After Hours Encounters [MF] [str8] [Office] [Trapped]

“Every time…every fucking time.” Faye whispered to herself, bending over and craning her neck in hopes of finding the issue.

The office printer was ancient, a piece fit for a museum – and it was the bane of her existence tonight.

In her mind’s eye, she could picture herself laying on her couch, the dim light of the fireplace flickering in rhythm to a soft crackle as she lay out with a bowl of ice cream, Pringles (her overweight cat), and another season of whatever Netflix crime drama show she found tonight.

The weekend was almost here and she was so ready for it, she could hardly wait. But first, the printer.

Patrick had asked for the final versions of the contracts and proposals to be on his desk the minute he walked in next week, leaving Faye to finish the job before she left.

She slid out a drawer that seemed like it hadn’t been shut correctly.

“Burning the midnight oil?” a voice came from behind her.

Faye twisted her head and saw Jeremy between her auburn locks of hair. She straightened up and turned to him.

“Oh god, it’s only 7. Don’t scare me like that,” she laughed, “Last minute project for Monday – not much longer, and I can leave.”

“For the Terryson project?”

“Yep” Faye sighed.

“Same here – these big groups just come in and screw everything up, ya know?” Jeremy’s eyes were so interesting, green and brown, and hard…like a mottled granite.

Faye was planning on saying something, but she found herself suddenly at a lost for words.

What does he think of me?

She had been curious about Jeremy from the moment he was hired two months ago.

Simply put, he was extremely, extremely attractive. Well, not in the most conventional sense…he was, in a way, plain.
Professional, but simple was his style – khakis and a button up shirt with a tie everyday, the shirts seemed to all be variations of orange, blue, and off-white. A bit of roughness on his face, hair always swept to the side – a bit messy, from being swept over with his hand at various times throughout the day..

No – it wasn’t the looks, it was the air about him. When he wanted to do something, he did it – he was very deliberate, very in control. When Jeremy had an idea, or was asked anything – he was very precise, to the point. Never brash, never rude – but always pushing forward with his plans. That’s the part she found attractive – he was dependable and confident, lovely traits in a man.

But he was so private, she hadn’t found an opportunity to pursue anything or get to know him beyond their few meetings.

However, standing in this moment – these precious five seconds of silence of a billion thoughts rushing through her mind, the question came unbidden – What does he think of me?

He had to think she was somewhat attractive – hell, Faye had almost fistbumped herself in the mirror after her shower and getting made up today. Today was one of those days. Her gray pencil skirt and white ruffled blouse, it looked pretty damn fine today. Slipping into her black high heels turned everything up to an 11. Sexy, but professional. Wild, yet muted.

“Don’t work too hard.” Jeremy winked, and with that, he disappeared around the corner. Had that been five seconds of awkward silence, or five minutes? Ugh, nice going…

Faye couldn’t help but pout a bit as she turned back to the printer.
A late workplace encounter on a Friday night in a building where almost everyone has left? Just a little spark would’ve been nice.
But, shit, maybe he already has a girlfriend. Or what if he was engaged? He really was a mystery.

She turned back to the printer and pushed the drawer closed.

Maybe he looked at my ass when he came around the corner?
Hell, he could’ve been standing there for a while – just enjoying the view. She could see herself now, just moments early, bent over with her tight little dress-covered butt poking out around the printer.
Yeah, he probably enoyed the view, for at least moment. A curt smile crept across Faye’s face, relishing the thought.

Even better, the printer made an encouraging hum and began to spit out the prints she needed.


Thirty minutes later, an end was in sight.

Gingerly, Faye laid out the pile of proposals and notes on Patrick’s desk – she grabbed a Post It and drew a smiley face on it with the words “Happy Monday!”.

Oh boy, next week was going to suck.

But – she reminded herself – that was next week. Time to enjoy the weekend, unfortunate as it was that it was beginning at 7:24pm.

Grabbing her purple peacoat, she walked along glass windows and cubicles, glancing outside at the pouring rain. Lightning flashed twice, followed by a deep, bassy rumble of thunder.

Coming to the elevator, she tapped the down arrow. Pulling her purse off her shoulder, she began to fish for her polka-dot mini umbrella.

“Room for another?”

Faye looked up to see Jeremy walking down the hall.

“Of course.” she pulled her umbrella out and stepped into the awaiting elevator, holding the door open as Jeremy ducked into the space.

“Thanks.” he said, “Glad to see both of our Fridays aren’t completely trashed by Terryson.”

“Agreed,” Faye’s purple fingernail tickled the elevator button as she glibly asked, “Are you going to 1, sir?”

“Hah, yes – yes I am.” Jeremy laughed. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

As the doors closed, Faye suddenly felt a bit frisky – before her better senses could tell her no, she blurted out, “Are you doing anything tonight?”

How about me? her mind continued the question.

Bad Faye – bad. Get a hold of yourself now.

“Some of my college friends were gonna head down to the riverfront, hang out at one of the bars and catch up.”

“That’s good that you’re still in–”


The elevator ground to a halt, a rumble of thunder faded, and the lights flickered off.

They both groaned, then laughed.

“Possible change of plans.” Jeremy called out from the darkness.

After her initial surprise, Faye couldn’t help but think how hot the situation had suddenly gotten. What would happen if she just walked forward right now? Pushed Jeremy back, hiked a leg up on him, pressed her lips against his, pressed her open palm onto his crotch? How hot would that be right now? Damn it, she wanted to just go for it.

A bright light suddenly – from Jeremy’s phone. The light reflected off the metal interior and really filled up the space.

“I hope you aren’t claustrophobic.” Jeremy looked around, as though there would be a solution.

“Honestly – I never knew until now. But – no, I’m fine.”

Faye glanced around with him. But of course, there was no solution – they were stuck in a box.
Perhaps they could escape if they pulled off some Mission Impossible moves and scaled the elevator shaft. She moaned a little on the inside. Even the thought of an elevator “shaft” just…well, it got her thinking. It’s a Friday night. Following a hard week, she just wanted to relax. Her toys were at home and this girl needs some attention, now.

But – ugh. It’s a co-worker. It could be awkward. It could be messy. It could be weird, and uncomfortable, and she could immediately regret it.

And the elevator could start working in literally seconds.

A flurry of emotions and conflicting thoughts, she set her purse down and sat down against the wall.

The next 20 minutes were interesting. Following the natural awkward, what-do-we-do silence, they began to talk lightly about the situation and then themselves.

She learned that Jeremy had been to Italy recently, and had a side hobby in architectural photography. He also went out west to go rock climbing at least twice a year.

And Jeremy learned that she really likes to shop at outlet malls, has a cat that she thinks way too highly of, and is trying Zumba classes every Saturday morning.

After feeling completely uninteresting by comparison, Faye did let slip that she had ambitions as a writer. A mistake to bring up, as her main interest was in writing erotica – so when Jeremy asked for details, she just mentioned that she liked “mystery and adventure” in her stories. Which was the truth, in a roundabout way.

“Well, it’s cool to know more about you. They’ve kept me so busy, I haven’t really got to meet anyone.” Jeremy laid his phone on the ground. His dark brown hair caught the light in such a way that it created a monstrous shadow behind him.

“Yeah. I’m glad I wasn’t stuck here by myself. It’s nice to have someone to talk to.” Faye caught herself really milking those lines, and chided herself for trying too hard.

“Sure.” Jeremy took off his coat and balled it up, “Looks like we may be here awhile. Mind if I get comfortable?”

Please, take off your clothes. Let’s play show and tell.

“Be my guest.” Faye cooed.

She could feel her pussy getting a little wet. Oh man, this was going to be torture.

God, this situation could get so fucking hot. Should she make the first move? Was he even interested? What if she just closed her eyes? Would he just climb on top of her and start ripping off her clothes, unable to hold himself back any longer?

As Jeremy laid back, using his coat as a pillow, Faye’s eyes glanced down to her blouse, contemplating if he should open it up a bit more.

“I’m closing my eyes, but still listening. Happy to keep talking.” Jeremy said.

“We’ve both had a long day, I might just relax for a bit too.”

With Jeremy’s eyes closed, Faye’s eyes were free to roam over him. His shoulder were broad and strong, his hands had strong definition to them, as expected from someone who climbs.

His chest rose and sank slowly as he breathed through his mouth – hm, his lips looked soft. She wondered what his breath tasted like… Her eyes dropped down to his pants – there was a bit of definition where his manhood was. Was it just the pants bunching up from the tension of his belt?

What if he was thinking dirty thoughts right now, of what he wanted to do to her?

Was he turning himself on at the thought of fucking her?

Everyone immediately thinks of sex when trapped in an elevator, right?


She just wanted to reach forward and feel him, be close to him. Co-workers trapped in an elevator, with nothing to do but fuck and pleasure one another. Perfection.

Faye could picture it vividly – his strong hands wrapped around her back as his lips travels along her neck. She pressed up against his body, his cock pushing through his pants and into her thigh. His breath coming in raspy pants as their excitement grows together.

She wanted him to take control, like he always does on the job. Make a decision and follow through with it, with her. Find her sensitive spots, touch her in the perfect way, and find his pleasure however he feels.

She wanted to be pushed against the walls as his body smothers her, his cock thrusting deep inside her swollen lips as they share a desire that cannot be held back any longer.

“That’s pretty fucking hot.”


Faye hadn’t realized she had been touching herself.

Her hands had hiked back her skirt and were rubbing her swollen pussy lips through her white panties. Lost in her thoughts, she had forgotten any sense of decency, just giving into her instinct.

Jeremy had turned over to his side – just watching. How long had he been watching her? He looked really fucking slick right now – like he was turning over and having a smoke, while drinking her in with his eyes.
His messy brown hair looked like sex.
His sharp eyes looked like sex.
The toned definition in his forearm looked like sex. The lump in his pants was unquestionable.

Should I stop? Am I going to regret this?

But she didn’t stop. Her hands continued to rub her panties and she opened her legs up wider.

What the fuck was she doing? Was this it? The point of no return?

God, it felt right. Oh fuck, this was what she had wanted. I can't believe this is happening

Jeremy reached out a hand and took her ankle, pushing her legs apart even wider. His hand travels up and down her shin. Fuckin’ A, she was glad she had shaved today.

She let out a series of light moans and hunched up her shoulders.

A smile crept across Jeremy's face, as he looked from her face to her panties, and back again.

Faye dropped her chin and looked at Jeremy with puppy dog eyes, mouth open as she breathed heavier and heavier.

Her pussy was sopping wet beneath her panties, she couldn’t believe how turned on she was right now.

"Come over here, you little slut."

Did he just say that or did I imagine it?


To be continued – thank you, my sexy people, for reading this far :)



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