Island Vacation pt3 [mff][oral]

Click on my name for previous parts of this story.

I shuffled into the sunlight, but my heart was full of darkness and dread. It was one thing for me to explore my sexuality. It was practically expected, after all, with a teenager's hormone overload and poor impulse control. But my mother was an adult. A married adult. She was supposed to have all that shit worked out at her age. Theo was the same age as my brother Robby for fuck's sake!

The beach spread out in front of me with the blue-green ocean roaring in waves. Colorful beach umbrellas and happy people didn't do anything for my mood so I turned and went back into the lobby.

"Kat," Mom called with a satisfied smile on her face. "Did you enjoy your massage?"

For a moment my mind flashed back to Renauld's face as he came inside me. Of Vicky slipping into French as she murmured next to me. Then I recalled the vivid moment when Mom slipped her arms around Theo's neck to kiss him. The rush of memories must have shown on my face somehow.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her smile replaced with motherly concern.

"It was fine. I'm fine," I stammered. My heart pounded and I couldn't catch my breath. Was I as bad as her? I couldn't deny my own attractions led in unexpected directions. But I wasn't responsible to anyone but myself, so my actions didn't have the same impact hers did.

"You look pale," she said and reached the back of her hand up to feel my forehead. I flinched away from her touch without thinking. The injured look that crossed her face stung me through my anger. "Ok, well," she said as her expression blanked. "Just make sure you keep your phone with you today."

I watched her walk away with disquiet churning my stomach. The screwed up part was that I still still wanted to talk to her about how confused I felt when it was her fault I felt the way I did. I found the reality of sex and attraction more fluid and visceral than I expected, but seeing my mother with Theo created a storm of conflicting emotions. I couldn't talk to Dad about it for obvious reasons. Sarah would only care about the effect it had on her.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I texted Robby, "Wanna hang out?"

"At the poolside bar," he texted back.

I wandered out of the hotel again and turned towards the pool. Robby was hanging out with some other people watching a soccer game on the screens hanging from the ceiling. I was still dressed in what I wore to breakfast that morning: a blue t-shirt, colorful Bermuda shorts, and leather sandals.

From the reactions of the guys Robby was hanging out with I might as well have been naked. They eyed me as I approached with broad grins, elbowing other guys to nod in my direction. As flattering as it was, I just wasn't in the mood.

"Dude, that's my kid sister," Robby said as he pushed one overly expressive guy off the barstool next to him. "Come on over, Kat, these guys are harmless."

A college-aged girl in the group laughed and shook her head at their reactions, then she smiled at me. "You'd think they'd never seen a girl before! I'm Camden, nice to meet you."

"I'm Kat," I said and sat on the stool between her and Robby. "Nice to meet you, too."

"Didn't I see you at the bonfire last night?" Camden asked me with quick a smirk at Robby.

Camden was a little thick in the hips, but her face was pretty and expressive. Robby was either ignoring her or was oblivious to her attempts to get his attention. I suspected the latter. I love my brother, but he isn't the brightest bulb on the sign.

"Yeah," Robby answered for me. "She and I had a chat about that this morning."

Despite my sour mood, I decided to tweak him. With a deadpan expression I said, "Speaking of which, I ran out. Can I have some more?"

His eyebrows flew up as his jaw dropped. "Jeez, I just gave you three this morning!"

I had to cover my mouth as I laughed at his wild reaction. The awful tension l'd felt since seeing Mom and Theo gave way to a fit of giggles. It was contagious because Camden was soon chuckling along with me. That created a feedback loop and soon everyone around was laughing at me except Robby. Tears leaked from my eyes as I tried to gain control of myself, but each time I slowed, the absurd situation I found myself in would tickle me and it started all over again.

Robby finally figured out I was joking and gave me a limp, "Oh, ha ha."

When the giggles left me wiping my eyes, I reached up and patted his cheek. "Don't worry, I still have two of them."

He cocked a disbelieving eyebrow at the truth.

"What are we laughing about again?" Camden asked through her own chuckles.

"My brother was worried about me and I played a mean joke." I didn't know her well enough to admit he'd given me three condoms after breakfast to make sure I used protection if I hooked up with someone. "I'm sorry," I said to Robby. "But I really needed that laugh."

"Anyway," Robby said to the other guys standing around smiling at me again. "Hands off. I'm serious."

"So Camden, where are you from?" I asked to keep away from uncomfortable topics.

"Chicago," she said as she smiled around the warm bar. "And I may not go back when classes start again." She shivered. "I hate snow!"

"What are you studying?" I asked as I snuck a sip of Robby's tall blue drink while he talked to a guy behind him about the game.

"Education and childhood development," she said. "I'm gonna teach elementary school. What about you?"

"Oh, I'm still in high school. I have no idea what I want to do yet."

"Well, don't let people rush you into making a decision," Camden said as she sipped her umbrella drink. "My dad pushed me into accounting and I hated it. I switched majors last year and it made all the difference."

"Robby wants to get into physical education and coach junior high or high school," I shared and watched her eyes flicker over to him. "But Dad is pushing for computer science. Maybe you should mention your experience."

"Where's he going to school?" Camden whispered.

I took another sip of Robby's blue drink. It was really sweet, but had a nice kick. "He'll be starting at the University of Houston this year."

"I owe you," she whispered with a wink.

I leaned closer. "He's smart, but not very… observant. You may need to spell it out for him."

"Now spelling I can do," she chuckled. "You gonna go to the bonfire again tonight?"

"No, I've got dinner plans with some friends." I polished off Robby's drink while he was cheering a soccer goal and slipped off the stool. The alcohol had smoothed out the rough edges and left me feeling mellow.

"Hey!" Robby finally noticed his tall glass with the decorative umbrella held nothing but ice cubes and looked at me.

I pointed at Camden and backed away with an exaggerated look of innocence. She dribbled her own drink down her chin trying not to laugh.

"That's it!" Robby bellowed and picked me up around the waist like I weighed nothing.

Seconds later I was sputtering out pool water as I wavered between outrage and laughter. The crew at the bar was hooting and clapping as I composed myself to climb up the steps. Water dripped from my clothes all over the hot concrete.

The looks I got from the guys made me vaguely uncomfortable until Camden signaled something was wrong. I looked down at my nearly transparent t-shirt and saw my breasts and dark nipples clearly through the fabric. Embarrassment heated my face in the chilly breeze.

"Happy?" I asked Robby as I pasted on a sarcastic grin and lifted the girls with my hands to wiggle them at him. Camden laughed again and rolled her eyes as Robby ran towards me with a towel.

"What the hell? Cover up," he hissed as he pressed the warm towel around my neck to cover my chest. Like he hadn't been the one who threw me in!

"Why?" I asked with a dramatic lilt in my tone. "They're just boobs. Every girl has them. Even Camden."

He looked up puzzled. "Huh?"

"She wants to show you hers," I said slowly, using words of one syllable.

"Oh," he said and looked back over his shoulder at her. "Oh!"

"Thanks for making me feel better, even if you did throw me in the pool," I said and kissed his cheek.

"Why were you feeling bad?" he asked. A scary big brother scowl creased his face. "Was someone making you feel bad?"

"Mom," I said with a shrug. "Nothing you can do about that."

"She's been acting weird the whole trip." He said as he released the towel around my shoulders.

"I saw her…" I almost told him. I almost ruined his relationship with Mom just to make myself feel less alone. God, I was just as pathetic as Sarah. "Nevermind."


"It's not important. Look, my friend Vicky from last night invited me for dinner at her place tonight. Do you think you can cover for me so I can go without an inquisition?"

"Sure," Robby said. "I'll tell 'em we're going on a double date or something."

"Then ask Camden out," I said as I placed my palm on his chest. "She's gonna be an elementary school teacher, you know."

"Really?" he asked with a crooked smile of surprise.

"Yeah," I said. "Text me when you're heading back so we can come in together."

"Cool." He nodded, then shifted around for a moment. "You didn't really use one already, did you?"

I pulled the strip out of my wet pocket with only two condoms remaining. "Don't worry. I'm being careful."

"Good." Robby blushed and wouldn't look at me. "Good."

I took a slow step backwards, and when he didn't say anything else I turned away to go to our suite. After a quick shower, I put on the one dress I'd brought with me on vacation. It was a pale green cotton that hugged my bust and showed enough thigh to be interesting. I had to use the hairdryer to dry the pool water off my leather sandals, but they dried before I had to go down to meet Vicky when she got off her shift.

I was waiting behind the hotel at the employee entrance when Vicky appeared looking worried. Her face smoothed when she saw me, but there was an obvious apology on her lips.

"Stop," I said and held up my hand. "Don't apologize again."

"I didn't know Theo was selling himself to tourists like a man-whore." Her tone was thick with disgust. "I can only imagine how weird it was to see them together like that."

"I've thought about it all day. I decided It's between Mom and Dad. Look, let's not ruin our night. My brother, Robby, is covering for me by going to dinner and claiming I'm doubling with him. He'll text me when I need to meet up with him later."

Vicky relaxed with a sigh. "Good. Renauld is already cooking us something."

"He can cook?" I asked with wide eyes.

"He works at a restaurant and claims he's going to be a chef, but right now he mostly chops things up and stirs pots."

"Let's go, I'm starved!"

Vicky led me to a part of the island I'd never been to before. I have to admit I was a little worried by the unpaved roads, derelict buildings, and dirty children. My family live in a Houston suburb where there are green lawns, large houses, and good schools. Vicky and Simone lived in the upstairs floor of a crooked cinderblock building with a steel roof.

The windows were framed out, but the glass almost looked like it bad been glued in place. There were rickety wooden stairs that led up the outside of the building to an ornate wooden door that had clearly been salvaged from another century.

I kept a smile on my face to avoid offending her and stepped through the ancient door into a brightly colored paradise. "Oh my God, it's wonderful!"

"Thanks," Vicky said with a pleased smile. "Simone and I worked hard to make it a home."

It was all one room, with coarse wooden floors that had been sanded smooth and shined like they'd been oiled. The different areas were separated with wispy, translucent fabric hung along the ceiling and bright colors painted on the brick walls.

A comfortable looking futon with throw pillows and mismatched padded chairs were gathered around the entrance. Artwork and knick knacks in island themes were placed in strategic locations. The lack of matching colors and fabrics didn't clash, rather they worked to express a kind of joyous abandon. A large bed lay to the right behind thin pink scrim. The mattress seemed to float off the floor in the center of the room with a tent-like screen of white fabric suspended over it.

Renauld was standing to the left in the combination kitchen and dining room. A large, rough hewn wooden table dominated the center of that area, with a propane stove and wood-burning oven venting through the outside wall. The scent of seafood and spices made my mouth water almost as much as Renauld's bare shoulders. He only wore gray shorts over bare feet.

"Kat! Vicky! Come taste and tell me what this sauce needs," Renauld said as he lifted a spoon over his palm.

Vicky took the first sip and hummed deep in her throat. "Needs nothing."

Renauld moved the spoon to my lips so I could sip the sauce. Flavors skittered across my tongue; maybe a shrimp broth as a base, then garlic, sweet peppers, and onions.

"That's amazing!" I could do pasta sauce if we had canned tomatoes, but I couldn't imagine how he'd balanced all those different flavors with such perfection. "What are we having it with?"

He grinned and turned to the open oven to take out the skewered shrimp and place them on a tin serving platter. I peeked under the lids of the other pots and saw yellow rice in one and red beans simmering in another.

In moments, we were gathered around the table, none of our plates or cutlery matching in size or color, eating food that could have graced the menu at any upscale restaurant I'd ever been to. The only conversation was composed of hums of delight. When I finished my second helping, I had to shut my eyes for a moment.

"Wow," I whispered. I heard Renauld get up and walk behind me.

"Now for dessert," he said against the skin of my neck. His hands cupped my breasts and squeezed my nipples until they were points.

"I'll clean up since you cooked and Kat brought dessert," Vicky chuckled.

Renauld lifted me squealing out of my chair before he carried me to the bed. I kicked off my sandals as he moved the netting and tossed me onto the soft quilt-covered mattress. He paused long enough to drop his gray shorts, then climbed into bed, pushing my dress up my legs as he crawled closer.

"No panties," he called to Vicky like he'd just unwrapped a present.

I lifted my hips to allow him to get my dress past them, then raised my arms so he could get it off over my head. His eyes adored me while his mouth kissed my knees apart. I allowed him to explore until I couldn't stand it anymore, then I pushed him over on his back and crawled over on my stomach.

His had a lovely thick cock. I'd seen enough men to know that not all cocks are attractive, but his was the color of creamy coffee with veins that made it seem virile and strong. The pink head that peeked out of his uncut foreskin begged my attention.

He was clean smelling, like Ivory soap. When I pulled the skin back gently he hummed and ran his fingers through my hair. I took a tentative lick around the edge of his head while I bent my knees to point my toes in the air.

I stroked slowly as I inspected him, as much to satisfy my curiosity as my desire. He shut his eyes and bit his lip after a few strokes. When he had been still for a moment, I took his head into my mouth, careful to only use my lips and tongue.

He shivered like he was being electrocuted while I paused to savor him. Soft skin, much warmer than I'd expected. A slickness along my tongue told me he was already leaking a little, but it tasted like nothing.

I stroked him with a tight grip while I kept his head in my mouth. He began to clench in time with my motions, driving himself slightly deeper into my mouth. I had only given one blowjob to completion before. Panic had made me pull it out before he could finish in my mouth. But I was so horny, so hungry for Renauld, that I resolved to finish the job this time.

His motions became more insistent as I brought him closer. Using one hand to palm his naked sack, I stroked him with the other, my lips following my hand to increase the stimulation. At one point he gripped the sheets in his fists and whimpered like I was making him suffer.

I felt Vicky climb on the bed next to us, then caught her eyes following our motions as I took more of him into my mouth. Her brown skin glowed with a golden tone in the fading daylight. He was sweating now, little beads along his brow and chest as he strained. I began to detect a salty tang in his emissions and prepared myself to accept what would come next.

Vicky bit her lower lip as she watched my face. I kept my teary eyes on hers as Renauld began to shake and hold his breath.

"I bet it won't be long now," Vicky whispered with a secret smile on her face. "I never knew it could be so exciting to watch something like this."

His hand let go of the sheet to grip her hand instead. Then his eyes squeezed shut as he stilled, his mouth open round as he sang a high note of relief. I welcomed the heat that flooded my mouth, pulse after pulse of his passion coated my tongue. I swallowed fast, ignoring the slick, bitter flavor to focus instead on the pure pleasure Renauld showed us.

He collapsed back against the bed while I felt him soften in my mouth and hands. Vicky smiled and touched his face, then she leaned closer to touch mine. I released him then to kiss her fingers.

"What was it like," Vicky asked with her brows drawn together.

"Hot and slippery," I whispered. "A little bitter. Could I have something to drink?" I couldn't swallow the slick feeling of his cum away.

I sat up when she brought a cold bottle of an orange colored liquid. The fruit soda washed away the slickness while Renauld chuckled and hummed his satisfaction.

"That was amazing," he murmured. His comment warmed me through.

Vicky took the soda from my hand and drank a swallow before putting it on the nightstand. Then she turned and put her fruit flavored lips on mine for a tender kiss. I allowed her to push me back, but I ended up laying across Renauld's chest. While she kissed me, Renauld toyed with my hair.

"I want to taste you," Vicky whispered to me as her lips trailed down my chin and neck. I felt heat bloom inside at her words, my nipples standing in response. She kissed me everywhere, even unlikely places like the edges of my breasts and under my arms. I shut my eyes and let her, relaxing into Renauld's arms as he shifted around to watch.

Her hands massaging me and bringing me pleasure were as different as night and day. Her touches in the spa were all about relaxing me, but now she worked me towards a delicious tension. Her mouth and fingers knew exactly where to kiss and touch, the pace increasing slightly at my enthusiastic response. Then she finally focused on the slick heat at the center of my attention.

"Fuck me," I begged.

Her mouth and fingers opened me so differently than Renauld. Where his intrusion was filling, her fingers were nimble and sure. She needed no help finding that deep sensitive spot that made me arch my back. While Renauld cupped my breasts and kissed my ears, she rubbed and licked until I was a sopping, panting mess.

"Come for me," she whispered into my wetness. "I want to taste it."

The moment wasn't far away, but part of me was scared. The overwhelming sensations raised by these two were far beyond anything I'd ever experienced before. If I let go completely, I was afraid of how I would feel afterwards, afraid I'd never feel it again, and even afraid I'd lose myself somehow.

My core exploded and I cried out in pleasure and fear, fighting to close myself to Vicky's hungry mouth and Renauld's demanding kisses. They held me open, keeping me still as my body rocked and strained. It went on for so long my throat burned and muscles ached before I collapsed against Renauld's chest again.

Vicky crawled up from between my legs, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. There was something wild in her eyes, some kind of desperate longing for the same kind of experience she'd given me. Seeing it pushed away my fear and made me want to give it to her. I welcomed her into my arms and tasted myself on her lips.

"I never knew it could be like that," Vicky whispered around my tongue.

"I want you," was all I could say.

Pushing her down into the bed, I attacked her like I was starving. Mouth and neck, breasts and stomach, my hands under her thighs to hold her open to my questing tongue. She bucked against my mouth, commanding me in French, but I knew what she wanted from me. My middle fingers together, I thrust into her wet opening. Her response was to grip my hair to hold my mouth against her.

Renauld slipped off the bed in my frenzy, but returned to press his sheathed head against my raised hips. While Vicky cried out my name, my muffled shouts announced Renauld taking me roughly from behind. He filled me in one smooth motion, then matched my pace while I fucked Vicky with my stiff fingers.

We hit a certain rhythm and I discovered Vicky could cum many times without stopping. I'd never been able to go more than twice, but she was reached a state of near continuous orgasm. Her voice grew hoarse and my scalp was on fire as she pulled on my hair, but I never stopped.

Behind me, Renauld was driving me closer to my own second ending. I clawed my way over the edge to a ragged finish while Vicky whimpered and pushed me away from her at last. With a last few thrusts Renauld claimed me as he held my hips tight and pressed deep inside.

Then we three collapsed into a wet pile, seeking each other out to cuddle and kiss as we panted away our exhaustion. My head was on Vicky's pillowy breasts and Renauld was resting his cheek against my ass. Our hands were all intertwined, fingers interlaced as we held on until the world stopped spinning.

I was beginning to drift away to sleep when my phone beeped. I carefully extricated myself from the tangle of limbs and stumbled to the dining room table. The text from my mother made chills shoot down my back.

"We ran into Robby. You are so busted. Come back to the suite right now!"

Let me know if you want me to continue by votes or comments.


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