The Test Subject – Part Four [MFT,BDSM,sci-fi,horror,gore]

Blood and gore warning

“Hera, please clean our test subject.”

“What happened to calling me by my first name?” Mark asked Dr. Rebekah.

“That was a slip up on my part, Mr. Richardson.”

The giant she-god walked over to Mark, her muscles undulating. She started licking his face and neck, cleaning cum off of him. “Mmmm”

Mark vaguely felt like a baby kitten getting a bath from its mother. He watched Hera’s breasts jiggle as she cleaned him, her long finger-like nipples occasionally brushing him.

“OK Hera, now use some damp towels, please,” Dr. Rebekah instructed.

Hera gave Mark a through scrubbing with warm, wet towels. Getting the rest of the semen out off of him.

The giantess stooped over and cleaned the floor, too. With envy, Mark watched her enormous cock sway and flop. Hera’s firm buttocks and leg muscles flexed, her massive shoulders working as she cleaned.

“Good enough Hera. You may retire for the night.” Dr. Rebekah casually dismissed the she-god. Hera picked up all the towels and her discarded two-piece tunic and walked towards the door. Mark watched her enormous muscular ass, her swaying breasts, and that glorious arcing cock as the giantess departed.

Dr. Rebekah walked over to her control panel and mashed some buttons. All of the monitors went dark except for one, the one with Julie.

“Mr. Richardson, I’m going to leave you under the care of one of my grad students, Julie. I noticed a certain interesting chemistry between the two of you during the experiments and I want to encourage it. She will get you ready for Phase Four, which will happen tomorrow.”

Without a backwards glance, the doctor left the room. Mark was alone with only monitor-Julie for company. He was still strapped to the rack.

“I can adjust the examination table to a more comfortable position for you if you like, Mark. I have remote control of it.” Her larger than life face, pretty and deceptively girl-next-door beamed down at him.

“Please do, Julie” he asked.

She tilted it to almost horizontal, leaving his head slightly elevated.

“I can also use the neuro-controls to give you a very deep, very restful sleep. You’re going to need it.”

Mark looked up at her digital visage inquisitively, “Oh really?”

“Yep!” she said happily. Then more softly and conspiratorially she added, “I can also control your erections from here. Like Dr. Rebekah did…”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. So my plan is to put you into a deep sleep and check in on you once in a while. For my own amusement I may play around with your cock a little…it’s so beautiful… but don’t worry I won’t wake you.”

“Wow, I think I’m flattered.”

“Good, you should be. Don’t let Hera get into your head. You have a large, perfect cock. Any woman would be pleased by it. Hera’s monster-cock isn’t even practical…it’s just a freak show kind of thing, really.”

“That’s for sure. Still, I have to admit I admired it…”

“Well of course. I mean jeez. All that cum. Holy crap it’s hot to watch. Still, I’d rather fuck and suck a normally big and pretty cock like yours. They can keep Hera’s Godzilla dick far, far away from me!”

Mark laughed. “Thanks, Julie. I enjoyed you watching me, even though I was feeling humiliated, too.”

“Sure. I get it. It’s all part of the fun.”

“Hey, Julie…a question.”

“OK. I’ll answer it if I’m allowed.”

“Would Hera really have…you know….”

“Bitten off your genitals and swallowed them?”

“Yeah…would Dr. Rebekah actually tell her to do it and would Hera then actually do it?”

“Um….I’m not supposed to answer this one but believe it or not….yes. It could happen.”

“Holy shit! That’s terrifying.”

“That’s kind of the point. Still, I bet some dark twisted part of your perverted little mind was thrilled by the concept if not actually wanting to go through with it.”

Mark gulped, “Yeah, I don’t know what’s wrong with me…it’s just that Hera wanting to eat my dick and balls so badly was erotic as hell to me…even if I didn’t want her to do it.”

“Sure, Mark. It’s part of your complex sexual psychology. You’re reckless and obsessed with pleasure way beyond the point of pain and normal risks. You also get off on other people making a big fuss over your dick. You get off on that a lot. It works for me, by the way, I love looking at it…”

“I know, I can’t help it. I love it when my dick is the center of attention…even if it’s being tortured.”

“Maybe especially if it’s being tortured.”

“Yes, Julie, entirely possible.”

“I think on some level you feel your cock is so glorious you want other people to resent it and punish it. You also resent it yourself, for having so much control over you. You are led around by your dick, even worse than most men.”

“All true, Julie.”

“As I said, this also works for me. I love seeing your dick tortured. It really turns me on. A lot.”

“I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing…”

“Me either. I have many disturbing issues even worse than your own…but we’ll get into that some other time.”

“I’d like that.”

“I bet you would. Oh, Mark, there’s one more thing.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m not supposed to tell you this but here in the labs they have rapid regeneration technologies that can restore limbs, tissues, body parts…even genitals.”

“Wow, seriously?”

“Yes. So, if Hera bit off your genitals we could regrow them. In fact we could grow you a larger penis if you wanted us to.”

“OK, that is bizarre yet tempting….”

“Figured you’d say that….typical guy. Still, I love your dick just the way it is. Perfect size, perfect shape, beautiful veins, but not too veiny, and shaved bald. I’m getting myself horny again. But honestly, anything bigger would just be stupid.”

“Thanks. Glad you like it. Not everybody likes it shaved.”

“I know, but it makes it more vulnerable. Anyway, the doctor didn’t want you to know about the regeneration lab, because she thinks it removes some of the threat from the idea of Hera biting your genitals off. I think it may work differently though…”

“How so?”

“I think now that you know it wouldn’t be permanent, you’ll be very tempted to try it. Just to see what it feels like to have Hera’s enormous mouth on you….just to feel the terror of it.”

Mark swallowed hard.

“Enough talk for now, Mark. Time for you to go to sleep.”


“I’ll watch over your nice big dick for you. That’ll be my personal indulgence.”

Everything went dark.

Mark awoke suddenly and things seemed different. At least the aches were gone.

The monitors were all back on, the myriad faces staring. Julie was there watching him, too. She looked a bit tired.

He was still secured to the table but instead of a latex body suit he was behind a latex sheet. His head was uncovered above it.

And again his bare flaccid cock protruded outwards through a slit, exposed. More naked than naked.

He was basically buried into the examination table. The latex sheet and table both had the same deep dark red color.

“Mr. Richardson, good morning,” said Dr. Rebekah in a cold voice.

“We have changed your restraints so you can move your hips a little now…try thrusting forwards for me, please.”

Mark moved his ass forward. His limp dick flopped. He returned to lying flat on the table, which was perfectly vertical.

“Good. Now give me a few pumps, like you’re fucking.”

He thrust in and out, his big dick flopping around. A few on the monitors laughed gently. The latex sheet resisted him some, but he could fuck if she wanted him to fuck.

“That’s all you are now, Mr. Richardson. A big thrusting cock on a table. The rest of you is gone. Remember that.”

Mark saw Julie smile.

“Today is experiment Phase Four,” the doctor said, “when you get to give us some payback, Mr. Richardson. Just remember that I’m still in control. I’m giving you a taste of sexual vengeance and power just so I can take it away again…”

Mark locked eyes with her. This would be interesting. He looked forward to it.

Dr. Rebekah took off her lab coat, and then began taking off her clothes as well. Julie’s eyebrows shot up.

The doctor finished disrobing and folded her clothes and lab coat neatly and placed clothes and shoes on a table. She turned around and faced Mark, completely naked.

Her body was thin but aging. Her breasts, which once must have been quite large and full, looked deflated and empty. They hung low on her torso, like saggy under-filled water balloons. Her nipples were large but look tired and over-sucked. They pointed slightly downwards.

She had a bony ass and hips. Her pubes were trimmed short, but graying. She looked embarrassed.

“Sorry, I’m not much to look at. My turn to be humiliated.”

Mark felt his cock stir and rise slowly.

“Your penis likes me, though. Or it likes this power…this temporary power…it has over me.” The doctor gazed at his cock longingly.

Mark noticed Julie still looked shocked and stymied.

Dr. Rebekah mashed the intercom button, “Hera, come in here please.”

Mark’s breath caught as he waited for the she-god to appear again.

Hera opened the door and entered. She was already naked. She looked at Mark with her black demon eyes and smiled. She lowered her gaze and stared at his semi-flaccid penis.

“Doctor, make the sweet little candy dick get hard again.”

“Hera, I think if you just wait a moment…we won’t need to intervene.”

Mark stared back at Hera’s giant melon breasts, her python cock, her grapefruit balls, and her finger-like nipples…his dick got rigid. He wondered what it would feel like to have the giant cock in his ass. It would probably kill him.

“Mmmm,” Hera hummed loudly, as if reading his mind.

“Hera,” Dr. Rebekah ordered, “Let Mr. Richardson fuck your cock.”

Mark was suddenly very confused.

“OK doctor,” the giantess stepped forward. She grabbed Mark’s cock in one enormous warm hand and he moaned in surprise. She grabbed her own python-cock in the other hand. She guided Mark’s dick into her huge urethral opening.

Mark looked down. His rock hard dick was an inch or so inside of Hera’s giant, semi-hard cock. Hera’s urethral lips kissed at him, trying to suck him in like a greedy vagina.

Dr. Rebekah walked over, her saggy tits swaying. She squeezed a large dollop of lubricant all over Mark and Hera’s cock heads.

“Go ahead, Mr. Richardson. Fuck Hera. Fuck her cock.”

Hera grabbed her own semi-hard member with both hands and held it for him while Mark thrust his fully erect cock deeply into her. Hera moaned in pleasure. Mark gasped in delight.

“Candy dick feels good inside of Hera’s cock.”

Mark looked down. The sight of their two cocks merging into each other was too much. He almost came right then.

“Oh no you don’t,” barked the doctor, brandishing a remote control, “I’m turning off your orgasms until you have fucked Hera to my satisfaction. Now fuck. That. Cock.”

Mark begin pounding the giant, pulling almost all the way out and thrusting into her again and again. Stabbing her cock with his. Hera’s urethra was so tight and slippery. The lubricant sloshed and glorped and made delightful slurping noises as he pumped his dick in and out.

Hera moaned in pleasure, her giant cock growing stiffer. Mark could see the vague outline of his dick making Hera’s penis bulge as he thrust into her again.

“Oh my god, so hot,” mumbled Julie.

“Fuck my cock, little candy dick.”

“Not so little inside of you is, it?”

“Pick me up, Hera,” Dr. Rebekah instructed.

Hera picked the doctor up on to her left shoulder, holding her own cock with her right hand firmly so Mark could continue fucking it uninterrupted.

Dr. Rebekah climbed Hera like a tree. Their heads were roughly even.

“Hera, fuck me with your sausage fingers.”

Mark looked down and watched Hera probe Dr. Rebekah’s cunt with her middle finger, which was as large as or even larger than most cocks.

Dr. Rebekah bounced on Hera’s finger grasping the she-god around the neck and moaning. Hera closed her eyes and breathed heavily.

Mark fucked the giant cock harder, feeling the need to ejaculate building up inside of him, but knowing the doctor still held the controls.

Hera’s finger was slick with pussy juice as the doctor continued to bounce on her. She then offered one of her deflated, sagging breasts towards Hera’s mouth.

She flicked a control and all of the monitors went dark except for Julie’s.

“Hera, take my breast into your mouth.”

Dr. Rebekah’s saggy right tit disappeared into Hera’s enormous mouth.

“Mr. Richardson, when I cum, I’m going to press your orgasm button, too. We’ll cum at the same time. You will shoot your load into Hera’s cock…”

Hera moaned, “Oh yes, squirt it inside me, candy dick!”

Unperturbed, the doctor continued, “When you ejaculate, Mr. Richardson, I want you to order Hera. I want you to say ‘Hera, suck’ or ‘Hera, swallow’. The choice is yours.”

Julie exhaled, “Oh my god.”

“What will happen?” Mark asked, though he knew the answer. He just wanted to hear her say it.

“If you say ‘Hera, suck’, she will suck my breast hard but pleasurably. If you say ‘Hera, swallow’, she will bite off my breast and swallow it.”

Mark kept furiously pumping Hera’s cock, fucking it harder than ever. He needed to cum. Now.

Dr. Rebekah rode Hera’s finger, bouncing on it faster.

“Oh Hera, you’re going to make me cum,” she moaned.

The doctor mashed the button on the remote, “Ejaculate! Mark, make your choice!”

Mark spurted hard. The first jet of hot cum blasted out of him and into Hera’s urethra. Hera moaned.

He spurted hard again.


He squirted a third time.

“Oh god I’m coming!” screamed the doctor.


The she-god bit down. A torrent of blood gushed and the doctor screamed in white hot agony. Hera swallowed.

Mark squirted a fourth time.

Dr. Rebekah’s right breast was gone. A bloody gaping wound was left behind.

The doctor continued to ride the giant’s finger as her saggy left breast flopped up and down. Moaning and crying.

Mark squirted a fifth time, his jizz shooting down inside Hera’s tight urethra.

The doctor embraced Hera’s neck, still bouncing. Still coming. Still screaming in agony.

“Hera,” Dr. Rebekah pleaded, “bite off the other one…eat my breast!”

The giantess leaned her head down and took the remaining, saggy, pitiful breast into her mouth. She slurped it up and hesitated…then firmly chomped down on it.

Dr. Rebekah embraced her harder, screaming. Hera swallowed. The doctor, in spite of her unbelievable agony, orgasmed again.

“Oh my god,” whimpered Julie.

Mark squirted a sixth and final time, then pulled out. His cum slowly oozed out of Hera’s gaping dickhole.

Hera glared at him and then quickly carried Dr. Rebekah out of the room, the twin wounds in her chest leaking copious amounts of blood.

Mark looked up at Julie in horror and shame.

“Why did I do that?”

He was still hard.

“Because your evil cock wanted you to…and your cock is your master.”

“Will she be OK?”

“Yes. And she wanted it Mark. She put her breast into Hera’s mouth and gave you the morbid choice. She’s not that different than you. Or me….”

Mark looked down at his pulsing cock, hating it, longing for it to cum again. The sheet was flat. His head looked out into the room but only saw his dick.

Julie spoke softly, “She hated her saggy breasts. She will regrow new ones. Better ones.”

“I feel so guilty. I’m a monster.”

“Yes you are. And so is she. And so am I. It's what we do here. We perform extreme sexual experiments. Nothing is forbidden yet all is consensual.”

And he was still hard.

“What happens now?”

Julie thought for a moment, “Well, I guess with Dr. Rebekah in recovery for a while, getting her glorious new tits grown…I’ll be running experiment Phase Five on you.”

Mark said quietly, "And it will be no holds barred."

"Right," she answered, "and then in Phase Six I'm sure the good doctor will wreck her vengeance on you, too."
