The abduction of Willa [nc], [bd], [MF], [kidnapping], [blkmail], [celeb]

The doorbell rings at the exact time. You are punctual, just like I asked you to. As I look at you now on the screen that shows the video feed from all the different security cameras that I have installed on the perimeter as well as inside the building, I fell my level of adrenaline rise. Finally, I will meet you. Finally, I can make you understand that I only do all these things to you because I like you so much.

You look around nervously, waiting for something to happen and I push the button for the door. It buzzes open and you enter the house, taking a look behind you as you step over the door sill. While you walk down the narrow hall, you unconsciously scratch your thigh just above the striped overknees. I figured it would be a nice bonus if you wear the same clothes as in the video I have of you when we meet for the first time. In some steps I can sense the doubt and regret you have. Showing up here in what is, judging by the way you both act on the video, a special outfit for your boyfriend must have been really hard for you. I mean, let's face it. You are going to see a guy, who is blackmailing you, but show up in the outfit you had an obviously great sexual experience in? And I know you enjoyed it, I've seen the video a million times.

But you are moving forward, so determination is obviously winning. I had you under the impression that today's meeting would be a quick handover of the tape because you have behaved so nicely to my instructions on the phone. And I plan on keeping up that illusion for at least a short while.

I push the button for the intercom system. "Hello Willa, don't be frightened." You twitch when you hear my voice, coming from a speaker which you cannot locate. "Please go to the room on the right and sit down, I will be with you shortly."

Obviously confused you enter the door to your right. The room is the size of a 5m-square and there is a big metallic looking chair placed right in the middle of it. The dimensions are huge, the legs of the chair are big squared poles. The arm rests match in size, in fact the chair looks more like a throne. It's facing a big flatscreen that is hung on the wall. The wooden floor creaks under your steps as you walk through the room and around the chair. You look around probably trying to figure out this setup. And at first you hesitate to sit down, but eventually, you take place on your throne. The moment you put your arms on the arm rests, two metal straps flip around your wrists before you even realize what is happening.


"You bastard! Let me go!" I have watched you struggle for the most part of an hour now and you seem to be quite a fighter. You have been trying to yank out your arms from the restraints, you have been screaming at the screen in front of you and you've tried to stand up multiple times. But all your trouble has been for nothing. I make sure that the hidden cameras are still recording you and decide to let you sit there alone. Although I will probably not be able to postpone meeting you very long. I have been waiting for that moment for such a long time, that it is hard to resist now that you are here. But I have to stick to the plan.

A couple of hours pass and when I return to my little room with the screens, I see that you have calmed down. No more attempts to pull out your wrists no more fighting against the metal restraints. I sit down for a few minutes and realize that you are not sitting completely still. Your hips move just a little and i can tell that you are shifting your weight from one side to the other. To be really sure, I wait for another half hour and then I finally walk downstairs.

The moment I open the door, you start screaming again.

"You bastard, what are you doing? Let me out, NOW," you scream with a conviction I did not anticipate. But I choose to ignore you. I've brought a small folding chair and use it to sit in front of you. As calmly as possible I wait until you stop your tantrum and then begin to speak quietly.

"Hello Willa. It is nice to meet you in person. I have waited for this moment for a long time. You will see, we are going to have a lot of fun together," I say with a creepy smile on my lips. You squirm in your chair again, and I watch how you cross your legs and push them together. It won't take long, I have come at the right time.

"There are a few ground rules, if you abide them, everything will be just fine. The first rule is: "Do what I say!" If you don't there will be consequences. The second rule is that you call me "sir" whenever you speak to me. Did you understand this?"

"Yes, I did," you say, barely audible.

"Willa? Didn't you listen to me?"

"Yes, sir," you say disgutedly.

When you start shifting your weight again, I ask almost innocently, if something is wrong and you answer by telling me that you need to pee.

"Oh, is that right, Willa? Do you really need to pee?"

"Yes, sir"

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Your eyes open wide in shock. Could it really be that I would not even let you use the bathroom? You press your thighs together and take a deep breath. You have been using all your tricks to prolong the much needed release of your bladder and you won't be able to take it much longer. I enjoy watching you writhe against letting go.

"Come on, Willa. Remember the rules. You have to do what I say. Now let go."

And that's when I hear you breath out audibly while you slightly spread your legs. You feel the warmth in your panties and seconds later, I observe how a small puddle forms between your legs and slowly drips down the chair. You can feel the warm liquid running along your thighs and some of it is absorbed by the striped socks you are wearing. You look down on the floor, embarrassed and humiliated when I get up from my chair. Standing next to you, I lift your chin up with a finger and direct your gaze to an upper corner of the room.

"See, Willa, now you feel relieved, don't you? You see that small black device up there? That's a camera, Willa. Now I not only have a video of you sucking off a guy in public, I also have one of you peeing your pants. In case you ever think about escaping, be sure to take into account that I will spread both of those videos on the net for the whole world to see. Never doubt who is in charge here." I take a step behind you. You feel a sharp pain when the needle enters your neck, and then you black out.


The room you are in now is much warmer than the other room. There is light brown parquet floor and matching wood paneling on the ceiling. There’s an open fire place on the wall to your right and an old armchair in front of you. In contrast to the room before, this one is tastefully furnished.

You slowly come to your senses again and quickly realize that you are standing up. Though you cannot move. Two thick layers of rope, one over your hips, another one just above your breasts, tie your upper body to a wooden pole. Your hands are tied behind your back and your ankles are bound to a construction on the ground so that your legs are spread a little. The only thing you can do is move your head.

When you open your eyes, you immediately notice the rope in front of you and it dawns on you that the weird feeling in your crotch is not the result of a wedgie. Even though you are still wearing your top and your thigh highs, your shorts and panties are gone. The thick rope in front of you is running from the ceiling to your body, parting your labia and moving up your butt crack before it is tied to the pole behind you.

Behind you, a door opens and I enter the room. “Hello Willa. I am genuinely sorry that I had to put a needle in you.” I stop right next to you and you turn your head in my direction. “Really, you didn’t give me much of a choice. You turned out to be a bigger fighter than I thought.”

And as if on cue, you get angry and I can tell that you are trying to move your body. Your mouth is twisted in agony and it takes you a whole minute to realize that you won’t be able to move even a fraction of a millimeter. “You fucking asshole,” you scream at me. “Get me out of here, you will pay for this. Do you even know who I am? I will not hesitate to go to the FBI once I get out of here. And I will get out of here,” you directly to my face and just when I am about to answer, you spit in my face.

But I don’t give you the satisfaction of fighting back. Without taking my gaze off you, I reach for my handkerchief and clean my face. “Well, Willa, this was not nice. Really, not nice. Your punishment has to be postponed, though. Today – yeah, you kind of slept quite long – will be dedicated to something else. I walk over to a small commode and open the top drawer. You hear me scrambling through some things and when I reenter your field of vision, I have a magic wand in my hands. “Have you seen one of those Willa?” I pause “Well, of course, you have. But have you ever used one?” The uncomfortable look on your face tells me that you haven’t. “Anyhow, you are going to have all day to get acquainted with it.”

You look at me with disbelief in your eyes and I can tell that you have no idea what is about to happen next. Using another rope, I tie the head of the vibrator to the rope in front of you and plug it into the extension cord. Then I kneel down in front of you. “Willa, I am sorry, but I have to check that everything is in place,” I tell you while looking up to your face. Then I use my thumbs to spread your outer pussy lips apart to make sure that the thick rope runs exactly over your clit. From the corner of my eye, I see you close your eyes and turn your head away in disgust. The vibrations are barely noticeable when I turn on the magic wand . But they are there, you can sense them more than you can feel them. A constant hum, feeling like a light summer breeze blowing against your clit.

I sit down in the big armchair and look at you. My eyes wander from your legs, covered in those thigh highs your boyfriend loves, up to your hips and back to your face. Even when you are angry, the beauty of your face is unparalleled. After enjoying the view for a couple of minutes, I get up again and start to leave. “OK, Willa, I will give you some time alone with the wand now so that you can get acquainted with it,” you hear me say before the door closes shut.

Being patient is sometimes very difficult. But there are situations which make it worth to take things slow. To distract myself from the wait, I drive to town to run a few errands and get fresh groceries. After returning, I start to prepare lunch. I take my time washing and cutting the vegetables and cooking my meal.

You hear the door open again and make an effort to turn your head as far to me as you can. What you see is how I push in a meal wagon, just like they have in those expensive hotels you usually stay in. I slowly move it in front of the armchair and sit down again. Your forehead is glistening from a thin layer of sweat, and a closer look at your crotch tells me that the blood circulation has increased in this particular part of your body. Deep down, I knew you would like it.

“Hello Willa. I see your process of forming a bond with the magic wand is progressing nicely. I am sure, your relationship will deepen further in the course of the day,” I say nonchalantly. I pick up the white cloth napkin from the cart and spread it on my thighs. “Bon appétit!“


The meal was delicious and it was even more delicious to watch you. You are a tough girl. Although you had been tied up for four hours, you still gave me that angry, disgusted look. It was so satisfying to watch you, knowing that eventually you will cave in to the overwhelming need to cum. It was arousing to think about you begging for it. I became impatient and turned the vibe up a notch before leaving you again.

When I open the door again, it becomes clear that the situation has changed in the meantime. Your breathing is immediately audible. When I reach my chair, your gaze is directed to the ground in front of you, you are panting. In a way, the way you breathe reminds me of a woman in labor. Obviously, increasing the vibrations has paid off. You are exactly, where I want you to be. Due to the vibrations the rope induces to your clit, you are in a constant state of edging, so close yet so far. The level of sweat on your skin makes me wonder how long it has been that way. I spent the whole afternoon in my office and wasn’t paying attention to the surveillance cameras.

I try to make a little conversation, but you don’t take notice of me at all. “OK, Willa, I am going to turn it off now,” I explain before pushing the button in the magic wand. Reaching for the hook in the ceiling, I loosen the rope that is connected to your clit. Afterwards, I untie the ropes around your body, then the ones around your arm and eventually your ankles. You are too exhausted to resist when I pick you up and carry you to your room.

The room is furnished like a regular bedroom. There is a queen size bed in one corner and a colorful rug directly in front of it. Opposite of the bed is a small desk on which I placed two big bottles of water and some food. The cuff around your left wrist is tight, but it strangely fits around your arm without causing any pain. The chain which connects it to the wall is a couple of meters long so that you can move around the room comfortably. Although I don’t think that you will have enough energy to do anything but sleep, I put you into a chastity belt to make sure you don’t get yourself off without my permission. I lay you down on the bed, tug you in and silently wish you a good nights sleep.

When I enter the room the next morning, you are already awake. You sit up, but when you see the hotel cart, filled with scrambled eggs and two whole-wheat rolls, you freeze and look at me with a questioning look. “Good morning, Willa. I hope you had a good rest. This is your room from now on. If you need anything to make it more comfortable, just let me know.” I push the cart in your direction. “This is for you, I will come back in half an hour,” I tell you and leave the room.

The plates are empty when I come back. I stay put right by the door and start to talk. “I see that you’ve eaten. That’s good, Willa. You will see that I am going to take good care of you. I really care for you, you know? Ever since I first saw you on TV. And when I saw the video of you going down on that guy in the supermarket, I became aware that you are the slut I knew you to be from the beginning. See, Willa, I am doing this because I want you to find your true self.” I pause. “Anyhow. Like any good teacher, I will reward you for being a good girl, and I will punish you for being a bad girl. We are going to continue your training with the same exercise as yesterday. We can do this nicely and walk together to the other room and you don’t make any stupid moves on the way. Or,” I hold up a syringe like the one I used the other day, “the hard way.”

“I am not coming with you. You have to let me go. There will be people looking for me. You are going to pay for this!”

“OK, if that is your decision, so be it. Be aware that your action have consequences,” I reply calmly. The struggle isn’t really a struggle. Since I am almost 8 inches taller than you and it doesn’t take much to inject you with the drug. I carry you back to the other room and tie you up just like yesterday including the rope to your clit. The magic wand is already humming on low intensity, when I open a small container and take out contact lenses. A few swift finger movements later the lenses are applied to your eyes. And then I wake you up by gently slapping your cheeks.

“Where am I? Why is it so dark in here? What are you doing?” Your head jerks around in panic as you spill out question after question.

“Relax, Willa,” I say and wait for you to turn your head in my direction. “There is nothing wrong with you. I told you that there will be consequences for your decision. I equipped you with non-transparent contact lenses. If you show good behavior, I will think about taking them out during lunch. I will see you then.” I turn up the vibrations on the wand a little and leave the room.


Having lunch in front of you is as much fun as the day before. I take my time finishing the meal savoring every moment of looking at your rosy cheeks and the obvious discomfort induced by the lenses. I contemplate taking them out, but instead get up and make my way to the door. Just before I reach it, I hear you speak.

"Wait, please, you said you would take them out," you plea for mercy.

"Willa, I decided against it. In order for it to be effective, punishment must have an impact," I answer and leave the room without waiting for a reply.

When I return in the evening, your body is limb again from exhaustion. Your pussy lips are swollen from the constant stimulation and your clit is cherry red when I remove the rope. When I free you from the post, you almost faint and for a second I have troubles holding you up. After regaining my balance, I pick you up and carry you to your bed again. Before tucking you in, I take out the lenses and give you a peck on the forehead. You instantly fall asleep and after waiting for a couple of seconds, I leave you alone for the night.

The next morning proves me right regarding the punishment, because again, you struggle with me instead of coming with me. It takes another two days wearing the lenses before you follow me voluntarily on the third. On the evening of this day, I take you to bed just like the days before. I wait until you look at me and I have the feeling that you are listening to what I am about to say. "Willa, hey," I smile at you, "today was a very good day. I will check if the progress is reliable tomorrow. If everything works out to my satisfaction, you will be rewarded."


After breakfast, I come back to your room with a smile on my face. The last days have really improved your behavior and today, you walk with me over to the other room voluntarily as well. You even walk directly to the pole and wait for me to tie you up again.

"Willa," I say with a soft voice, "I promised you something else for today. If you are a good girl, you will get a nice reward. Today, I will not just tease you, today I will let you cum for me for the first time. How does that sound?"

I wait for an answer, but you don't reply anything. I can tell that there still is a little spark in you that wants to spit in my face again. But in spite of you trying to hide it, I can also see a little spark in your eyes when I tell you that I will let you cum today.

Pointing in the direction of my armchair, I tell you to move over there and take a seat. Obediently, you walk the few steps and sit down. Using one of the long ropes I used the days before, I tie you to the arm chair . Your legs point up into the air and your arms are tightly bound to the armrest. There is a look of uncertainty on your face, but it seems that you are not as afraid as before.

I start by running the magic wand up and down your thighs, concentrating on the inside and slowly closing in on your sex. The vibrations are set to a medium level and after a while, you seem to relax a little bit. I continue by letting it touch your vulva and gently move it up and down your slit. When I apply a little pressure on your clit, I can make out a gasp. Quickly, you look away from me and I can tell that you are embarrassed by yourself for liking the treatment I give you.

"Shh, Willa, don't feel bad. I know you are confused. But doesn't it feel good? Don't deny yourself the pleasure. You have been such a good girl. I know you want to cum badly. I know I would after a week of edging."

I smile, but you are still not looking at me. So I let the head of the vibe rest on your clit until I can tell that your breathing increases. When I take it away, your head moves in my direction and you have a questioning look on your face. That is as much as I can ask of you and I put the vibe back to work. It seems as if you are really relaxing, working yourself up the long awaited orgasm. Your legs start to quiver and you pant audibly. And I remove the vibe again.

"OK, Willa. I know, I promised you a reward. But there is one little thing you have to do for me. You see, you have been here for a week now. People are probably already looking for you. And I don't want to them to mess up our little plan."

I reach into my pockets, pick out a phone and show it to you. In order to not let you calm down too much, I put the vibe on your pussy until I see it having an effect on you again.

"See this phone?" I push down the vibe again. "You will earn yourself an orgasm with it." My hand moves away again. "I will dial your agent in a little while." The vibe touches your clit again. "And you will tell her, that you went on a trip. You just had to get out and have some time for self-discovery. In case you don't realize, the punishment will be harsh if you try to snitch on me." Your are panting heavily and I remove the head from your pussy. "Do you think you can do that, Willa?"

I watch the expression on your face change and it seems that your will to fight me is back again. When you shake your head "no". I get up and leave the room without another word.

I come back an hour later and repeat the treatment of your clit, bringing you close to the edge again. Once again, I ask if you are ready to make the call, but again, you deny it. That's why a leave once more and return an hour later. When you deny me the third time, I reduce the intervals to half an hour and I can tell that it gets harder and harder for you to send me away.

"Willa, come on. Don't fight back. You want to cum, don't you? I can tell that you crave it. Don't deny yourself the sweet release. It's just a quick call," I say with a soothing voice while bringing you to the verge of orgasm again.

"Are you ready now?"

Your eyes are closed but I notice a subtle nod and that is all that I need. I dial the number and wait for the phone to make the connection before holding it to your ear. The speaker is on and I hear your agent say hello. You hesitate to say anything at first, but then you quickly say what I told you to say. I take the phone away and press the vibe against your clit for your reward. The panting is getting louder and your body starts to twitch inside the restraints of the rope. Your chest moves up as your legs begin to quiver again.

The orgasm hits you hard. Your whole body squirms in a way I haven't seen before. All the built up tension is released and an unexpected groan leaves your throat. When your body finally stops twitching, I take away the vibe and put it on the ground. You are still breathing heavily when I start to untie you. It's obvious that you are pleased, now that the orgasm has relieved you from the tension inside you. But I can also see that spark of a bad conscious. I wonder if you are debating if it was worth it. Trading an orgasm against the fact, that people outside will stop looking for you. In a while, you will realize that it was indeed worth it. Once you've accepted that you are my little slut now, everything will be easier. After leading you back to your room, I close the door behind me and let you rest.


You awake to strange feeling in your ankles and wrists. It takes a while for you to realize where you are, something in your head still feels cloudy. It’s only a few seconds after you’ve woken up, but it feels much longer and you wonder what happened. You are hanging from the ceiling, your ankles tied to your wrists, and your wrists tied to a wooden bar that hangs from the ceiling . You are naked, but it is not cold at all. The fog inside your head dissolves slowly and by looking around, you recognize the room from before. It is the same room you were tied up before.

“Hello Willa”

You jerk around. I was standing there, behind you, outside of your field of vision the whole time, waiting for you to wake up. Staying out of your sight, I start explaining.

“I am sorry, that I drugged you. I really am. I know that you’ve demonstrated your commitment with the phone call. Please don’t consider this a setback in our blooming relationship. It’s just. I didn’t know how you would’ve reacted to this.”

You don’t say anything and I slowly walk around you. Standing in front of you now, you see that I have something in my hands. You wonder where you’ve seen it before. The realization comes slowly. When you were young, you spend a summer at your aunt’s farm. The thing I am holding in my hand is a riding crop.

[to be continued. Feedback appreciated!]



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