Lechomancer Curses Chapter 1: The First Curse [MF] [oral] anal]

Lisa was admittedly paying less attention as she should have as she rushed out between two cars to cross her street in the middle that morning. Her neighbourhood was usually quiet, and when the BMW charged down the street, she was caught like a deer in the headlights. Moments before it hit her, someone tackled her to the ground, in the slushy street. The car whizzed by inches away.

She looked up, happy to see Erostopholes, currently in his human form, handsome and smiling his half smile. “You are okay, aren’t you pet?”

“Yes,” she said, standing up, looking at the ruined white pants she was wearing. “But that fucker just about killed me.”

“Come inside,” he said. “We may be able to do something about this.

Taylor screamed when those strange eyes appeared in her rear-view mirror. Purple skin surrounded golden eyes, glaring at her hungrily. She accidently stomped on the gas. Then she looked at the street, and she would have hit the girl crossing if someone hadn’t knocked her out of the way. She didn’t need this today, so she kept going, hurrying to work.

Lisa hung up the phone. Josh, her boss, hadn’t been happy to learn she was too shaken up from her near death experience, and she would be late. She didn’t really care, as she could control him easily at this point. She hoped into the shower, to clean the cold from her, and was disappointed the Master didn’t join her. He had been … distant, in the last week or so. She had been so happy to see him this morning.

She thought for a moment of his fierce tongue roaming across her legs, teasing her, as his clever fingers explored her skin, tickling across her stomach and the small of her back. She found her hands slipping between her legs, as she thought of those bright eyes, staring at her hungrily, as he mounted her, pushing slowly into her, making her beg for every inch of him.

She walked out of the bathroom and found the Master in her bedroom. She was disappointed to see him still fully clothed in his suit, holding open the Book, the one which was supposed to hold all the magic she was entitled to due to her pact with Erostopholes. “Here, pet.”

She crawled into his lap. He put an arm around her waist and handed her the book. As she read, he brushed back her dark hair, and began to kiss his way along her shoulder. She was so happy he didn’t seem to be mad anymore, not like he had been after she had wandered through the Blue Door into his world. “That’s nice,” she purred as his lips reached the base of her neck.

“You’re supposed to be reading,” he chuckled. He waited until her eyes fell on the page before he pressed his lips against her skin again.

The Book described “The Curse of the Fetish.” A Lechomancer could, through this particular curse, cause their victim to be turned on by an action or object of their choice, to “the point of pleasure at the moment of casting.” The caster could then provide temporary or permanent relief at their desire. There was instructions on a potion she apparently need to mix before she started the casting.

Her Masters lips were lingering on her collar bone, and his hands were starting to slide across her stomach. “This is actually magic, isn’t it?” she said, trying not to get lost in his touch.

“There’s been magic before, Pet,” he said.

“Can we do this one now?” she asked. “Before more kisses?”

He nodded. The potion described in the Book required Ichor (or Essence, as she preferred to call the Demon ejaculate she kept in vials by her bed) and some spices she had in her kitchen for cooking. She grabbed a bottle of Essence, and hurried downstairs. It only took her about ten minutes to finish following the instructions. She took the mixture upstairs in a coffee cup, and found Erostopholes, still a handsome young man in a suit sitting on her bed.

“So, I drink this, and then, when I’m about to cum, I speak my curse to the driver of the BMW?”

Erostopholes nodded. “If you can manage it, if you curse her just before your climax, it will end up hitting her like a Demon Tail.”

“Her?” Lisa asked. She raised an eyebrow.

“I saw the driver,” he said nonchalantly. “A blonde woman.”

Lisa lifted the cup to her lips. It didn’t taste bad, but it was a little gritty. She swallowed it quickly, and felt the kick of Essence. She was worried for a moment. Essence was an aphrodisiac, and the last time she had seen the Master, he had removed her resistance to it, and let it drive her mindless with lust. She hadn’t touched it since. She felt a warmth growing in her, and her legs shook for a moment, but she was still herself. She felt like she was glowing, and she set the cup down, and unwrapped the white towel she was wearing and let it fall to the floor.

Erostopholes smiled as he drank in her form, his eyes roaming up her legs, over her sex, up her smooth stomach, her round breasts, and his smile grew when their eyes met. “I missed you,” she purred as she walked forward to him. Her fingers slipped into the knot of the red tie he was wearing and pulled it apart. She ran her hands over the hard muscles of his torso under his shirt, and slipped a leg over him, straddling his lap.

“I am here now,” he said, grinning his half smile at her. She leaned forward, her lips apart, and stopped inches from him. After months, she knew he would want her to wait. His eyes burned into hers, and she closed them and waited, letting her hands slip under his suit jacket and pull it off his arms. When it feel free, finally, his mouth came forward and met hers, and she melted a little.

Slipping out of his jacket sleeves, her wrapped his arms around her and started clawing at her back. He didn’t break the skin, but he pulled her in close, and his intense finger tips sent waves of ecstasy through her. She could feel him growing hard through his pants. Without taking her lips from his, she started to desperately fumble with the buttons of his shirt. He pulled her close to him, and her hands were pressed between them. His tongue danced in her mouth. With a gasp, she pulled away from him, and ripped his shirt off him.

For a moment, his eyes grew dark, and she thought she had upset him. With both hands, he grabbed her firm ass and pulled her close to him, their skin electric as it met. Her nipples pressed against his firm pecks, and her hands ran over his lean, muscular form.

“Master,” she said, and he held her close, his lips working up her neck while his hands guided her as she started to grind against his stomach. “Master, please, I want you inside me. I want to feel your strong cock pounding between my legs. I want you to ravage me until I can’t take it anymore.”

“You’ve become such a good girl,” he whispered in her ear. One hand slipped between her legs and began teasing her aching cunt with gentle strokes. “Don’t you want me to be nice to you? To kiss you between your legs? To gently tease you, with my tongue and my fingers.”

“I am yours to command,” she moaned. “But it has been too long. What I want most if for you to throw me down on the bed, and fuck me stupid.”

She knew she had done well when she felt his cock pulse between her legs. He laughed darkly, grabbed her by the waist and stood. She wrapped her legs around him, and stole another hungry kiss from his lips. When she pulled back, with a laugh, he tossed her roughly on the bed. She slipped her hands between her legs, and slipped a hand inside her aching pussy as he tore off his belt and stripped out of his pants. In any form, human or blue demon, his member was impressive: nine inches long and thick.

He grabbed one of her ankles and dragged her towards him as she squealed with pleasure. Then he pounced on the bed, spreading her legs wide. “Get out of my way,” he ordered, taking her hands away from her desperate pussy.

“Please Master,” she begged, loving the growing hunger in his eyes every time she did. “Please let me play with myself.”

“That time is over,” he grunted. He put one hand under the small of her back, making her arch, and with the other, he guided himself between her legs. Then, with one violent thrust, he pushed all the way inside her.

“Oh my fucking god!” she screamed with pleasure. “Please, fuck me hard!”

He settled on top of her, pressing his firm body against her, thrusting quickly and deeply. Each one made her yelp with aching joy, loving the pressure as he pushed deep inside her wet cunt. Her toes curled as she wrapped her ankles behind his thrusting ass.

She put a hand on his cheek. “Please, fuck me hard,” she half whispered between thrusts. “Hard. Please. Master. Hard. Deep. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” She started to run her other hand through her hair, tugging at it. He grunted like a monstrous animal, his breath warm on her ear, on the side of her neck. She felt every powerful ripple, their skin melting against each other. He was balanced on one hand, the other still under her, pulling her up against him. She was barely touching on the bed, lifted up against his crushing passion.

He let her fall, and wrapped both arms under her shoulders, now pistoning deep insider her faster and faster. The weight of him, holding her close, made her melt. Her body was on fire, and the sound of his passion, grunting wordlessly was driving her wild. “Yes!” She called out. “Harder! Faster! Fucking! Use! Me!”

She could feel her entire body tensing up. She knew she only had seconds left. She barely remembered what she was doing. At the very last moment, she remembered. “The Driver! I curse! Her! Being in! A Moving Car! Will make her! Feel! Like this!” All the heat of her body, all the sweat, every aching muscle, every happy inch of her skin pulsed for a moment, and she could swear she saw a blue light rise up above them, and then fly out the window.

But then Erostopholes crashed into her again. She gasped, and her body started to shake. She felt her pussy tighten around his enormous cock, her legs pull him in deeper, and hold him in place. She shook with pleasure, and felt him start to quake. His seed started to fill her, and being Essence, it crashed hard into her, making her shake again, pressing bucking body up against his, wrapping around him, shouting wordlessly in passion.

When her body finally stopped shaking, she put both hands on Erostopholes’ face, and kissed him. “I wish we could watch that bitch suffer.”

He smiled his cocky half smile. “We can.”


“Anyone you’ve cast on can be found. You can scry their location.” He kissed her, and slide out of her, still hard. He passed her the book.

Lisa felt herself grinning evilly.

Taylor pulled in to Wagner BMW dealership, and parked her car by the door. She was a little shaken by almost hitting the girl, but she was much calmer as she stepped inside. This was her kingdom, and she was invincible here. She walked inside, her navy business suit tight, the skirt a little too shirt, the blazer buttoned tight to display her tanned cleavage. She tossed her long blonde hair, smiled at the sales manager, and went back to her office.

Continued at https://erostopholes.wordpress.com/2015/10/23/lechomancer-curses-the-first-curse/

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/3q0gce/lechomancer_curses_chapter_1_the_first_curse_mf