Mother’s Little Helper: Chapter 2 [M/F] [drugs] [prost] [reluc]

Mother's Little Helper
Fiction by Evil Little Sister

Part One – Chapter 3

"Is it Monday?" Gary grinned at me and I was holding Jilly in my arms.

"Shut up." I frowned, squeezing past the man.

"I'm hungry." Jilly said in a small voice and I shushed her.

"We're gonna go to McDonald's remember? Just…" I put her down on one of the stuffed chairs, "…sit there and be a good girl, okay?"

"Okay mommy." She nodded.

I'd picked her up from preschool and I'd been trying not to come here, to Gary's house, but I couldn't help it. I'd been out of coke since Wednesday. That gram had lasted three days and now it was Friday. I couldn't wait until Monday. I'd taken three pills the day before. I didn't have enough for the weekend.

"What's going on, Gina?" Gary asked me gently.

"I…I'm out." I said, looking into his eyes and then dropping my gaze as I felt weak and guilty and embarrassed all at once.

"Out of what?" He asked.

"You know what." I whispered, glancing at my daughter.

"Just tell me what you need." He said with a shrug.

"Some…" I cleared my throat. "…Some coke." I nodded and I reached between us as we faced each other, pressing my hand to the front of his trousers. "And some pills, just a couple. Until Monday, okay?"

"Hmmm…" Gary smiled and I felt his penis growing stiff under my hand. "That's kind of tough maybe. I don't have anymore of the cheap stuff."

"What?" I blinked at him. "Well…How much? I just need a little, I'll…You know I'll do anything for it. Anything you want."

"I got some, but it's three hundred a gram, Gina." He said. "You got three hundred on you?"

"What? No!" I lowered my voice. "I can't afford that. "Please, just…I'll make it good for you, okay? I'll make it special."

"Gina." Gary laughed and shook his head. "You are special, but not that special, okay?"

"But…" I closed my eyes tightly, taking a slow deep breath. "I'll pay you on Monday, alright? The three hundred, I'll get it. I'll bring it."

"I can't do that." Gary sighed. "Sorry, that's too much to front right now. I have bills too."

"I need it though." I squeezed his cock. "I really do."

"I believe you." He nodded. "Look, you want to make some money? Get some blow tonight?"

"Yeah." I agreed.

"I have a couple friends, a couple guys I'm hooking up with later." Gary said softly. "You come with me, okay? I'll arrange something, you know, maybe just one guy. Treat him right and I'll treat you right."

"W-What?" I swallowed hard. "You mean…What? Be a…a…"

"Be a woman." Gary chuckled and he reached for my left breasts, fondling it so that I glanced nervously over my shoulder at Jilly who was staring at us patiently.

"I wanna go, mommy." She said, seeing me look at her and I nodded.

"In a sec, baby." I told her and turned back to Gary. "You'll give it to me then? What I need?"

"Yeah, I will. You'll have to earn it though, this isn't a game." He told me.

"But tonight…Um…How do I…" I narrowed my eyes. "My husband will wonder."

I was feeling the need to have more coke and especially more pills because I was gonna take another one soon. I had to have it. That's all. There was no reason. No excuse. I had to have that stuff and I knew what Gary wanted from me. He wanted me to be his whore for the night, to fuck those guys. Okay, I told myself, yeah. I could do that, it wouldn't mean anything. I'd get what I wanted and they'd wash away in the bathtub. It didn't matter at all. Not if I got what I needed.

"That's your problem, isn't it?" Gary said. "Just come here before ten tonight, okay? Don't tell anyone where you're going, just come here."

"Yeah." I closed my eyes, nodding slowly.

"Now tell your little girl we're going to be right back." Gary told me.

"Huh?" I stared at him.

"Unless you wanna fuck right here in front of her." He shrugged. "I don't care either way."


"That's later, Gina." He chuckled. "You got me all hard right now."


"Don't worry, I got some in the bedroom." He smiled. "You'll feel good."

"Uh, Jilly? Honey? Mommy has to go ummm…"

"Upstairs." Gary prompted.

"Right, uh, upstairs for a minute, okay?" I smiled at her. "I'm just…I'll be right back, okay sweetie?"

"But mommy…I'm…"

"No…Shush now, you be a good girl." I told her. "I'll be right back and then we'll go get McDonalds."


She whined and I left her there, following Gary as we left the room and went upstairs into a bedroom. I felt hate then, just a little for myself. I'd brought Jilly to this house again, to where this drug dealer lived, and now she was sitting downstairs while I did a couple lines of coke off a mirror on the bed. I should have left. I should have taken her away quickly, never brought her there in the first place.

"Ohhhh God…Yesss…" I smiled, feeling that coke hit my brain like a baseball bat.

"Good, huh…Spread your legs…Get em up…" Gary had my legs over his shoulders and my panty pulled to the side.

"No fuck…My girl's downstairs…" I looked around and I was only dimly aware of Gary driving his cock into my cunt.

"Look at me, Gina…Let me see your pretty eyes…" Gary whispered, rolling my body up so my knees were next to my ears and he was fucking my cunt hard.

He just stared at me, watching my face as I took his cock inside my womb once more. I was living on an island someplace, smiling and carefree. Jilly was okay, I thought, she could watch the Discovery channel. After Gary was done fucking me, we'd go to McDonald's and get a Happy Meal. After he was done cumming inside me, soaking my eggs in his sperm, we could meet Ronald McDonald and that would be nice. We could tell daddy all about it. How mommy had gone upstairs with the nice man and let him fuck her.

"Mmppphh…" I blinked as I felt Gary's tongue filling my mouth and I just kissed him back.

Yeah, baby, mommy likes kissing her friends. Especially the ones who give her pretty pills and funny white lines to snort up her nose. Isn't that funny? And she likes fucking too. Mommy's a good fuck, Jilly. Tell your friends how good mommy fucks and maybe, if you close your eyes and wish really hard, you'll have a little brother just in time for Christmas. Oh, won't daddy be surprised?"

I was cumming. I didn't even know I was excited and I was cumming, feeling Gary shoot off inside me again. His was filling me with his sperm while I sucked his tongue hard, working my lips along it like a wet pink cock. We were really getting good at fucking and I came, every time. I giggled and nodded and Gary just laughed.

"Open your mouth…Wider…" He said and I did it, not knowing what to expect.

He hawked a large thick gob of saliva and let it fall into my mouth.

"Don't swallow it yet, Gina. Suck on it for awhile." He grinned.

His cock was done cumming, but he was keeping it inside my horny hole for another five minutes while I worked that viscous lump of spit around with my tongue like it was half-melted candy. When he wanted to see it I opened wide and he'd add more until I had a real mouthful and then he let me eat it while he pulled his semi-hard cock out of my spermy cunt slowly. He fixed my panties, giving my vulva a gentle pat before letting me go back downstairs and drive my daughter to McDonald's.


"Uh…What's going on?" My husband asked. It was after eight at night and I was getting dressed, which made Jack naturally curious.

"Huh? Oh, just a night out with some of the girls." I smiled. "I told you about it, right?"

"Ummmm…No, I don't think so." Jack frowned slightly. "What girls?"

"You know, Stacy and some of the others." I shrugged. "Do you think this is too nice?"

"What?" He looked at me.

I was wearing a short red skirt, a vinyl miniskirt I probably hadn't worn in seven or eight years, since I was twenty-five at least. Above that a white silk blouse and an obviously red lace bra beneath that, one that went with the skirt. I had black silk stockings on, my good ones that came to mid-thigh, so that when I moved the skirt would shift and reveal some creamy thigh above them. Some leather shoes, black with three inch heels. I was applying my makeup carefully, just touching up really, and I looked good. Really good for being a thirty-three year old soccer mom.

"How do I look?" I asked again, watching Jack in the mirror.

"Jesus, Gina…You're not going out like that." He said and it was plainly not a question.

"I am going out like this." I smiled patiently.

"No, you're not." My husband crossed his arms. "You've been acting strange for a month now; it's time you told me what's going on."

"Nothing's going on." I made a face. "I'm just going out with Stacy and I want to have a little fun, okay? Don't be like that."

"Be like what, Gina?" Jack snorted. "You look like…I don't know what you look like, but that isn't what you wear for a little fun, okay?"

"Well, maybe I do." I shrugged.

"Are you seeing someone?" Jack asked me, just coming straight out with it.

"What?" I gave him a look of disbelief. "No! Jack, no! I'm not seeing someone. Okay?"

"Stay home tonight, okay?" Jack changed his tone, he was imploring me. "Just stay home, we'll relax, me and you. I'll even start a fire in the fireplace, how about that?"

"I promised Stacy I'd pick her up." I sighed. "Oh, come on. Tomorrow, okay? Tomorrow night we can start a fire." I giggled and tried to make it sound seductive. "Jack…"

"I don't like this." He said. "I don't like it, understand?"

He left then and he wasn't surrendering, he just needed a little time to prepare for a fight. Jack was like that and I knew in a day or maybe two, when the kids were asleep, or maybe over at Grandma's house for the night, oh yeah. Jack would want some answers then.

That was all in the future though and I was living in the now. Gary had promised me some coke and all I had to do was show up and be friendly. After that I could deal with my husband and his paranoia. God! Why did he have to be like that anyway? He should have been happy that I was happy. He should have appreciated me more, instead of giving me the third degree like he had. It wasn't my fault I was still attractive or that I liked to dress sexy. Another man, a real man, would have been proud of the way I looked. Not suspicious.


"Hmmm…You're early." Gary was smiling when he opened the door for me. "Now that's nice. Look at you, Gina, all dressed up like a whore."

"That's what you want, right?" I blinked at him, feeling my stomach tightly knotted up.

I was frightened now, afraid of what was coming and it had hit me all of a sudden while I drove over. I'd almost turned around, but I hadn't. I was going to have to face my husband again if I did that and I needed a little something for that battle, a little boost. I needed that coke and some more pills, but mostly the coke. I could deal with him then. All I had to do was get through the night, that's all.

"Exactly what I want." He agreed. "Come on in, we'll go in about ten minutes."

"What? I thought we were staying here." I said.

"I don't do business here, Gina. Not unless it's with someone like you."

"Someone like me?" I frowned, not knowing what that meant exactly.

"Someone I can trust." Gary smiled. "Like a nice sexy mommy from the suburbs. That's you, right?"

"Uh, yeah." I nodded. "I guess so."

"Yeah, so we're going to hit the club, okay? Have a little fun, do some cha-cha-cha, and then who knows, maybe we'll do something else."

"But these guys…Who are they?" I wondered.

"Oh, don't worry about that." Gary was putting on a tie and he was a good looking man, for being a drug dealer. "Just some friends."

"Okay." I agreed, not with much of a choice. "Do you have any, um…"

"You'll get some later." Gary replied, watching me as I eyed his ceramic box. "I told you I'd treat you, just relax."

"Yeah, okay." I took a deep breath and giggled. "I'm nervous, that's all."

"Uh-huh." He nodded. "What did you tell your husband?"

"What? Oh, um…I told him I was going out with some friends." I said. "Some girlfriends."

"Oh, sure." He smiled. "That's barely even a lie."

"Yeah." I agreed.

We took Gary's car, a Volvo of all things, and he was actually talkative, I mean we had a real conversation of sorts. He just wanted to brag I think, because I was a beautiful woman and all men are suckers for that, even the real controlling ones like Gary. He was happy to tell me how clever he was, setting up shop in the middle of the suburbs, not flashing any money, just paying his bills, looking ordinary. He banked a lot of money off shore, he said. A lot of it and he was gonna get out someday, in a few years when he could afford to live anywhere he wanted for the rest of his life.

He wasn't even a pusher, not like I knew from television with people coming and going all hours of the day. I'd wondered about that and Gary said he was just a middle man, handling cash and dope, passing it from one pair of hands to another and taking his cut in between. It was safer that way and he was being careful not to give me any specifics, just real general talk, but I got the idea.

"What's that coke like, anyway?" He asked at one point and I looked at him. "What's it feel like?"

"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes. "Don't you know?"

"Me?" He laughed. "I've never touched the stuff. I tried a little pot in high school once. It put me to sleep."

"What?" I stared at him and I knew it was true. Gary didn't use his own product, he just fed it to people like me and I burned with humiliation then. I mean a real sense of shame because I suddenly felt so much less than what I wanted to be, which was better than him.

Gary took me dancing, like he'd promised, and it was like a real date. He'd slipped me a couple greens in the car, holding them out like candy and making me eat them off his palm. I'd done it too, not caring at all because I knew those two pills were going to have me smiling all night long and I needed that. Now, a half hour later we were in a club uptown, dancing like normal people and I was giggling and smiling and holding the man tight, grinding my body against him.

The music was loud and heavy; the bass rolling through my blood like it would burst my heart. He had his hands on my ass, squeezing me and oblivious to anyone who might have noticed or cared. I could feel his cock hard beneath his suit, pressing against my tummy and my nipples itched as they rubbed against him through our clothes. I was stoned, having had a couple shots of tequila as soon as we'd sat down and those had hit me like twin hammers, mixing with the pills to send my mind into orbit. Everything was blurry and fun and I felt like I owned the world. I was conscious though, you know? I was in my head and I knew what was going on. I wasn't drunk, just…High.

"Come here…" We were sitting down again, in a booth just big enough for two and Gary was pulling out his cock.

We were both hot and sweaty and I blinked at him and laughed, looking around at the hundreds of people in that crowded club. I was lost though and I didn't want sex at all, but if he did, so what? I leaned over, finding his cock with my open mouth and I was sucking him off in a dance club.

People could see us too. It wasn't like we were going to hide it. The table was thin and small, the lights weren't especially dim, just colored red and blue and yellow. I was aware of people watching us and that just made me giggle, everything was funny. I mouthed his prick for ten minutes probably and he didn't cum, he just pulled me off and said that was enough. I licked my lips and nodded, fixing my blouse and looking around and then down as I caught the gaze of some guys and their dates who were sitting nearby. They hadn't missed a thing and I did feel some embarrassment then, but not a lot, not like I should have.

"Hey, go powder your nose." Gary said a minute later and he was looking at someone, but I couldn't tell who.

"I don't have to…Oh…Okay…" I grinned as Gary pushed a tiny plastic bag into my hand, hiding it until my fist was closed around it.

"Hurry up, we're gonna go soon." He told me.

"Kay." I nodded and I didn't really know what was going on, but I had some coke now. Not a lot, just enough for a couple good hits, but it was gonna be good.

I went into the ladies room, waiting impatiently for a stall to open and as soon as I was in I rolled up a dollar bill from my purse, bit the little bag open carefully with my teeth, and did it all with two hard snorts. I even licked the bag clean afterwards, sticking my tongue inside and tasting that coke like weak acid on my tongue. It hit me too, not even a minute later, that coke rocking my boat hard and I grinned at the women I passed, wiping at my nose as I checked myself in the mirror, and a minute later returned to Gary.

"You ready?" He looked at me, standing up as I walked over and then he grinned. "Fuck, you're fucked up, ain't you girl?"

"Oh Jesus…" I nodded and laughed, pressing my hand to his chest. "Want me to suck your cock some more?"

"Later." He chuckled. "I got us a hotel room, let's go."

"You got us a room?" I bobbled my head happily. "Well…Okay."

"Yeah, you like that shit, huh?" Gary asked me one we were back in his car. "That's the good stuff, practically uncut. A little goes a long, long ways."

"Oh God!" I just looked at him and the whole secret of the universe was on the tip of my tongue.

"Look at me." We were standing outside a door in a nice hotel and Gary had a key card in his hand.

"Hmmm…" I smiled and that coke wasn't wearing off. I was tingling all over, numb and brilliant and ecstatic.

"Time for you to earn that cola, Gina. You just be a good girl, right?"

"Yeah." I smiled, reaching for the man's cock, but he grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

"You got the idea." He chuckled. "I'll be back soon, real soon. You don't go anywhere, okay?"

"What?" I blinked at that trying to understand what he was saying.

Gary used his keycard, opening the door and then pushing it open. I walked in without looking and took about three steps before I realized there was someone else in the room. A man sitting on the bed, or lying on it really, wearing plain white boxers and a t-shirt. He was older, maybe fifty or something and I smiled at him because he was smiling at me.

"Bob, this is Gina." Gary said. "Gina, my friend Bob."

The man laughed at that.

"Oh." I nodded. "Hi Bob."

"Yeah, whatever." He agreed. "You're late. Give us a couple hours."

"Right." Gary shrugged and he was leaving me I realized. "Have a good time."

"Oh yeah." Bob smiled, drawing a deep breath as he looked me up and down. "We will."

"Uh…I'm not sure what's going on, but…" I started saying.

"Don't talk, okay? I'm not paying for that." Bob said. "Take off your clothes, let me see you."

"Uh…" I giggled nervously and I really wished I hadn't done that coke right then.

"What? Take 'em off." Bob said, losing his smile and I nodded quickly. "Leave the stockings though. I like 'em"

"Okay." I agreed, unbuttoning my blouse with trembling fingers, but I wasn't frightened. I was just…Trembling.

I watched the man as he rubbed his cock through his underwear while I undressed. Part of me, whatever little bit of my brain that was still working right, was telling me this was wrong. I was married and I had kids and I should have been home. The thoughts were there, I can't deny it, and I wasn't listening to them. I was in a strange hotel room with a perfect stranger, undressing for him. I was paid for, that's what he'd said. I was a whore now, a real one, or so I imagined. Gary had arranged this meeting and delivered me and now I was expected to perform.

"Yeah, you look good." The man said. "A little older than I expected though."

I was naked, but for my black stockings and heels, and I blushed at that, but I didn't cover myself up. The voice that was telling me to go home was being drowned out by the voice that said this was fun. This was weird and different and I knew it was the greens and the drinks and the coke. My head was foggy and not making sense. This wasn't fun. This was bad. I was being bad and now I was naked, letting this man see my breasts, my sex, my ass when he told me to turn around for him.

"Come over here now, give me some head." He told me and I swallowed hard, licking my lips and taking that first step.

It wasn't that difficult. I walked over slowly, crawling onto the bed and he'd spread his hairy legs for me. I knelt down between his knees, reaching for his cock which was already hard and I pulled it free of his boxers. He wasn't so long, but thick and heavy. His muscle was hot under my fingers and precum glistened at the mushroom head. I gave him a squeeze and he smiled and then I lowered my mouth, pursing my lips to kiss the tip.

"Oh yeah…That's it, love that dick, baby." He said, pulling some loose hair out of my face so he could see my eyes.

I was shaking with excitement, feeling like a whore and my feverish mind didn't waste time on recriminations. It wasn't my fault I was doing this. I knew that. It was someone else's fault. It was Stacy's fault for giving me those pills in the first place. Gary's fault for turning me into a whore. Bob's fault for buying me. It was Jack's fault and my kids, their fault too. They were the ones who made me into a whore.

Knowing all that made it real easy to open my mouth and take the man's cock between my lips. I was just paying them back, all of them, in one way or another. Gary was going to pay me with some more greens, some more coke so I could survive another week of babysitting those stupid brats Jack had given me. Playing mommy for the rest of my life. Nobody had told me that was going to happen when we'd gotten married. I didn't know I'd be doing laundry the rest of my life. Cooking and cleaning and listening to my own daughter tell me she hated me because I wouldn't let her get her nose pierced.

Fuck all of them, I had to have the drugs or they'd all fall apart. They should be thanking me for the things I was doing. For kneeling naked on this bed and mouthing this dirty cock. Jack should be on his knees, apologizing for what he'd said earlier. I was doing this for him, didn't he know that? Did he think I liked being a whore? That I liked letting Gary fuck me? Probably knock me up with his bastard? I'd done that just so I could be the perfect mom my family wanted. Smiling and happy, able to handle the hundred and one emergencies that popped every single fucking day.

"Oh, baby…Not too hard…Nice and easy, Gina." Bob had his hand on my head, guiding me up and down while I sucked his cock eagerly.

I put all those bad thoughts outside and I just thought about that cock inside me, about the man beneath me. He didn't even know me, but he appreciated me. He liked my mouth and my tits and my ass. He liked me and he was hard and eager for my attention. I was a woman, not a mommy. I was a real woman again and desirable and that was making me hot inside and out. I liked being wanted, even as a whore. Especially as a whore, I giggled softly around that prick I was sucking.

"Mmmm…" I pulled my mouth away. "I love your cock, Bob. It's so big…So hard for me"

"Hmmm, fuck yeah….Pull my shorts down…I want you to suck my balls too" The man said and I did it.

I took his hairy nuts in my hungry mouth, eating them gently while I fisted his cock, feeling his slimy precum running down over my fingers. I licked and sucked them until they were shiny and wet with my saliva and then I lowered my mouth further, stabbing my tongue beneath them towards the man's asshole. He'd paid for me, I thought, paid for my love and that was more than Jack had ever done. So I was doing more for this stranger than I'd ever done for my own husband. Bob pulled up his legs and gave me his asshole, dank and sweaty and overgrown with short curling hairs that stuck to his skin until I licked them stiff.

I tongued the man's asshole for ten minutes, feeling his balls against my face and tasting his acrid flavor. I tickled his tight brown anus and kissed it, licked that hole and wormed my tongue a fraction inside. It was enough to make Bob moan with pleasure and his cock was throbbing in my hand while I continued to hold it. I jerked him off all the while, rimming the guy until he'd had enough and he wanted to fuck. He pulled me up so I could ride him.

"Bareback…Okay? I wanna feel your cunt." He breathed and I just nodded, sinking my wet sex down onto his cock slowly, gasping as his thickness split my pussy wide around him.

"Yesssss…" I breathed, getting all the way down until my greasy pussy lips were mashed against his soft fatty pubis.

"Goddamn…You're hot inside!" Bob was smiling, reaching up for my tits and I laughed, feeling the giddy euphoria of being filled with a stranger's cock.

I was grinding myself upon him, not moving up and down, but just back and forth like I was a cowgirl riding a horse, feeling my stormy clitoris throb with her excitement as it rubbed across his pubic hair and then found the base of his wonderfully stiff cock. That was unbelievably good, fucking like that and I put my hands on Bob's chest, smiling down at him beneath my long blonde hair, giving him my bright black eyes, so dilated there wasn't any blue left.

I was fucking him like he was the man of my dreams and Bob knew it. He was cumming after just a few minutes and I wasn't letting him go. I was close too, especially when I felt his sperm flooding my unprotected pussy. Fuck! He could be knocking me up, I didn't know. He could have six different diseases. He could have HIV and AIDS and kill me ten years from now. I had no idea. My heartless cunt didn't care. She was hot and greedy and hungry for more. I wanted my orgasm and it was close. Bob was staying hard and I was still grinding, feeling that thick hot sperm squishing out of me.

He let go of my tits and grabbed my ass, pulling me hard so I'd lift my pussy and fuck him right. I dropped myself down so we could fuck face to face, me and this anonymous stranger I was taking a stranger bareback for a baggy full of coke. It made me laugh and I rubbed my tits raw against his damp t-shirt while my tongue flicked across Bob's lips, teasing him with it. I moaned softly, feeling his meaty fingers digging into the soft round cheeks of my ass while he humped his hardness into my wanton sex. He was opening his mouth, breathing hard and wiggling his tongue like a thick pink worm.

"Fuck…Fuck me…Fuckin' kiss me, whore…" Bob demanded and he let go of my butt with his right hand just so he could grab my head and force my mouth to his.

I kissed him like we were lovers. It was just more payback for my worthless husband. I let the man tongue fuck my mouth while his cock churned his recent orgasm into baby butter for my fertile eggs. I hoped I was getting pregnant, that would funny. I was lifting myself until the head of Bob's cock almost came free and then shoving myself back down hard, over and over while the man held my mouth to his and fingered my asshole, pressing a thick digit inside my virgin anus and that just brought me off.

"Ohhh fuck yeah!" Bob grinned and he knew he'd made me cum, he was watching as my face contorted with pleasure.

My cunt spasmed around the man's prick, squeezing him tightly as if trying to draw the sperm out of his balls. My asshole quivered around his finger and he stabbed it deeper, enjoying the sensation of my whole body jerking like a puppet on a string just for him. He'd made me cum and Bob was feeling good about that, good enough to want me in the ass and I was ready, or at least I wasn't ready to say no.

I could barely see straight when he rolled me off of him, putting me on my hands and knees and I was so fucked up I couldn't feel anything but good. Pain went to my brain and came out feeling like pleasure. I felt his blunt cockhead, smooth and slippery and covered with our intermingled juices, I felt it against my asshole and then he was pushing. Holding me tight in case I tried to get away and thrusting, stabbing his cock inside my ass almost violently. It hurt, it burned and tore through my muscles, even though I was relaxed and wanting it, it still hurt and I screamed into the pillows, trembling and falling with Bob's considerable weight on top of me.

He was suffocating me, straddling my thighs as I was on my belly then, and he was fucking my ass. His cock burrowing deep into my virgin rectum, heedless of my protests, uncaring that my muscles were soft and weak and unprepared. He drove his cock relentlessly inward until he groaned and I felt his heavy balls against my cunt as they hung low beneath his cock. He was all the way inside me and I'd been crying and the world was spinning. My stomach churned ad I thought I was going to be sick. The bed felt cold and then hot and inside I was on fire. There was a knife in my belly and that was Bob, fucking me now.

He rammed his cock in and out of me for minutes, hours it seemed like. Days. I spent a lifetime feeling his cock tearing through my bowels and only at the end, just before he finished, only then did it start feeling good. The fire was still there, the pain and the humiliation, because that had come too. Being fucked on my belly by an old ugly man who didn't love me. Having my asshole raped, sodomized like I was an animal. That's what it was and I wondered how I'd ever look at anyone again. My husband, my kids, myself.

I'd been ass fucked by a man I didn't even know or love. And now he was cumming inside my rectum, flooding my steaming bowels with his dirty semen, moaning into my ear how good my asshole felt wrapped so lovingly around his cock. He loved my ass, Bob told me. He loved my dirty cock fucking ass and the next time he was in town he was going to do it again. Oh yeah, he promised me that. He was going to tell all his friends about a whore named Gina and how she loved to fuck bareback and take hot sperm up the ass.

I was crying when he left.


"You did real good for a first timer." Gary was smiling, driving us back to his place.

"Is that what I have to do all the time?" I asked and I wasn't very happy. Not smiling at all. I sat uncomfortably in the passenger's seat, hugging myself and staring straight ahead.

"No." He shook his head. "I'm not a pimp."

"Then why…" I looked at him.

"I just wanted to see if you'd do it." He shrugged.

"You're sick." I told him.

"Maybe." He said agreeably. "But I'm the one with the drugs too, right?"

"Fuck you." I said. "I'm quitting. I'm not addicted or anything."

"Okay." He nodded. "That's fair."

"I just needed a little boost, that's all." I nodded as well.

"Yeah, just a little help." Gary smiled.

"Yeah." I sucked my bottom lip. "A little help."

We rode in silence for awhile and when we were almost to his house Gary looked at me.

"So, I guess you don't want the stuff I promised you, huh?" He asked.

I stared at him for a long minute while he drove.

"I'm gonna be out of town all weekend." He made a point of looking at the clock on his dashboard. "In fact, I have to get packed. Early flight, you know."

"You're going to be gone?" I swallowed hard and he nodded.

"Yeah, be back Monday morning though." He shrugged.

He was pulling into his driveway and my van was still parked out front. I stared at it.

"Give me the stuff." I said and I expected Gary to say something smart about it, but he didn't.

He just reached inside his suit coat and pulled out a small baggie of coke and another with a half dozen pills in it. I snatched it with a frown, but I felt suddenly better inside, like I could relax finally, and I let out the breath I was holding. I stuffed the drugs in my purse, clutching it to my chest.

"Hey, Gina." Gary stopped me as I started opening the door.

"What?" I didn't look at him.

"I won't make you do that again." He said. "I promise."

"Yeah, whatever." I got out and slammed the door closed behind me.

Jack was sleeping on the couch when I got home and it was late, almost morning really, like four AM or something. It didn't matter, he'd made the point that whatever time I got home he didn't want to share the bed with me. He was mad and that seemed just perfect. I was tempted to wake him up, just so I could see his anger expressed, but what good was that going to do? The truth was I didn't know what I wanted. I felt ashamed and disgusted with myself and whatever Jack felt about me, I shared it. How's that for irony?

I checked my kids, as much from guilt as anything else. My husband was a grown up, but my kids. I remembered my earlier thoughts and seeing them sleeping peacefully, it hurt me inside. Was there anything I wouldn't do for them? To protect them? That was the real question. Doing drugs wasn't protecting them, I knew that. It would hurt them if they found out and so I made promises to them, one by one in the silence, that I'd never let them know what I was doing.

Jack was going to know, if not specifically, then at least generally. He already knew something was wrong. That I was hiding something. Another man, he thought, and rightly so, but for the wrong reasons. I'd fucked two strangers now, Gary and Bob, who wasn't a Bob at all, even I wasn't that stupid. Whoever he was, he'd had me as a whore and so that was what I was. Now and forever, I'd always have that stain on my soul. My husband had no idea what I was doing and instead of making me feel bad, or guilty, it just made think of him as a fool.

His anger would be as impotent as his semen, I thought. I was rubbing my tummy, wondering if I was pregnant. If I was it wouldn't be Jack's. I'd have to do something about it too. I wasn't going to have another baby. I pushed that truth out of my head quickly, letting it wait until it was inevitable as all truths are. I'd deal with it if and when I had to, not before. Just then I needed the toilet and I was shitting blood stained sperm for half an hour while I stared at my feet.


end of chapter 03


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