It started with a Pillow [FF]

Posted this before but took it off, now it's back. Just in case someone accuses me of stealing it haha

Have you ever been to those parties that are just…off. The party itself is fine, the people are fine (some even look fine), you even know some people there. It's just one of those nights where you didn't really want to go out, you just had to, whether it was because you forced yourself to not be antisocial, or your friends pushed you to do it, either way, it's just a night where you're surrounded, but feel alone.

That's how I felt on this particular Saturday night.

"Rose, what's wrong?" My friend Summer asked me between us visiting with groups of people.

I wanted to say, 'Well Summer, everything should be okay, I just had my sights set on sitting down today with a few sex toys and going at myself,something I've been planning for a while. Then taking a long bath, and watching movies until I pass out. But instead I let all of y'all drag me to my ex-girlfriend's house for a party.'

My real answer was, "Oh, nothing, just a little more tired than I realized I guess."

She saw through me. "You don't have to stay, it's fine. I'll make an excuse for you."

"Thanks, but it's okay. As long as I don't see Nat, it'll be fine."

I excused myself after a little while to go get a much needed drink.

Now, at this point, you may be thinking, 'You know Rose, I would have sympathy for you, but you're the one who decided to go to the home of your ex-girlfriend for a party and then still stayed when you had an out'. And to that I'd say…well, you're not wrong. But Nat makes me dumb.

Real quick, I'll tell you about Natalie and I. We met in college. She was gorgeous. Perfectly curvy with these fantastic thick thighs, and pale skin, and curly dark red hair, and glasses, and big boobs that would jiggle at the slightest movement and looked perfect in a bra and even more perfect as they elongated out of her bra and and, yeah. Sorry. Like I said Nat makes me dumb, even grammatically.

Anyways, we dated for four years. The first in college and the last three out in the real world. Then, about six months ago, I find out she'd been seeing someone else on the side for the last year of our relationship. Fast forward six months of tears and breakup, and now she lives with the 'other woman'.

The 'other woman' was Alison Duncan. A literal brain surgeon, 10 years my (and Natalie's) senior at 36. And damn if she's not one of the most objectively gorgeous creatures to ever walk the face of the Earth. I would be head over heels for her, if I didn't hate her so much.

Since our breakup Natalie texts me from time to time, mostly for relationship advice. And I, ever the sucker, continue to talk to her, against the advice of, well, everyone..

And that's really all you need to know.

So anyways, I was sitting at the bar (because of course Alison Duncan has a bar in her house) sipping on my drink. Then my second. Then my third. Now I take pride in my tolerance level, but at this point I was feeling a little warm. Some guy came up and sat next to me. Now, guys aren't really my thing, but I figured some harmless flirting and conversation couldn't hurt. Besides, I needed the confidence boost.

"So like, what are you?" He asked at one point, significantly drunk.

Usually that question is put forward with a little more finesse, but always comes up when I meet new people. I've got big eyes, straight, dark brown hair, tanned skin, skinny body body. So people are usually pretty confused as to what ethnic background I belong to. I won't lie, it's a tiresome question, and half the time I just say 'German' or 'Native American', instead of the truth, which is a mix of all four.

"I'm German," I told him, sipping away at my drink.

"Ooh, my car's German," he answered in slurred speech.

"Oh really?" I asked, feigning interest.

"Yeah," he smiled, and put his hand on my leg, meaning it was time for me to go. Now I understand not all men are douchebags, I abide by the theory that most aren't. And this one maybe wasn't, when he was sober, but he was at that point. And there are few feelings more satisfying in this world, then telling off a douchebag.

"Then fuck your car," I told him, and took my leave.

"Whatever, you're all skin and bone anyway. Ain't a curve on you bitch," he said as I left.

I just sighed, telling myself it wasn't true, and started to walk around the party aimlessly. Word of mouth had been that Alison Duncan was out of town, and this party was being held by Natalie. Besides Summer, I really didn't know anyone else there, so I just wandered, thinking about Nat. I had even subconsciously worn a button down that night, with a front clasp bra, something Nat used to love me wearing because it was 'so sexy to take off'.

Eventually I made it to a hallway that was sectioned off from the public. With liquid courage running through me, and a need to be alone, I snuck into the hallway and perused the rooms.

A small gym here, a powder room there, the fancy dining room and then finally I found it. A guest room. Somewhere to lie down, just for a second. I opened it and shut the door behind me. The queen bed inside was beautifully propped on a chestnut frame with pillars at each corner and an majestic headboard. The sheets and pillows and comforter were all paper-white, and as I went to the side and collapsed at the waist, sending my my upper half down onto bed spread, I found out they were as soft as they were blank.

I just stayed like that for a while. My feet were still on the ground and yet I was so weirdly comfy. I reached to my left to grab a pillow and brought it under me long ways, so its length went from my head all the way to just before my waist. Then I smelled it. White citrus.

White citrus is the fragrance mist Nat used to use. It was seeped into the pillow. I couldn't help it. My head turned into the plush, firm rectangle and I buried myself into it, taking in the scent. Without thinking I pressed my body against it. It was like she was under me again. It was like…

I got up and ran to the door, clicking it locked. I tuned off the lights, the only light in the room being from the full moon outside seeping through the windows. And I went back to where I had been.

I kicked off my shoes and tied my hair into a pony tail. I un-tucked my white button-down, but kept it on. My navy blue skirt wasn't short, but a skirt is a skirt, it can be flipped up. I got on the bed from the left side again, on top of the pillow, my knees just inches from the edge. And, finally, I lowered myself down onto it.

"Mph," I let out at first contact of my panty-clad mound against the pillow. God it felt good. I had masturbated only three times in the last half of a year since my breakup. Every time I tried I just got sad, missing Nat, and it had gotten to the point where I literally had to plan it ahead of time. This spontaneity was nice.

I arched my back, sending my mound against the pillow, then my slit backwards against it, and finally up off the pillow a little. Then I sent it back forward, un-arching my back a little. I kept doing this, biting my lip as the pent up frustration was worked out of my body with my pussy grinding forward and back on the pillow. My back arching repeatedly, sending my ass up and down in the air. You know how humping works.

My face buried back into the pillow, taking in the scent, imagining Nat below me. Imagining it I was on her leg. At one point I even started kissing the pillow. Tongue and all, as my body pounded the pillow. But then I just bit it hard, trying to keep my whimpers quiet. The only noise was the faint beat of music playing out at the party and my own breathing.

"Hah…hal….hee," I moaned through gritted teeth in a weird, breathy way of saying 'Natalie'.

Finally, I could feel it. Within the dark pleasure of my grinding was the faint light of an impending orgasm, just building to shine through. I redoubled my efforts. A few loose hairs came undone from my pony and made their way in front of my face as some sweat formed on my hair line. My hand went under me and under the pillow, finding a place under my mound to harden the target of my humps.

"Oh baby," I whispered to my imaginary Nat. I felt stupid hearing myself say it, but I kept on.

I groaned into the pillow as my climax approached, and I humped faster and faster. Finally, thinking of Nat, my body started to quake and I kept humping while I came, my face burying into the pillow and screaming. I tried to ride it as long as I could but, disappointingly, had to stop out of pleasure, my hands body wanting to enjoy rather than work, and my orgasm left me earlier than I wanted. If someone had been there, they could have kept it going for me, but still, it was more than satisfying.

I lay there panting, my lower half naturally still moving slightly. You know when you have an orgasm, and it makes you even more horny for the next one? That was what mine was like.

"Keep going baby," a voice whispered in my ear. I'm still surprised I didn't scream or shoot up or even turn. I just opened my eyes and was met with the familiar face of Nat.

She was crouching at the foot of the bed, watching me. Her big brown eyes looking straight into mine. I just stared at her for a little while, my mouth still in an O shape from my orgasm. Then, I don't know why, but I did. I kept going.

Very slowly, with on hand still under the pillow, I started moving again, my hips making small movements on the pillow that I'd already made a little sticky at that point.

Nat came around behind me and I heard clothes being pulled off. She walked around the bed in her bra and panties, watching me as I humped again. Standing across from me, our eyes locked as her hand went inside her thong, the thin triangle of fabric stretching as her fingers rubbed her mound. It was getting incredibly hot in that guest room.

She circled back around behind me and her bra and panties were thrown away. Before I could look back I felt her hands on my back and I almost melted. She grazed them up my back into my hair, undoing my pony tail and letting the hair fall.

At this point she pressed her body into mine.

"Ahh," we both sighed, as I felt her chin rest gently on my shoulder, her breasts form into my back, her lower half mold onto my ass.

Nat's hands circled my hair around my ear and her bottom lip traced up my ear. Her hot breath made my skin raise with goosebumps and anticipation.

"Don't stop," she whispered. I hadn't realized, but my body had stopped thrusting when she landed on top of me. So I continued it as best I could with her weight on me as she kissed up my neck, her soft tongue coming out to trace the way all the way to my jaw. Her kisses made their way on my cheek and finally my lips touched hers once again. It felt so familiar, and yet so new. So carnal. Wet and hungry and hard, yet passionate and sensual.

We kissed and I once again forgot about my pillow. Until she left my lips and got up, kissing her way down my the nape of my neck, my back, and stopping at my waist.

Then I felt a different wetness.

Nat took a moment to push me and my pillow forward to the middle of the bed. I kept going, not missing a beat, but she positioned herself at an angle above me, and lowered her mound onto my ass.

At first it was a little awkward, but we got the hang of it. And luckily, unlike Nat's curvaceous, fun, jiggly backside, mine is much more hard and boring, so her grinding worked well for her pleasure.

Nat moved back and forth on my butt. As she did she bunched up my hair and gave it a light pulling, using it as a rein for her ride. I continued to hump my pillow, making her ride even better. She humped my ass harder and harder, making me try to flex against her and forget about pleasuring myself, and soon Nat was screaming for impending ecstasy. I was concerned someone would hear us but the music was still going strong outside the walls.

Nat moved put her hand down on the bed and pressed into me as hard as she could as she came against me, biting my back and squeezing my hair, both firmly, but not painfully, as she kept her volume below a certain level and came all over my left ass cheek, her body shaking on top of me until naturally let herself go and rolled off of me.

She shot and and knelt behind me, her hands going to my ass, ripping my underwear off, and once again she whispered, "Keep going."

So I did. As my motions began on the pillow, her hand spread my cheeks apart.

"Old habits die hard I see," she said. And without warning her wet finger probed my ass and slowly entered it, something else I had prepared for my night alone.

"OH MY GOD," I screamed out in a breathy whisper, "I missed you…"

"I missed you to Rosey," she told me, "Alison doesn't like doing this."

Nat's finger in my rosebud was the push I needed to start riding the pillow harder. As she pumped me slowly my pussy attacked the pillow with purpose, trying to slam my orgasm out of it. But, on my upswing, without warning, Nat pulled the pillow away from me and pulled her finger out of me.

Without skipping a beat she knelt next to me as I raised up on all fours. One hand spread my ass, the other went under me to rub my sex, and her tongue licked my rosebud.

It was divine.

In almost no time, I was gone. Coming harder than I had in half a year to the forbidden touch of the woman I loved and hated. My body shook and I fell to a lying down position during my climax, but Nat fell with me and continued to rub as much as she could with her tongue still working at my ass as I writhed all over the bed for what seemed like forever, my moans either at full volume or into the comforter below me. My body twisted and turned, every inch of it receiving pulses of pleasure, every nerve getting a shot of electricity that hit a peak and continued to strike from time to time in aftershocks as I cam down. It finally subsided and I just lay there, breathing heavily into the bed.

But then the lights flipped on.

Nat and I shot up on our knees in fright. Nat grabbing the pillow to cover her naked body. A woman was standing there. She closed the door behind her and just stared at the situation. It was Alison Duncan.



  1. First read on /r/sexystories and very horny indeed, likewise part 2 would be most welcome.

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