Dr. Rebekah eyed Mark warily, “Things are about to get intense for you, Mr. Richardson. I hope you’re ready.”
Mark tried to breathe deeply, slowly, to calm himself. He was so aroused and so frightened at the same time.
“This examination table serves multiple purposes,” the doctor continued.
“The first purpose is to restrain you, obviously. It’s not to restrain you against your will. In fact we know you want to be restrained. It’s to give you permission to submit. To keep the embarrassed and fearful part of your brain from overriding your true wants and needs, your inner desires.”
Mark watched her as she slowly paced in front of him.
“Secondly it is important that you remain very still for what’s coming next. If you wiggle around too much it could damage you. ”
Mark felt the sweat trickling under his arms and down his back. The latex bodysuit was even more like a greasy sausage casing.
“Thirdly, the straps and examination table surface have nano-scale probes embedded in them. I shall activate them now.”
The doctor moved to a nearby control panel and manipulated the controls. Mark felt a subtle tingling sensation throughout his torso. After a moment the sensation faded and he didn’t feel it any more.
“There, I've safely tapped into your nervous system. While I could do a lot of different things with this technology, for this evening I'm only going to use it for two things: One, erection control and two, orgasm suppression."
The doctor pivoted to look at him again, "There will be times during this session when you will want to ejaculate more than anything in the world…and I won’t allow you to. I have total control over your reproductive organs. Observe.”
Dr. Rebekah reached for a slider on the console and moved it down. Mark’s penis immediately deflated and went flaccid.
“Hmm, such a shame, I really liked it the other way."
The doctor flipped a toggle on the console. Mark wasn’t sure what it did, but he didn’t feel anything happen.
Out of the corner of his eye Mark saw motion and looked up to the monitors. One of the observers—a young pretty girl with long black hair—was chewing on a pen anxiously. He could only see her from the shoulders up. She was alone on her monitor, watching him.
Dr. Rebekah walked over to a cabinet and opened a drawer. She pulled out some latex exam gloves and drew a long metal rod and a tube of something from the drawer. She walked back over to Mark.
“OK, Mr. Richardson. I’m going to insert this instrument into your penis. That is, I’ll penetrate your urethra with this long metal rod and push it almost all of the way in.”
She held up the stainless steel rod for him to see it better. It looked impossibly thick and long. Too large for even for his big cock to take.
As if reading his mind, Dr. Rebekah continued. “The size of this rod—it’s exact dimensions—have been calibrated precisely to fit you. It is going to cause you the maximum amount of pain possible without actually damaging your tissues.”
Dr. Rebekah began spreading lubricant on the rod, observing him out of the corner of her eye.
Mark squirmed under the restraints. “No, please, really….don’t put that inside of me.”
The doctor continued spreading lubricant, the steel rod was so large it was taking her a while to cover all of it.
“Doctor, please… I’m begging you now, I don’t think I can take it.”
She paused and looked him in the eyes announcing to the room, “You’re telling me no, Mr. Richardson, but your penis says otherwise…”
Mark looked down, he was fully erect again. Pre-cum was oozing out of him. He heard laughter from the monitors.
“But you have control of my erections!”
“Not at this time. I flipped the toggle switch over to the ‘neutral’ setting a moment ago…this erection is entirely your own. Admit it, Mr. Richardson, you really want me to put this instrument inside of you.”
Mark swallowed hard. He glanced back up at the monitor where the pretty observer was. She was sucking on her pen now, watching intently. He felt his cock stiffen even more. It was throbbing in time with his pulse, the harsh lights reflecting off of it.
“I think this is enough lubricant.”
The doctor grabbed the head of his cock with one gloved hand. She inserted the rounded tip of the steel rod into his urethra, only putting it in a few millimeters. It felt snug, but there was no pain.
Dr. Rebekah looked him in the eyes again. “This is going to cause excruciating pain and exquisite pleasure. You will want to ejaculate very badly. I won’t let you. The neuro-probes are set on full orgasm suppression so you won’t physically be able to do it. But a strong desire for sexual release will still be there.”
She leaned in close and whispered in his ear again, “You’ll be begging me to cum. That won’t happen until I want you to.”
She pushed the metal rod into his cock another few millimeters. He felt a sting, a burning at the head.
“Do you want me to stop, Mr. Richardson?”
Mark shocked himself with his reply: “No….don’t stop!”
“Good answer. I won’t pull this out even if you beg and plead!”
She fed it into him slowly. As the steel rod went deeper he could see the girth of his penis expanding along with it to mark its progress.
His urethral opening looked like a small vagina sucking in a long stainless steel dildo with a slurping, hungry desire. Pre-cum and lubricant oozed out of him, dripping and spattering onto the floor.
The rod burned the length of him. The torment was agonizing. He looked up at the monitors again, finding the pretty girl. She was sucking on the pen with one hand, her other arm was moving in a regular rhythm. Her body was off-screen but….was she pleasuring herself to his torture? The girl was by herself on that particular monitor…alone in a room…
He couldn’t focus the pretty girl any longer. The doctor was plunging the rod deeper into his cock. He could feel a new pressure of resistance and a deeper burning sensation now. It was coming from inside his pelvis, not far from his asshole.
“I'm pushing the instrument past his prostate gland,” Dr. Rebekah said to the observers, almost moaning in delight.
She whispered to Mark again, "Look at that going in will you? It just barely fits, and I'm probing every inch your proud cock with it. Punishing it."
She pushed the steel rod even deeper. The pain was so intense Mark thought he might pass out. She finally stopped pushing. He didn’t know where in his anatomy the rod terminated, but it felt like it was embedded in his pelvic bone, at the base of his spine.
His entire cocked throbbed in agonizing ecstasy. His balls rose tight against his body. He was molten with need.
“I bet you really, really want to ejaculate now. You want to spurt this rod right out of your cock along with a giant load of semen….don’t you?” The doctor was whispering to him again.
He whimpered softly.
“No can do, mister.” She chuckled softly.
“Dr. Rebekah, a quick question” someone said from one of the monitors. Mark fought off the haze of pain long enough to see it was the pretty girl speaking.
“Of course, Julie, what is it?” the doctor answered.
“Would it be OK if I took a screen grab of that…” Julie pointed in the direction of Mark’s cock.
Mark looked down at his dick, its noticeable veins pulsing. The steel rod protruded from the pinkish-purple head. The stainless steel rod and his cock bobbed up and down slightly as he panted for air. Clear fluid oozed in a long string out of it down towards the floor where it pooled.
His cock looked larger than ever, the steel rod had expanded its girth. It felt like the very flesh of his dick was on the verge of tearing apart and exploding like a cartoon firecracker.
“Go right ahead, Julie. Good idea. Take a hi-res screen cap for your….records.”
Mark felt like he’d been stabbed in the dick with a flaming spear and this crazy girl wanted a digital photo of it. He think he liked her even more now. His need to ejaculate was relentless, all-consuming. He wanted her to watch him cum.
But he couldn’t. His cock was electronically stoppered like a champagne bottle now, and only Dr. Rebekah could pull the cork. Yet, the erection was still his. His hungry dick wanted this, even if he wasn’t sure he did.
The doctor grabbed the metal rod firmly with one gloved hand and twisted the very end of it with the other. Mark felt a stab of fresh pain deep inside. She then pulled on the end and slowly extracted an inner core.
Mark watched as the smaller inner rod came out. He was curious–in spite of his acute pain and desire–to see what was going to happen next.
Once the long inner rod was out, Mark saw that it was thick and flat on one end, rounded on the other, and thinner along the majority of its length. More pre-cum and lubricant oozed out of his dickhole, dripping.
Dr. Rebekah announced to the room, “By removing this inner core, I now have an open large-caliber pipe through the subject’s penis into his body. Complete access without cutting him. This instrument is somewhat similar in design and function to a surgical trocar.”
She leaned in close to Mark’s ear again and in a low voice said, “All the better to torture your big, beautiful cock with, my dear.” He felt his testicles and rectum clench with fear and want. She tittered softly to herself.
The doctor then carried the long thin inner rod in both hands, over to an instruments table and left it there. She changed to a fresh pair of latex exam gloves.
Mark glanced up, the pretty observer was still sucking on her pen and appeared to be rubbing herself again. The image of her larger than life face staring down at him like the piece of sweetmeat that he now was.
Dr. Rebekah returned to the neuro-control panel, flipped a toggle, and slid the erection slider to maximum. She adjusted another slider as well.
“I’m making sure the subject doesn’t lose his ample erection for what comes next. I’m also reinforcing the orgasm suppression. I suspect we’ll need one control far more than the other…"
She chuckled lightly, "But I want to be absolutely sure we complete Phase Three of this experiment, which starts in just a moment.”
As she changed the controls Mark felt his erection solidify, eagerly gripping the long metal pipe with a hardness almost equal to the steel. His balls repeatedly clenched and relaxed, surging with an unbelievable need that could not be unleashed.
She walked behind the x-shaped rack—her “exam table”–and manipulated the controls again. Mark felt himself being lowered several inches. The doctor walked back around to the front and faced him.
She leaned in close. He couldn’t help but glance down at her creamy soft cleavage as she said quietly to Mark alone, “The best is yet to cummm, Mr. Richardson.” She drew out the soft “m” in the word “cum”, savoring it. He tingled all over at her words.
Dr. Rebekah lightly ran a single gloved finger over his hairless scrotum and up the length of his shaft, then pulled it away just before it reached the protruding metal pipe. His entire body shuddered and his impaled cock twitched in spastic response to her touch. The metal pipe burned inside the tube of his stretched urethra and stabbed him deep in his pelvis.
He needed to explode. He ached for orgasm with every cell, every muscle, every synapse. He needed to ejaculate so badly he thought his eyes would pop out of his skull. He just stared at her longingly.
“Not yet, Mr. Richardson,” she whispered, “I’m not yet done tormenting that big, delicious dick while everyone watches you suffer. I'll let you ejaculate when I want it, not when you do.”
Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3v5xvo/the_test_subject_part_two_mfbdsmscifi