The Wedding Slut

[I'm a 19 year old girl living in Baltimore, Maryland. True story. ~ Kassandra]

So, I was out at an out of town wedding this past Sunday. The bride was one of a group of us middle school girls who kept in touch after her family moved out of state. I mostly didn't know the people at the wedding – just a few people from growing up. The wedding was in a downtown Double Tree Hotel. The whole thing was totally beautiful. The wedding was an early afternoon wedding and we'd all been hanging out since like 11 am for various pictures and stuff. Through the day guys winked at me and casually flirted, which I took as just playful stuff. We were all drinking off and on during the day. After the wedding itself there was a cocktail hour before the reception. There some guys started more serious flirting, hinting that we should meet up after the reception. One guy was sitting with me and said "I hear you are a lot of fun." I just smiled and said "Really?" I was starting to wonder who all knew about me. He said, "That's what I hear. Is it wrong?" We got interrupted and he left, but I scanned the room thinking maybe I was known more than I thought here. Or maybe it was just that guys get attracted to me and they were talking about the new hot chick.

During the reception they had a great band and we were all dancing. One guy started dancing with me and he was really good, spinning me and really moving around the dance floor – as much as we could given how crowded it was. At one point he was behind me with his arms around me and I could feel his hard dick against my ass. It was a funky song and he thrust against me and we danced. I felt myself getting warmer and he whispered "You like that?" I just pressed against him and wiggled. He said, "I hear you like this a lot." At that point I figured I had been targeted. Also, the dancing and his dick against me was turning on the horniness. I managed to get out "How do you hear all this?" He was thrusting his hips moving my dress up, which was short as it was. "There are people here who know you. Word travels. Come on. Everyone at a wedding is here for fun." I nodded and whispered "Okay." With an arm around my hips he led me off the dance floor asking "Are you staying in the hotel." I said "Yep. We can go to my room." He tightened his grip around my hips as he led me out of the ballroom and kissed me as we walked. Some guys nodded or winked as we passed. He high-fived a couple. It could have been just guys meeting each other at a wedding. It was happening all around. Or it could have been that they had talked about this.

Heading to my room we talked, he rubbed my ass, which I love. It made me purr. In my room, we kissed really passionately just inside the door. Then he presses on my shoulders and I sink to the floor. He unzips and his hard dick comes out and I go for it hungrily. He groans as I go up and down on it. Suddenly he thrusts hard in my mouth pounding me. Then he pulls me off so I gasp. I shake my head to clear my head and say "Feed me," and go down on him again until I feel his warm, sticky cum filling my mouth. I swallow it as it flows into my mouth, then pull off and hold my head back to savor it going down. He quickly lifts me and carries me to my bed. I feel how wet my cunt is getting and I groan. "Everyone was right I guess," he says laughing as he puts me on the bed and starts stripping me. I'm already feeling high and the feeling of my clothes sliding off starts another orgasm and I twist and moan. "I'm there in a second," he says. Then he pulls me by the legs to the edge of the bed and slides straight up my cunt and deep and I let out a low, long, groan. He fucked my brains out turning me into so many positions, and he called me names. Finally, we were just laying there and he pulled me so I was sort of sitting on his lap. He said "I should get back to the wedding, but like I said, word is around about you. I told my buddy, Jason, I'd let him know when we were done. You understand?" I nodded and said, "Yeah." He said, "You're used to this aren't you?" "Yeah, yeah, I am," I said nodding quickly. "You are such a horny little piece of ass. Sexiest chick here." "Thank you." "You'll have a good time." "I know." "Do you want to dress and come down, or should I send him here?' "Just send him here. It'd probably be better for the others not to see me coming and going. I'll clean up while you get him."

He dressed and left. It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. I got fucked over and over. It went on until like midnight. But because I stayed in my room none of the girls in the wedding party found out about it.

I think it was the third guy who visited me who asked if I was going to be around the next day. I said I had planned to stay another day. He asked if I could keep this going another day. I said I didn't know what shape I'd be in. By this time I knew that they knew I whored as well as just played the slut, so I said that I think I could be available but I'd have to charge, which surprisingly enough he seemed fine with. He said he would talk to others and get back to me. About 11 pm the guy who came to me said that after I got some sleep later they would put out the word I was around. He asked me what hour I could start seeing people and we worked out a fee and how they would come to me.

I guess I got to sleep around 1 pm, and got up about 7 am. They were good to their word. No one complained about the fee. The first knock came at 8:30 am. It was pretty steady through the day.



  1. Sexy story, definitely in the right line of work baby. I wouldn’t let you give it away. But I guess, in a way, it was an investment. Hmmm… so maybe so.

  2. Very nice story, thanks for sharing it. Do you know how many guys came up to visit you?

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