[MF str8 oral] Shawna: Roma Revenge – Part XI – Increased Visibility

Diana had written a note, in block letters to avoid handwriting analysis. It said “YOUR GENDER CURSE IS IMPRESSIVE. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF THE CURSE OF THE WHITE MAN FROM TOWN?” and was apparently a reference to a book I hadn’t read. This, she said, would be copied and slipped into every mailslot and under every door in the trailer park tonight, under cover of darkness, because apparently she was a ninja and could just do things like that.
“Tomorrow morning, they’ll all find the notes. Shortly after that, some friends of mine will show up.”
“What friends?” I asked, handing back the note.
“Oh, you know, the usual… Social Services, Health and Safety inspectors, tax auditors, maybe some police on a drug tip. It really depends on how many calls the two of us get done this afternoon.
“The two of you? What about me?”
Katlyn shook her head. “You’re done, for now,” she said, patting my hand. “You need to leave this part to us.”
“Yes,” Diana agreed. “In fact, you need to be very publicly not involved in any of this. Visible, noticeable. You need a solid alibi, because the tip-offs are the legal part of this. the breaking and entering, destruction of property, and light arson aren’t.”
“Depends how we feel. You said they had a lot of cars. Maybe the tires get slashed, maybe the interiors get torched. Who knows? The important part is that you can’t be proven to be involved. Chris is going to call you. Go out with him.”
“How do you know he’s going to-”
“Shawn,” Diana said, cutting me off, “I know that you weren’t into love and commitment, but Chris is. He’s falling for you, and you just gave him your virginity. That’s pretty goddamn special, and the fact he isn’t calling right now is probably only because his friends are with him at this exact moment taking away his phone and telling him not to seem too needy.”
“Does nobody just deal with relationships themselves?” I asked, trying to imagine our scene with the genders reversed.
Katlyn scoffed. “Only jerks like you used to be, hun. Whatever you decide to do, you’re not that guy anymore. But you can be a better guy. Or a better girl. It’s up to you. Just give us the go-ahead, and we’ll do the rest.”
i looked from one woman to the other, then down at my hands. “Alright,” I said. “Do it. Even if it doesn’t work, I’ll have the satisfaction of seeing them regret messing with me.”
“Messing with us,” Katlyn corrected me.
Diana grinned. “This is gonna be fun.”

I sent Chris a message asking him to pick me up after work. True to form, Pam poked her head into my office at the end of my day.
“Your boyfriend’s here,” she told me. “We had him wait in the breakroom.”
“Shit.” I saved and logged off of my computer, grabbing my coat. “I better rescue him from you crazy hens.”
“Aha! So he Is your boyfriend!”
“No, he’s not…” I thought about it for a moment, then smiled. “Well… yeah, I guess he kinda is now, huh?”
Pam grinned and slapped my back, walking out of my office along with me. “Atta girl, grab on’ta life with both hands! You given my offer any more thought?”
I sighed. “More than you know, Pam. It depends on some pretty heavy shit in my personal life that I haven’t got a lot of control over.”
Pam made a clucking sound with her tongue. “You know, I’m here to talk to if you need to get it off your chest. We care about your mental health here.”
I rolled my eyes. Pam cared more about gossipping and wooing me in to replace my brother. But her heart was in more or less the right place. “Thanks, Pam,” I said, “but I have some friends working on it for me.”
“Must be some pretty good friends.”
“The best.”

Chris’s was sitting at a table sipping some water and being polite to a couple of the other ladies in the office when I walked in. “Look,” he explained, “we’ve only met this week, so I don’t have a lot of details about the family, and even if I did, it wouldn’t be my place to- oh hey, Shawna, we were just talking about you!”
I tried not to laugh at the look of relief on his face. I would have to have a talk with these women about backing off of my man if I was going to stay here. Not that I was seriously considering it, but still. As long as I was still Shawna, I didn’t like them hovering around him like vultures.
“Ladies,” I said in greeting, walking over to Chris’s side and kissing him. “Thanks for coming,” I told him. “I need to go out tonight.”
“I can arrange that,” he replied, standing and taking my hand in his.
I tried not to show anything on my face as my pet butterflies bumped around in my chest. We waved goodbye to the others and headed out to Chris’s car.
“So what were you talking about?” I asked as we pulled away.
“Well, I’m not sure if I should get into to it…”
I gave him a look, but said nothing.
“…yeah. Well, they were trying to figure out more about you and your family. I guess they like you a lot more than your brother, and were wondering if you were raised somewhere else or something.”
I sighed. “Yeah… Shawn seems not to have been as aware of his public image as he thought.”
“He’s a bit of a scumbag, huh?”
“He was,” I agreed. “He’s working on it.”
“Well, that’s good. All anyone needs is honesty and a little effort to be a new person. Never too late.”
There was a long silence as I considered his words, trying really hard not to feel more guilty than I already did for lying to him and using him. Although, there was more to it now, wasn’t there? After all, I’d got what I wanted, found the Tokar bitch, and set the bitches on her. So why was I in this car, heading out on a date with Chris again?
Because I cared for him. I didn’t want to, but I did. I had feeling for him, warm fuzzy ones stronger than any ever before in my life.
“What are you smiling at?” he asked.
I shook my head. “Sorry. Nothing. Just… kinda really happy to be here, I guess.”
“Me too. So where are we going?”
“Somewhere public. Lots of people, you know?”
“Can’t say I’m not a little disappointed in that. I was hoping to get you alone.”
“Oh I’m sure you will, sooner or later.” I laid my hand on his leg and squeezed. “Don’t worry, I’m not having any sort of second thoughts about that.”
“Alright then. How about dinner and a movie?”
“The Netflix-and-chill of yesteryear. You’re on.”

“God, this steak is good,” I said between mouthfuls.
“Hungry?” Chris asked with a wry smile.
“Mmf. You don’t even know. I love lunch with the girls but they eat this bird food and it’s totally not enough.”
“I can tell. You don’t exactly eat like a lady. Which is one of the things I love about you.”
I sat up a little straighter. “Come again?”
“Well, you’re just so honest and upfront about who you are. There’s none of the fake face to try to reel me in. You eat what you want, say what you want, rarely use makeup at all… it’s refreshing.”
I could feel myself blushing, but around Chris that was pretty normal. “Well,” I said, sawing off another piece of meat, “since we're being so honest, I’ma tell you that these stupid girl-shoes are making my feet sore, and I’m kicking them off right now.”
Chris laughed and shook his head. “I will never object to you taking off an article of clothing,” he said, drawing out the blush in my cheeks.
“I’ll bet,” I replied, sliding my stocking-covered toes along his shin under the table. I’d worn another of my skirt-suits today. “Although, a woman with some clothing still on can be more alluring than a naked one.”
“Mhmm.” Chris shifted his leg against mine affectionately. “I’m sure I could think of a few things I’d like to see you in.”
“We’ll have to give Cindy a call,” I joked, slipping the side of my foot up the inside of his leg. “She’s really incredible at her job. I basically got my whole wardrobe from her.”
“I’ll start a wishlist,” Chris said with a wink.
I took another bite of my steak and said nothing, leaning my chin on my hand and smiling at him while my leg slid up a little further. I’d sat pretty far forward in my booth seat, and the look on his face as my toes glided along the bulge in his left pant leg was worth the effort.
“What are you doing?”
“I can stop,” I said, stroking along his length with the pads of my toes.
“No, that’s alright,” he said with a smile. “Carry on.”
I winked and went back to eating my steak, resting my heel on the seat between his thighs and slowly teasing him through his slacks. Within seconds, I could feel him getting harder and thicker to the touch. “I love this meat,” I said casually, cutting off another bite. “It just feels so nice and firm. And big.”
“Uh huh,” Chris said, clearing his throat. “How does it taste?”
“I dunno…” I smirked and stroked him a little harder, then tickled at the tip with my toe. “I may have to get it in my mouth again to find out.”
“Sounds like a good idea.”
“Yeah… but maybe I should go to the washroom first.” I pulled back my foot and slipped my shoes back on. “Spend some time… alone.”
I wasn’t sure if Chris got the hint, so I stood and walked over to the little hallway where the washrooms were. I looked him dead in the eyes, licked my lips, and then slipped inside the Men’s room.
It was clean, which was nice. I’d been in here before, but I wasn’t about to share that information with Chris. It was small too, with only a single toilet, sink, and mirror.
Chris tapped the door and walked in so soon I thought he might have run from the table the moment I walked out of sight. I grinned and started to say something witty, but it was lost when he slid his arms around my waist and kissed me.
The kiss was hungry, intense, and possessive, staking claim to my lips while he pulled me against his body. I moaned and squirmed, reaching down to rub my palm against the bulge I’d been teasing in his pants.
“Someone’s happy to see me,” I said, unzipping his pants and pulling it out. I wasn’t exaggerating, either. Chris was as big and hard as I’d ever seen him, and his eyes were burning with a need to shove that monster inside me.
“Shawna,” he said, hands pulling up my skirt and squeezing my ass.
I didn’t say anything in return. I just slid down against him onto my knees, looked up at his face, and slid my mouth down over the head of his cock.
He stifled a groan, trying not to be too loud. “We have to hu- ah god- hurry,” he warned me as I started sliding my lips down and up his shaft. He brushed my hair back from my face. “Not that I can take this for long… mm fuck, Shawna.”
I made an “mhmm” sound, knowing it would vibrate my tongue against him, and started stroking him with my hand as well. Before long, I had him covered to the base with saliva, sliding easily through the tunnel of my fingers, lips and tongue, and shaking a little in his efforts not to moan for me.
My other hand was on his hip, and I noticed another familiar bulge in his pocket. I reached in and plucked out the strip of condoms he’d been packing, shooting him a playful look of judgement. “Someone came out with plans this evening,” I teased, stroking him swiftly with a loose grip.
“Wouldn’t you?” he asked, sliding a hand across my cheek. “God, I want you so bad. I have since I saw you in your office, but I thought it would be inappropriate to bend you over the break room sink.”
I giggled and slapped the condoms into his hand, standing and turning to face the mirror. “You mean like this?” I asked, pressing my palms on the counter and bending forward at the waist. My skirt was still pushed up, and in the mirror I could see his eyes pop as they fell on my ass and the little black panties I wore.
I expected him to fuck me, to just grab me and take me. I was wet, I was ready. But Chris had other plans. He knelt on the floor behind me instead, pulling my panties down with both hands, and dove face first into me.
I gasped as I felt his tongue slide along my slit from behind, starting from my clit and moving down quickly but pressing hard enough not to miss a millimeter of me. He lapped at me like a dog, sliding his hands down to stroke my thighs, and teased me by tugging at my folds with lips and even gentle teeth.
“Oh fuck,” I moaned into a hand I had swiftly slapped over my own mouth. “Mnh god.”
Chris kept going at it, breathing hot puffs of air across my wet skin and pulling me back toward him. I squirmed and quivered, stepping out of the panties that bound my ankles together so I could spread my legs further for him.
I was starting to feel the familiar pressure building when Chris stood up. He tossed something on the counter beside me, and I had just enough time to recognize it as an empty condom package before I felt him drive into me.
This time it was my eyes popping as he slammed home, pulling my hips back against him. In one smooth thrust, he speared me to my core, filling me up with his now steel-hard rod. He let out a heavy sigh of pleasure and locked his eyes on mine in the mirror.
“Hurry?” he asked mischievously.
I nodded, biting my lip. “Hurry.”
Chris hurried.
Holding onto my waist and pumping his hips, he pistoned his big cock in and out of me in short thrusts, never pulling more than half way out, never letting me feel the least bit empty. I bit down on my hand, bending down further until my breasts were flat on the counter, and braced my hand against the mirror to keep from being driven through the wall.
“God… fuck… yes,” Chris said in muted growls. Sweat glistened on his brow as I watched him, fucking me hard and fast from behind, slapping his hips against my ass over and over again. “So… fucking… perfect.”
I felt the familiar pressure again quickly. I started panting through my nose, each breath accompanied by a muffled cry of pleasure. Chris drove me over the brink of climax and just kept right on going, relentlessly taking what I’d teased, promised, and enticed him with.
He only lasted a few more seconds than I did, and with a few final sharp thrusts, he buried himself deep inside of me. I could feel his shaft pulsing and flexing as he pumped the condom full of cum, forming a heated bulge at the already hard-pressed entrance of my womb.
I felt his weight settle over me, pinning and holding me. His breath was hot on my neck, accompanied by kissing and a stroke of my arm.
“We should… should get back,” I said.
“Yeah…” He lifted off me and grabbed some paper towel, cleaning himself off. “You want to go out first?”
“Good idea,” I said, pulling my panties back on and leaning over to kiss him. “I’ll see you in a minute.”
I went out to the table and finished my steak. A minute later, the waitress came by.
“How’s everything here?”
“Great,” I said on reflex.
“Mhmm, I’ll bet,” she replied, winking at me. “Enjoy.”

We finished our meal in relative peace, aside from a few more knowing looks from our waitress, and headed to the theater next. In keeping with our theme, we chose a sci-fi film, and we settled in at the back of the theater to learn more about survival on Mars.
We got through almost half of the movie with me cuddled up under Chris’s arm before our hormones got the better of us. I couldn’t blame Chris, since technically I was still cursed to be more desireable, but I had to admit my own behavior was a little shameless.
The hero on the screen was in danger and something exploded suddenly, and I sort of jumped up against Chris in reflex. He stroked my arm reassuringly, and I found that my hand had landed on his lap, right on top of his now-familiar hardened bulge.
I ran my fingertip along it. “How long have you been this hard?” I whispered in his ear.
“Since the lights went down,” he admitted, giving my shoulder a squeeze. “Can’t help it.”
“Maybe I can,” I purred, unzipping his pants and pulling his cock free of them. I dragged his jacket over his lap and snuggled closer, watching the movie and slowly stroking him.
His arm slid down over the front of my shoulder, and I felt his fingers stroking and gently squeezing my breast. I cursed the combined thickness of my blouse and bra, but made a soft noise of pleasure anyway when he found the sensitive bump of my nipple and began teasing it.
I sped up my fingers in response, stroking rapidly under the jacket. I could feel his pulse racing in my hand, and looking up I saw his jaw clench in the effort not to moan.
I pressed closer against him, pretending to be engrossed in the movie, but didn’t slow down. The soft sound of my hand on skin and fabric was the only indication that we were anything other than an innocent couple on a date.
Chris’s breathing took a sharper pitch and his hand tightened on my shoulder. “Shawna,” he whispered in warning, “I’m…”
I pulled his jacket away and leaned down quickly, just as he started spurting for me. I felt something hot across my cheek and forehead, then took him in the mouth and started swallowing.
I felt Chris’s hand on my head, holding me there, but it was gentle and affectionate instead of domineering.
I took it all, going down and sucking him clean, then sat up again. Chris already had a tissue ready for me and used it to wipe my face clean.
“Shit,” he said, “I’m sorry. There’s a little in your hair.”
I shrugged. “I’ll go get cleaned up. tell me what I miss.” I kissed him and stood, easing my way out of the row and leaving for the lobby.
A little tissue and water fixed the problem with my hair, and I was soon out of the washroom and turning toward the theater again, but I stopped short when I saw who was waiting for me.
He was leaning against the wall, just like any normal guy would be if he was waiting for his date to finish in the washroom. He nodded in my direction and stood up straight. “Shawna.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Waiting for you.” I haven’t heard from you since…”
“…since you tried to jump me.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “What do you want?”
“Well, you, really,” he said. “I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I really do think we’re perfect for each other. We like all the same things, and we have years of shared experiences.”
“I don’t think so, Tommy,” I said, frowning. “We’re not… I don’t see you that way.”
“Well, you don’t mind fucking a man in a restaurant or blowing one in a theater, so you’re clearly not gay,” he replied. “So what’s the problem? That pussy you’re seeing? Does he know who you were?”
“Holy shit, you’ve been stalking me?”
“Just answer the question. Does he know?”
“No, but he’s… it’s different, okay?”
“Whatever. We’ll see how different he is when he finds out the truth. Either you tell him, or I will. And then he’ll leave, and you’ll go out with me. Or I’ll tell everyone else in your life, too.”
“Fuck you, Tommy.”
“Eh, maybe not on the first date… but yes, you will.”

I returned to my seat as quickly as I could, biting my cheek to keep from breaking down and crying. Chris noticed right away.
“Shawna? Is something wrong?”
“No, just… I need to go. I need to get out of here.”
“No problem, let’s go.”

We got out of the theater and Chris started driving me home. I curled up in the seat, staying as far as I could away from him.
“Want to talk about it?” he asked after a long time.
“Not really.”
“If it’s about what we did in the theater, listen, it doesn’t make you a-”
“No, it’s not that. I liked that.” I sighed. “Listen, Chris, there’s something you don’t know about me.”
“Is this something to do with the gypsies?”
“Yeah.” I looked over at him. He was watching the road, but he glanced at me with a concerned look.
“You know you can tell me anything,” he said.
“I’m not so sure, but I don’t think I have a choice. If I don’t someone else will.” I took a breath and looked away from him again. “Shawn… isn’t my brother. Shawn is my name. He’s me.”
“What are you trying to say?”
“I’m trying to say that I’m a man. Or, I was. Up until Saturday, I was a man, and that’s why I walked in on you at the gym and why I’m not good at girly stuff. That’s why I needed to find the gypsies, so they would reverse the curse they put on me and make me myself again.” I sighed. “I used you. I’m sorry.”
We pulled up to my apartment building and sat in silence for a few seconds, until Chris spoke. “So you’re post-op? I don’t understand.”
“No, no… it was a gypsy curse. I did something awful to a woman and her grandmother cursed me and that’s why I’m like this.” I could feel my face getting hotter. “And now, Tommy is going to tell everyone if I don’t go out with him.”
Chris sighed, rubbing his face with his palms. “Shawna, I… I don’t really know how to deal with this.”
“I know, I just couldn’t-”
“Good night, Shawna.” He was gripping the wheel, staring out at the street. His face was completely emotionless.
“Good… good night.” I sighed, opening the door and stepping out onto the sidewalk. “I… just… I’m sorry.”
Chris reached over and pulled the door shut. I couldn’t help but think, watching him drive away, that I might have just fucked up the best thing that ever happened to me.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3rjgen/mf_str8_oral_shawna_roma_revenge_part_xi


  1. working on it! i have a roadmap to the end of the story, i just need to hash out some details… like how to make Thursday sexy with Chris not around.

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