“Unknown Sender: 1 of 2” [f, m, Bd, Blkmail, Oral]





It all started with a text-message.


Unknown Sender: Is this Madison Carver?


She considered not replying. Madison got strange texts like this one fairly frequently. She blamed it on the few times she'd been too drunk at a party and had given her phone-number away with reckless abandon.


And rarely, she knew, would anything good come from answering these vague messages. Especially when you have a boy-friend and a reputation to uphold. Besides, if it was someone or something important, then they'd text her again.


Madison had received that text message at 3:05 o'clock, while unpacking her locker and getting ready to walk to the buss-stop. Volleyball practice had been canceled last minute and she wouldn't have a ride home for another hour and a half. Then, at 3:09, just as Madison was leaving the high-school, she received another text-message.


Unknown Sender: Grad twelve, volleyball prodigy, straight A's. That's you, right?


Madison: Yah?


Seven minutes later…


Madison: What do u want ?


Madison: dude?


What came next wasn't an answer – not in the traditional sense, anyway. It was a picture. Of her.


Madison: WTF


Madison pocketed her phone, hoping no one in the near-by clusters of gossiping junior's had noticed the photo temporarily on her screen. Breath, she told herself. Just breath. It's all probably a joke…


Madison: WHOS IS THIS!?!?


Madison: HELLO


In the relative privacy of one of the bathroom stalls, Madison looked at the photo again, noticing things she hadn't at first glimpse: the cum dripping from her chin, the identifiable volleyball sweat-shirt in the background and the undeniable glint in her eyes.


She remembered the moment depicted in the photo crystal clear, but the perspective it showed was entirely foreign. On the right and left edges of the picture, there was a white blur, which looked to her like a door-frame. Had someone seen us?, she thought. Did someone take a picture? Madison's mind reeled.


Madison: what the fuck!?


Madison: Who is this!??!?!?!!?


Unknown Sender: Meet in the gym, five minutes. Sit on the bleachers while you wait.


And Madison did exactly that. She sat on the bleachers and waited, practically trembling – for five minutes, like she was instructed, and then for fourty-five minutes…


Madison: here


Madison: where are you??


Madison: Who is this


Madison: I'm leaving….


Madison: bye


She made it as far as the gymnasium's double-doors, before there was a fifth text message.


Unknown Sender: Equipment room. Now. Don't turn the lights on, just close the door behind you.


The room was a narrow space, lined on both sides with racks of sporting gear and the audio equipment for assemblies. But in the darkness, it seemed like an endless corridor. "Hello?"


There was no reply.


Madison turned her phone on and attempted to use the dim light to guide her way. But the moment she'd took one step away from the open door and toward the darkness, Madison heard foot-steps coming up behind her. There was no time to turn around.


The blind-fold suddenly lowered in front her eyes, then pulled tight, just as an arm reached around her body to keep Madison's arms down by her side. She heard her phone clatter to the floor and what sounded like breaking glass. Then, Madison heard the door behind her close shut and sensed the lights above turn on.



A link to part two will be posted in the comments shortly. Thanks for reading!


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3sr0ir/unknown_sender_1_of_2_f_m_bd_blkmail_oral