[MF str8] Shawna: Roma Revenge – part X – Round two, fight.

Chris leaned over and kissed me, then slid off the bed and walked out to use the washroom. I spent a moment admiring him from behind, then laid back on my bed to bask in the afterglow.
I had had sex before. Lots of times. But it had never, ever been like that. Was that what it was like for a woman? Or was Chris just really, really good? I was consumed with a desire to call and interrogate Katlyn on the subject.
Resolving to pick her brain over lunch the next day, I rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed. I started to button my top back up, but the buttons that hadn’t flown off had ripped their holes. I felt my face get hot, remembering the sudden and forceful way Chris had exposed me.
I shrugged out of the ruins of my shirt and grabbed my panties off the floor, slipping into them. On a whim, I scooped Chris’s shirt off the bed as well. I was just pulling it over my head when Chris walked in the room behind me.
“Holy shit,” he said. “What happened?”
I froze. “What do you mean?”
He walked up behind me and ran his fingers over my back. “It looks like someone beat the hell out of you.”
“Oh!” I giggled. “I didn’t think there were any marks, I wasn’t sore at all. I’ll have to ask Kat about that.”
“Katlyn did this?”
“Yeah.” I turned, dropping the shirt over myself like a short dress, and put my hands on his chest. “She was helping me work through some things.”
Chris’s face changed quickly from concern to relief as he grasped the concept, then back to concern again. “Are you two involved?”
I scoffed. “No way, we just…” I thought about it a moment. I had been pretty damn “involved” with Kat, in hindsight. “I think we’re, like, those girly BFF types who lez out sometimes. And she’s into whips and leather. We’re not a couple. Why, are you jealous?”
Chris grinned, grabbing my hips and pulling me in close. He was still nude, and even limp I could feel the mass of him pressed against me. “Maybe a little. Jealous, curious, you know… the whole caveman deal. But hey, it’s not like you were a girlfriend cheating on me or something.”
I leaned my cheek against his chest. “Yeah. Me a girlfriend, that’d be a new one.”
“Really?” He stepped back a little and looked down at me. “I mean, you’d never had sex, sure… but you’ve never even dated anyone?”
“Not a man,” I admitted, technically sticking to the truth. “There’s been girls, but never anyone for very long.”
“So I’m the first man you’ve been with, even for a date?”
“Um… technically, yes.”
He chuckled. “I guess I better step up my game, then. I wouldn’t want to lose you to the other team, especially with Kat as my competition. She scares me.”
I grinned. “You haven’t seen her with a whip yet.”

Chris put on his pants and one of my “brother’s” shirts, and we retired to the couch to eat chinese food and watch old Sci-Fi movies. I was happy to see that while my body had apparently messed with my sexual preferences, it had left my media ones alone.
I was also happy to be able to sit curled up on my couch in panties and a shirt, leaning against Chris with his arm around me. For awhile, I forgot all about my doubts and worries and despair, and just let it all go. He held me and rubbed my arm or thigh, and I rested in the warm nest he created for us.
We’d already finished watching Ghostbusters and moved on to Alien. I sat up a little toward the end, nodding toward the screen.
“God, i had such a crush on Ripley as a kid,” I said. “Her and her tiny space-panties. By eighties standards, this is practically porn.”
“Ripley, huh?” Chris said, holding me around the waist and rubbing my side. “I definitely have some stiff competition in your heart.”
“It’s not my heart that likes her,” I replied, nudging him with my shoulder. “It’s something a little lower.”
I rolled my eyes, reaching over and resting my hand in his lap. “Let’s just say that I spent a lot of time alone in my room with that videotape.”
Chris leaned over and kissed my forehead. “So you were pretty much just into girls, huh?”
“All my life,” I told him, sliding my fingers lazily along the bulge I’d found in his pants.
He shifted a little, making it easier for me to reach. “So what happened? I mean, I know I’m awesome but I’ve never seduced a lesbian virgin before.”
I shrugged. “I guess I can come clean. It was a gypsy curse.”
Chris laughed. He used his whole body when he laughed, I realized; his smile widened, his shoulders bounced and his cock twitched under my fingertips. I loved his laugh. “That cannot possibly be what you were upset about earlier,” he said. “Is wanting my body that bad a fate?”
I felt a girly surge of sorrow resurging in me and shoved it down. “It’s complicated,” I told him, “and besides, it might not matter anymore. Hey, did I tell you they offered me my brother’s job?”
“No shit?”
“No shit. Seems people like Shawna a lot more than they ever liked Shawn.” I winked, fingers still teasing through his pants.
“Must be the extra letter. More bang for your buck.”
“I certainly think Shawn would enjoy the bang less,” I said, unzipping his pants and pulling out what was now an excitingly hard dick, “but Shawna is getting used to the idea.”
“Well,” Chris said, sliding down to my ass to give it an affectionate squeeze, “I certainly know who my favorite is… but I’m highly biased.”
I couldn’t think of anything witty to say, so I leaned up and kissed him. His free hand came up to my cheek and he kissed back, switching gears instantly from flirty to passionate, while I slid a loosely-closed hand down and up the hot, throbbing shaft in his lap.
He moaned into my mouth, and I felt a strange sort of twinge deep inside. At first I thought it might be bad chinese food, but it spread out and down, much lower than my stomach. It was like an emptiness, a hole in me that was sucking inward.
Chris pulled his lips away from mine, sensing my feelings as usual. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
I looked up at him, then down at my hand, and then up at him again. “I think I need you inside me,” I said softly.
He smiled and kissed me again, more softly. “Shawna, I will always give you what you need,” he promised.
I grinned, swinging my leg over his lap to straddle him. “Good,” I said, grinding the crotch of my panties slowly against him, “because I’m all out of elephant tranqs.”
He laughed again, grabbing my ass with both hands and pulling close to kiss me once more. He throbbed and twitched in my grip, reacting to every shift and movement of my hips.
I was in no mood to fool around any further. I had what I needed in my hand. I lifted my hips, holding his cock and using the tip along with my fingers to nudge my panties to the side, then pressed him against my opening.
“Oh God,” he moaned, “Shawna, wait, we need-”
I frowned, annoyed. “Are you clean?” I asked him.
“Yes, but-”
“Then just give me enough warning,” I said, relaxing my legs and letting gravity start to pull me back down to him.
“Ohhhh,” he moaned as his beautiful cock started to stretch me open around itself, “O-okay. Just go slow.”
There was no pain this time. There was a feeling like pain, a sort of pressure, but it was lost under layers of pleasure and satisfaction. My heart skipped and my body sang out, shifting and gripping while I took inch after perfect-fitting inch inside me. It felt like I had been missing a piece of myself for my entire life, and I was just now sliding that piece into place where it belonged.
Chris reached up for my face, caressing my cheek and moving his hand behind my head to pull me back into him. I let him have my lips; I’d have let him have anything in that moment. Just as long as I got to keep gliding down onto him.
And glide I did. It felt like he was going to reach into my stomach, and another pressure started building at my core just as I finally felt my ass settling on his lap.
“God, I feel so full,” I whispered between his kisses. “You feel so huge inside me.”
Chris shivered, clenching and twitching inside me and making me gasp. “I love the way you talk,” he said, running his hands through my hair. “And how you feel, wrapped so tight around me.”
I giggled, then moaned softly as the laughter made my pussy contract around him. “I should… I should move or something.”
“Do you want me to…?”
“No.” I smiled at him. “I need to do this.” I leaned in and kissed him again, gripping his shoulders and shifting my hips upward.
The pressure let out right away, and I realized what I’d been feeling was him bottoming out in me. We fit together so perfectly that I could take him all the way down; another half an inch and I might have been in trouble. I sucked on his bottom lip and lowered my hips again, pushing down firmly and smiling at the groan he rewarded me with.
“Careful,” he warned. “I’m not sure how long I can hold back.”
“I’ll make it worth the effort, I promise,” I purred, pulling my shirt up and off and kissing him again. I started moving in a slow rhythm, forward and up and back and down, while Chris leaned back and slid his big, warm hands up to my breasts, squeezing and rubbing at them.
I found that while the feeling of being stuffed full of him was simply incredible, the most pleasure actually came from the movement, especially when I was sitting down on him. I started lifting myself higher, dragging out the sensation with each stroke.
Eventually I moved too high; Chris let out a little gasp as his cock slipped free of me and slapped against his stomach.
“Sorry,” I said, giving him a sheepish smile and reaching down to pull him back into me. “I guess I need practice.”
Chris grinned, sliding his hands down to my waist. “I can arrange that,” he said. “Let me help you a little.”
With his hands guiding me, I resumed my long, slow strokes down his shaft. He let me move as I wished, only putting any force on me when I got excited and started to go up too high again. His hands were my sexual training wheels; I was simultaneously feeling in control and relaxed, able to trust him to guide me.
Before long I was moaning again, leaning in to kiss him while we worked together to make me ride him. Chris started adding a little grind and a flex of his hips at the bottom, pushing a tiny bit deeper and rubbing me against his pelvis, and I couldn’t resist any longer. I gripped his shoulders tighter, moving in jerks and shaking as I came around him.
Chris’s breath got sharper and shorter, and I knew he was having trouble not exploding inside my tightly contracted passage. Still, he kept me moving at the same pace, riding out the waves of pleasure with me until my own breath started to return to me.
“Shawna, I’m gonna cum,” he warned me, letting go of my hips and caressing my thighs. “I can’t hold it much longer.”
I thought about just letting it happen. I wanted to, badly. I wanted to cum again with him, to feel his seed splashing up inside me. And hell, it wasn’t like it would matter once I changed back to my old self, right?
I remembered how the day had gone, and reminded myself that it was possible I’d be stuck this way. If that was the case, I certainly wasn’t ready for a family. Hell, I’d only only just got used to the idea of fucking. I kissed him again, lifting my hips slowly until he popped out of me, then slid off his lap to kneel on the floor.
I wrapped my fingers around his shaft, stroking him at about the same speed I’d been moving before and looking up at him. My eyes lingered on his body; there were reasons the girls had called him “The Viking”. But his face was what made my heart skip.
He looked down at me with something between longing and and adoration. I watched him unashamedly, speeding my fingers up a little and making him moan.
He didn’t last long; a few seconds later his breath caught and his face twisted into pure pleasure. I felt his shaft pulse and contract, and a splash of heat across my chest and neck made me flinch on reflex. That was followed by another, and I kept pumping through it, making him shoot everything he had across my skin.
I stayed still when he finished, holding him in my hand still and wearing his cum on my chest like a medal. I had always thought before that women who took a shot to the face or tits were sluts or had no self-respect, but now that my whim had made me actually do it, I felt proud. So I knelt still before him, wearing nothing but my panties, his seed, and a smile, and waited for the heartbeat I could feel in my hand to slow.
Chris reached down and brushed my hair back over my ear. “Wow,” he said. “Just… wow.”
“I think I made a mess,” I said, grinning up at him.
“I’ll say. You want a towel or something?”
“No, I’ll just sort of… run to the shower, I guess?” I thought about it a moment. “Actually, yeah. Towel me.”

I cleaned myself up and put Chris’s big shirt back on, then curled up next to him on the couch again. It was a strange position to be in, particularly after having jacked him off all over me, but I guess once someone’s been inside you there’s not much reason to feel self-conscious with them.
The movie ended not long after. I checked my phone and found a message from Katlyn:
“Call me when ur done climbing that mountain babe”
I cringed a little and sighed, turning to Chris. “Are you sticking around?” I asked.
He shook his head. “I’d love to, but I have to actually work tomorrow morning for once. New site, and the client wants the most experienced foreman possible. Basically demanded I do it myself. And you know if I wake up here neither one of us is likely to get to work tomorrow morning.”
I rolled my eyes. “Maybe I was just using you,” I said. “Now that I’ve had a go at you, I don’t need you anymore.”
With no notice, Chris reached over and pulled me onto his lap, kissing me. One of his hands was on my waist and the other had mine trapped in his fist. He held me tight, and before I knew it I was kissing him back, melting against him.
Abruptly he let me go, stroking my back and releasing my hand. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“That’s not fair,” I sputtered. “I’m smaller than you are!”
“Maybe, but you also fight better than I do,” he said with a laugh. “In fact, I think it was the moment your fist hit that asshole’s jaw in the pub that I knew I had to have you.”
I shrugged. “He had it comin’. And more chicks need to fight for themselves. Equal rights means equal fights.”
“I like that. Maybe I should frame it in my office.” Chris kissed me again and eased me off his lap. “Anyway, whatever was bothering you before… and you know if you want to talk, I’m here… I think you’re probably feeling better. Text me if you get lonely. I’ll be bored most of the day… when I’m not thinking about you.”

I kissed Chris goodbye at the door and watched him walk down the hall, then returned to my couch and pulled out the phone. I was tempted to deal with Kat and her intensity the next day, but I’ve never been one to procrastinate.
The phone barely rang before she picked it up. “Did he fuck you?” demanded the voice on the line.
“Jesus, Kat, have a little tact. For all you know he could be in the room with me.”
“Yeah, but did he fuck you though?”
“You realize that’s none of your business.”
“I do. Did he fuck you though?”
“Kat. Why are you talking like a teenage British punk?”
“Been watching britcoms, ain’t I. Did he fuck you?”
I sighed. “Yes, Kat,” I admitted, “I had sex with Chris.”
I held the phone away from my ear until Katlyn’s squeal of excitement died down, then brought it back to talk again. “Are you done?”
“I’m okay,” she said. “How many times?”
This time her squeal caught me by surprise, and I had to rub my ear to convince it that I hadn’t just been stabbed in the head by sound waves. “Kat!” I snapped. “Take it down a notch, huh?”
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just so excited for you!” She paused a moment. “So does he know about-”
“No,” i interrupted. “He doesn’t know about who I was.”
“Too bad. That still leaves you in a pretty awful position.”
I hadn’t really thought of it, but she was right. I couldn’t deny any longer that I had feelings for Chris, beyond bromance. I’d not only let him have sex with me, I’d taken the lead on round two and ridden him on my living room couch, then finished him off myself. “Fuck,” I said darkly, “this sucks.”
“Yeah, it does,” Kat agreed, “but we can cross that bridge later. Right now, we need to make sure you have options. And that means getting those Romani assholes to uncurse you. If you still want to be, that is.”
“Yes, I still want to be uncursed! Who would want to be-” I stopped. “Okay, look, before I sound like an asshole, bear in mind that I’ve been cursed to also drive men insane, and they keep trying to jump me. Chris is literally the only man I’ve spent time with who had the self-control to just whack off until I let him do more.”
“He told you he whacked off to you?”
“No, but I saw him…”
“Shawna, you are lousy at gossip. I should have been aware of teh fact you saw him beating his meat before.”
“Not as sorry as you’re gonna be, the next time you put on your collar,” Katlyn teased. “Assuming you two aren’t going steady. For now, you’re going to tell me everything that happened tonight. Start from when you were naked in the bathtub.”
“Yes, Miss- hey! Stop using your dom voice!”
Katlyn giggled. “You learn quick. You’re a natural sub, you know that?”
“Don’t make it weird, Kat.”
“You’re a magical transgendered succubus who just became a woman after losing a battle of wills with a gypsy witch. Having a part-time domme as a bestie is hardly weirder.”
“Fine, point conceded. But you’re still insane.”
“Already knew that. Now talk.”

I tucked my legs under me and sat in the warm place on my couch where Chris had been, smelling his scent all around me, and told Katlyn everything. I meant to just give a general description, but she kept prodding me like she was taking notes for a test later, and her total lack of shame soon had me giving a complete play-by-play of positions, speeds, sights, smells, sizes, and emotions.
The emotions seemed really important to her; she kept asking how each thing that I did or that Chris did made me feel. And I slowly saw what she was doing, too: she was making me accept it. “I know what you’re doing,” I told her, midway through my description of the incident on the couch.
“Oh? What am I doing?”
“You’re making me think about how good it felt. You’re making me like i so I’ll fall in love and give up on my old life.”
“Maybe, maybe not,” Kat replied. I could practically hear the shrug in her voice. “I mean, hell, if you change back, I’m just gonna try to hook you for myself. You’re a real catch either way, now that you’ve moved past being an asshole. But yeah, I’m kinda rooting for you to stay.”
“So does that mean you’re done helping?”
Katlyn laughed at me. “Honey, you have got a lot to learn about girlfriends. We’re petty and jealous and vicious, but we always, always, always look out for our sisters. Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan for your old witch.”
“What kind of a plan?”
“Have you ever read ‘Thinner’?”
“Uh… no?”
“You should check it out.”

Katlyn made me finish telling the story before she would say any more. I gave her every detail she demanded, although I was half convinced she was recording the call to masturbate to later, and then demanded more information.
“Okay, well look, I’m not the person for this job,” she admitted. “But Diana is. She can convince your old witch to help.”
“Really? That’s great.”
“Yeah. But I think we should tell her the truth. About you, I mean. Otherwise, they could just tell her instead, and I don’t know what will happen then.”
I sighed. This was getting too complicated, but she was right; the truth was a card to play against me, and telling it myself stole that power. “Fine.”
“Good. Lunch, tomorrow, usual place. I’ll do the rest.”

I don’t think I’d ever in my life slept as well as I did that night. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was flooded with memories of being in Chris’s arms, safe and held, and the mixed pain and pleasure of giving myself to him. I fell asleep thinking about it, and I dreamed about doing more of it.
Wednesday morning flew by once again. The office had turned surprisingly friendly, and I was pretty sure that Pam had started a secret alliance of coworkers dedicated to making “Shawna” stay on permanently. They had noticed my reticence about my “brother” and stopped constantly bad-mouthing him, at least when they knew I could hear, but the compliments and friendly smiles were unending. It felt pretty good to be so wanted, even if it was at the expense of my other self.
Katlyn and Diana were already at the cafe when I went for lunch. Kat waved, and Diana gave me a sort of half-sad smile of friendly pity.
“Hey, girls,” I said. “Waiting long?”
Diana shook her head. “Little miss ADHD here insisted I come an hour early, so she could fill me in.” She reached over and laid a hand on my arm. “Shawn… I’m so sorry.”
I put my hand over hers and squeezed. “Thanks, Di,” I replied. “I’m sorry I lied before.”
“Well, I don’t blame you. but it sounds like you have a real dilemma going on, and I’ve seen enough weird shit in my life to believe a person when I can see the truth in her eyes. His eyes, sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“Anyway. Kat’s plan is a solid one. I think it’ll work. We just have to be sneaky, clever, and ruthless. Which is right in my wheelhouse, as a teacher.”
“What the hell do you teach?” I asked.
“History and sword fighting,” she replied.
I raised my eyebrows. “So you’re basically Wonder Wo-”
“No golden lasso. That’s Kat’s schtick. But yes. Now, let me tell you what we’re going to do to your Gypsy witch.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3ra47b/mf_str8_shawna_roma_revenge_part_x_round_two_fight

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