live sexystories from other redditors! [m,f 18-45] [chat group]

Hi all –

Miss the old AOL chat rooms?

Jump on board with an ongoing chat group (all 18+, good mix of nationalities, mostly guys, some lesbians, a few couples, a few single women)

Topics: mostly truth or dare, lots of over-sharing, and of course, lots of over-eager men.

Moderators: We have moderators to help keep the comedy and mutual respect to a maximum, and the creeps to a minimum.

Please Do come if you're over 18, an exhibitionist (or like those that are), you like chatting (about sex mostly), and have a great sense of humor.

Please Do NOT come if you're just looking for naked girls. There's a web of porn for that. Not saying it doesn't happen, but… it'll be on their terms.

Send me your screen name to join the 50 people already chatting!



  1. Request sent. If there is enough interest I might be willing to spin off a live RP group from this chat. That is something I have been doing for a very long time so ladies you might want to consider joining up if you want to be a part of it. The form and story will depend on what people are interesting in doing but I suspect something supernatural.

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