Space Grace! Part one: on the way. [F] (just build up)


Hey! This is a dirty story. So be older then 18 before you read this. This series will have all kinds of different things. I see it as a way to mix things up, so if I put out more parts check em out and you might find something you like. Enjoy!

Again there’s just build up here but with the ending here, the next part should start off in a nice place for all you horny toads.


There was a loud siren sound as the alarm went off. Grace sprung awake and hit her clock. She groaned and fell back into her pillow as the lights started to flick on.

A light green figure appeared in the center of the room. “Good morning Miss Ura. How did you sleep?“ Grace sat up bags under her eyes. ” ..huh?“ The figure walked over to the bed. “I asked how you slept Miss” “ I don’t know… Okay I guess” Grace threw off her sheets and got out of bed. The figure gasped. “Miss you are not decent!” “So?” Grace made her way to the bathroom. “It’s not like you should care. Your just a…a….thing” Grace paused. “ ..hologram” The figure stood outside the door as grace splashed water on her face. “Well I am much more then a hologram. I am a-” Grace cut off the figure. “Optimised-lifelike-imitation visionary-internal-assistance-nanny”

“N-none of that was correct miss..” Grace sat down on the toilet and rubbed her eyes. I know… I just guessed. I know the things spell out Olivian but I forget what they actually stand for…“ “They stand for..” Olivian paused for a moment to listen. “Miss are..are you urinating?” Grace smirked and spread her legs, revealing her fuzzy cunt and a steady stream of piss flowing from it. “What do you think?” Olivian gasp and the bathroom door slammed shut. “ I swear, how could a lady be so indecent” Graces muffled laughter came from the bathroom.

” Well what do you expect working with a breeder. Stuff like this is my life" The sound of the toilet flushing rang out and the sink turned on.“I understand your career Miss, but that does not mean you need to be so indecent outside of your assignments” “well that’s who I am so deal with it” The door shook. “Ollliiivain..unlock the door”

“You didn’t wash your hands Miss. Please do that before I open the door" Grace banged on the door. “I don’t need too. I never touched anything” Miss its-“ BANG BANG BANG “COME OOOOOON! As your commander I demand you open this door”

Olivian paused and the door slid open. ” jeeze you really need to lighten up. Especially if your gonna be hanging around with me" Grace went back to her bed and sat down. “ Miss my programing was supposed to be set by you. If you’ll remember you skipped past it due to time restraints” “So?“Grace fell back onto her bed and kicked her legs lightly.

“So if you would like me to lighten up as you put it. You could just set my program to one that’s less..professional” “oh…” Grace chuckled. ” You mean i could I make you a slut?” “Well Miss… I doubt they would include such a programing into the system”

“Either way Miss we are approaching our destination. So if you would get dressed, I will prepare your gear and mission information” Olivian disappeared, leaving Grace to get ready.

Grace got up and went to her walk in closet. Looking over her various coloured uniforms she sighed. Gazing into the mirror on the wall Grace looked over her naked body. Her curly orange hair flowed down to her C cup breasts. Just barely covering her nipples. Slipping her legs into a pink and white uniform she pulled it up. Grace turned around to find her ass caught in the suit. She muttered to herself. ” I swear these things keep getting tighter with every mission"

Grace struggled a bit but pulled her uniform past her sizable behind. She stared at herself as she zipped up the snug uniform. “Hmm…”

Grace left her room and went to the main deck. The control panels flickered and pulsed as the ship steered itself. On the screen Grace could see a green, blue and brown planet growing closer.

Sitting in the captains chair Grace sighed. “Oliviaaaan…are you done yet?” Olivan appeared in the room. “I am almost finished preparations “

“Alright, can you give me a summary my mission?” Olivian made a sweeping motion with her hand a screen appeared in front of her and Grace. “Your main objective is to meet with the leader of this worlds civilization and discuss their breeding factories”

Olivian swiped her hand once more bringing up fuzzy pictures of stone structures. “ The issue with this mission is that the inhabitants of this planet see most as a threat. It’s difficult to get close without being captured.

“Soooooo….walk into the place get captured and then talk to the leader?” Olivian swiped again bringing up a picture of large women. “This seems to be what your employer wants. If you’ll look over this picture miss. You will find that we have one of there own captured. We shall use it to trade you back once your mission is complete”

“Jeeze look at this girls tits. There massive” Olivian paused. “Y-Yes Miss.. Well it may be beneficial to look over the rest of her as well” Grace sarcastically sighed. “If you say so” looking over the picture Grace saw a very big women. Her skin was tanned and scarred. Her hair dark and long. Her ears resembled those of a cow and her head a pair of horns.

“Hmm…do I get to bring some weapons in this mission?” Olivan brought up another screen showing a variety of things. “We will equip you with some light melee weapons that can stun enemies as well as some tools in case you need to escape a deadly situation”

“We are close to our destination miss. We will land in the jungle and I shall see you off. If you would like to do anything more I suggest you do it now”

Grace sprung up and quickly leave the room. “Miss shall i-” “I’m gonna go get off before I leave” “M-Miss that’s-” “what I’m doing so deal with it” Grace started to unzip her suit and headed for her bed.

Olivian sighed “how did they let me end up here..”


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