The Milk Maid [MF, Voyeur, Exhibitionist]

Megan sat nervously in the living room of the large house and tried not to let her nerves show.

William gave her a reassuring smile. "If you have no other questions about the traditional tasks – cleaning, running errands, cooking, etc. – I would like to discuss the other tasks."

Megan blinked. "What other tasks?"

"Why, the tasks that warrant the generous compensation."

This maid position was a dream come true. At eighteen, Megan was desperate to find a way to pay for college. Not only would this job allow her to pay for her tuition in full, but it also provided a car along with room and board. The schedule was flexible based on her class schedule. There would even be time to indulge in her love of writing.

"I don't remember them…" Her heart sank. If the requirement was something she could not do…

William stood. "Come with me. I will show you."

He was a tall, handsome man in his early forties. His dark brown hair was greying at the temples which gave him a distinguished look. His lean body spoke of a desire to be fit.

Megan felt out of place near him. She was short and more than a bit overweight. More times than not, people called her "cute".

They walked through the house that she had toured twice already to a door in the hallway that they had not entered. Megan froze.

The room was decorated in dark paneling with a hard wood floor. A large oriental rug covered the center of the room. The only furnishings were a sofa and a "chair". It resembeled a recliner in that the back leaned at an angle. The seat consisted of a U platform. Two supports extended forward to undoubtedly support the occupants legs. Arm rests rose to either side. The entire thing was padded in thick, black leather.

"What…" She swallowed. "What's that for?"

"The milking sessions of course."

"Milking sessions?"

"Did you not read the contract?"

Megan shook her head. "I sort of did. I didn't read it all. Nobody does."

William sighed. "One duty is to participate in routine milking sessions to induce lactation. At the same time you will be pleasured."

"What do you mean by pleasured?"

"Sexual pleasure."

"You want to have sex with me?" Megan took a step back.

"No. Of course not. You will pleasure yourself while my girlfriend and I watch. Neither of us will actually touch you." He grinned. "Unless you agree to." His smile widened. "Of course, if you were to agree to it, there could be some incentive."

Megan had the overwhelming urge to run. This was sick! She took another step back.

William only stood there with an amused look. "You may leave if you wish. I have two other applicants who are more than eager to take the job."

Her heart sank. If she walked out, there would be no other way to pay for college. She would have to move back home and go back to work at the grocery store. It made her want to cry.

"What do I have to do?"

"You simply undress, sit in the chair, connect the milking machine, and then masturbate until you orgasm."

Megan's cheeks burned at the obscene bluntness. "And how often do I do this?"

"Twice a day. Once in the morning. Once in the evening."

How could she even be considering this? "And… You said you and your girlfriend will watch?"

"Not every time. But even if we do not, you still need to perform the task. Even when I am out of town."

This was so unfair. Megan should have known this was too good to be true.

"Fine." It was impossible to mask the bitterness in her voice.

William opened his jacket and removed an envelope. "I will pay you in advance each week. That way, if you change your mind and decide to leave, you won't have to worry about trying to collect your pay."

Megan opened the envelope and gasped. There were two checks. The first was written to her for the thousand dollars per week salary she was expecting. The second was made out to the University for thirty thousand dollars. This would pay her tuition for two semesters!

"I don't want you to do this because you have no other choice. You can walk out the door and have enough money to live in a dorm on campus for the next year. The choice is yours if you want to show up tomorrow."

With that he walked from the room.

Megan left to go back to the hotel William had paid for. Sleep was impossible. All she could do was lay in bed and stare at the check in her hand. A year's college expenses! She could go tomorrow and pay the University. She could have a dorm. Books. A meal plan. Everything!

Then her mind would eventually return to William. He had not pressured her to accept his bizarre job. He had been polite and very friendly. Her brief interaction with his girlfriend Melinda had been equally warm. It shocked her to realize she was actually considering his offer.

And that was how she found herself on his doorstep at seven in the morning with her suitcases.

"I accept," Megan declared.

William looked surprised. "I honestly did not think you would."

She pushed past him and dropped her bags in the foyer. Then she started down the hall.

"Let's get this over with. Before I change my mind."

William called out for Melinda. The woman, who was of an age with William, appeared.

"What is it," Melinda asked.

"Come," William said and gestured to Megan.

The trio entered the milking room. Megan felt her body trembling as she watched William and Melinda settle on the sofa directly in front of the milking chair.

Melinda was beautiful. Average in height with a slender body of delicate curves, she would turn heads no matter where she went. Her red hair was long and fell in waves down her back. She had brown eyes that watched Megan with interest.

Wordlessly Megan tugged off her brown boots and socks. She wiggled free of her black leggings and then peeled her grey sweatshirt off. Her face reddened at standing before the couple in her white bra and panties. Trying not to think about it, she shed those and sat in the chair.

Surprisingly it was warm.

"It's heated," William answered the unspoken question.


"Next to the chair," William answered.

There was an apparatus that looked like a bra. It had to large, clear, plastic cups that were obviously for her breasts. At the ends of the cups were some sort attachment that in turn connected to clear plastic tubes. A strap connected the cups together, and a strap ran from each side of the cup along with shoulder straps.

"You wear it like a regular bra," Melinda explained.

Swallowing, Megan pressed her ample breasts into each rigid cup and reached behind her to fumble with the chest strap. Fortunately it was held closed by Velcro and not normal bra clasps. The thing was uncomfortable, and she reminded herself several times of the college tuition sitting in her purse.

Megan settled into the bizarre chair. Because of the U shaped seat, her buttocks were supported, but the cooler air of the room caressed her freshly shaven pubic. That had been one of the stipulations of the contract as well. Her legs rested on each of the leg supports. While odd, the chair was surprisingly comfortable.

"There is a tube of lubricant and various toys on the other side," William said.

Indeed, there were several vibrators of different sizes and shapes. She selected the tube of lubricant and applied a glob to her fingers. Her fingers dipped down and slipped between her labia.

When she leaned back completely a soft whir filled the room. Megan screamed as her breasts were tugged further into the cups. It did not hurt; it simply startled her.

Red faced with embarrassment, she watched the machine work. Once her breasts were pulled completely in, the suction drew her nipples into the attachments at the tip of the cup. It was an odd sensation. The pull was not a steady pull, but it was a rhythmic sucking. The sensation was not exactly unpleasant. It was simply odd.

Leaning back, she tried to relax and massage herself. But the knowledge that she was being watched coupled with the weird sensation in her breasts made it difficult to become aroused.

When she opened her eyes Megan saw Melinda stroking William's erection with slow, rhythmic strokes. William had his hand between his girlfriend's legs massaging her. The sight of the pair pleasuring one another did what her self-pleasuring could not do alone. A familiar desire began to form within Megan, and it was hard to close her eyes.

The older couple continued their mutual masturbation while watching Megan. She could see the desire in their eyes. The hunger. And it excited her. Slowly she began to understand that the desire was not just for one another, but it was also for her.

No one had ever desired her before. No one had ever had that look in his eyes when looking at her. And that excited her more.

Instinctively her thighs spread wider, and she grew damper. It was at that moment looking into William's and Melinda's eyes that Megan realized that in the very near future she would become more than just their milk maid. Megan would soon become their lover.



  1. please do! you pretty much spelled out one of my long standing fantasies. rich benefactor hires a young girl to turn into a milker/consort. i love the power dynamics, and the participation of the girlfriend

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