Lechomancer Curses 4: Breaking the Girl [mf][sex][public]

Monday was a long day of classes, and after the exhausting weekend Amber had had, she was ready to go home and collapse. The University Dorm she shared with a girl she’d never met before they started living together was made up a small living room with uncomfortable university issue furniture, a little kitchenette, two bedrooms and a shared bathroom. Her roommate, Ashlynn, had been a weird, quiet girl who was too full of herself, but generally stayed out of Amber’s way. That suited Amber fine, especially after she found out Ashlynn was some kind of pervert, into being dominated.

Amber just wanted to avoid her, go to her room, and unwind. She got into the suite, closed the door, and then her heart hit the floor. She was there; the short, curvy woman that Ashlynn called Mistress. Her dark hair curled slightly around her face, and she was sheathed in a black mini-dress. She wore big red heals, that looked like they belonged on a stripper. She was sprawled out on the couch, flipping slowly through the pages of some big old book.

“What are you doing here?” Amber found herself hissing.

The woman looked at her and smiled darkly. “Well, I’m not sure I trust you.”

“You don’t trust me? You’ve got naked pictures of me wearing a slut collar.”

The woman laughed. “Yeah, I do. And that should keep you in line, at least a little bit. But here’s the thing: I think it would be fun to break you. So, when you’re ready to give yourself over to me, here’s my number.” She placed a small card, that had nothing but a ten digit phone number on the edge of the cheap University issue coffee table.

“Trust me, you’ll be waiting a long time, bitch.” She looked down at Ashlynn’s Mistress as she walked by, but the woman’s smile unnerved her. As soon as the woman was gone, Amber locked the door. Then she went to Ashlynn’s room and pounded on the door. When she got no answer, she started writing a long, passive aggressive note, about not letting her friends in the apartment when they weren’t home.

Exhausted, she locked herself in her room, and fell asleep. It was a deep, exhausted sleep, and she started to have the strangest dreams. She saw herself floating on a purple pentagram, with her arms and wrists bound to the points of the star. Amber was looking down, and below her was Lisa. She wasn’t sure how she knew the woman’s name, but it came to her in a dream logic flash. On a stone floor, another pentagram was drawn in purple, and this one thrummed softly with an eeiry light.

“Did I do this right, Master?” Lisa asked.

There was a huge blue demon, maybe nine feet tall, blue, with a body like a statue, standing over her. He examined the pentagram. He nodded. “You marked the place she sleeps. You’ve opened the channel. Now you can curse her with the Summoned.”

Lisa examined the book. “I need to know the name of each demon I want to call forth.” She frowned.

“Let us begin with Taput,” the blue devil said. From the darkness beyond the pentagram, something snorting and slobbering approached. Another demon, this one only human sized, but with a broad chest and thick arms lumbered forward. Glowing green swirls flowed over him, and he seemed half body builder, half warthog to her.

Looking at the book, Lisa began to speak. “I evoke thee, Taput. In this place, you will use me. In any way you use me, the Marked shall desire you, to the ends of Lust, but only by submitting to you will she know relief.” Taput nodded greedily.

Her fingers ran down his massive chest, and she sunk to her knees before him, kissing her way down the sculpted torso. She began to slide her mouth up and down the things thick shaft, her saliva dribbling down her chin. The monster watched her work passively, his cock twitching.

“Why is he being so gentle?” Lisa complained to the blue demon. “I want him to fuck the living shit out of Amber.”

“You have to consent to it. She’s bound to the pentagram, so your consent is hers.”

Looking down at the powerful thing below, Amber felt her whole body shiver a little. Please, she thought, I want to see that thing throw you down and have its way with you.

Lisa looked up at her and smiled. Taput let out a mighty roar, and charged forward. He grabbed Lisa by the waist and threw her down onto the ground. She let out a scream that was have sigh. With broad hands he pushed her legs wide apart, pressing her down against the ground. His wide dick rubbed against her thighs, and he chuckled as she squirmed beneath him. She was trying to guide him into her aching cunt, but he wouldn’t oblige. He held her to the ground, and when she got close to wriggling her way under him, or getting a free hand on his dick, he would slide her across the stone floor. She squealed, and struggled again.

Finally, Taput grunted, and grabbed her waist. With one hard, thick thrust, he drove himself deep inside of her. She squealed “Fuck, yes. Oh my fucking god!” Her eyes went wide, and he kept thrusting deep inside of her, his chiselled ass pistoning below Amber.

Amber realized how much she was getting turned on, watching them. She tried to move a hand between her legs, but found it was still bound above her head. She squirmed, trying to find how her hand was caught, but it just wouldn’t move. She yearned to be touched, but nothing she could do would relieve the ache.

Below, Lisa wrapped her ankles around the demon’s waist, and pulled him deep inside of her. The thing pawed roughly at her, treating her like a flailing fuck doll more than anything. Amber bit her lip and squirmed, desperately wishing she could trade places with Lisa. Taput began to pick up speed, and was hammering hard into his plaything. Lisa’s breathing started to come fast, and this seemed to invigorate Taput even more. He smashed her into the ground with his hips, again and again and again.

When he pulled out, his thick cock spurted thick ribbons of seed, across Lisa’s soft little belly and round tits. He marked her as his plaything and it was too much for Amber.

She woke up to her phone buzzing the five thirty alarm. She was still in the clothes she had worn yesterday, but she was sopping wet between her legs. She swore, and rushed to the bathroom, to clean herself up, before she had to be at early morning volleyball practice.

Hours later, she was in the back of a first year psychology class. It was in one of the biggest lecture theaters in the school, which held a few hundred students. The front was filled in, but where she liked to sit, near the back, there was only about two or three people in each row of ten chairs. She didn’t need to worry too much about an elective, and as long as she was passing, she had her athletic scholarship.

Just before the professor started speaking, she was shocked when she saw a guy who looked like Taput, the demon from her dream, enter the room. He didn’t have glowing green tattoos, or anything, but he had huge arms and a barrel chest, and the closest a person could have to that demon’s face. I must have seen him before, she thought as she watched him walk up the aisle. That’s why I dreamed him.

She was surprised, as she watched him walk, how much she was suddenly into this guy she’d never seen before. She usually liked guys who were a bit more …. even, but somehow, working mostly his upper body worked for the guy she still called Taput in her head. He was barely contained in a tight black t shirt. He glanced up at her, with dark eyes that made her shiver. She tried to play it cool, look like she didn’t care that he caught her staring, but she felt herself shake. He smiled sharply, like he wasn’t quite sure how to do it, and then sat down in the row in front of her, one seat over.

Professor Parsons came in, and instantly turned off the light and started going through a Power Point on cognitive dissonance. Amber stopped paying attention almost immediately. Instead, she was staring at Taput’s back, the way his powerful shoulders pressed against the thin fabric of his shirt. His arms might be thicker around then her thighs. She thought she caught a whiff of him, and it smelt like cedar.

Her mind drifted, and she started imagining the boy in the row in front of her, throwing her down. His powerful hands would roam over her, electric on her body. She would look away from those dark eyes, telling him she didn’t want to, she couldn’t, she was a good girl. She imagined him laughing and ignoring her words, seeing right into her real need. He would rip her close off, and then fiercely kiss his way down her neck…

She glanced to the right, and saw the row was empty. To the left, there was a girl in a hoodie, pulled tight over her head so no one would notice she had fallen asleep.

Amber bit her lip. She wasn’t used to fantasizing so strongly. Her pussy began to ache, and her fingers were desperate to crawl down her strong belly, under the waist band of the yoga pants she had worn to class, and stroke her hunger. Could she really do that, in this room full of people, strangers she would have to see twice a week for the rest of the semester in this class?

Her mind drifted back to Friday. In the middle of a volleyball game, with a whole gym of people who knew her name and cared what she did, she had suddenly had a mind shattering orgasm, like a master pianist teasing a perfect melody out of an instrument. She had gotten away with it, and then cum even harder in the locker room.

That thought began to turn her on even more. It was weird, she didn’t really touch herself much in the past. She had been raised to believe that good girls didn’t, and she really only did it once in a while, in the shower. Yet here she was, in Monday morning psych, easing forward in her chair, spreading her legs wide apart, so that her knees touched the front of the row-long desk in front of her, hoping the sleeping girl wouldn’t wake up, but pretty sure no one else could see. Amber’s fingers slipped under the waist band of her dark grey yoga pants, and tickled their way down the curve of her hip. Carefully, she slid through the soft hair, which she needed to keep carefully groomed or the sluts on the team would mock her in the showers. Her middle finger slid along her outer lips, and she closed her eyes and exhaled.

She kept picturing his hands all over her, grabbing at her, throwing her around. She ran her finger softly along her slit, and imagined his tongue between her legs, hungrily pressing into her. She shifted a little, and began to slide her finger deeper, imagining the wider, rougher fingers of his strong hands. Where her knees touched the desk, she imagined his hands pressing down, forcing her to keep her legs wide apart.

Amber kept her mouth shut tight, to make sure no little whimper escaped. She was breathing through her nose, and it was starting to come faster. She pushed a second finger in, slowly massaging herself. She treated herself with teasing brushes of her thumb against her clit. She opened her eyes just a little, and looked down across the room, all focused forward, no one paying attention to her. If she was quiet, she could bring herself to orgasm surrounded by people. A humming escaped her throat as she enjoyed that idea.

Amber froze. She glanced around to see if anyone had heard her. It seemed safe, until she looked down and saw Taput, half turned in his chair, smiling cruelly at her. Her cheeks burned, at being caught. What the fuck did she do now?

It was like he read her mind. In his notebook, he wrote in big letters KEEP GOING OR I WILL TELL EVERYONE.

She looked at him, dumbfounded.

He raised his hand.

She shook her head, and started to move her fingers again. He lowered his arm before Parson’s saw it.

For a moment, she was tense, uncertain how she would go on. Then she realized that she was doing this for him. He wanted her to finger herself. That thought was almost too much, as she began to move her fingers between her legs more frantically. He wanted her, wanted her doing this. Amber teased herself, longed to pinch her nipples but was certain she couldn’t get away with it. She wanted his hot breath on her neck, and instead of her three tiny fingers she wanted his thick cock between her legs, pushing so deep into her. She wanted his hands, rough on her skin, pawing at her breasts, pushing her around, all endless need devoid of finesse.

Her breathing was fast. Her body ached. She was biting her lip to stay silent. She longed to run her hands across her stomach, up to her perky breasts. She was overheating, and wanted to strip out of her clothing. She was lost in the sensations, in the fantasy of being his desperate little fuck toy.

Then the lights came on. The whole room started blinking. The lecture was done. Parson’s was assigning readings and people were frantically packing their books, laptops, and tablets to get to their next classes. A stampede of students left the room.

Amber sat in the back, sweaty, desperate and unfulfilled. She watched her classmates file out. Parson’s grabbed his things and left. The sleeping girl got up and wandered away. Amber did her best to straighten herself out. She didn’t have another class for a couple hours, and she could go back to her dorm room and …

And now it was only her and Taput left in the room. He got up and headed to the door. She thought about calling out to him. Something about that seemed like a terrible idea. Sure, it was fun to fantasize about him throwing her down and having his way with her, but he had caught her masturbating in class. She should just walk out of here.

She gathered up her things, and was about ten seconds behind Taput, about to be the last person to leave the lecture hall before the next class filed in. When Taput got to the door, he closed it and threw the deadbolt.

“What are you doing?” she called out. There was a fear bubbling in her stomach. It only worsened when he smiled his uncomfortable smile at her. “You can’t lock that!”

“I did,” he said, in a deep voice. “If you get on that desk,” he pointed to the professor’s desk at the front of the hall, “I will fuck you.”

continued at https://erostopholes.wordpress.com/2015/12/04/lechomancer-curses-chapter-4-breaking-the-girl/

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/3viuzh/lechomancer_curses_4_breaking_the_girl_mfsexpublic