[F, Fictional Monster] Beauty and the Beast

“The jury has returned with their verdict. The defendant, April Taylor, has been found guilty of 20 counts of bestiality, 256 counts of videotaping bestiality, and 276 counts of harassing Sasquatches.”

I couldn’t help but smile as the judge read the verdict. Had it really been that many times?

“Ms. Taylor, I sentence you to pay a fine of $110,000 and to serve ten years for each count of harassing Sasquatches, to be served concurrently, and five years for each count of bestiality and videotaping bestiality, also to be served concurrently but not during your time served for harassing Sasquatches,” the judge said.

A police officer came to lead me out of the courtroom. Before I left, I turned back to see my parents and siblings before the officer hauled me off to jail. Their heads were all down – presumably too ashamed of me to look. I couldn’t blame them, but I have no guilt for what I’ve done.

The officer placed me in handcuffs and together we walked in silence to a county van, where I was then told I would serve my 15-year sentence at the Washington State Women’s Correctional Center in Acme, Washington. Acme is only about half an hour away from my ranch in Glacier.

Sentenced in the city of Bellingham, the van ride to the correctional center in Acme took me East, back in the direction of home. I watched the trees whiz by, and wondered where my yetis were, how many made it out, and if they would remember me still once I got out of jail in 15 years.

Halfway through the ride the driver, whose barrel chest and thick beard suggested he was more suited to being a lumberjack than a driver for the state, finally broke the silence. “So uh, heard you fucked yetis. How did you even find a yeti?”

Yetis are easy to find if you know what to look for, but most people have no fucking idea what they’re doing. Not a single goddamned clue. “Luck, I guess,” I said. Like I would ever tell anyone my secrets.

“And you fucked ‘em? And people paid you to fuck ‘em?” Our eyes met through the rear-view mirror.

I stared at him for a moment. “Yep. Got a problem with it?”

He chuckled while shaking his head. “Nope. Just trying to wrap my head around it. Before your trial, I never would have imagined they were real, but now I’ve seen pictures of them! And people pay to fuck ‘em! We live in an amazing world, Ms. Taylor.”

“You got that right,” I said as I turned back to the window. Green mountains and forest surrounded the Women’s Correctional Center, which was a large, red brick and concrete behemoth. A passerby could be excused for mistaking it for a public high school – they both look the same anyway.

The driver led me into the building and passed me off to another officer who led me through the initiation process. I gave up my clothes and any belongings I had on me and replaced the with a loose-fitting beige shirt and pants along with white sports shoes that felt constructed out of Styrofoam. The officer passed me off to another, who took my photo, fingerprints and printed out a badge for me to wear. Another officer came to collect me and take me to my cell block and get me set up in an empty bed, where I would be spending the next 15 years.

My side of the cell was bare, aside from the bed and a small shelf, unlike my cell mate’s half, which was a mess of clothes and sheets tossed everywhere and had walls covered with drawings. When I saw my cellmate, who strolled in after I laid down, it all made sense. Her hair was only shoulder length but a frizzy mess like she had stuck her fingers in a light socket one day and decided she liked the resulting hairdo.

“Name’s Dani. Whatcha in for?” she said, she plopped her ass on her bed and sat cross-legged chewing what I assumed was gum.

“I’m April, and I ran a yeti sex ring,” I said as I laid down in my bed. It was hard and uncomfortable, but I am going to have to get used to it.

She laughed and waved her hand in the air. “You’re funny, I like your sense of humor. But really, what’d ya do?”

“I kept yetis as sex slaves and rented them to horny folks.”

Again, she laughed, but her laughter faded when I didn’t respond again. “You ain’t kiddin’, are you?”


“So, you actually had yetis? Where the fuck did you get those? Those don’t even exist.”

“They do, they live up in the mountains and I found and kept several of them on my ranch.”

“Daayum. So did you fuck any of them?”

“Often. They’re actually quite horny beasts on their own.”

“Sooo…” Her voice trailed off. I turned to look at her and saw her eyes were darting around the cell block as she searched for words. She leaped out of her bed and sat on the floor next to mine. “What’s it like to have sex with one?” she said in a hushed voice. “Tell me?”

I stared at the ceiling and took a deep breath. “It’s… intense. And definitely not for everyone.”

“Go on!!” she said, leaning in. Seeing her eyes wide with excitement and a big stupid smile on her face made me smile too.

“Well…” I thought for a moment of what I should tell her, but decided to just tell her the most recent one.

“One of my frequent clients was Samuel, a dentist with a yeti fetish. One of the times I filmed him he not only had the yeti fuck him in the ass when the yeti finished he pushed it onto the floor and banged the poor yeti’s ass until his dick was raw.”

“Woah,” she said. “Tell me more details! You fucked one right? Don’t skip anything!”

I laughed and decided to continue, “Well after Samuel left I could tell the poor yeti felt hurt and used. He whimpered and clung to my feet. As I stood over him I said, ‘This is your job you know. You took it like a champ. You’re a good boy.’ Unfortunately, my encouragement didn’t lighten his mood at all. While they love to fuck anything that moves, yetis are suckers for a wet pussy since I was a little turned on from having watched them I decided he deserved a treat.”

“I tossed my shirt and bra aside and unbuckled my jeans. They dropped to my ankles along with me panties and I kicked them to the side. I stood in front of him completely naked and watched the hunger in his eyes grow as he took in the sight. His fur brushed up the insides of my legs as he lifted his head to press his tongue to the folds of my cunt.”

Dani shifted excitedly and bit her lip. “I pressed my hips forward to his rough tongue. As it slid against my clit I moaned and squeezed my thighs around his head. He swept his tongue across it repeatedly and I could feel it begin to swell and throb.”

“You sat on his face!”

“More like straddled it. Left and right, his tongue snaked between my folds and, a few times, pushed the tip inside me. I wiggled and squeezed him between my legs. Tasting my juices made his cock grow stiff, and he pulled back against my clit again. I moaned as he surrounded it with his lips and gently sucked it. His sucking made me jump and inhale sharply through my teeth. He released me, but with his nose pressed into my hips he exhaled. The warm air accentuated the aching throb. He pressed his mouth to my cunt and thrust his tongue into me and curled it inward.”

“How big is a yeti tongue?” Dani asked.

“It’s about the same as a dick, but thicker.”


“When he pulled his tongue out he kept it pressed against me and raked over my clit again, slurping up my juices. I quivered and leaned forward so I could hold onto his head. He then dove in for my clit, relentlessly licking it so forcefully I suddenly felt lightheaded. My vision became a kaleidoscope and all my muscles tensed erratically as I came. He groaned and held his tongue to my pussy.”

“When he pulled away he traveled upward to my breasts. His wet, warm tongue circled around my nipple. Tingles spread through my tits as he went back and forth between them, flicking both of them with the tip of his massive tongue. He left a trail of saliva that pooled between my tits. Each flick elicited more tingling and reignited the burning ache between my legs.”

“He nuzzled my breasts and, with a hand on the small of my back, he eased me onto my back. I spread my legs and he pressed the tip of his cock into my pussy. It was so big it barely fit, but still he pressed the head into me and slowly it disappeared into me.”

“Holy cow, you really did fuck him!” Dani said, covering her mouth with her hands and dancing around in her seat.

“It felt incredible that I moaned loudly. Once it was all the way in, he pulled it out and slid it back in slowly and gently. His massive cock massaged my pussy as he slowly slid in and out of me. He pulled it out once more, then pounded it back into me. He fucked me so hard I screamed and felt like I was coming undone, it was sending waves of pleasure throughout my whole body. My pussy made a squishing sound each time he thrust his cock like a sledgehammer into me. When he was close he slowed down, but it must have taken him by surprise since he suddenly threw his head back and groaned. His cock pumped his cum into me. He came so much that when he pulled out he left his cock on my stomach and it shot all over my tits.”

“Wow,” Dani said. “I wish we could get a man like that around here. There’s no one around here to give my pussy any attention.“

“The ‘yeti hunters’ were the real freaky ones,” I said with a grin. “They paid good money to have me record them discovering a yeti’s huge cock and the fun they had with it.”

“You videoed them?”

“All the time, that’s part of what I got convicted of – filming bestiality.”


The cafeteria was busy, but I found an empty table to sit at with my tray for my first lunch in jail. Once again I was reminded of my time in school; cliques at every table, cheap plastic trays with bland, never-expiring food, and once again I was alone. My cellmate sat a few tables away with a large group of women talking constantly.

After my bland and unremarkable meal of slop and jello, I was shuffled outside for yard time. The Correction Center backed up to woods leading into the mountain ranges. This forest should be the same that is behind my ranch, too. The yard was big enough that I couldn’t see the entire fence clearly, so I went for a light jog around the perimeter. While there were no openings, something did catch my eye – a small tuft of fur stuck to a thorny bush just outside the fence. I walked over to get a better look, and I noticed footprints that matched yeti prints. Leaning against the tall chain-link fence, I began walking up and down the length of the fence. I made sure to rub my head on the fence near where I had seen the fur and print in the mud.

I was on my fifth trip along the fence when a handful of other inmates approached me.

“Hey. Heard you ran a yeti sex ring. I believe it, you’re kinda weird,” the pale girl with black hair whose name tag read ‘Ashley Beladiri’ said.

“And?” I stood up straight, prepared to sprint back to the building if this encounter turned ugly.

“Who the hell fucks a yeti?” a greasy, frail girl asked. She was also surprisingly pale and looked like she might be missing a few teeth. “The fuck’s a yeti anyway?”

“A yeti is a creature that lives in the woods, and is like a human but bigger, more muscular, and hairier. Like a bodybuilder if they were eight feet tall and covered in soft fur. They’re big, muscley, horny teddy bears. Their fur is usually brown or black.”

My explanation made the group of inmates explode into laughter. Ashley slapped her knees and said, “Yeah but why the hell would you want to fuck that? It’s like fucking a dog.”

“Well, they are strong and muscular, and if a shredded guy turns you on, a yeti probably could too. Plus, they have huge cocks and love to fuck.”

As soon as I said the words “huge cocks” they shut up. Before they had the chance to say anymore, I turned and headed back into the center. It was roughly time for me to get changed and begin grounds keeping work anyway.

I had an hour before lights-out to relax and read a library book, however, my cellmate returned early this particular evening and decided to sit on the floor next to my bed again and chat.

“So, what made you decide to sell the yeti for sex?” she asked.

“Well, I had a few already that I had befriended and was taking care of. That’s when I met a local so-called yeti-hunter. Those kinds of people spend a lot of their free time looking for them. He’s the one who made me realize I was sitting on a sexy goldmine.”

“So how big IS a yeti dick?”

“Well,” I paused, looking around for something comparable in size but couldn’t find anything. Instead, hand motions would have to settle. “It’s roughly double the length and width of a human penis. So, around a foot long and three or four inches thick.”

“Shit! That’s huge! And that FITS in your pussy?!”

I frowned at her outburst. “It’s… not THAT big. It’s a tight fit, sure, but it still fits. And for most of the people who bought it, it went up their asses.”

“So how were you caught?”

“Well, some son of a bitch snitched and the police set up a sting operation,” I said with a stern look. “And if I ever catch the bastard I’m gonna tear him a new one.”

“Woah.” She backed up a bit, before leaning back in when I continued.

“But, I realized quickly something was fishy about this client. Before the police could capture any of the yetis I released them.”

“What happened to them?”

“I, don’t know. I wish I did.”

The guard announced that it was now time for lights-out and we were all expected to be in our beds within 5 minutes. My cellmate went to her side and got ready. Laying down, I closed my eyes and remembered a nicer time, before I began selling them by the hour to yeti-fetishists and the bestiality crowd. Had I gone too far? They were horny beasts, but did I push them beyond their limits? Was I abusive? Before I was caught, I released all of them to the wild, but I know the police went after them. How many escaped, and where are they now? I hoped they were in the wild, free and fucking every night.

The yetis were kept in the barn and on one particular night when the moon was full and the air was warm I took my favorite one, who I nicknamed Constantine, out for a midnight walk. He was the first yeti that I had found and captured, and also the only one I trusted to not run off. However, all of them had GPS collars on just in case. His fur was a luxurious shimmering black and he had a broad, muscular chest. We walked together, arms locked around the other, alongside the lake that sat at the edge of my property and was the gateway to the mountains where I found the yeti.

He looked up at the mountain and I could see the sad longing in his eyes. “I know you miss the mountains,” I said to him as I took his hand and placed it on my breast over my heart. “But your home is here with me now.”

I felt his hand flex as he squeezed my breast. He let out a whimper that echoed through the valley and slumped forward. I thought, maybe he just wanted a taste of freedom again, so I pointed at the lake and suggested we went for a swim. I took off my clothes, folded them and set them aside, and dove in. He stood at the edge surprised. The water was cool and felt great on the humid summer evening. I motioned for him to join me.

After a brief moment of hesitation, he dove into the water. When he came back up his muscular frame was clearly visible. When we were done swimming we sat on the bank looking at the reflection of the moon in the water. “Soon, you’ll feel at home on the ranch too, Constantine.”

The sky was full of stars, but my stars had now become my yeti. “We should probably be getting back now.” I said as I stood up. Constantine stood too, but turned me around and held me close. I could feel his hard dick, pressing into my stomach. I stepped back and started rubbing up and down his cock with both hands, feeling it grow even larger. His head dipped back and he let out a low groan. He placed a hand on the top of my head and gently pushed it toward his cock.

I leaned forward to suck on the head of his cock – I would have taken more of it into my mouth, but it was simply too large. Twirling my tongue around and sucking the head of his dick, I continued to rub up and down the rest of it with my hands. Up and down, my hands stroked his smooth, throbbing cock. I paused from sucking him, not wanting him to shoot his cum in my mouth, and licked it from its base to its tip. Long, loving strokes with my tongue that danced around once it reached the tip. Taking the tip into my mouth and sucking it again, I reached down and massaged his furry balls. His hips twinged forward.

With a groan he quickly reached down for me and lifted me up to stand up straight, and leaned over to bury his face between my breasts and squeezed them. His tongue swept over my nipples and all over my breasts as he burrowed his face into them. I giggled at his lustful enthusiasm, but my cunt swelled with anticipation. My nipples shrank to little nubs he flicked with his tongue. Each stroke shot through me like lightning bolts of pleasure.

His hands were gentle but forceful as he turned me around and pushed me forwards onto all fours. Behind me, he licked up and down my pussy sliding his tongue through all my folds. Pressing his nose into me, he flicked my clit with the tip of his tongue. Jolts of pleasure burst through me as his tongue stroked over the knob of my clit. He pushed a finger inside and pressed down toward the front of my body, and returned his tongue to my clit circling around it with the tip.

Satisfied, he took a hold of his cock and slowly pressed it into me. Once he had completely filled me, Constantine began thrusting into me while holding onto my hips. Every thrust bounced my tits forward and back; the force from both had me gasping for air. Constantine slid his hands along my sides and up to my breasts. He squeezed them and manipulated my hard nipples between his fingers. With a thunderous growl, his hips jolted like lightning and he filled me with his cum. Constantine’s body stilled and he laid forward, holding his chest to my back. He stayed inside me until he had finished riding the waves of his orgasm, and his strength returned to him.

My body quivered when Constantine pulled out. Some of his cum followed and a mixture of yeti cum and my own juices dribbled down my legs. He leaned forward and began to clean me with his tongue. The memory of the warm, gentle strokes of his tongue made my pussy ache. Ugh, fuck me. There’s no way I could masturbate while here. 15 years without any satisfaction…! I tried to get my mind off him, but as I lay on the hard bed wrapped in stiff, itchy sheets, I realized I missed cuddling a warm, fluffy yeti, too.


It had been been two weeks that I’ve been rubbing against the fence and occasionally making yeti calls. It begins with a throaty caw that turns into a howl. I make the noise several times, despite how it hurts my throat, just in case one is listening. I wanted my scent all over this damn fence in case any of my yeti came near, too. Fortunately, the weather had been kind to me and we have enjoyed sunny, hot and humid days, so not only did I sweat a lot but there had been no rain to wash my scent away. The other inmates had been leaving me alone, but today one decided she wanted to interrupt me again.

“So what’cha doing there, yeti girl?” the greasy one said. I looked at her ID tag, Oh, her name’s actually Greta. With her being alone and close to me, I got the chance to actually get a good look at her. She didn’t seem much older than 30, but she had a lot of wrinkles around her mouth and eyes.

“Walking. What do you want? Do you want me to tell you a kinky story about a guy banging a yeti?”

“Actually…” Slumped over, she kicked the dirt into a little cloud and watched it drift. “Kind of.”

“Well, one of my clients – a fisherman named Jack. Jack was really into taking a huge yeti cock up his ass an-”

“Wait! Before you continue, I actually wanted to ask you something specific.” She looked back at the paved patio where the majority of other inmates were sitting, and leaned toward me. “I wanted to know if you’d write a story or two down for me. I’d pay you for it.”

“Uh, what?”

“You know, write down one of your yeti sex stories! I heard one of the stories from Dani, and I wanted you to share one with me but on paper. I can pay you enough to cover the paper and pencil, plus some profit for ya.”

I considered rejecting her offer since it would be a waste of my time but on the other hand, what else did I have to do? I figured I might as well make a little bit off telling the stories. “Alright, give me part now so I can buy the materials, and the rest once it’s delivered.”

“Deal! Great!” Greta palmed a few dollars in her pocket then shook my hand, leaving the bills behind.


Writing down a few different tales from clients as well as my own experiences only took me a couple evenings. In the library, I discreetly slipped her the sheets and she gave me the second and final payment, some of which I used to buy better food to help me cope with the dull meals served. After the transaction, I hadn’t thought about the dirty tome nor Greta. That is, not until Chris happened.

“Hey Yeti fucker,” Chris said, slamming her large gut into the cafeteria table, spilling some of my soda. “Did you write this disgusting, sinful trash that’s been circulating all week?”

She slammed the sheets onto the table in front of me and leaned over, towering above. “Maybe. What if I did?”

“Do you know what you’ve done?” Her breath reeked of garlic and encircled me as she huffed. “You’re spreading this filthy smut around the center and corrupting the minds of all the poor young women here! What would Jesus say, with you spreading ideas of loose sex and bestiality?”

“He’d probably think it was hot,” I said with a smirk.

Chris’ eye visibility twitched, I honestly thought it was going to pop right out of her skull and land on the table.

With her southern drawl dragging out every initial vowel, she said, “You need Jesus in your life, or you’re gonna burn in hell.”

“Who are you to act holier than me? Did you forget we are both convicts?”

She stood straight and grabbed my soda. “You need to repent for yer sins, bitch,” she said as she walked around the table. At first I thought she was going to take off with my drink, but instead she stopped, looked down at me, and poured it over my head. As she did, the room silenced and all eyes were on us. Once the drink was empty she dropped the can into my bowl of bland stew.

“You CUNT!” I whipped up as my fist flew, landing a left hook right on her jaw but she barely even noticed. The room erupted in shouting as she started pounding me and others rushed to aid both of us. The room was a blur with fists. One inmate not even involved got yanked to the ground by her hair and spit on by another uninvolved inmate.

The guards watched the whole thing go down and wasted no time in rushing over with whistles blowing. I would have escaped, but I was pinned under Chris and she greatly out-weighed me. It took six of them to break up the fight, two of them just to pull Chris off me. However, as they pulled Chris away I could see she was still salty. She held up both her middle fingers at me as they dragged her away to solitary. I got a trip to the doctor on campus to treat some bruises and make sure nothing was broken, then sent back to my cell with some aspirin for the pain.


After lunch, I went back to the edges of the yard for my daily ritual of brushing against the fence and calling the yeti. When I heard the snap of a branch, I immediately stopped and started looking into the woods. I put my hands on the sides of my mouth and made the call once more, then listened.

“CAAAAAWOOOOOOOOO!” echoed back.

The yeti was far, but not far enough that he couldn’t hear me. I called again, and he replied. Then again, this time he was a little louder.

“Hey there, slutty sinner.” The sudden words in a familiar voice made me jump and my nose jammed into the face. The fence still shaking, I rubbed my nose and turned around. When I saw her all my hairs stood on end.

“I spent four days in solitary for trying to beat the fear of god into you. But still you couldn’t stop yourself from spreading those dirty stories.”

“Well, it is lucrative. Lots of lonely women in here, you know?” Facing her was definitely the safer position to be in, but it lowered how well I could hear the woods behind me.

“Do I need to teach you another lesson? Ain’t no guards here to help you this time.” She clenched her hands into huge fists, capable of knocking me out in one easy blow.

I tried to hide my involuntary trembling by rubbing my back against the fence and rattling it. I was no match for her and I’d be left with a lot more than bruises if she decided she wanted a fight here. I needed to stall her, so I kept rattling the fence and making as much noise as I could.

“Would Jesus really approve of your methods? I mean wasn’t he about love, peace, and acceptance? Changing your life?”

“Masturbaters were told to cut off their hands. Should I smash your fingers so you can’t write any more o’ yer dirty stories anymore?” Chris cracked her knuckles.

The sound of yeti grumbling was getting louder, so I called to them again. Chris winced and said, “The fuck you think yer doin’?”

Their grumbles grew louder and I could hear them returning my calls. “You should stick around and see,” I said before calling again. After this time, we could both feel the ground shaking from their stomping feet getting closer.

“What the fuck is that?” she growled.


“CAAAAAAWWWOOOOOOOOOOOO!” we heard behind me, along with the shaking of leaves.

Bursting from the woods, a yeti came barreling into the fence, ripping off a section of it and pinning Chris underneath. “Constantine!” I had never been so happy to see him. He turned around and when he saw me, he growled and picked me up for a hug. Chris laid on the ground, under the fence, moaning from the pain of having just been crushed under a yeti. Constantine hoisted me over his shoulder, and together we disappeared back into the mountain range.

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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/3q8c72/f_fictional_monster_beauty_and_the_beast