Seeding Of The Alien Queen, Book One: Love’s Throbbing Probe [ff],[aliens],[amazons],[seeding]

What follows is an excerpt from my first erotic book. You can find it on Amazon Kindle for the reasonable price of $2.99. -Suze Rainbow

"The next room consisted of a row of capsules big enough to hold a person. The women were pushed into them, one at a time, some screaming in fear. The captors ignored the noise. Marcy was terrified when the clear door shut in front, trapping her into the capsule. She hated confined spaces, even MRI’s scared her, but she didn’t have much choice. The black figures waited until the last squirming woman was secured, then walked away. Through the clear door, Marcy could see a row of struggling women across from her in their own capsules. What were they planning to do?

Probes shot out from the wall of the capsule, pinning her in place. She couldn’t move and it appeared the women across from her were suffering the same fate. More metal probes snaked out from the walls of the capsule and slid in to her vagina, ears, mouth and each nostril. She felt warm fluid being pumped into her mouth and inside her vagina. Faint sounds pinged in her ears. She realized they were all being tested for something, and then the fluid stopped running. Unable to hold back from all the terror and excitement, she unloaded her bladder on the floor. She heard her waste being pumped away, the captors had expected this to happen. From across the room she could see the other women peeing in the capsules too. After finishing, water was flushed down the bottom around their feet.

Then all the probes were retracted and she slumped inside the capsule against the walls, looking at the other women across from her doing the same. The light in the room changed color and the figures in black returned. This time one of them had a stack of tags. When she was pulled out of the capsule, two captors were present. One held her in place in a strong grip while another shuffled through the tags until finding the one it wanted. It put the other tags away then produced something which resembled a stapler. While one captor held her steady, the other one used the tool to secure a tag to her nipple. Marcy felt a sharp pain and looked down to see a metal ring in her left nipple with the black tag on the other side. The other women, like Marcy, were being tagged too. But women who already had pierces found their lip, ear, navel or labia had those rings used to secure the black tags. Marcy saw one women shoved in line with a black tag dangling from a nose pierce."



  1. Since you asked: They were all green women. Every last one of them was female, there could be no mistaking it. And they all had a green tinge to the skin. The smallest of them was five eleven and the tallest towered over the captive woman at six three. They all had shaved heads, but they were definitely females of the species. These women didn’t appear to be anyone you wanted to mess with. One of the women didn’t move fast enough in line and one of the green women smacked her hard on the ass. The woman moved quicker. Suddenly, Marcy was pulled out of the line by one of the women in black and placed in front of a very regal woman to whom the other captors showed deference. The new woman was the tallest in the room and had a lean muscle profile. She said a few words in a language Marcy couldn’t understand and grabbed the nipple tag. After looking at it, she had Marcy separated from the rest of the women. A collar was snapped around her throat and she was led into another room. Unable to understand what was happening, Marcy found herself strapped to a gynecological table where a team of green-skinned women probed her again, shined light in her eyes and took blood samples. Just when she thought the exam was over, Marcy was flipped as the table turned over. She felt her legs folded beneath her. Marcy didn’t know what was happening until the table she was strapped to inverted again, aiming her butt over a container. In horror she watched as the two women shoved a tube up her ass. She felt pain as she realized she was being flushed out. It took ten seconds and the tube, attached to a hose, was removed. She was held over the container until all the fluid spewed out of her. Next, the two women unstrapped Marcy and wiped her down with a cloth. Marcy stood in place, wobbling on her legs from the test that had done while the two women went over to a screen and consulted the data they had just collected. They ignored her but seemed pleased with the results. The doors opened behind her and a small crate was self-propelled into the room. One of the women reached over and pulled the tag out of her nipple ring. The front of the crate snapped open. Realizing Marcy did not know what was expected of her, one of the green women grabbed her metal collar and pushed her into the crate, closing the door behind her. Marcy could see through the plastic bars on the crate as the woman who had pushed her into it placed the tag on a slot outside the crate. The doors to the room opened again and the crate moved out of the room, rolling down the hall. She passed a few more green-skinned women in black leading naked women down the corridor. A few had fresh tattoos on their hips. Some were weeping and a few were strapped to gurneys as they were transported to whatever nefarious purpose their captors had in mind. Suddenly the crate stopped and turned into an open room. It moved into it and halted. Before Marcy could try and figure out what was happening, the crate slid off the mobile platform which had transported it. She bumped her head on the plastic bars in front as the crate hit the floor. She watched as the cart spun out of the room where she’d been deposited. The doors closed behind it, leaving her in the cramped crate. Marcy was trying to figure out where she was when the doors opened again and the regal woman walked in. She stopped in front of her. Marcy looked at the woman and didn’t say a word. Whoever this woman was, the other green women in black were scared of her. She could tell by the way they bowed as she had entered the other room and talked in low voices when she left. But now she wasn’t wearing her black armor. She had on a loose robe made of a blue material and wore no shoes. It hit Marcy she was in the woman’s personal quarters. Which meant the regal woman wanted Marcy for herself. It sent a little tingle of fear through her crotch when it struck her what this implied.

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