A Billionaire Stepbrother Romantic Tyrade: Dealbreaker -by Zoe Knox [MF, Sex, Oral, Cunnilingus, Blowjob, Young Man, Billionaire, Stepbrother, Alpha, Bad Boy, Taboo Romance, New Adult, eBook, KU, Kindle]

Hi r/erotica, this is our first self-published novella! I'm going to post a bunch down here, if anyone would like to read the rest inbox me and I'll send you a PDF, or if you're feeling generous you can pick it up for cheapest we could make it ($1.50) on amazon (title is Stepbrother Billionaire Romance: Dealbreaker, I know you guys don't want this place turning into spamcity, so no links).

We wanted to get this in front of eyeballs, but we'd also love feedback, especially in the form of an amazon review. If we can get just a few of your thoughts on our kindle page we might actually be able to sell a few copies :)

Anyway, on with the show

Not bothering to knock, he opened the door and immediately regretted it.

Valerie stood topless in the middle of the room, her back to him as she faced a naked couple in the most absurd poses he had ever seen. His sister had a brush in one hand and was busy painting over the girl’s breasts.

“Jesus, Valerie!”

Valerie turned in surprise to face her brother, quickly covering her breasts with her free arm.

“Knock, you dumb fuck!”

Alex quickly closed the door and waited outside. He closed his eyes, trying to shake the image of his little sister out of his mind, and knocked on her door.

“So now you get it right,” the reply came from the other side.

“Are you decent?”

“When am I ever,” Valerie called back. “Just come in.”

Alex opened the door, his sister standing with her hands on her hips and dressed in a paint-stained top, staring at him angrily. The couple behind her was still naked, but didn’t seem to mind.

“What’s the matter with you?” Valerie shot at him.

Alex folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the door. “Chuck said you wanted me.” Valerie gestured at the couple, their naked bodies half painted in different colors, confusing Alex as to what exactly his sister was up to. “Body painting. What do you think?”

“You asked for me because you wanted to show me naked people?” Alex asked, raising an eyebrow. “I think I get enough of that already.”

The girl giggled and Valerie shot her a look that made her instantly quiet.

“What do you think of the paint, moron?”

“Whatever happened to canvases?”

“I’m making dad a wedding present,” Valerie smirked. “I’m thinking of having them stand outside his door like magnificent pillars or human rainbows.”

Alex was amused. “I think Roger would love it,” he said, standing up straight and pulling the door closed as he was starting to leave. “If you’ll excuse me.”

“Wait!” Valerie stopped him. She ran into her walk-in closet.

Alex glanced at the couple, the man a chiseled pack of muscular finesse and the girl equally appealing. He winked at her. His sister had no idea about art, but she certainly knew how to choose her girls. “And you are?”

The brunette stood up straight and smiled. “I’m Sheila, and this is Tim.”

“They’re called Pillar A and Pillar B,” Valerie interrupted, coming out and handing him a suit. “Stay away from my art.”

“What is this?”

“Wear it,” Valerie said, pushing him out of her room. “We have guests tonight. The bitch and her whore are coming for dinner.”

Alex was about to say something before Valerie shut the door in his face.

Chapter 4

Carmen threw her head back and moaned.

Her hands found the back of her boyfriend’s head as she felt his tongue lick at her. She closed her eyes, letting the warmth of his mouth comfort her. It had been a long week, and she needed this more than anything in the world. Hank looked up and smiled when he saw Carmen’s reaction, intensifying his licking, sucking at her clit as her juices flowed. He had always loved what he could do to her, and if given more time, would have fucked her until they were both collapsed together in the backseat of his car.

“Ah, baby, you do that so well,” Carmen moaned, grabbing him by the hair and rocking against him.

Hank pulled away and licked deeply into her pussy lips, sending shivers all over her body. He smiled as he devoured her, his hand brushing up under her blouse and squeezing her breasts, pinching at her nipples. Carmen looked at him with eyes that begged for more, her mouth hung open in disbelief, but he knew how to tease her.

The longer he kept it up, the harder she’d cum, and she always returned the favor gratefully afterwards.

He gasped as her foot found its way to the bulge in his pants, rubbing against it, stroking his erection until he felt he would burst. She rocked her hips against him, pushing him deeper against her pussy.

When her cell phone rang, they both groaned in unison, frustrated at the interruption.

“Let it go,” Hank pleaded, pushing her down again.

Carmen pushed him away and quickly peeked at the caller ID. When she saw Alex’s name, she immediately stopped what she was doing and grabbed her phone.

“Oh, come on!” Hank grunted in frustration.

“I have to take this, baby,” Carmen said, adjusting her clothes as she stepped out of the car. “He’s my boss.”

“I thought working hours were over!” hank called after her, sighing miserably when she closed the passenger door and answered her phone.


Her voice was shaky, paranoid that he might somehow know what she had just been doing. It was a ridiculous notion, but she always felt that Alexander Collins could see right through her.

“Carmen, where are you?”

“I’m with Hank,” she said. “Is something wrong?”

“I need you to be my date tonight,” Alex explained, not really asking her. “Try to be at the mansion by seven.”

“Sure,” Carmen stuttered, goose bumps inexplicably breaking out across her skin as she looked back at Hank guiltily. “What’s the occasion?”

“My father’s forcing us to dine with his future wife,” Alex replied, “and I want an excuse not to be there for too long.”

“Ok, I’ll be there,” Carmen said.

“Good,” came the reply. “Say hi to Hank for me.”

Alex hung up, leaving Carmen alone to come up with an excuse for cancelling her plans with Hank.

Chapter 5

When the door opened, Deborah found herself staring into one of the biggest foyers she had ever seen.

She had always known Roger Collins was rich, but the inside of the mansion took her breath away. The floors were lined with carpets of varying colors, dark but exotic, carefully matching the obviously expensive furniture and geometrically placed antiques. The entire room screamed out money, and for an instant Deborah felt like she was intruding on a world where she had no right to be. It made her uneasy.

“Can I take your coats?”

Deborah followed her mother’s suit, giving the butler her less than impressive coat, his face saying everything she needed to hear. They waited for him to hang the coats before allowing themselves to be lead through the majestic room and into the main hall.

“Master Collins will be down shortly,” Charles said, gesturing for them to sit down before leaving them alone.

Deborah looked around for a place to sit down, uncomfortable and already wishing she hadn’t let her mother talk her into coming with her.

“Master Collins?” Fiona asked, smiling at her daughter and winking. “Something out of those romance books you read?”

“You keep forgetting that those books are actually yours,” Deborah said, taking in her surroundings, feeling more and more like she didn’t belong. “Mom, this place is huge.”

“A big step up from our apartment, isn’t it?”

“A big step up from any apartment,” Deborah said. “What the hell are we doing here?”

Fiona frowned, sitting down on a couch that seemed to envelope her. “What do you mean?”

“I think we’re in over our heads,” Deborah explained. “It’s like it’s a completely different world.”

“Oh, stop it,” Fiona huffed. “You never knew how to enjoy the finer things in life.”

“A steak dinner is the finer things in life,” Deborah sighed. “I’m not so sure about this.”

Fiona was about to say something when she caught her daughter staring, turning her head to see Alexander walk in. The young man had an astounding presence, his suit only accentuating an incredible physique underneath, his long strides confidently matching the air of power he seemed to carry with him. He reminded her of a younger version of his father.

Alexander smiled at his guests, trying his best to hide the contempt he felt as he approached them. His eyes quickly moved away from his future step-mother, the woman barely a speck on his radar, to take in the girl his father was to adopt.

Deborah tried to stay calm as she shook Alex’s hand, his firm grip sending shocks through her body as he smiled at her. She returned the smile awkwardly, mesmerized by his emerald green eyes, as if he was looking right into her soul. She felt her knees go a little weak, and quickly composed herself in fear of embarrassing her mother as well as herself.

“Ladies,” Alexander greeted, kissing Fiona’s hand in welcome. “It’s great to finally meet you both. Welcome to our home.”

Deborah shared a quick look with her mother, smiling slightly as she saw how charmed the woman was. It was never too hard to win Fiona over, and Alexander was doing a terrific job so far. Still, there was something about him that made her uneasy, a slight insincerity in his voice that troubled her. She shrugged it off.

“Keep your hands off my fiancé,” Roger Collins laughed as he walked in behind his son, clapping him on the back and taking Fiona in his arms. “Be careful of this one,” he joked. “He has a habit of stealing my women.”

“He’s charming,” Fiona said.

Deborah turned and found Alex staring, fixated on her. He smiled when their eyes met and quickly looked away. Deborah felt herself blush, and quickly shifted her attention to her step-father as he took her in his arms and kissed her cheek.

“Welcome to the family, sweetheart,” he said. “If you’re anything like your mother, you’ll fit in perfectly with the rest of this façade.”

Deborah whispered a quick thank you and smiled. Roger took her mother’s arm and started to lead them away.

“Come,” he said. “The food is waiting.”

Chapter 6

Alexander couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

Deborah sat quietly at the dinner table, obviously uncomfortable, awkwardly eating as the entire family and guests sat around the large dining table engaged in small conversation. His father was doing most of the talking, discussing plans and dreams with his future wife while the rest of them were required to listen carefully. Every now and then he’d ask someone a question, and interrupt them before they were even through with their answers.

Alexander quickly lost interest, and despite how ravishing Carmen looked in her red dress as she sat next to him, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from Deborah. Her auburn hair flowed in locks to her strapless shoulders, the dark blue dress a stark contrast to her smooth skin, the light in her eyes was captivating. He felt like he could stare into them forever, and realized he hadn’t thought about booting them out the door in literally minutes.

Deborah had noticed him stare, and would quickly look away each time she caught his eye. She felt different, awkward with the attention, and tried her best to concentrate on the nonsense her future step-father was saying. Billionaires or not, this family had serious issues.

Alexander felt a leg kick him hard under the table, and he turned angrily to Valerie. She just frowned back at him scornfully, her lips pressed tightly together. She gestured at Carmen and mouthed something incomprehensible.

“How’s Hank?” Alex turned his attention to his assistant, keeping his voice low.

The redhead seemed to wake up from a trance. “He’s fine,” she smiled awkwardly. “Wasn’t very pleased about last minute change in plans.”

“I’ll call him,” Alex offered, cutting at his steak.

“Please don’t,” Carmen begged, sipping from her wine. “You intimidate him enough without having to talk to him.” Alex smiled. “Are you saying he’s threatened by me?”

“Anyone would be threatened by you, Alex,” Carmen said. “Have you looked in the mirror lately?”

“I’ve been going to the gym,” Alex joked, pushing a piece of steak into his mouth, chewing slowly.

“You don’t need a gym,” Carmen smirked. “You need a reality check. Not all woman are enthralled by power.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve been staring at her all night,” Carmen gestured with her cup at Deborah.

Alex looked in the girl’s direction, lingering a moment too long, then went back to his dinner. “Are you jealous?”

“Please,” Carmen smiled. “I know what’s below all that money and sex appeal is something your thousand dollar suits can’t hide.”

“Trust me, my interest goes only as far as to figuring out how to stop my father from making the biggest mistake of his life.”

Carmen doubted that. She had seen the look on Alex’s face before, a deep animalistic desire to conquer and own. She admittedly wished that he would look at her that way, and a part of her knew that she would have willingly given herself to him if he asked, but she was content just where she was. She knew what happened to the girls Alexander Collins chewed up and threw away, and she had promised herself not to be one of them.

She almost felt sorry for Deborah.

“Ok, time for my gift!” Valerie jumped up from her seat, immediately forcing everyone’s attention towards her. “Charles, bring them in.” The old man looked at her for a moment before dropping his head and opening the dining room doors.

Alexander almost choked when he saw Valerie’s models walk, naked, rogue paint in various obscure patterns all over their bodies as they strolled in with smiles on their faces. Carmen dropped her wine glass as Fiona gave a little scream of surprise, Alexander almost smiling when he saw the look on everyone’s faces.

His little sister walked proudly up to her models and stood between them, striking a pose.

“I give you, mother Fiona, a Collins work of art,” she smirked. “I call them, ‘Adam and Eve’, and they’re all yours.” Alex glanced at Deborah, her eyes wide as she stared at the naked couple standing near their dinner table. He wanted to break out laughing, but knew better than to ruin the moment by taking away any attention from his sister’s theatrics.

Carmen leaned over to him and whispered, “Can a man actually be that big?”

Alex hid his smile with his wine glass.

“What the hell is this?” Roger yelled, his booming voice shaking the room and scaring his guests. He looked at Charles angrily. “How can you take part in this?”

“Daddy, I asked him to,” Valerie said, cutting Charles’s apology short.

“Valerie, get this ridiculous display out of my sight!” Roger hissed, grabbing Fiona’s hand and quickly pulling her to her feet as he stood up. “I’m so sorry, please, come with me. I think we’ve all lost our appetite for tonight.”

Valerie smiled as she watched her father leave, turning to wink at Alex as he finally let go and broke out in laughter. Deborah stood up, mouth still wide, looking at him accusingly.

“See something you like, Debbie?” Valerie teased. “I’m more than willing to share with my sister.”

Deborah felt tears sting her eyes as she walked briskly out of the room, looking down as she passed the naked pillars that held their pose with smiles.

Carmen smacked Alex on the arm. “She’s your guest,” she scowled, and raced after Deborah.

Alex stood up, wiping his mouth as he made his way around the table to his sister.

“I thought that went well,” Valerie smiled in the suddenly quiet room.

“Very mature,” Alex mocked, unable to hide his amusement.

“Oh, you liked it, too,” Valerie waved at him and turned to observe her art. “I only wish there were more of these two.”

Alex gave her a quick hug and left her alone with pillars A and B.

Chapter 7

Valerie knew she would have the wrath of her father to deal with.

She stood in her walk-in closet, smiling over the night’s entertainment as she undressed. Her father had tried his best to salvage whatever he could after her little showing, having had to escort his guests out earlier than planned. He had barely said a word to her, disappearing in his room after they had left, giving her a look that promised hell.

She didn’t care. She had gotten under his skin, and that was all that mattered. She only hoped she had bothered his bitch enough to make sure she gave the whole idea of marriage a good second thought.

Valerie walked out of her closet, clad only in her panties and bra, and stockings pulled up to mid-thigh as she struck a pose for her guest. Pillar A lay seductively on her bed, paint washed off, his husky body a temple of joy waiting to be discovered. Valerie walked to him slowly, taking the whole of him in, every arch of muscle begging to be caressed. She stood in front of him and opened her legs, smiling wickedly.

“Are you just going to lay there?”

The man slid off the bed, smooth as a cat as he knelt in front of her, his hands grasping her by the ass and pulling her closer. She moaned softly as he nestled his nose between her thighs, rubbing through the silk fabric, making her wet. His hands cupped her cheeks firmly, squeezing them, sending shivers up and down her spine, and when he moved the fabric of her panties to one side, she waited in anticipation as he breathed her in.

Valerie threw one leg over his shoulder and grabbed him by the back of his head, pushing him into her, burying his face between her wet lips as his tongue found its way inside her. She shuddered as she felt him lick her up and down, finding her clit and flicking at it expertly, forcing her to grind against him as he maneuvered her hips in circles.

She would deal with her father’s wrath in the morning, but for now, she was going to enjoy herself to the fullest.

Chapter 8

Alex stopped dead when he opened his bedroom door and found Valerie’s model naked on his couch. He looked behind him to make sure this wasn’t one of Valerie’s sick jokes, and when he was sure they were alone, closed the door behind him.

“I forgot. Was it pillar A or B?” he asked, smiling at the naked blonde, legs crossed as she smoked a cigarette.

“It’s whatever you want it to be,” she licked her lower lip and uncrossed her legs, opening them as she blew smoke out in rings.

Alex took off his suit jacket, loosening his tie as he made his way to the couch. “Sheila, right?”

The blonde grabbed him by the tie and pulled him down to her level, planting a kiss on his lips, her tongue finding its way into his mouth. She pulled back and took another drag from her cigarette, leaning against the back of the couch as she lifted one foot to his crotch and began to rub his erection.

Alex took the cigarette from her, his tall frame towering over her as he took a drag himself. He watched as Sheila smiled at him, hands pulling his shirt out of his pants and running up his abs. Her fingers traced the six pack he’d been sculpting for years, and she slowly stood up, unbuttoning his shirt as she moved. Alex watched her amusingly, raising an eyebrow as she took the cigarette away and bent over to put it out.

Sheila wiggled her ass at him, tempting Alex to grab her, his masculine hands squeezing as he waited for her to turn back around and take off his shirt. He smiled at the way she looked at him, her hands tracing circles all over his body, her wetness pressed against the bulge in his pants. She kissed his shoulders and moved down his chest, licking around his nipple, tracing a line down his abs as she fell to her knees in front of him.

She smiled as she unbuckled his pants, pulling them down and wrapping her soft hands around his cock. She looked at it lovingly, and placed her wet lips over the head. Salivating over his cock, she introduced her lubricated hand down, and up, squeezing the wetness into his shaft and pumping slowly.

Alex took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as he felt her soft lips follow her hand, deeper and deeper with each stroke, feeling her tongue caress his shaft, feeling the head sink effortlessly into her throat.

Valerie was in complete ecstasy.

She lay thrashing on her bed, legs spread and fists grasping onto the sheets as her boy toy pleasured her. His tongue was like a joystick, a magical organ that had found ways to lick her she had never experienced before. He used it well, very well, licking up and down between her lips, putting pressure against her clit, digging deep inside her pussy. She was grinding her hips against him, her hand pressing him down, using his face for one orgasm after the other.

She couldn’t take it anymore. Valerie pressed one foot against his shoulder and pushed back lightly, sitting up on her elbows as she tried to unstrap her bra.

“Allow me,” he said, pulling her towards him by her legs, his strength making her gasp. He lifted her up on his lap as she wrapped her legs against him, his cock pressing hard against her as his hands unsnapped the bra with only the slightest sign of difficulty. Undone, he ripped it off her, immediately using his magical tongue on her nipples, sucking them in deeply and flicking them with his broad tongue. She moaned loudly, grinding her hips against him, whimpering softly as it rubbed against her clit.

He stood up and carried her with him, effortlessly suspending her in the air as she wrapped her arms around his frame and held him tight. His mouth never left her breasts, and with only one hand holding her, he used the other to move his cock into position and slide her down. She gasped in pleasure as she was lowered down onto him, her pussy being pushed into, filling her up, the size of him enough to blow her mind.

His hands held her ass in the air with unwavering strength, and using her as his fucktoy started to rock her against him, moving his hips with her as he pushed in and out. Valerie had never felt this much pleasure at once, not knowing which was driving her crazier, the thrusting of their hips or the suckling of her nipples.

She moaned loudly, scratching at the muscles of his back as he turned and moved her across the room. He pushed her against the wall, Valerie resting her head as he positioned her hips for better balance. Once he had found it, he had her screaming in pleasure, pounding her like no tomorrow, pushing deeper and deeper inside her.

“Harder!” she begged. “Fuck me harder!”

This man was eager to please, and Valerie screamed as he worked her. She could feel his muscles tense with each thrust, his hands on her ass squeezing tightly, his cock reaching places she had never felt touched before. When he reached one hand in between her thighs and rubbed hard at her clit, she was pushed way over the edge all at once.

Her mouth opened wide as she exploded, gushing with her orgasm, leaving her leaning limp against him, gasping for breath.

He set her down softly, making sure she found her balance as he kissed her neck, holding her by the hips, still inside but unmoving. She clenched her muscles and squeezed him, his hands responding with the same on her breasts.

“Oh, I’m definitely not done with you,” she whispered, sliding him out and pushing him onto the bed.

Valerie straddled him, pushed his cock inside her and moaned in pleasure as she started to ride.

“Fuck me, Mr. Collins!”

Alex had Sheila over the side of the couch, her ass in the air as he pounded her pussy. Her wetness was bliss, his cock sliding in and out easily as she moaned in pleasure. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back firmly, one hand grabbing her shoulder as he moved harder and deeper inside her.

Sheila screamed in pleasure, begging for more, begging him to fuck her hard. Her screams excited him, and he pumped her from behind with absolute animalism. He closed his eyes and threw his head back, grunting as he worked his hips. He visualized Carmen in front of him, pictured the ass he had often sneaked a look at it when she wasn’t looking, imagined her screaming in pleasure like this girl was.

“Oh yes, harder!”

Alex was brought out of his fantasy abruptly, angry at being interrupted. He smacked Sheila on the ass, the girl gasping in pleasure, and did it again for good measure. Sheila looked back at him, bit her lower lip and reached a hand between her legs.

Before she could start masturbating, Alex pulled out and grabbed her by the arm, pushing her on her back as he climbed over her and pushed inside. The blonde responded with a loud moan, her fingers digging into his shoulders as he pushed deep inside her, his motions picking up space as she whimpered in ecstasy.

He grabbed her by the hips, arching her upwards as he moved faster, harder, her screams deafening. He pictured Valerie smiling in her room, listening to his present call out to the Gods as he fucked her. The blonde was looking at him in surprise, her mouth open and her eyes wide as he gave her what she had asked for and more.

For now, his fantasies of Carmen could wait.

Valerie screamed as she came.

Lying on her back, hands grasping onto biceps the size of her legs, she begged her lover to fuck her. She had never felt this much satisfaction in one go, the man holding himself back well as he sent her into one orgasm after the other. She could feel her legs numbing, shivering as she tried to hold onto him, and in the back of her mind she knew that she would have troubles walking the next day.

When his moans became louder, she knew he was about to come, and she slid him out, grabbing his hard cock and began pumping. His hands were wrapped around his waist, and when he came, he exploded onto her, showering her up to her breasts. Valerie squeezed as he came again, and when he was finally done, closed her eyes in satisfaction as he collapsed on the bed beside her.

She smiled, her hand resting on his chest.

Sheila was on her knees, her mouth wrapped around Alex’s cock as she sucked on him. He could feel his muscles tense, his hands grabbing locks of her hair as her head bobbed up and down on his shaft. Her tongue was pressed against the underside of his cock as he slid in and out of her, feeling himself reach a high he hadn’t reached in a while.

The blonde was looking at him, their eyes locked, and when his head rolled back, she started to pull him out. Alex quickly grabbed her by the back of her head, pushing his cock in deep, stopping her retreat. With her hands on his thighs, the muscles tensed, as Alex moaned in pleasure and exploded in her mouth.

He came hard, his orgasm rushing straight to his head, and he felt his entire body shudder with its force. A jet of cum erupted into her mouth, and another, and a third time, before finally he pulled out of her and collapsed onto the couch.

Five minutes later, he had her on her back again, her screams filling the room.

Chapter 9

“She didn’t?”

Deborah sat with her knees drawn up to her chin, Sally laying comfortably at the other end of her bed. She had slept terribly, images from the night before had been circling in her head until she’d finally given up on sleep altogether, only drifting off some indeterminate number of hours later. She felt harassed, embarrassed, promising herself that she would never go back to that place again. Her mother had told her that Valerie had just been lashing out, but she couldn’t find a way to actually accept that as an excuse.

She had called in sick, immediately feeling guilty when Sally had stopped by to see what was wrong. She had tried to get the girl to go back to work, but when she wouldn’t budge, had told her everything.

“She is one sick cookie,” Sally said, grimacing.

“You have no idea,” Deborah said.

“How the hell are you going to live in that house?”

“I’m not,” Deborah said, shaking her head furiously. “If my mother wants to live her life with that mess of a family, then that’s her choice. I don’t want to have anything to do with them.”

Sally looked at her friend long and hard, thinking how to best get her out of the house and out of her mood. She worried about her, fearing that she may never return to work now that she knew who she was working for. Still, Fiona hadn’t seemed fazed, and it was hard to believe Deborah would leave her mom alone.

“Tell you what,” Sally jumped up onto her knees. “I’m suggesting ice cream, a walk in the park and then coffee and more ice cream.”

Deborah smiled and threw a pillow at her. It didn’t change the fact that she liked the idea.

She was getting dressed when the doorbell rang. Both girls froze when they heard Fiona open the door and Alex’s voice reach across the apartment. What he was saying was barely audible behind her closed door, but her mother’s laugh was enough to prove that the younger Mr. Collins had turned his charm up really high.

Sally looked at her with her eyebrows raised, and Deborah quickly shook her head. She didn’t want anything to do with him, let alone welcome him into her home. His assistant had been able to calm her down a bit, but it didn’t do much to dampen how she still felt after last night’s embarrassment.

Fiona opened her bedroom door, walked in and closed it behind her. “Alexander Collins is outside,” she whispered.

“What the hell does he want?” Deborah said, raising her voice, unwilling to share in whatever politeness her mother was trying to portray.

Fiona scowled at her. “He came to apologize for his sister,” she said.

“Why isn’t his sister here to apologize herself?”

Sally smacked Deborah’s arm.

Fiona walked up to her daughter and pointed a finger in her direction. “Stop acting up,” she said. “We both knew this family’s reputation, but that boy’s father has been more than kind to me, and to you. I love him, and he’s going to be your step-father in a few days. You don’t have to like it, but I expect you to respect it.”

Deborah stared at her mother in surprise, oblivious as to when the last time was she had talked to her that way. “Now you go out there, accept his apology, and I’ll deal with his little brat of a sister later.”

Deborah crossed her arms across her chest and huffed, looking at Sally for support. The blonde just shrugged and slumped down on the bed, unwilling to get in the middle of her and her mother.

Deborah sighed and shook her head, stomping out of her room.

Alexander Collins stood up quickly when she walked into the small living room, dressed in jeans and a button down shirt that fit him well. The greenish brown made his eyes stand out even more, and for a second she felt like no matter what he said, she might still forgive him.

She looked at him squarely in the eyes.

“Let’s just get this straight,” she said before he could get a word in. “I don’t care who you are, who your father is, or how much money or power you have. What my mother feels towards your father is none of my business. But don’t, for a second, think that you can pull something off like last night and expect me to be ok with it.”

“Ok, first of all, good morning,” Alex said. “I see you’re obviously not as sick as you claimed to be.”

“Watch it,” Deborah warned.

“Second of all,” he ignored her completely, obviously believing he was dominating the conversation. “I came to apologize for what Valerie did, not me. You want to yell at someone, yell at her.”

“Are you trying to say you had nothing to do with this?”

“Nothing whatsoever,” Alex said, his smile disarming.

Deborah was furious, but tried to keep her cool, not believing a word he was saying.

“Finally, don’t talk to me like that,” he said, smiling slightly. “Ever.”

Both of them turned when Sally came into the room, waving awkwardly at the both of them.

“Don’t you work for me?” Alex frowned.

“Yes, yes I do,” Sally stuttered, looking from Deborah to Alex and back again. “I was just here to make sure Deborah was ok.”

Deborah was about to say something when Alex cut her off. “She’s fine,” he said, enjoying the awkwardness the blonde was in. “So why are you still here?”

“She’s my guest,” Deborah hissed at him.

Alex raised an eyebrow. “She’s my employee,” He looking at her before turning back to Sally. “And if she wants to stay one she better get back to the office.”

“She was about to take me out for coffee,” Deborah protested, hands firmly at her side, challenging him.

Alex was unfazed. “I can do that,” he said quickly.

“You most certainly will not,” Deborah shot back.

“Well, she won’t either,” Alex smiled. “It’s either coffee with me or no coffee at all.”

Deborah stared at him angrily, Alex returning her gaze calmly with a smirk on his face that she was more than willing to smack off. She hated how much of a presence he had standing in her own living room, making up rules, running the show like they were all a cast in his own little life. She understood how some girls would find that appealing, but she thought it appalling.

“How about I just go?” Sally said.

“Good thinking,” Alex said, his eyes locked on Deborah, neither breaking their stare.

“Sorry Deb,” Sally said as she grabbed her bag and opened the front door. “I want to keep my job.”

“Don’t worry, Sally, he won’t fire you,” Deborah said. Alex’s smile widened.

“Bye, Sally,” he said as she quickly left, closing the front door behind her. Alex cocked his head to one side. “So, coffee then?”

Chapter 10

He didn’t understand it. He had no idea why he suddenly felt captivated by the brunette he had hated since his father had mentioned her. But, here he was, sitting in a cheap café, clearly out of place, watching her sip on their ‘affordable’ coffee and actually enjoying himself. It surprised him, and in a good way.

Alex stirred the cup of coffee in front of him, eyes fixated on Deborah. She looked at him from time to time, uneasy with his stare, wondering how he got away with it without someone commenting on the fact that it was slightly creepy. She felt eerily enamored, though, and that just made things worse. She wanted to hate him, and he was making it hard for her to do that.

“Coffee too hot?” she asked.

He blinked quickly, taken aback by the question. “Sorry, it’s just not what I’m used to.”

“Worried someone might see you slumming it with the common folk?”

Alex smiled, and Deborah almost felt like melting. Damn it!

“I doubt I’ll bump into anyone I know here,” he said, his cockiness only slightly on the side of bearable.

“You know, for a guy with a lot of money, you sure know how to make friends.”

“I don’t need friends,” he said. “People are usually after my money, so I tend to keep my distance.”

Deborah squinted at him. “You know, I almost feel sorry for you,” she said, “then I remember who I’m talking to and I immediately regret feeling anything in the first place.”

Alex pulled a cigarette out of his pack and lit it. “I could see why my father likes you,” he said, blowing smoke in her direction.

Deborah took the cigarette out of his mouth and put it out in his cup. “He likes me because he’s marrying my mother.”

Alex stared hard at the cigarette in his cup, eyebrows raised. “He obviously loves her enough to adopt you.”

“I never asked for that.”

“You didn’t put up much of a fight.”

“Trust me, after what happened last night, I completely intend to.” Deborah took a sip from her coffee and looked away.

Alex lit another cigarette, gazing at Deborah through the smoke, trying to place her. Just two days ago, he was furious. Now, he felt like he couldn’t get enough of her, and the fact that her opinion of him was so low made it interesting. He wasn’t used to being treated the way she was treating him. No matter how tough they came, women usually swooned around him, and to have her challenge him was refreshing.

“You’re staring at me again,” she said, frowning.

“You know, I get you think I’m a jerk, and I probably deserve that most of the time,” Alex said, using his cup as an ashtray. “The thing is, I rarely care about other people’s opinions.”

“So why are you being nice to me?”

… And that's as much as I can fit,

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Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/3pogdp/a_billionaire_stepbrother_romantic_tyrade