The Test Subject – Part Six [MFT,sci-fi,horror]

As the nurse rolled Mark down the maze of corridors in a wheelchair, the memories of his time in the regeneration lab came back to him in brief snapshots.

The crash cart. The IV. The team of medical specialists stabilizing him.

Julie, standing in the background. A vicious expression of victory on her face.

Days and nights, soaking in a vat of thick green goo that looked like shampoo and smelled vaguely like cooking spinach.

The horrible wound between his legs, slowly healing.

A bare patch of skin, with only a catheter tube coming out.

A tiny nub of flesh, growing every day.

The image of a miniature penis—a baby’s dick—growing out of his own crotch where his manhood used to be.

Not much else after that. More days lost to sleeping than anything.

Now riding in the wheel chair he was wearing only slippers and a hospital gown, tied at the back. His entire pelvis was wrapped in bandages, a catheter tube snaking down into a collection bag.

The wheel chair stopped at an office door. Mark looked up. The sign on the door read, “Jennifer Rebekah, PhD.” The nurse knocked softly on the door then turn and left. Her shoes clicking on the tiles as she disappeared into the labyrinth of halls.

The door opened and Dr. Rebekah was standing there, looking down at him.

“You’re looking well Mr. Richardson.”

Her blouse was low-cut, revealing ample cleavage. Mark’s eyes lingered over her new breasts, “So are you, doctor.”

“I guess we’re both fortunate the regeneration lab is so good at what they do, aren’t we?”

“Yes,” he mumbled sheepishly, “I think so. I’m not sure.” He looked down at his lap.

She eased his chair into her office and shut the door behind them. She walked around to the other side of her desk and sat down.

“You must be very, very curious to see your regrown penis.” She smiled knowingly.

“I am,” he mumbled, still looking down.

“We took the liberty of modifying you a little bit. Seemed like it would be a wasted opportunity if we didn’t pick out some…improvements on your behalf.”

He shuffled his slippers.

“Your original penis was seven-and-one-half inches long, and four-and-a-quarter inches in circumference. Impressive, to be sure.”

Mark glanced at her. She was smiling, which made him very uncomfortable.

“Your new penis is nine inches long, and five inches around.”

He wasn’t sure what to say, so he whispered “Wow, thank you” in a hoarse voice.

“There’s more. Your testicles are larger. Your prostate gland is larger, too. We also tuned the ‘plumbing’ for lack of a better word. When you ejaculate, Mr. Richardson, you will squirt out almost a half-liter of semen. “

Her eyes grew somewhat dreamy as she continued, “Your semen will squirt out at a very impressive velocity, too.”

She chuckled, “I wouldn’t bet against you in an ejaculation contest for distance. Anyway, the point being: your orgasms will be more powerful, longer than before, and visually stunning. ”

He looked up and smiled for the first time.

“I thought you might like that. Also, we modified you so that your body hair won’t grow anymore. Other than your eyebrows and the hair on your head, you’ll stay bald as an egg and you won’t have to shave. ”

He wasn’t sure how he felt about this.

“And…there’s something else…we adjusted your spinal column slightly to limber it up…and shortened your lower ribs a bit… you’ll be able to fellate your own penis quite easily, and take several inches of it into your own mouth.”

His eyes widened and she nodded at him.

“Would you like to try that now, Mr. Richardson?”

He nodded too eagerly. She grinned. He cringed in shame.

“Good, I want to watch you do it. But first we have to get these bandages off and take out that catheter. Please stand up, you’re quite ready.”

He rose, a little unsteady on his feet. She moved the chair out of the way and untied his gown in the back. He pulled it off over his head and tossed it onto the wheelchair.

Other than the bandages and slippers he was nude. The room was cool and he was shivering a bit.

Dr. Rebekah began unwrapping the bandages. He watched intently. After unrolling several yards of it, he was finally uncovered. The cool air hit him and he trembled as he looked down at his new cock.

It was just like his original penis, only larger as she said. His balls were also bigger, heavier.

“Nice, isn’t it? Now let me pull this out for you…” she peeled off the surgical tape holding the catheter in. She grasped the tube and held his penis steady with the other hand. She pulled hard on the tube with the other.

It didn’t feel good coming out, but he was glad to be rid of it.

“Notice the nearly invisible scar all the way around your genitals…that very thin, very fine white line…the monomolecular garrote left that for you….a souvenir of your sordid past.” She chuckled.

He squinted to see it. It was almost a perfect circle from what he could tell. It was quite hard to see.

Her voice grew colder, “I have similar scarring around my breasts…though my scars are in a far more ragged pattern than your circular scar…”

He looked her in the eyes, then looked down at her impressive cleavage. He could just barely see some of the scarring, where the flesh of her old breasts had been torn and bitten off by the she-god, Hera.

Mark felt a swelling mixture of guilt, fear, and arousal at that memory. He imagined the doctor felt something similar.

“But we’ll talk more about my breasts later. Let’s try your new penis first. Make sure everything is in good working order.”

He looked back up at her face, he wasn’t sure exactly what to do next.

“Hmm, perhaps you need a little visual stimulation.” She walked over to a bookshelf and using both hands she retrieved a large glass jar from it. It had been nestled in among some books. He had not noticed it before.

She placed the jar down heavily on the desk and studied his face carefully.

Floating in the jar–suspended in a clear liquid–was his original penis.

They’d not only preserved it, they preserved it forever erect. It was floating at an angle, the head pointing up. The severed base and scrotum resting near the bottom edge.

The doctor slowly rotated the jar so he could look at it from all angles. He tried to not look at the severed end– the gaping open hole of his old scrotum and shaft– but he did. He couldn’t take his eyes off of it.

“Mr. Richardson, I believe your new penis is getting an erection. Very interesting.”

He looked at it. It was indeed getting very hard.

It looked even more enormous now. Nine inches was longer than he’d thought. His heavy new balls drew in tight to his body. Clear fluid began seeping out of the tip. The shaft wobbled slightly as it pulsed in time with his heartbeat.

“So far, so good,” the doctor whispered, “I really like this new one better…don’t you?”

He grunted softly in agreement.

“I think it’s very, very, very interesting, Mr. Richardson, that you immediately became erect at the sight of your original severed penis, floating in this jar.” She continued to rotate the jar slowly.

“I can’t explain it…I can’t help it…”

“Perhaps I can explain. You have always been in lust with your own penis. You loved looking at it. You loved it when other people looked at it, too.”

He nodded silently. She continued, “In addition to that, I think the memory of what Julie did to it is an erotic, exciting one for you. Isn’t it?”

“Yes. Full of extreme pain and fear, but exciting, too. Arousing.”

“I’ll say.” She cooed. Then added, “Do you hate her for it?”

“Yes…no. I don’t know. I probably deserved it, after what I did to her. And for what I did to you.”

“You did not act entirely alone you know. But yes, I think you did deserve your punishments, and I think you rather enjoyed them, too”.

She was staring at his new cock. So much pre-cum had oozed out of it by now that it was dripping onto the floor, making a small puddle.

“Alright, Mr. Richardson. Let’s try this out. I want you to bend over at the waist and fellate your new penis. Your…very large…new…penis.”

He bent over. He found he was far more flexible than before, just like she’d promised. The eye of his wet urethra stared up at him.

After a moment, he took the head of his penis into his mouth.

“Good, good. Suck yourself as much as you want. I’ll enjoy watching you. Just don’t ejaculate. I’ll tell you when you may have an orgasm…as always.”

He leaned his head in lower, easily. At least 4 inches of his cock was now in his mouth. He slurped at it greedily. The pre-cum tasted very sweet and fresh.

“Good boy. Keep sucking. I’m just going to get my new breasts out for you…”

Dr. Rebekah took off her coat and blouse. Mark’s head kept bobbing up and down. She removed her bra and tossed it aside while he gobbled on his own dick, making loud sloshing noises in his mouth.

“OK, stop sucking it now. I want you to look at me.”

He lifted his head and looked at her breasts. His throbbing cock was dripping with saliva and pre-cum.

Her new breasts were magnificent. Very different that the saggy udders she used to have.

They were fulsome and high, but not too high. They didn’t look like artificial breasts with the unfortunate balloon shape. They were teardrop shaped and very natural in appearance, simply much larger and fuller than before.

The new nipples were wondrous, too. The old ones had been tired and over-sucked looking. These were fresh, pink, and healthy. The areolas were well defined, slightly raised, and circular. The nipples were rounded and fat, and a slightly darker reddish-pink.

He noticed an odd fold or crease encircling each nipple. There was something interesting going on with that. He also noticed the long, thin, super-faint scars around each breast in a ragged line where Hera had bitten her old breasts off.

His cock twitched at the memory of it, of giving the command.

“Do you like them?” she asked.

“Yes, they are perfect. What’s going on with the nipples? They look…intriguing.”

“Very good eye, Mr. Richardson. Why don’t you suckle one and find out?”

He placed a hand on her upper arms and then bent his head down to lick and suck her right nipple.

Nothing happened, so he sucked harder, taking more of her breast into his mouth.

“Mmm, that feels good.”

The nipple became erect and…extended outwards. He pulled his head away and looked at it. The fat little nipple had “telescoped” out of the areola, unfolding the encircling crease.

It was about three and a half inches long…and it looked exactly like a small penis. It even had a vertical slit in the head.

“Is that…a penis?”

“It sure is. Don’t you want to suck it some more?”

“I do,” he hesitated, “can it…cum?”

“If you stimulate it enough…milk will shoot out of it. To me it will feel much like my breast is ejaculating and it will give me an orgasm, similar to a normal penis.”

“You can do that…with both?”

“Oh yes. Now suck on this one, Mr. Richardson.”

He took the little nipple-dick into his mouth and sucked it hard. He gnawed it gently with his teeth. Dr. Rebekah moaned and writhed in his embrace.

He alternately kept sucking, licking, and gnawing on it until the nipple-dick ejaculated. A hot thin stream of milk squirted into his mouth as the doctor moaned with pleasure. He swallowed it hungrily.

“Do the other one. I want to cum in your mouth again.”

He noticed that the hornier the doctor became, the less she used medical and anatomical jargon and the more she tended to talk dirty.

Mark hefted her left breast in his hand. The underside was warm and slightly damp, and the breast was heavy and undulating with milk. He dabbed at the nipple with his tongue and withdrew. He kissed at it, teased it and withdrew again. He kept doing this. He wanted to see it grow erect.

“Mmm, yummy, I like it when you lick it and then look at it, too,” the doctor sighed.

The nipple telescoped out slowly, unfolding the circular crease around it. The mini-penis strained and extended out, the same size as the other one.

Mark took it into his mouth and slurped on it, sucking it and biting it gently.

After a few minutes of this Dr. Rebekah gasped again. He felt the thin warm stream of milk jet into his mouth again. He swallowed it as it flowed. His long dick was pulsing and aching, more clear fluid oozing from its tip.

“Nice. Two orgasms—two ejaculations from my breasts–in just a few minutes. Thank you, genetic engineering.”

He pushed her shoulders down gently so she would sit in her chair. She got the signal and complied.

Mark then stood up in front of her and stroked his cock.

It felt different. Nine inches was a long stroke. It felt great. It was incredible.

His heavy balls swayed back and forth and the head of his cock bobbed up and down as he jerked off. Dr. Rebekah’s eyes were fixated on it. She licked at the pre-cum lightly.

“I didn’t tell you to do that, but I agree it’s a good idea. Go ahead and ejaculate all over my new breasts, Mr. Richardson…spray me with your cum.”

Mark stroked harder and a little faster. His glutes flexed and his hips rocked as he worked on his cock.

Dr. Rebekah reached around and began probing the crack of his ass with her fingers. Tickling his rectum lightly with her fingertips.

"Mr. Richardson, I want you to look at the jar while you're cumming."

He forced himself to look at the jar. He stared at his old penis floating in the liquid. He felt his new balls surging, his new cock straining.

He exploded. A rope of thick white cum shout out of his urethra and landed on the doctor’s left breast.

“Unh!” Mark groaned, stroking hard. The veins in his new dick bulged, his oversized balls tightened up against his body.

A second blast of semen shot out, landing on her left breast again.

“Oh god, it’s so beautiful when it ejaculates,” Dr. Rebekah whispered.

Mark blasted out twelve more jets of gooey white jizz. The squirting cum landed on the doctor’s breasts with loud watery splats. He wasn't aiming, as he still had his eyes locked on the jar, his original cock, severed and floating…he came so hard…while staring at it…

The pearlescent white goo trickled and ran down her cleavage. Some of it was clinging to her nipples.

Large drops and strands of his spent semen flowed from her breasts, landing on her thighs, the desk, and her chair.

He kept milking his cock, slower and easier now. A few more drops of cum oozed out. He stopped looking at his old penis and looked at her again.

“Wow, that really does look like a half liter of semen,” he remarked.

“Yes, that should be about right. Maybe not as impressive as Hera, but still very impressive.”

Mark flinched at the giantess’ name.

“Bad memories there, Mr. Richardson?”

“Yes and no, doctor.”

“I feel the same. Now let me have someone clean up this mess while you go find yourself some clothes, food, and rest. I want to see you again in my office tomorrow.”

Just like that, he had been dismissed.

The next day Mark went to her office early. He was excited to see her again. He was also wearing his favorite black bodysuit. The high-tech garment covered him neck-to-toe in sleek form-fitting fabric.

The EMB Labs had conditioned him that when he wore such a body suit it influenced his sense of identity in a strong way. When unzipped it and pulled his cock and balls out through the fly, it felt like being more naked than naked.

Using the suit caused his body to fade into the background of his self-perception. In his perverted mind, it served as a virtual invisibility cloak. It helped to see his dick and only his dick. In a way, he became only his dick.

It was what he wanted. It was his natural state of existence.

He waited patiently in the hall, focusing on not getting an erection this early.

After a few minutes, the door opened and Dr. Rebekah said, “Come on in, Mr. Richardson.”

He entered her office.

“Oh good, I see you have your bodysuit back. You really like wearing it.”

“Yes, it…works for me.”

“Yesterday we took your new penis out for a very pleasurable experiment and we also demonstrated my genetically enhanced breasts. Today I want you to experience my other enhancements.”

“I look forward to it.”

She removed her clothes while he watched. She was very businesslike and efficient about this. A playful striptease was not her style.

“Lift me up on the desk, Mr. Richardson, and look at my genitals.”

He lifted her up and she sat on the desk, her large new breasts bouncing. She watched his eyes as she spread her knees apart.

He looked at her vulva. The graying pubic hair from before was gone. It was completely hairless. Her labia looked…renewed somehow. Very pink and healthy, with nice thick lips and clitoral hood.

She placed the fingers of both hands on her labia and rubbed herself gently. “Take out your penis and show it to me.”

He unzipped and pulled out his dick. He stroked it to start making it hard.

“The testicles, too.”

With a bit of effort, he tugged his testicles out. The cool air felt good.

“That’s all you are…a big penis, a big set of balls. You only exist to service me. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, doctor.” The suit was working its subtle magic on him. He was disappearing. Only his cock and balls remained.

Dr. Rebekah fumbled with her discarded lab coat pockets and fished out a tube of lubricant.

“Slather this all over your penis. We’re going to need a lot of lubrication to get that oversized thing inside of me. I’m very tight.”

Mark took the tube, removed the cap and squeezed clear sticky lube onto his dick. He rubbed it all over, squeezed out some more.

Dr. Rebekah massaged her labia again, then spread them with her fingers.

“Look inside of me and stroke your cock.”

Mark gazed at her gaping pussy, it was very tight-looking indeed. It made his dick get even harder.

“Your penis is very long, so be careful not to bottom out and jackhammer my cervix. I’m not Julie. That’s her thing.”

He stroked his dick slowly, staring into her gaped labia with lust.

“OK, put it in.”

He slid the head of his dick into her, nice and easy. It was very snug.

“Very good. You can go a little deeper.”

With some effort, he pushed slowly into her a few inches.

“Nice and tight, isn’t it?”

“Mmmm, yes, very tight.”

“OK, pull it out. I don’t want you to ejaculate yet. I just wanted to give you a sample of my vagina.”

Frustrated beyond words, he obeyed without complaint. He pulled out with a wet “plop” and his unhappy cock throbbed miserably.

“Don’t look so sad, we’re a long way from done here. Now…lick my clitoris.”

Mark squatted down and she slid to the edge of the desk. He began licking at her labia and circling her clitoris.

“Nice way to tease me a little, I like that.”

Mark took his dick in hand. “May I…play with my cock while I do this?”

“No, you man not. Don’t touch it.”

He let it drop. It flopped heavily, his balls swaying.

“Concentrate on licking my clitoris, don’t be so damned fixated on your penis all of the time.”

He licked hungrily, probing and swirling with his tongue. Her clit began to engorge with blood.

“Ah, very good Mr. Richardson. See what you can do when you focus?”

Her clit became more erect. It began growing out of the soft fleshy folds of her vagina like a sprout. Mark took it in his mouth and sucked.

It continued to grow even longer and longer in his warm mouth. He withdrew and looked down at it.

The doctor’s clit was now about 4 inches long and as thick around as a magic marker. The head of it strongly resembled a penis head.

“What do you think? It compliments my nipple-penises, doesn’t it?”

If he were being honest, it looked freakish. It mildly disgusted him. He wasn't sure why.

Ignoring his silence, she went on, “You have one very large, very impressive penis. I have three smaller ones…and all of them can ejaculate. “

She studied his face. “You outsize me, but I outnumber you,” she chuckled.

She turned away from him to face the desk and arched her back. “Slather fresh lubricant on your penis and then carefully penetrate my anus.”

Mark squeezed a large dollop of lubricant onto his cock and spread it all over the head and shaft.

He picked her up and bent her over the desk.

Her ass was still kind of skinny for him, but her rosy sphincter looked very inviting. The doctor spread her cheeks open with her hands.

Mark eased the first inch his thick cock into her ass. It was a very, very tight fit. Dr. Rebekah moaned in pain as he entered her.

“Deeper,” she moaned.

He grabbed her waist with both hands and drove himself in another two inches.

“Oh god, that hurts…in a good way. Deeper, Mr. Richardson.”

He slid further in, he was a little more than halfway to full penetration.

“Yessss. More…more! My tight little ass can barely take it.”

Mark thrust forward, pushing eight inches of is long fat dick inside of her ass. One inch remained.

“Oh god! Your cock is like a flagpole! It’s going to split my ass open!”

He eased out about halfway, then thrust forward again, still not all the way.

“Unh! It’s so good!”

He began pumping his hips, thrusting in and out. For some reason he always reserved the last inch of his cock, a little afraid to drive it all the way in.

“Yes, yes! Fuck my tight little asshole with that pole!”

He kept fucking her, hard, but not all the way, for a few minutes.

“D-doctor…may I ejaculate?”

“Not quite yet. First I want you to put all of your penis inside me, as deep as it will go, and hold it there…firmly.”

With some reservation, he thrust forward, giving her all nine inches. He felt the tip of his dick strike something velvety and rough.

“Oh god yes, it’s…so…big. Now…hold there for just a minute…”

Something inside of her stretched rectum clamped down on the head of his penis. He yelped in surprise and pain. It almost felt like it had teeth.

“Don’t move, Mr. Richardson! I have locked you inside of me with one of my…genetic enhancements.”

Mark started panting, beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

“Remain calm. I’m not going to hurt you. I want you to ejaculate now. You can do it.”

“What will happen?”

“Just ejaculate! Shoot your cum inside my ass! You know you want to.”

Mark’s cock strained inside of her rectum. His balls rose and surged.

He came.

“Oh yes! I can feel your massive cock ejaculating inside of my asshole!”

Like before, he just kept spurting and spurting. The jets of cum blasted out of his dick one after the other, nine inches deep in her ass.

She could feel it, hot and sticky, unloading inside of her. Squirt after squirt it came.

Finally it stopped. He felt the rough, velvety…thing…release him.

“You may withdraw your penis, Mr. Richardson.” Her voice was eerily calm now.

He pulled out, his dick still wet with lube. He watched as her stretched, gaping asshole slowly closed.

“Doctor, what was that thing I felt inside of you? The thing that latched on to me?”

“That’s a new sexual gland we’ve just developed. I call it the semen recycler. Others have humorously called it ‘the cum catcher’. It absorbs semen, sterilizes it, and stores it for later use.”

“Interesting…and the latching on?”

“That was my own optional addition. Once I have your penis where I want it, I won’t let you go until you ejaculate. I mean…you could pull out…but it would hurt like hell…it might even tear the head of your penis off…”

“The usual sadistic mix of extreme pleasure and pain from the labs.”

“Exactly. Now that I have a sizable load of your semen inside of my new recycler gland, I want to show you what I can do with it. If you’re done staring at my ass…?”

She turned around and faced him, “Hold your penis still for me.”

Mark gripped his semi-flaccid penis in both hands and held it up for her. He watched as she stroked her clitoris. Again it engorged and grew, long and skinny. Tendril-like it emerged from her genitals, a long skinny penis.

She continued to stroke it, it almost looked as if she were stretching modelling clay out of herself.

“I’m going to insert my engineered clitoris-penis into your urethra. Spread the hole open for me…”

“I’ve noticed you are really into urethral penetration, doctor.”

“It’s one of my major personal sexual fetishes, yes. Now quit stalling and open up that dickhole!”

Using the tips of his fingers, he parted the lips of his urethra. She fed the head of her clit-penis into it.

Her clit-penis suddenly seemed to wake up. It began snaking into him on its own, slithering down his urethra.

Mark felt his muscles lock up.

“It has a powerful but short-lasting neurotoxin, you are temporarily paralyzed, Mr. Richards. Now enjoy…”

The neurotoxin kept his muscles from moving, but if anything it enhanced his sense of feeling. He could feel the thin tendril burrowing down his urethra, deeper and deeper into his cock. It didn’t hurt, it felt quite pleasurable.

“Remember all that hassle we had to go through to pump Hera’s semen into your urethra? Of course you can’t answer. But anyway, this seemed like a more organic way. A more elegant solution. Though of course, I’m always coming up with new things, so I may or may not keep it.”

The tendril inside his cock was at least a foot in, deep inside his pelvis. He felt a stab of pain, a jolt of thrumming electricity that burned the base of his cock, his balls, and something deeper inside, close to his rectum.

“I’ve found your prostate gland…and I’m penetrating it…that’s what you’re feeling.”

Tears streamed from his eyes, he still could not move. The pain was exquisite.

“Next I’m going to inject you with your own semen…the same stuff you just squirted into my rectum, captured by my new recycler gland.”

His eyes could still move. They looked at her face. Her expression was excited, sadistic, and merciless. He looked down at her breasts. Both of her nipple-dicks were fully extended and trembling.

“When I inject your prostate, it’s going to give me a very powerful orgasm. All three of my artificial penises—my two modified nipples and my modified clitoris—will ejaculate at the same time. It will be quite a show.”

His eyes scanned her body. Then he locked eyes with her.

“Yes, my triple orgasm will be a mighty one. And an important part of the pleasure for me will be knowing that it’s causing you a great deal of pain at the same time.”

He struggled to move. He could not.

The doctor sank her fingers into the flesh of his upper arms. She arched her back, her face pointed towards the ceiling and her eyes rolled back.

“Unnhhhh! I’m cumming!”

Both of her nipple-dicks squirted jets of milk all over his torso at the same time.

He wanted to scream but he couldn’t. He could feel the hot recycled cum flowing back into his prostrate like scalding steam. It seemed to go on for a full 30 seconds.

The doctor slumped forward, she released her grasp on him and placed her fists on her desk, looking down at it. Her large breasts undulated as the nipples slowly retracted.

In an almost bored voice she said, “That was better than good. I’m going to extract my clitoris probe from inside of you, and the neurotoxin should wear off soon.”

Mark could feel the thing detach from his prostate gland. It was as if a scorpion had stung him and withdrew. Her clit-penis began snaking out of him. It slithered up through his urethra, retreating.

It popped out of his urethral opening with a soft wet sound. Her clit-penis quickly shrank, disappearing back into the clitoral hood. Her nipples appeared normal now, too.

Mark could move again. He started shaking off the paralysis.

“How do you feel, Mr. Richardson?” she stared at him with her scientific intensity.

“Uncomfortable. There’s a tightness inside of me. A burning sensation of extreme fullness. Like I desperately need to ejaculate again.”

“Excellent. It’s what I hoped for. This experiment Phase Six was a success. I have learned much from it.”

“Don’t you want to…go at me again?” he asked earnestly.

“Today? With you…Mr. Richardson? I think not. I have other test subjects to see to.”

Again he was dismissed.

As Mark bedded down in his small sleeping cubicle for the night, something was troubling him.

It took him a long time to fall asleep. He knew he was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

When he awoke, he felt very, very groggy. His head hurt, too. It seemed he had been asleep for a much longer time than usual.

His room was still dark when the lone monitor in it flickered to life. Mark instinctively looked at it.

The severe visage of Dr. Rebekah stared at him.

“Time to wake up, Mr. Richardson. While you were asleep we modified you again.”

His eyes widened, “W-what did you do to me?”

“Do you feel…hungry?”

“Yes. I’m very hungry, actually.”

“What about sexual urges? Are you feeling ‘extra horny’ as one might say?”

As soon as she said that, he realized he had morning wood, too.

“Do you remember my semen recycler gland?”

“Yes…of course. What about it?”

“We’ve replaced your stomach with a large one. Your esophagus leads directly into it. Then the recycler gland’s seminal output duct feeds into your testicles and prostate.”

“I-I-I don’t understand.”

“I’m putting you into an endless loop. You’re locked in your room until someone finds you. The only thing you can do in the meantime is suck your own cock…”

He was surprised she didn’t say “penis”, her preferred word.

“You will ejaculate into your mouth and swallow your semen because you are very hungry. However, it will not curb your hunger. The semen will be recycled by your new organ. It will then feed it back into your reproductive organs, refreshing them in less than a minute.”

The light clicked on, Mark’s mind began to fill with terror. As if someone else was controlling him, he unzipped his fly and pulled his erect cock out.

“For the next several hours–or even days– the only thing you will want to do is the following: suck, ejaculate, and swallow.”

He grabbed the edges of his bed, staring at her in abject fear. His cock hummed with need, his balls clenching.

“Over and over again you will repeat this cycle. You will ejaculate into your own mouth and swallow your own cum hundreds of times. Like the Sisyphus of semen, you will fellate yourself…endlessly”

His mouth watered, his cock thrummed and pulsed hungrily.

“Never being finished. Never being satisfied. Never being able to stop. Suck. Squirt. Swallow.”

Already he was bending over double, taking his cock into his mouth.

“That’s it, Mr. Richardson. Suck it, suck that beautiful cock. Then squirt. Then swallow.”

She watched him slurp it, working his member in and out of his own mouth.

“When that copious load of semen squirts into your mouth…you will swallow it down like a greedy pig. Your semen recycler will capture it for you.”

She waited. He came. The torrent of semen flooding into his mouth as fast as he could swallow it down. The pleasure was intense but short.

“That’s a good boy. Suck. Squirt. Swallow. All day. Every day. Fellate yourself. Ejaculate into yourself. Swallow some more…until you eventually starve….”

The monitor screen flicked off.

Mark looked down at his cock. He had just ejaculated. He was still unsatisfied. The orgasm had brought him pleasure but no relief. No relief from hunger, and no relief from sexual desire.

He needed to ejaculate again. He stuck his dick back into his mouth and sucked some more. He needed his cum. He not only wanted it. He not only lusted for it. He felt like he needed it to survive.

Hours beyond count passed. He wasn’t sure how many times he had repeated the cycle: suck, squirt, and swallow.

He was exhausted. And so, so hungry.

Once every few hours the monitor would flick on again so Dr. Rebekah could check on his progress and torment him with her words.

“You’re losing weight already, I can tell. My skinny little self-sucker. This is what happens when the only thing you care about is your cock and the only thing you want is to do with your time is ejaculate. You get what you wish for.”

Mark stopped sucking himself to look up at her. He was in a haze of confusion, a fugue of insatiable appetites.

“Don’t stop on my account. I love watching you do that…”

He looked down. His cock was red and sore and tired. But it was still rock hard and pulsing with his heartbeat. Throbbing, eager, and hungry for his mouth.

His mouth was also hungry for his cock and thirsty for its cum. He sucked himself again.

“Gooooood boy. Suck. Squirt. Swallow.”

The monitor flicked off.

Mark lay flat on his back in bed. Completely exhausted. He could barely move.

He just didn’t have the energy to suck anymore. Everything ached.

Even his dick was giving up. Sore from being sucked so long, tired from endless orgasms. Its nine inches lay softly against his thinning belly, only about one-quarter erect.

He couldn’t understand why, but a constant stream of semen still leaked out of his cock.

It trickled in a steady flow. It didn’t gush or squirt or climax. It just flowed out of him slowly…like a garden hose that was turned almost all of the way off but not quite.

The monitor flicked on. Dr. Rebekah’s digital image stared at him lying on the bed.

“Poor sweet boy, spent at last. I see the cycle of suck, squirt, and swallow has been broken after all.”

He looked up at her, “Help me, please.”

She chuckled, “Oh good…I see the semen is still leaking out of you, even though you are not stimulating your penis. Tell me Mr. Richardson, how does it feel?”

He didn’t see the point in lying. “It’s interesting…it feels good actually. It’s not nearly as intense as a normal orgasm but it’s like a steady sensation of gradual relief and mild pleasure. I also feel as if…”

“You’re floating? Or perhaps fading away?”

“Yes, doctor. Well said.”

“What I didn’t tell you before is that your metabolism has been radically modified. Your body has been reprogrammed so that semen production is its number one priority. Because you are no longer recycling your semen, it is now harvesting whatever resources it can to continue to produce it.”

She smiled down at him from the monitor screen, waiting for him to comprehend.

He struggled to speak in a croaky voice, “So…basically…my body is consuming itself so I can cum myself to death?”

“Precisely. I’m thinking when this is finally over, all that will be left of you will be a penis and a giant puddle of semen. A fitting monument for you, Mr. Richardson."

She waited for him to say something. He didn't.

She shrugged. "Perhaps I'll save the new penis in a jar and put it on my bookshelf next to your old one. I'd really enjoy that.”

The monitor flicked off.

It did not come on again.

Days passed.

The door was forced open, loudly.

Julie came running in. Her shoes splashed across the floor.

“Oh my god, you look like a skeleton!”

She picked him up, he was light as a stuffed animal in her arms.

“They tried to hide you. This sleeping cubicle looks like yours but it’s not, it’s a duplicate. It’s well hidden. I had to trace Dr. Rebekah’s monitor signal…why am I wasting time telling you all of this?”

Mark could just barely register her presence. He wasn’t sure why she was hear. Was Julie going to hurt him again? He hoped not. It felt nice here in her arms.

“I’m taking you to the regeneration lab. It’s the only hope. Looks like I’m saving your sorry ass again, Mark Richardson.”
