents. I hate to say it, but…that side of the family is not my favorite. I do take his side on the matter of the estrangement from his folks, however. They are just not good people.”

“Whether your nephew has bad manners or not, it was very kind of you to take him in,” Meredith said. She nodded approvingly.

Sylvia sighed quietly in gratitude. For a prude, Meredith was always very supportive and non-judgmental about these family matters. Sylvia adored the older woman for that and many other endearing qualities like her calm, mature, take-charge attitude.

“So he’s upstairs now? Why isn’t he out with his friends?” Lisa asked.

“He doesn’t seem to have a lot of local friends. He mostly chats with out-of-town buddies on his phone and computer.”

“Hmm, maybe I could introduce him to some of mine,” Lisa mused. She was the youngest of the group at only 29. Kind of a wild one, too. She was very attractive and openly promiscuous. The other two often counted on her for the best stories and gossip, even if they did secretly think of Lisa as a slut.

Lisa was wearing tight-fitting jeans that showed off her toned butt and long slender thighs, and a maroon cable knit sweater that was too large for her. Her long straight brown hair fell to the middle of her back, and always had a nice healthy sheen to it. Lisa’s owlish glasses–which she normally didn’t wear—didn’t really match her sultry looks and makeup.

Sylvia adored Lisa, too. Just in a different way than Meredith. Lisa was Sylvia’s proxy; her vicarious outlet for cravings Sylvia was too afraid to pursue for herself.

“Anything to get him out of the house…he spends entirely too much time…by himself…” Sylvia turned very pale and developed a thousand yard stare.

Sylvia was a handsome woman, taller than busty Meredith and shorter than lithe Lisa. She was well proportioned. Most men would describe her as “curvy, in a good way”. Sylvia had black, medium length wavy hair and piercing blue eyes. They were gazing into space now, marked with a vacant but sad expression.

Meredith perceived this. “Sylvia…I can tell there’s more to this story. What’s going on with you two?”

Sylvia suddenly sobbed, which was very uncharacteristic of her. “Oh wow,” Lisa narrowed her eyes drunkenly, “what the fuck, Sylvia?”

“Lisa, language, please,” Meredith gently scolded. With sincere empathy, she turned to Sylvia, “I don’t mean to pry. But maybe it would make you feel better to talk about it…whatever it is?”

Sylvia sobbed again. “You two are my dearest friends. I don’t want to hold back secrets. It’s just…so shameful. I fear you’ll stop wanting to have anything to do with me.”

“I seriously doubt that, Sylvia.” Meredith reassured her.

Lisa reinforced this. “Yeah, no way, Sylvy. We both love you too much honey, no matter what.”

Lisa and Meredith looked at each other, worry in their eyes. Lisa poured more wine. Meredith waited patiently, choosing to listen rather than prompt her Sylvia further.

Dabbing her eyes with a napkin, Sylvia gave them each a bittersweet smile.

“Yesterday, my nephew Cory…he was in his room. Stereo system blaring at almost full volume. I called him several times to come downstairs and have leftovers.”

She had Lisa and Meredith’s full attention. They waited.

“Fearing he was…passed out or something…I went to check on him. I don’t know why I didn’t knock. Very foolish of me. I never had kids of my own, and I just didn’t think it through.”

“Oh god,” Lisa said, “he wasn’t…shooting heroin or something was he?”

Meredith shot Lisa a stern look. Lisa took another gulp of wine.

Another tear rolled down Sylvia’s cheek. “No, it wasn’t drugs. I almost wished it had been that instead of what I did see…”

Meredith and Lisa exchanged worried glances again.

“Go on, Sylvia,” Meredith said softly.

“He….he was naked…on the floor…”

“Whoa, did you catch him playing with himself?” Lisa laughed. “That’s hilarious!”

Meredith looked disapproving.

“That would have been bad enough,” Sylvia continued. “I’d have just turned around and walked out and pretended like nothing had ever happened. But it was more than that…much more…”

“Did he see you?” Meredith said.

“No, and the reason is…he was so absorbed in what he was doing. He was completely oblivious to his surroundings. As I said, his stereo was turned up very loud. He was very preoccupied.”

“So don’t keep us guessing, Sylvia. What the hell was he doing?” Lisa took another slurp of red wine.

“He…he…he was on the floor, sort of curled up…almost like an upside-down pill bug. His knees were over his head and he was…he…he was fellating himself.”

“Holy shit!” Lisa laughed again.

“Oh my,” Meredith put a hand to her bosom and covered her face with the other.

“He must have a huge dick!” Lisa squealed.

“Lisa!” Meredith scolded.

“Oh come on! It’s not like just any guy can do that!” Lisa laughed again.

“His…penis is very large. Very large.” Sylvia said softly, looking at Lisa with morbid guilt.

“So what the hell did you do next?” Lisa asked urgently.

“That’s…that’s where it gets worse. I just froze there. I was so shocked I just couldn’t help myself. I watched him…”

“Sure, why the hell not?” Lisa slugged back more wine.

Meredith just stared at the two of them, her eyes wide, peering over her hand.

Sylvia looked at Lisa again, her expression confused, pained. Lisa appeared to be amused, curious.

“So…did you watch him…finish?” Lisa asked, her voice suddenly low and breathy.

“Yes, I did. I wish I had not.”

“Did he…cum into his own mouth?” Lisa asked. She sounded very, very interested.

“Well…I thought he would just…you know…orgasm in his mouth. But…he…he pulled it out and he…pleasured himself with hand….his mouth open…and then…”

“You mean he jerked off into his face?” Lisa squealed.

“Yes…sort of…..if you have to put it like that. I’m not sure but I think he wanted to…”

“He wanted to see his cum squirt out!” Lisa said joyfully. “…was it a lot of cum, Sylvia?”

Sylvia sobbed again. “Yes, Lisa…there was a lot of semen. A lot of it. And almost all of it went directly into his open mouth.”

“Oh my god, I wish I could have seen that!! Did he swallow it or spit it out?”

Meredith’s eyes got wider, the hand over her face was trembling.

Sylvia looked at Lisa, “He…swallowed it. Then he smiled. He sort of relaxed after that. Just lying flat on the floor with a dreamy look in his eyes.”

“Oh man…that is so fucking hot!” Lisa cheered.

Meredith had both hands covering her entire face now, looking down. She said nothing. Sylvia was mortified. Worried sick that her good friend would never speak to her again.

“I fear it gets even worse…” Sylvia started crying again.

“Oh no! He saw you?” Lisa asked.

“No, I turned and fled as shortly after I saw him…finish into his mouth. He was in his own little world, the music blasting…I really don’t think he saw me.”

“The music wasn’t the only thing blasting,” Lisa quipped.

“Lisa, please,” Meredith whimpered, “just stop.”

“Oh shut up, Meredith. You’re enjoying this story as much as I am. So Lisa, what happened next that was so darn awful?”

“I couldn’t eat dinner after that. I just went into my bedroom, turned off the light, closed the door, and lay in my bed for a while.”

“Sylvia…?” Lisa leaned forward to look Sylvia in the eyes, her glass almost empty again.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about what I had just seen. It…tormented me. My own nephew…doing something…so…pornographic in my house.”

“It kinda got you all worked up, didn’t it?” Lisa said knowingly, gently mocking her.

“Lisa, I swear to god…” Meredith warned, face still in her hands.

“Shut up, Mer. So Sylvia…is it the biggest cock you’ve ever seen?” Lisa was enjoying this. Too much.

“Yes, it is. He….shaves it, too.” Sylvia was looking Lisa directly in the eyes now. Wanting to confess.

“Nice! Makes it look even bigger. And was it the most cum you’ve ever seen?”

“I don’t normally see that sort of thing, Lisa. But it just kept…spurting out of him. I didn’t think he would ever stop ejaculating!”

“Was the load so big he had to swallow more than once…?”


“No wonder he had a smile on his face. So…are you feeling guilty for watching it?”


“And…” Lisa smiled evilly, “I bet you touched yourself thinking about it. Didn’t you, Sylvy?”

Sylvia sobbed again. “Yes…I pleasured myself in my bedroom while replaying the whole sordid scene in my mind.”

Meredith gasped, “Lisa…too far! Way too far!”

Lisa laughed, “Bullshit, Meredith. I’m getting horny as hell just hearing about this. I’d have played with my pussy all night after seeing that!”

Sylvia looked Lisa in the eyes again. She could not look at Meredith now.

“Yeah….” Lisa prompted her, “What else?”

“I kept replaying his…enormous ejaculation…into his own mouth…over and over again in my mind while…while I orgasmed.”

“Whoo hoo! Of course you did, sister! You ain’t dead below the waist!” Lisa drained the last of her wine, began pouring herself more from the 3rd bottle that they’d opened.

Meredith stood up, glowering at both of them.

Lisa finally looked at her older friend again, ashamed.

“I have a proposal,” Meredith said, quite calmly.

Meredith had her arms crossed over her matronly bosom. She was taking control. Sylvia was both ashamed and grateful. Lisa was mildly annoyed.

“Hear me out,” Meredith continued. “You say this this nephew—Cory—has dropped out of college because of family financial difficulties?”

“Yes,” Lisa answered. She had stopped crying, but it was taking all of her willpower not to start again. She had wiped her eyes and face dry with the sodden napkin, and didn’t want to start up again.

“Here’s my idea, Sylvia: I will pay for his continuing education,” Meredith stated, matter-of-factly.

“Meredith, no! He’s not your problem!” Sylvia pleaded.

“Oh stop, Sylvia. We both know Meredith is loaded.” She drew out the word “loaded” for a long time, as if saying it in slow-motion.

“And so are you…in the other sense of the word,” Meredith quipped at Lisa. Lisa shot her the finger. Meredith ignored it. In spite of her current embarrassment, it was hard for Sylvia not to laugh.

“There would be conditions, of course,” Meredith added.

Lisa felt paralyzed again. She hated this about herself. When confronted with something unusual—like seeing her 20 year old nephew suck his own penis—she always freezes. Unable to look away from it, or to take action. Now Meredith taking charge was making her freeze up again.

“He will have to keep his grades up,” Meredith said, as if this was the most normal conversation in the world. “I want to see them after every semester. Anything less than a 2.75 GPA and I will withdraw my support”.

“Wow, that’s more’n fair,” Lisa slurred.

“Furthermore,” Meredith said in an authoritative tone. “He needs to earn this scholarship by performing for us.”

“Oh yeah!” Lisa cheered.

“Meredith…what do you mean?” Sylvia asked tremulously.

Meredith answered quite calmly. Almost coldly. “Before each semester—starting right now–he will demonstrate his auto-fellatio ability for the three of us.”

“Autzo-fella-whuuuu?” Lisa asked.

Meredith scowled at her, “He’ll suck his own penis while we watch!” she explained, exasperated.

“I was hoping you’d say that! Meredith…you fuckin’ rock!” Lisa stood and held up her wineglass in salute to the older woman. Meredith ignored her again.

“Meredith…no offense. You are a dear, dear, close friend. But, I always took you for a bit of a prude.” Sylvia said sheepishly.

“I know it,” Meredith sighed heavily. “Honestly it’s mostly a burden. A knee-jerk defense mechanism on my part. I keep…certain things…certain desires…locked up very deep inside.”

Sylvia and Lisa suddenly saw Meredith in a new way.

The older woman continued, “But your honesty, Sylvia, in telling us this deliciously depraved story…”

Meredith looked at them both. Embarassed? Defiant? It was hard to tell.

“Let’s just say this shared experience is unlocking these long-latent desires within me. I’m not getting any younger and I feel that life has been far too short and that mine has been far too boring for most of it.”

Lisa puckishly rejoindered, “Alright, Meredith! ‘bout damn time you took the stick out!”

Sylvia just stared at her two best friends. She didn’t know what to say. This whole thing started out as a complete nightmare for her. It was swiftly turning into something else.

A fantasy? A dream? She didn’t know what to call it. If was out of her control now. All she could do is follow Meredith’s lead. A lead for which she was so grateful. And so relieved. And a little terrified.

The four of them stood around Sylvia’s large dining room table. Cory eyed the three ladies in turn. Mirth and curiosity in his eyes. The ladies were all checking him out, and not being very subtle about it. They’d obviously had a lot of wine to drink.

Cory was short for a guy, standing at about 5’8”. A former gymnast, he was still all muscle. He kept his dark hair cut very short and his bright attentive eyes looked very similar to Sylvia’s. He seemed very relaxed and unflustered by the crazy-assed idea the three ladies had just pitched at him.

“Wait…let me get this straight…” Cory chuckled. “…you want me to do what again?” he asked Meredith.

“I thought we explained it all very simply for you,” Meredith said, sounding very aloof and bored with him.

But all the same, Lisa had caught Meredith several times stealing glances at the enormous bulge in Cory’s skinny jeans. She wasn’t sure which titillated her more: Cory’s obvious endowment or prudish Meredith’s obvious interest in it.

“Aunt Sylvia…are you OK with all this?” Cory asked, his voice a mixture of curiosity and concern.

“Cory, I’m sorry. I really don’t know what to say after my confession. I’m your aunt. I’m very ashamed of myself right now. But Meredith really wants to help with your education. I couldn’t possibly stand in the way of that.”

Cory’s smirk dropped and an expression of sympathy took over his face. “Aunt Sylvy…really…it’s OK. I’m not even mad that you saw me sucking myself, OK? Honestly, I’ve always thought you were damn cute. Look…I’m a total pervert so I love having an audience. Hell, I wish I’d known you were there…I really wish I’d seen you watching me.”

Sylvia flinched when he said the words “sucking myself”. She cringed even more when he called her “damn cute”. She wanted to crawl under a table and hide.

But something else shifted restlessly inside of her, too. Something furtive and hungry.

“S’nuff this talk,” Lisa whined, very drunk. “Lessss get this show on the road!”

“Or perhaps get the show on the table,” Meredith suggested, tapping the top of the large oval dining room table, her many expensive bracelets jangling.

“You want me to do it up there?” Cory asked.

“Sure, it will be easier to…see the full effect of your….display,” Meredith replied, fearlessly looking the young man in the eyes.

“Fuck it… happy to do it…” Cory shrugged. He began peeling off his clothes.

“Hell yeah!” Lisa cheered. Meredith smiled warmly at Lisa for the first time in over an hour.

Sylvia wouldn’t allow herself to watch Cory strip. She turned away and tried to ignore the sounds of shoes, belt, jeans, and t-shirt all hitting the dining room floor.

Completely naked, Cory climbed up on to the table and sat on his haunches. He grinned at Meredith and Lisa like an elf. Both ladies had their eyes fixated on his giant cock. He wasn’t even hard yet. He loved them looking at it. He was very exhibitionist by nature, and very comfortable with his body. The fact that they were older than him didn’t bother him at all.

Meredith cleared her throat. “I’d like to add one more condition to your scholarship, Cory.”

Cory raised an eyebrow at her, “What’s that, m’am?”

“I really like the way you…I like your penis and testicles completely shaved bald like that. I would like for you to keep things that way. At least until you graduate.”

“Sure, m’am. No problem at all. As you can see…I even shave my ass and my legs and stuff. Otherwise it looks kinda weird being hairy everywhere else.” He pivoted slightly, letting her see more of his smooth, muscular physique.

“Very good point,” Meredith answered. “Continue to do so. I never really thought much about this whole modern body shaving phenomenon but…I appreciate the artful way in which it makes you appear….”

“…bigger?” Cory smirked.

“…more vulnerable and exposed.” Meredith corrected him, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

“Hmm, I think I like you lady,” Cory replied.

Sylvia couldn’t help herself any longer. She turned back around to look at her two friends. Both of them were staring directly at Cory’s over-sized, hairless genitals. Sylvia followed their gaze. She stared at them now, too. She was afraid her mouth might start to water.

What the fuck is wrong with me? She thought to herself. This is my nephew.

Still, she couldn’t force herself to look away a second time. He was just too gorgeous. So short, and cute, rippling with muscles, his flawless skin shaved smooth all over.

And his dick was just so disproportionately large and perfectly formed. It was impossible not to look at it. Admire it.

“I have a condition that I’d like to add,” Cory challenged them.

“What pray tell, is that?” Meredith answered formally, her eyes narrowing. She was used to having her way.

“I want all three of you to get your tits out for me. I’m going to lie back on this table for minute. Then one at the time, I want each of you to come over here and let me suck on your nipples. Just for a little bit. It will help to get me nice and big and hard for you. You’d all like to see that, right?”

He reclined, lying flat on the table, his arms behind his head, a look of contentment on his face. As he reclined, his long soft penis flopped out from between his legs and arced over onto his right leg, the pink head resting more than halfway down his thigh.

“If I have to be naked,” Cory added, a twinkle in his eye, “you ladies should at least be half naked!”

“Seems reasonable to me!” Lisa said, and started taking off her cable knit sweater, her eyes still riveted to Cory’s penis.

This was no surprise, but to Sylvia’s utter shock and amazement, Meredith also began unbuttoning her top.

After a moment, her two best friends were topless. They both turned and looked at Sylvia.

“Sylvia?” Meredith asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sylvia looked at Meredith’s breasts. For a 60 year old, they were magnificent. Generous and tear-dropped shaped, with large pale areolas and adorable small pink nipples. The small nipples made her breasts look even bigger.

She then looked over at Lisa’s much smaller breasts. Unsurprisingly, they were still high and perky. Lisa’s peach colored areolas were puffy, protruding out from her breasts in an unusual way, like little spuds. It almost looked like her breasts had their own even smaller breasts. Lisa’s nipples were inverted inside of these areola protrusions.

Sylvia suddenly remembered Lisa complaining about her nipples being “hideous and ugly” more than once over the years. But looking at them now, Sylvia thought they were very unique and quite beautiful.

“Stop staring at my ugly tits ‘n take your top off!” Lisa barked. Then she laughed. She was so drunk.

As if possessed by something she didn’t understand, Sylvia stripped off her shirt and unhooked her bra. She tossed the garments to the floor and looked down. Just like Lisa, Sylvia did not like her own breasts.

They weren’t all bad in that they were fairly large. Not as ample as Meredith’s breasts, but much larger than Lisa’s. To Sylvia’s disappointment, they hung low on her torso. The upper parts of her breasts were somewhat thin and flat, only rounding out to fullness lower near the nipples.

“Softball in a sock” type breasts. She hated that. They looked saggy to her. Her areolas and nipples were a rosy-mauve, darker than either of her friends’. The nipples themselves were quite long and thin. They were almost like fingers pointing out of the ends of her breasts. She really disliked her nipples, too.

It was suddenly quiet. Sylvia could hear the dining room wall clock ticking the seconds.

Cory broke the silence. “Whoa….Aunt Sylvia…your boobs are fucking amazing!”

She looked up at his face. He was smiling and staring at her breasts. There wasn’t an ounce of guile in him. He had truly meant it. She looked at his long cock. It was slowly rising while he continued to stare at her breasts. She suddenly adored her nephew more than ever. And lusted for him.

“He’s right, Sylvia,” Lisa added, “You do have nice hooters. I really wish my nipples looked like that.”

“I like them too, Sylvia. …I’ll go first,” Meredith said in a low, husky voice. She walked around the table and leaned down, offering her large heavy breasts to Cory.

“Oh man, Meredith got her some big ol’ titties…” Cory said happily as he took a small pink nipple into his mouth.

Lisa laughed, “Yes she does!”

“And you, young man,” Meredith answered, half moaning in pleasure as she suckled Cory. “You have a glorious… humongous…perfect…cock.” She pronounced the final “k” very distinctly. It was funny hearing Meredith talk dirty in her snobby-sounding voice.

Meredith continued to moan softly as Cory licked and sucked her small pink nipple. Her pale heavy breast jiggled and undulated as he tugged at it with his mouth. She continued to stare longingly at his cock as it slowly got harder and harder.

It was so large it seemed to need extra time to fully inflate.

Sylvia felt a pang of jealousy. Then she felt guilt. Then she wasn’t sure what she felt. She was numb on the outside, with a turmoil of conflicting emotions boiling underneath. She loved Meredith more than ever right now, but it made her a little crazy to see her lusting after Cory’s dick like that.

Lisa moved in from the other side of the table. She also leaned down, presenting her much smaller breasts.

Cory turned his head and looked appreciatively at Lisa’s unusual puffy areolas and inverted nipples.

“Cool!” he said eagerly. He started sucking Lisa’s left breast. He could fit almost all of it into his mouth.

“Mmm, nice,” Lisa breathed. “I agree with Meredith. That is one fuckin’ awesome dick, Cory.”

Sylvia saw that Cory’s cock was now about three-quarters erect. Cory alternated between Meredith’s right breast and Lisa’s left one. Sucking and licking one, then the other. He seemed to like them all, big or small. This made her jealous and horny at the same time.

Sylvia’s jaw hit the floor when she saw Meredith and Lisa start French kissing each other across the table while Cory sucked and fondled Lisa’s breasts. Lisa cupped Meredith’s left breast, tweaked the nipple.

She had no idea Lisa or Meredith were bisexual or bi-curious or anything remotely like that.

Sylvia felt a strange sense of warmth and happiness at seeing her two best friends fondle and kiss.

After a minute or two, Lisa stopped kissing Meredith and turned to look at Sylvia. “This is real fun, but I think it’s your turn, Sylvy darlin’…”

Her two friends took a step back from the table and watched her, expectantly.

“Yeah!” Cory said, “come on in, Aunt Sylvia….the water is warm!”

With robotic, zombie-like movements, Sylvia walked to the head of the dining room table between her friends and leaned over, both of her long pendulous breasts hanging down into Cory’s face from above.

“Holy shit, these tits are the best of all!” Cory leaned up and wiggled his face in her cleavage. He then began sucking one breast, then licking the other. He couldn’t decide which one he wanted.

Cory alternated back and forth, zealously sucking, licking and even gnawing lightly at her nipples. Her long hanging breasts flopped and danced in his face. Lisa and Meredith were both looking at her, admiring them.

It felt wonderful. Sylvia watched him sucking and softly chewing her long finger-like nipples with such hunger and happiness. She started getting wet. She moaned, loudly.

Sylvia looked at her nephew’s long fat cock. It was fully erect now. It was rising straight out over his six pack, pointing up. It was so long it extended at least an inch and a half past his belly button, maybe two. The head was leaking clear fluid.

She had a sudden desire to stick the tip of her tongue into the slit of his urethra. This impulse frightened her.

“Oh Cory, this is so wrong….” Sylvia almost whimpered. Pleasure and guilt melting together.

Cory answered by gnawing and sucking harder on one of her long nipples, drawing it deep into his mouth.

“Oh god that feels good, Cory. These ladies are right about you. I love your cock, too. I love just looking at it.”

Cory’s dick twitched with desire. More pre-cum oozed out of the tip.

“I think he’s ready!” Lisa exclaimed.

Sylvia stepped back. For some stupid reason she covered her drool-covered breasts with her arms. She then thought better of it. She let her arms fall back to her sides.

“That’s right, Sylvy. Leave those beautiful tits out where we can all see ‘em!” Lisa laughed.

Meredith nodded her approval.

Sylvia loved them both.

With an athletic effort and impressive flexibility, Cory swung his pelvis up. His knees came around and over while he balanced himself on the back of his neck and shoulders. He gripped the edges of the table firmly with his strong hands.

After a bit of skillful re-positioning and re-balancing, his lower torso was directly over his head. With muscular grace, he lowered his pelvis towards his face.

Cory’s mouth opened as his long, thick cock came down towards it. The pinkish-purple head entered his waiting lips. He licked at it with his tongue. His big heavy shaved balls were swaying.

It just didn’t make visual sense…the gigantic meaty cock hovering over that small, tight body.

“Ohhh….” Sylvia sighed. She was so wet.

“Good lord,” Lisa whispered.

Meredith pinched her nipple and licked her lips.

His hands gripping the edges of the table, Cory flexed his core and brought his pelvis down and in. His enormous cock went deeper into his mouth. His legs were splayed out for balance. His tight, pink, hairless asshole was pointing straight up at the ceiling.

Sylvia stared at it. She desperately wanted to put her tongue inside of it. Another impulsive thought which aroused and terrified her.

“Holy shit…” Lisa said, running a hand down her torso.

Meredith was calming rubbing both of her own nipples, occasionally pinching them. She reached over and fondled one of Lisa’s breasts.

Cory’s mouth made wet slurping noises as he thrust his pelvis up and down repeatedly, the muscles of his ass and torso working.

His monstrous cock was slowly going in and out of his own mouth like a piston. His tongue would dart out every now and then and swirl around the round head.

Cory’s face was slightly red with effort. Several muscle groups along his rippled as he worked his pelvic magic.

“I could watch this forever,” Lisa cooed.

“So could I,” Meredith agreed.

Sylvia snaked a hand down her pants, finding her mound. She massaged herself. She didn’t mind if the others saw her.

“Unh!” Cory moaned.

“Oooh…are you going to cum, baby?” Lisa asked, leaning in slightly.

“Unh!” Cory kept thrusting up and down. Faster. Harder.

Sylvia couldn’t help it. She also moved in closer, putting her face within an inch or two of her nephew’s sucking mouth and pumping cock.

She had to see this up close.

Meredith and Lisa also moved in for a better look. Cory was now surrounded by three hovering female faces. All of them very close to his mouth and cock, wanting to see every detail as he grunted and face-fucked himself.

The women all visually scanned his beautiful shaved cock and balls. Their eyes lingered hungrily over his mouth, tongue and lips. His smooth pink sphincter clenched and relaxed with every thrust.

Cory’s red face strained, the veins in his neck bulging.

“Unhhhh…” Cory moaned. He paused his thrusting. His cock was so deep in his mouth the head of it was probably entering his throat. His large heavy balls tightened up, drawing his scrotum in closer to the base of penis.

“Oh yeah…I think he’s going to cum soon!” Lisa crowed.

“Please pull it out, Cory…we want to see you ejaculate into your mouth,” Meredith instructed, enunciating like a school teacher.

“Yeah,” added Lisa, “Show us that cum! Shoot it, baby!”

Cory moved slowly and precisely. Gradually drawing his dick out of his mouth with a wet sucking sound. It looked like a telephone pole being pulled out of the ground.

He pivoted his head slightly and looked at Sylvia.

“Do you want to watch me cum too, Aunt Sylvia?”

Sylvia moaned. She stared back at him, unflinching. “Do it Cory. Jerk off that giant cock and cum in your mouth for us.”

“That’s a girl,” Lisa whispered.

Cory took his right hand from the edge of the table and began slowly stroking his trembling dick with two fingers and a thumb. He paused his stroking and blew on the tip of it with his pursed lips and then opened his mouth wide again. Clear fluid was slowly oozing from his urethral slit and onto his tongue.

“Oh my,” Meredith breathed.

“That cock…so fuckin’ huge,” Lisa added.

Sylvia made a whimpering whine. It was something primordial. Ecstasy? Fear?

Cory stroked slowly twice more. He paused. He stroked three more times, very slowly…

He ejaculated.

“Unh!” The first blast of semen squirted into his open mouth with a forceful splash.

“You go, boy!” Lisa cheered.


Two more jets of cum shot out of Cory’s dick, landing right in his mouth.

“Lovely, just lovely,” Meredith sighed.

The semen kept spurting out. Jet after jet of thick white fluid. “Unh!!!!” He was panting heavily through his nose.

“Look in his mouth!” Lisa squealed in delight.

Sylvia had been fixated on watching Cory’s purplish-pink cockhead spew its copious load. At Lisa’s prompting, she looked down into Cory’s open mouth.

It was almost completely full of pearlescent white, swirling semen.

Yet he continued ejaculating.


“He seems to have an endless supply,” Meredith observed.

The semen kept spurting out of him like a faucet.

Cory’s mouth overflowed. Cum began trickling down his cheeks and onto his neck. His enormous balls were surging, tight against his body, convulsing.

Sylvia whined again. She was frigging herself hard. “I think I’m going to cum too…” she moaned.

“Hnnnnnk!” Cory still kept ejaculating! The semen continued to overspill his open mouth, pooling under his neck on the dining room table.

“Sweet Jesus…” Lisa gasped.

Finally–with a few additional smaller spurts trailing off to hot white droplets–Cory finished cumming.

With catlike control, he lowered his legs and pelvis back onto the table so that he was lying flat on it. His penis was still mostly erect, and stood straight up like a flagpole. He kept his head perfectly still.

His mouth was still open for them to see. It was full of his hot liquid seed. His eyes were smiling.

Then his eyes moved around, looking at the three faces hovering over his.

“So…much…fuckin’…cum…” Lisa sighed.

“Most impressive, Mr. Cory,” Meredith added.

They all looked at Sylvia.

“Swallow it, baby. Swallow that big load of cum for us,” Sylvia pleaded.

Cory swallowed all of it. Meredith and Lisa gasped in stereo.

Cory reached up, gently grabbing the back of his Aunt Sylvia’s neck. He eased her mouth down to his and kissed her.

Surprising herself most of all, Sylvia did not resist. She accepted her nephew’s tongue hungrily, tasting the salty-sweet-bitter semen residue.

After a long moment, Cory released her. Sylvia took a half step back, looking into his eyes with a new understanding of her life and his role in it.

“Who’s going to clean up this messy table?” Cory said faux-coyly to his aunt.

“I think Meredith should lick it all up!” exclaimed Lisa.

Everyone laughed at this, including Meredith.


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