The Man They Love [MFF] [Rom]

"Why don't you sit down? And take a few deep breaths?"

Pam watched her daughter pacing back and forth in the small changing room. Ashley's wedding dress made a swish, swish noice as she walked. Pam really wanted her daughter to sit down because the girl's pacing was making her nervous.

"Do you think I'm doing the right thing?"

Pam sighed. "All you've talked about for the last three months is getting married. You know Alex loves you. And you've told everyone you've met how much you love him."

Ashley's hands lifted to the bulge at her waist. "I don't want him to marry me because I'm pregnant."

"He's not," Pam reassured her. Even if you weren't, he'd still marry you.

A knock at the door made the two women jump. An attractive blond stuck her head in.

"Are you ready?" Samantha was the wedding planner Pam and Ashley had hired for the event.

Pam rose awkwardly. Instinctively her hands cradled her swollen stomach through the wedding dress she wore.

"You both look beautiful," Samantha exclaimed.

Mother and daughter studied one another. They wore the same wedding gown; it had a long hem that reached the floor with sheer, lace sleeves and neck. Pam's pregnancy was much more pronounced than her daughter's as she was almost at eight months while Ashley was only six months along.

Where Pam was tall and more than a little curvy, Ashley was short and lean. Both women had brown hair, but Pam wore hers to the shoulders while Ashley preferred hers long.

In the foyer of the wedding chapel the wedding party was already assembled. Four bridesmaids were dressed in pink – two were Pam's friends and two Ashley's. Pam's youngest niece wore a white dress and carried a basket of pink silk rose petals. Her nephew carried a pillow with three rings and two bracelets.

"Here we go," Samantha called when the music began.

Pam reached over and squeezed Ashley's hand reassuringly. Her daughter smiled excitedly; the anxiety was gone.

They made their way slowly down the aisle together. The wedding chapel was full of friends and family. But Pam's eyes were forward on the man standing at the front with his two groomsmen.

Alex was tall, dark, and handsome. His brown eyes glowed with adoration as he took in the approaching women. An excited smile split his face.

The pastor began.

"We are gathered here to celebrate…"

The words washed over Pam. Her eyes met Alex's. A warm feeling filled her. Love. She loved him so much. With all her heart. There was no doubt in any cell in her body that he was her soulmate. A familiar feeling made her jump; his baby moving within her. It was an amazing sensation.

"…to love one another more fully and freely."

The pastor turned to Pam. "Do you Pam Henderson take Alex Thomspon to be your husband…"

Pam met Alex's brown eyes with her blue.

"…for as long as you both shall live?"

Pam smiled. "I do."

The pastor turned to Alex. "Do you Alex Thompson take Pam Henderson to be your wife…"

Alex gave her hands a gentle squeeze. "I do."

The pastor turned to Ashley. "Do you Ashley Henderson take Alex Thompson to be your husband…"

Tears trickled down Ashley's cheeks, and she smiled broadly. "I do!"

"Do you Alex Thompson take Ashley Henderson to be your wife…"

Alex nodded and smiled. "I do."

The pastor then turned to the two women who had fallen in love with the same man. Who had decided to share their lives with him. Who both now carried his child.

"Pam. Ashley. Join hands."

Pam took her daughter's hands.

"Do you Pam Henderson take this woman Ashley Henderson as your sister-wife…"

Pam's hands trembled. She peered into her daughter's blue eyes. Ashley had grown into such a beautiful, intelligent, and wonderful person.

"I do."

"Do you Ashley Henderson take this woman Pam Henderson as your sister wife…"

Ashley choked on a sob. "I do."

The pastor faced the boy holding the pillow. "May I have the rings?"

The pastor took them from Pam's nephew. "Pam's, Ashley's, and Alex's rings are a sign of the bond of love…"

The pastor handed one of the simple gold bands to Alex. "Alex, repeat after me."

Alex's hand shook as he slipped the gold band over Pam's finger. "Pam, I take you to be my wife. I vow to love you and care for you for as long as we both shall live…"

By the end Alex was choking, and tears brimmed in his eyes. Until now Pam had managed to keep her emotions in check, but this was too much. She felt tears on her cheeks.

Alex repeated the same vows for Ashley. The look of devotion he gave the younger woman made Pam certain she was doing the right thing. This man was the kindest, most loving person she had ever met. Not only was he the kind of man she would want to spend her life with, but Alex was the kind of man she would want her daughter to have.

Pam took the ring from the pastor and placed it on Alex's finger. Then she spoke the same vows "Alex, I take you to be my husband…"

When she finished, Ashley took Alex's hand. "Alex, I take you to be my husband…"

The pastor lifted the two slender bracelets made of chain links and handed one to Pam.

Pam took her daughter's left hand and slipped the bracelet over her slender wrist. It took several tries to close the clasp.

"Ashley, I take you to be my sister-wife. I vow to love you and care for you for as long as we both shall live…"

Pam was crying by the end. Not the soft, occaisional sob from before. But open weeping.

Ashley smiled and took the other bracelet. "Pam, I take you to be my sister wife. I vow…"

The pastor beamed. "Pam, Ashley, and Alex, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you married. Alex, you may kiss your brides!"

Pam took a step back so that Alex took Ashley in his arms. She felt that overwhelming since of love again as she watched the two kiss. Then they parted, and Alex drew her into his warm embrace. He kissed her. It was not the passionate, deep kisses they sometimes shared, but it was a gentle, affectionate kiss that said he would always be there for her.

When they parted, Pam was surprised when Ashley threw her arms around her. Ashley kissed her on the cheeks and sobbed in her ears "I love you so much!"

Pam hugged her daughter awkwardly. Their pregnancies made the embrace awkward. "I love you too!"

The reception took place at the nearby Hilton. Surprisingly everyone seemed positive about the rather unusual marriage and upcoming births.

Neither woman had legally married Alex. Initially they decided Pam should in order to take advantage of his benefits and thus save on the monthly insurance premiums, but Pam refused as she felt it would make the marriage feel imbalanced. So Ashley refused when Pam suggested her daughter legally marry Alex using the same logic.

Finally, with dinner over, the cake eaten, and the dancing winding down, Pam, Ashley, and Alex thanked everyone for coming and bade goodnight to their guests.

Then the trio departed the banquet hall and took the elevator to the top floor where their suite was.

"My feet are killing me," Ashley complained and dropped onto the sofa. Her fingers fumbled with the straps of her high heels. "God! I can't wait to get these off!" The shoes were tossed against the nearby wall. Then she proceeded to massage her small feet.

Pam laughed and sat down next to her to do the same.

Alex shrugged out of his tuxedo jacket. "I think the wedding was perfect. And the food was good. Several people commented on the salmon."

Ashley wrinkled her nose. She hated seafood.

Tonight they would spend the night at the Hilton before driving to the mountains for a three day in a cabin. They had to be back for Pam's doctor's appointment in five days.

Pam glanced at Ashley. "Can you help me out of this dress?"

"Sure. I need to change too."

The two women climbed to their feet and headed into the bedroom. Alex watched was interest until they closed the door.

"Hold still," Ashley said and began untying the ribbon that zig zagged down the back of Pam's dress.

The older woman let her daughter guide the dress off and down to the floor. Then she stepped from it. Pam wore a simple white bra and panties, a wide garter belt, and stockings.

Pam returned the favor by helping Ashley shed her dress. The younger woman wore matching undergarments.

They studied one another in silence. This was the part of the evening Pam was most uncomfortable with. She and Ashley had discussed at length over the last month about what to do on their wedding night. It had been Ashley who had came up with the suggestion. With no other ideas, Pam agreed.

Pam opened the duffel bag in the closet and removed several electronic candles along with a bag of pink rose petals from the wedding. Ashley pulled the comforter and sheets from the bed and replaced them with red ones while Pam placed the candles around the room. Pam sprinkled the rose petals atop the sheets. Then she turned off the bedroom lights.

"Ready," Pam asked anxiously.

Ashley nodded with a nervous light in her eyes.

Before now their sex lives with Alex had more or less been private. Sure, they sometimes discussed issues and asked questions, but mostly what happened in the bedroom stayed in the bedroom. Tonight would be the first time they would do more than just sleep in the same bed together.

The two women climbed onto the bed and leaned against the headboard. Ashley reached over and clasped her mother's hand.

Pam took a deep breath and called "Alex? Can you come here?"

The door opened, and Alex poked his head in. His brown eyes went wide as he saw them bathed in the soft, flickering light of the candles.

Ashley's voice trembled only slightly. "Come here husband. Our husband."

Alex wore only his shirt and pants now. He sat on the foot of the bed and studied them with desire.

"You two are the most beautiful women on the planet."

Pam blushed. "I feel like a whale." She rubbed her bulging stomach. It felt like she should be having twins instead of just one.

The two parted to make a space between them. They patted the bed invitingly. Alex climbed up between them and rested a hand on each of their stomachs. His hand was warm on Pam's, and she imagined it was from the heat of his love for them.

"For the next five days you cannot have one of us without the other," Ashley explained. "And that rule applies for these five same days every year."

Pam added. "And once a month. When we choose."

This made his eyes widen in surprise. "I don't have a say?"

The two women laughed and answered in unison. "No."

"I have the feeling I am going to be outvoted on everything."

"Probably," Ashley chuckled.

Before Alex could speak Ashley leaned over and kissed him. This time was passionate. Hungry.

Pam began unbuttoning the front of his shirt. Her hand slid down and found that he was hard. Alex groaned from her light caress.

His hand slid down her thigh and glided up and down her silk clad leg.

Ashley pulled back red faced and breathless. Alex turned and kissed Pam. Her tongue brushed his lips, and they parted to admit it. Her husband tasted of cake and grape juice. His tongue brushed hers, and they danced within his mouth.

His eyes widened, and he let out a groan.

Pam glanced down to see Ashley had unbuttoned his pants and had her hand in his underwear. She hoped her daughter did not cause him to climax.

Pam and Ashley alternated kissing him and teasing him. As time passed Alex grew emboldened and slid his hand into each woman's panties. Pam was growing damp in anticipation, though she would have to wait a little longer.

The two women proceeded to undress the man they loved. The trio laughed and teased as the pair stripped all of his clothing off.

Breathing hard, they dropped onto their backs with Alex kneeling between them naked. A tension filled the air. His eyes went from one woman to the other. He was obviously uncertain what to do next.

Swallowing, Pam wiggled free of her panties. The shaking bed indicated Ashley was doing the same.

"Make love to me," Ashley said softly and parted her spindly legs. Her hand darted over to clutch Pam's.

When Alex looked at Pam, she smiled encouragingly.

Alex moved over to stretch out over the smaller woman while supporting his weight with his arms. Ashley reached down with her free hand and guided him into her. A soft sigh escaped her lips as he completed her.

Pam was an emotional wreck as she watched the man she loved with all her heart make love to Ashley. It was one thing to know the two had sex; it was completely something else to hold her hand while they made love.

After a minute Ashley pushed Alex back until he pulled free. A confused look painted his face. Pam reached over to pull him toward her.

"Make love to me," she said.

Alex look shocked.

Pam stared at his erection and thought it glistened in the candlelight with her daughter's dampness. Alex moved atop her. Pam reached down and found his wet shaft. She guided it into her.

Pam sighed in contentment at the feeling of completeness that she felt when he was in her. It was more than just sexual gratification. The need to have him fill her with his seed was overwhelming. Pam wanted to wrap her legs around his waist and hold him until he climaxed.

Ashley squeezed her hand.

Pam sighed and opened her legs. Gently she pushed Alex back. His manhood now coated with both women. It surprised Pam that sex had not felt different knowing he had first penetrated Ashley.

Ashley guided Alex back to her. Daughter's eyes met mother's eyes. Then Alex slid into Ashley.

It was done. The two had made love with Alex such that each had shared the other's dampness.

Pam rolled onto her side and ran her free hand down Alex's back. She watched Ashley close her eyes in pleasure while he made love to her. Alex leaned over and kissed Pam without breaking his rhythm.

"I'm going to cum…" His voice was strained.

He groaned with pleasure as his seed filled Ashley.

Eventually he collapsed onto his back between them. Pam snuggled onto one shoulder and stared across his chest at Ashley who rested on the other shoulder. Pam draped an arm across so she held both Alex and Ashley.

Pam whispered in Alex's ear. "When you recharge, it's my turn."

He chuckled. "I'm starting to think I'm not going to get much rest over the next few days."

Ashley laughed. "I wouldn't count on it."

Pam laughed too and touched her daughter's cheek. She could not think of a time when she had been so happy.

Her eyes closed, and she thought of the things they would need to do when they returned. She and Ashley would need to finish moving their stuff into Alex's house. Then there were still things to buy for the nursery. And thank you cards for the wedding presents.

Pam was still listing tasks when she felt Alex begin to grow hard. Then all thoughts of to do list items fled her mind as he moved atop her.

"I love you," she told the man that had captured her heart.

Pam turned to look into Ashley's eyes. "I love you too."

Then she gasped as her husband entered her.
