Not Afraid of Mushrooms [MF,inc,oral]

Daniel was staying with his parents for the holidays. It was nice to get a break from his controlling wife, Renee. She and Daniel’s folks didn’t get along at all. Quite frankly nobody was getting along with Renee right now. Not seeing her for a day or two would do them all some good.

Daniel’s older sister Bobbi was staying with them, too. A sergeant in the army, Bobbi didn’t get to see her brother as much as either of them wanted. It would be nice to spend time with Bobbi without Renee hovering around, judging everyone and calling Bobbi a “bull dyke” under her breath.

Bobbi was rather androgynous in appearance. Daniel even unconsciously thought of her as a brother sometimes. It didn’t matter to him, he loved her unconditionally and looked up to her.

Where Daniel was getting a little bit soft around the middle from an office job, Bobbi was all muscle and sinew. She wasn’t big or tall, but she was very wiry and frighteningly strong. She kept her black hair buzzed extremely short, not opting for any of the feminine styles allowed by the military. Her crew cut was so tight she was almost bald.

Bobbi never wore makeup. Her nose was slightly hooked in the middle and flat around the nostrils, a boxer’s nose that had been broken more than once. From certain angles she looked more male than female.

The only soft parts about Bobbi were her eyes and mouth. Her eyes were dark brown and kind, with thick expressive eyebrows. Her mouth was also large and soft, with full lips and a dazzling smile. People wondered how a smoker could have such perfect teeth. Even without makeup or lipstick, Bobbi had a girl’s mouth.

None of this mattered to Daniel. He thought his sister was beautiful, strong, funny, loving, and interesting. He was very happy to be able to spend time with her.

It was well past 11PM. Daniel was on the screened-in deck, pissed off. It was winter time, getting close to Christmas. But they were in the Deep South, experiencing a warm weather pattern, so it really wasn’t very cold out.

Daniel didn’t want to be inside right now anyway. His folks were sound asleep. He’d just finished another angry, pointless call with Renee. He ended the call in disgust, and shoved his mobile phone into his pocket.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw movement. His sister Bobbi was walking in the back yard, circling the outside of the screened-in deck. She was smoking a cigarette as usual. Daniel could see the cherry moving as Bobbi walked around the deck and opened the screen door halfway.

Bobbi stuck her head in, “Hey there baby brother. I was thinking about a little workout in the gym. Care to join me?”

“The gym” was their father’s 2 car garage. He had some free weights and a bench press in there. Bobbi always used it when she was home. Exercising was one of her favorite activities, and she seemed to have boundless energy.

Daniel didn’t understand how exercise and smoking went together but he never judged his sister or said anything about it. She could do no wrong in his eyes.

“Sure, Bobbi, sounds like fun.” He got up out of his deck chair and followed her back around the deck and into the garage.

“Ugh, dad always keeps it a million degrees in here in the winter,” Bobbi complained as she dropped on top of an exercise mat and started doing clapping push ups, the cigarette clenched in her lips. Their father spent so much time tinkering in the garage he always kept it heated and cooled. It was part of the house too, in his opinion.

“Want me to leave this open?” Daniel pointed to the door. “Let some cool air in?”

“Nah…we need to talk…close it.” Bobbi continued her push ups.

“OK,” Daniel shut the door.

“You and ‘Nay not getting along, huh?” Bobbi asked. “Nay” was her nickname for Renee.

“Same as usual. Can’t see eye to eye on anything.”

Bobbi stubbed the cig out in her father's ashtray. She picked up some barbells and started doing curls with them.

“Yeah…sorry Danny, I don’ t mean to pry but I couldn’t help but overhear what you two were fighting about on the phone. I wasn’t trying to spy or anything…just smoking outside and you were so loud on the phone…you sounded pretty pissed off!”

Daniel felt his face turn beet red. He and Renee had been fighting about sex. A common issue in their marriage.

“Oh no…fuck me…I’m so embarrassed! You heard that?”

“Pfft, ain’t nothin’ baby brother.”

Bobbi returned to the exercise matt. She began doing crunches.

Daniel sat on a workbench and watched her. Her strength always amazed him.

After a few minutes, Bobbi was sweating. “God damn it’s so fuckin’ hot in here.”

Bobbi peeled off her soaking wet Army t-shirt and returned to the mat, doing more floor exercises. She was not wearing a bra.

“Really, sis? Getting your tits out in front of me like that?”

“Ah, who cares. You seen ‘em plenty of times growing up.”

Her body was a marvel. With almost no fat on her, she was like a drawing of human muscle anatomy from a text book. With just a bit of tanned, taut skin stretched over it.

Both arms and shoulders were tattooed. She wasn’t up to full sleeves yet, but she was well on her way.

The veins in her arms, neck, and six pack were quite visible as she continued to work out. Daniel wished he was that ripped.

Her breasts were pretty small, but fuller and rounder than Daniel remembered. Her areolas were a dusky brownish pink color, with fat nipples that looked too large for the small breasts.

They were so feminine and lovely, and didn’t seem to fit the rest of her body.

Bobbi sat on the bench press and looked over at him. “You know, for balkin’ at me taking my shirt off, you sure are starin’ at my tits a lot,” she smiled at him.

Bobbi then rubbed the top of her nearly bald head, something she did when feeling puckish or embarrassed. Daniel always found it endearing.

“Sorry, Bobbi. They are nice tits, actually. I don’t mean to sound like a pervert. I only mean this in a brotherly, approving way: you have attractive breasts. That’s all.”

She smiled and him, flashing her large perfect teeth. She fished another cigarette out of her fatigues pants, lighting it.

“I figured…since you aren't getting any at home: I'd let you have a look. Know what I mean?” She took a long drag on the cig.

“Ha! I’m so hard up I’m getting a cheap thrill looking at my half naked sister. Boy..isn’t that pathetic.”

She laughed at this. “Well that’s one way to look at it I guess.”

Daniel looked at the floor, not sure what to say next.

“Look, like I said, I overheard things. And it pissed me off for you, baby brother.” She took another drag.

“Man, I hope you didn’t hear everything,” he whined, looking her in the eyes.

“Hmm…I think I probably did. Your half of the conversation that is. Most of it.”

“Shit. How long were you listening?”

“It’s not like that. It’s just that you were loud and it wasn’t that long of a conversation.”

He looked at her again, “Really?”

“OK, OK. I admit it, I was curious, too. I probably listened longer than I should have.”

“Do you plan on putting another shirt on?”

“It’s OK. I really don’t mind if you look. I kinda like it.” She took another deep drag, staring him in the eyes.

Daniel didn’t say anything. He held her gaze for a long time. Then looked at the burning cigarette end.

He swallowed audibly. Then, much to his shame and guilt, he looked at her breasts again.

“Really, it’s OK. Look all you want to.”

She looked down at her right breast. With the cig in her mouth, she pushed up on it gently with her right hand, making it bob and wiggle slightly.

“I like the way they move, don’t you?”

Daniel laughed nervously, “Well everything else on you is so lean and hard, they are the only soft things you have.”

She looked up, her eyes narrowed.

“Honestly, sis, I meant that as a compliment.”

She relaxed, smiled again. “It’s OK, I know you did baby brother. Now let’s talk about ‘Nay for a minute.” Another long drag. This cig would be dead soon.

“If we have to,” he sighed, moving his eyes away from her tits.

“It sounded to me that—in a nutshell—you are eating her out morning, noon, and night but she won’t blow you.” She stubbed another cigarette out in the ashtray.

Daniel laughed nervously. He loved the fact that Bobbi didn’t mince words or fuck around, she always just got right to the heart of the matter on everything.

“That’s pretty much it. She has an excuse but it’s a lame excuse…”

“Her excuse being that she doesn’t want you to nut in her mouth,” Bobbi added matter-of-factly, fishing a beer out of the small fridge sitting in one corner of the garage.

“Holy damn, you really did hear everything,” Daniel mused.

“So she was giving you a hummer a long time ago–your anniversary or some shit–and you lost control and came in her mouth, is that right?” Bobbi asked, popping the beer can open.

Daniel just nodded.

“And now,” Bobbi continued, taking a sip of beer, “…she don’t trust you no more. She won’t even blow you because she thinks you’ll do it again.”

“That’s the long and short of it,” Daniel answered, staring at his shoes.

“Well…” Bobbi corrected, “…it’s the short of it. You really, really, really want to cum in her mouth anyway, right? And she knows that. You’ve been drinking pineapple juice and shit like that, telling her it’s not that bad…”

Daniel sighed, “Yes. Yes. I’m a total fuckin’ pervert.”

“No, no, no look…I get it. Everybody watches porn now. You think it’s super-hot to bust a load on your wife’s tongue. It turns you on. A lot. That’s not perverted….that’s normal Danny.”

“I guess.”

“Stupid bitch should be flattered,” Bobbi added, “That you still want that from her. I never cared for ‘Nay much, as you know.”

“I know. Renee has a way of making me feel like a piece of shit over it, all the same.”

“You even…you even sampled it yourself, didn’t you, baby brother? Tasted your own cum? Told her it wasn’t that bad.”

“Oh Jesus, I can’t believe I’m talking to my big sister about this.”

“No man, Danny. That’s good husband shit right there. I think it’s awesome that you tested the product. It was the right thing to do. You didn’t want to ask her to do something you don’t understand, hadn’t experienced, yourself.”

Daniel looked up from his shoes, looked deep into Bobbi’s kind, concerned eyes.

It took willpower not to look at her bared breasts.

She shipped her beer.

“So how was it? Your cum? Did it taste bad?

Danny turned red again. “No, I didn’t think so. A little salty like they all say. A little bitter, sure. But not bad.”

“Danny…did you like it?”

He looked her in the eyes. “Bobbi, I don’t know….this is getting weird for me.”

She just held his gaze. After a moment, she flicked her breast lightly again, making it jiggle.

He looked down at it, unable not to.

“Danny…it’s OK if you liked it.”

Danny looked at his shoes again. “I did, Bobbi. I liked it. And that made things even worse, because now I really can’t understand why she’s so fucking grossed out by my cum.”

“What does 'Nay say it tastes like?” another sip of beer.

Daniel laughed bitterly. “She says it tastes like mushrooms soaked in bleach.”

Bobbi burst out laughing, almost spraying beer. She wiped a small amount off her lower lip and chin.

“Danny, man…I’m so sorry. I’m not laughing at you, I just never heard that before. I figured I’d heard everything by now…being in the army and all.”

Daniel laughed, too. “It’s OK, Bobbi. It is pretty funny. At least it is when you laugh at it with me. That really takes some of the sting out of it.”

Bobbi stood up and walked over to him, standing less than a foot away. She looked him straight in the eyes.

“Danny, I haven’t gotten you a Christmas present yet. And I’m not afraid of mushrooms.”

“Sis…what the fuck are you talking about?”

She rubbed her nearly bald head in that endearing way, then knelt down on the floor in front of him. Daniel thought she was getting ready to do some more exercises.

“I want you to jerk off in my mouth, little brother. I want to taste your cum. I’ll give you an honest opinion on what it’s like. From a woman.”

“Bobbi…no! What the fuck!?”

“Don’t be a wuss-puss, Danny.”

“Bobbi, no fucking’ way!”

“I love you little brother. I won’t actually suck it. I won’t let you fuck me. But I’ll open my mouth for you and let you cum on my tongue.”

“Bobbi…I don’t…wait…aren’t you a lesbian?!?”

“Well yeah, of course.” She raised her slender, sinewy right arm. With her left hand she pointed at her armpit. It had a sparse covering of short black hair.

Daniel suddenly though her armpit hair was very erotic. He hated himself for it.

“Doesn’t matter,” she added, “you’re my brother and I’m not scared of mushrooms.”

Bobbi’s eyes remained target locked on his. She lowered her hands, grabbed his belt, tugged on it.

“C’mon baby brother, I ain’t got all day. Whip that dick out. I’ve seen it plenty of times before.”

He looked down into her deep, kind, loving brown eyes. Her dark eyebrows were raised, patiently waiting for him.

He looked at her soft, sensual mouth, with its perfect teeth. Her small tender breasts. So unlike the rest of her hard, masculine body.

He felt himself getting erect.

“As usual, I gotta get this party started. I swear…you’re worse than some girls.” She reached out with her right hand and gently pulled the zipper of his fly down.

“Pull it out, Danny. I can see it’s getting hard already.”

“Fuck it…this is fucking insane!” Daniel sighed, losing himself in a boiling sea of desires and conflicting emotions.

He pulled his dick out. For some reason, he pulled his balls out, too. He felt ridiculous, all his junk hanging out of his pants, his sister’s sweet mouth inches away.

Yet it was so godamn hot, too. He felt so exposed and vulnerable before her incredible strength and power.

“Nice man-scaping there, little brother,” Bobbi giggled. She lightly caressed his shaved balls with her finger tips.

“Yeah, I have to keep the pubes trimmed short and the scrotum shaved bald or she won’t even give me a handy.” He was running his mouth in an attempt to distract himself from what was going on. It was impossible. He couldn't stop thinking about Bobbi's mouth.

“What a stupid bitch,” Bobbi muttered. He could feel her warm breath on his genitals. It made him tingle all over.

“OK, baby brother. Start strokin’ that cock. When you’re about to cum, just tell me.” Bobbi casually took a sip of her beer.

He started jerking himself off. He admired the top of Bobbi’s nearly bald head. He looked at her taut muscles, her tattoos. He scanned her naked torso.

“Good thing I got my tits out, huh? I bet it helps your little dick stay hard, huh?” She took another sip, glancing at his hard cock. She almost looked bored.

“I like looking at your tits, Bobbi. I do.”

“Good. I like you looking at them, too.” She finished the beer, crushed the can in one hand.

Her mouth was wet with suds. Her red lips waiting for him, the white teeth smiling. He stroked faster. He was breathing heavy.

“Hurry up, Danny. I need another beer. Another cigarette, too….after this craziness.”

“Bobbi…I think I’m getting close…”

She looked up, looked him in the eyes.

“Are you? Are you gonna cum little brother? Are you gonna blow a load right in your big sister’s mouth?”

“I’m so close…Bobbi!”

“Awesome. Now cum in my mouth, little brother. I want to taste you…”

Her eyes fluttered closed and she leaned in, opening her big soft mouth, offering her tongue.

He aimed the head of his penis at the center of her open mouth. He stroked himself faster, gripping his shaft tightly. His balls rose.

“Unnhhh….oh Bobbi…..Unh!”

He ejaculated directly into her mouth. She didn’t even flinch. Her eyelashes barely fluttered. She kept her tongue out and ready, offering it, her eyes closed. The first large blob landed right in the middle of her extended tongue.

He couldn’t take his eyes away.

“Oh god….unnnhhhhh!” His dick squirted three more big jets of semen. Right into her open mouth. She didn’t react. At all.

A sizable puddle of pearly white, pudding-like cum pooled on her tongue, swirled in her mouth.

She opened her eyes, found his. Holding his stare, she kept her mouth open for a solid thirty seconds, letting him look at what he’d done to her. Savoring it.

He milked a few more drops of cum out of the head of his cock. These too dropped onto her tongue, joining the puddle of gooey semen.

He looked down at her. Looked in her eyes. Looked in her mouth. Looked in her eyes again.

His beautiful, strong, lesbian sister. On her knees. Her mouth full of his semen. His dick and balls still exposed.

She swallowed his load.

She stood and hugged him tightly. She kissed him lightly on the mouth. He could smell his seed on her breath, taste it on her lips.

“Time for that second beer. Stop starin’ at my tits already.” She released him.

Daniel put his deflating dick away and zipped up while Bobbi fetched two more beers. One for him, one for her.

She placed the cold can in his hand and then raised hers in a toast.

“Merry Christmas, Daniel. To mushrooms! It really wasn’t bad. It wasn’t bad at all!”
