The Test Subject – Part One [MF,BDSM,sci-fi]

It was well after dark as Mark nervously approached the office building. A subtle sign posted by the entrance read “EMB Labs”.

He had rushed here right after work. Anxious to find out if this place was legitimate or not. The advertisements had all looked fantastic of course, as advertisements always do. His own independent research into things hadn’t turned up much, but he did find a handful of neutral 3rd party recommendations, all of them positive.

One trusted source simply nodded and said, “Do it, you might regret it, but it was one of the most fun and intense experiences I’ve ever had.”

Mark hesitated by the door. He looked around. The building was nondescript, almost intentionally bland and generic. It was nestled deep in an office park. A few pedestrians were milling around, the majority of them appeared to be heading home or at least away from this place.

He sighed as he reached for the door. He was a little scared. But he’d called and made an appointment. They were expecting him.

“Welcome to EMB Labs, Mr. Richardson,” a warm silky voice said. Mark peered around the door, which he had only half opened.

Standing a few feet from the door, an attractive middle aged woman with short, spiky gray hair and half-moon glasses visually appraised him. She was wearing a lab coat and carrying a clip board. Mark walked the rest of the way in and closed the door gently behind him.

“My name is Dr. Rebekah,” she held out a hand. Mark shook it. He noticed her name tag, which said “Jennifer Rebekah, PhD.”

“If you’ll just sign these forms first. Then I can take you back for evaluation. You’ll notice these match the copies we sent you earlier so we don’t have to waste too much time now looking over them again….” She offered the clipboard. He took it and flipped through the paperwork.

Everything appeared to be in order so Mark signed and initialed the papers in several places.

“Thank you, Mr. Richardson. Follow me.” She accepted the clipboard and led him out of the spare lobby towards a bank of elevators and mashed a button. While they waited for the elevator Mark looked Dr. Rebekah over. She was probably mid to late 50s but he was curious about what was under that white lab coat and smart black business dress she was wearing.

Dr. Rebekah raised an eyebrow at him as the elevator doors clattered open. They stepped into the car. She pressed a button marked “Lab 4” which appeared to be at least a couple of floors below ground level.

They stepped out of the elevator and Mark followed her down a long hallway. They passed several glassed-in rooms full of interesting looking computer consoles and an array of strange equipment. They were walking so briskly Mark really didn’t get a chance to take much of it in. He only caught brief visual snapshots of blinking lights, electronic panels and consoles, plastic tubing, alien machinery, surgical equipment, large vats filled with strange liquids, bizarre furniture, and what looked like exercise equipment.

Mark was both impressed and intimidated by all this. She opened a door to a small office at the end of the long hallway. Unlike most of the other rooms, this one had no windows. There was a small table with chairs on both side of it. A laptop computer, switched on, perched on the table as if waiting for him. Dr. Rebekah gestured towards it.

“Just follow the prompts, Mr. Richardson. Answer the questions as honestly as you can. When you finish I’ll be alerted and will return for you.”

He took a seat and she left the small room, closing the door behind her. Mark pivoted the laptop towards himself and read the first question: “Mr. Richardson, how old were you when you first began to masturbate?”

“Well this is going to be interesting,” Mark muttered to himself.

The survey went on like that for several pages. Most of the questions were sexual in nature, but some were not. Some were just bizarre, like: “Mr. Richardson, what would you say your ‘spirit animal’ is?”

It took about twenty minutes to get through all of it, the questions growing stranger and less sexual as it progressed. Finally he reached the end of the computer test. The screen simply read: “Please wait for the Doctor to return.”

After another four minutes or so, the door opened again and Dr. Rebekah stepped back in. “We have what we need to proceed. Come with me, Mr. Richardson.”

“You can call me Mark if you like.”

She ignored this as she led him back up the hallway they had come down before. They stopped about two thirds of the way. Using keys fished from her lab coat, she opened one of the glass doors and held it for him. He stepped into the room.

There were cabinets and computer equipment all around the perimeter of the space, which was pretty large. Mark guessed the room was maybe 15 by 30 feet. In the center was an imposing x-shaped rack with straps hanging along several points. It looked like a BDSM device waiting for a victim.

The ambient lights were turned down low, with one spotlight high on the ceiling shining down on the rack. Computers warbled and hummed in the background, lights blinking coldly in the shadows.


The doctor walked over to a cabinet and retrieved something, “This should fit. Here, Mr. Richardson, change into this.”

She handed it to him. Mark took it and unfolded it. It was a latex neck-to-toe fetish suit.

“You’re kidding, right?”

“Don’t waste time, Mr. Richardson. We both know why you are here.”

Mark swallowed hard. He had indeed come here to learn more about himself. The ads said that his untapped, undiscovered “sexual self” would be explored and developed in new ways. That his limits would be stretched.

Dr. Rebekah turned away from him as he disrobed. After a few minutes of struggling, he had the ridiculous latex suit on. He began to perspire immediately. The room was kept cool but the latex was sweltering.

Dr. Rebekah turned back around and narrowed her eyes at him.

“Back up and stand spread-eagle against the rack. I’m going to strap you in.”

He hesitated, saw the look on her face, and decided to comply. Mark awkwardly backed himself up against the x-shaped rack. He raised his arms.

With an efficient fluidity, the doctor began strapping down his arms, legs, chest, belly, thighs, calves….wow there were a lot of these straps.

Mark was feeling two competing emotions at the same time….fear coupled with a calm resolve. They were at war in his mind, fighting for control of it.

Dr. Rebekah circled around behind the rack. Mark could pivot his head some, but was unable to see what she was doing.

“I’m going to adjust the examination table now Mr. Richardson. You’ll feel some movement.”

“Is that what you call this thing….an examination table?”

“Yes, and you are our test subject.”

She operated a control of some kind and Mark felt himself lifted into the air and then tilted backwards a few degrees.

The doctor stepped back around where he could see her. He was glad his head was bare, as the rest of him was sweating under the suit. He noticed his crotch was now at about her chest level, and she was looking down at it.

“You shave all of your body hair off, don’t you Mr. Richardson?”

“Yes,” he admitted weakly. “Wait… you didn’t watch me undress…how did you know?”

She kept his eyes on his bulge. “We know a great deal about you Mr. Richardson. You see, while you were filling out that utterly pointless computer survey we scanned your smart phone and ran an automated background check on you. We synthesized a lot of data, found even more data on the internet, and worked up a complete profile for you.”

He just looked at her, equal parts embarrassed and impressed.

“We know what you want….and need….more than you do yourself.”

She pulled a small remote from her lab coat and pressed a button. Mark saw a number of large monitors flick on around the room. The faces of several people of all ages surrounded them, larger than life, observing them.

“These are some of my colleagues and students. They will be watching us, learning…helping.”

Mark didn’t know what to say. He just craned his head around. There were so many of them. Like Dr. Rebekah, they all appeared to be wearing lab coats.

He looked back over at her. She still had her eyes locked on his crotch. Without looking away, she pocketed the remote and pulled something else from her lab coat pockets. It looked like a pen. She removed the cap.

Mark saw it was a scalpel.

The doctor slowly and carefully placed the blade under his scrotum.

Mark sucked in his breath and tried not to whimper as she slid the blade upwards.

With incredible precision, the doctor cut a slit in the latex bodysuit without so much as nicking him.

Mark exhaled loudly as his penis and testicles sprang forth from the slit in the suit and flopped out, exposed.

“As you can see,” Dr. Rebekah said to the observers, “the subject has larger than average, almost perfectly formed genitals…”

Several factors conspired together all at the same time: the hot sweltering fetish suit, his hairless penis exposed in the cool air, everyone staring at him, being strapped down, the dark room, the overhead spotlight reflecting so brightly against his pale cock shining out against the dark background.

Mark steadily became rock-hard erect. His large member looked like another appendage standing out from his strapped down torso.

Dr. Rebekah’s eyes were locked on his cock, watching it as it grew and stiffened and rose. Her eyebrows arched, impressed.

Once again Mark had two contradictory emotions at the same time: pride and humiliation. He was proud of his cock, and loved the fact that everyone was staring at it. He was also humiliated that this stimulated him strongly, that he needed this so badly.

“Notice the subject has become sexually aroused…very sexually aroused…simply from being exposed. I’ve barely even touched him and yet he has a magnificent erection…he’s even larger than I thought.”

She capped the scalpel and pocketed it. She leaned in towards his reddened face and whispered in his ear.

“No need to be embarrassed, Mr. Richardson. You have a gorgeous cock.”

He could feel her warm breath on his face and his exposed dick stiffened even more.

Dr. Rebekah turned to the room and said loudly, “Now we move on to phase two of the experiment.”
