Sexy Scrabble: part 3 [f] [mast] [orgasm]

I am sitting in my old red Honda Civic in the parking lot of my school. Gahhh! Normally, I would be excited to leave my piece of shit car and make my way to the school’s courtyard to gossip with my friends before dreaded school started. But this Monday morning, I am dreading seeing Ethan. I know he’ll be there in the courtyard…with my best friends/his girlfriend Rachel.

I hit my head back against my car’s headrest. Why does life have to be so complicated? After I cummed all over Ethan’s basement floor and the haze of lust had cleared my mind, I then realized I had just tried to fuck my best friend’s boyfriend. In a blushing red panic I had grabbed my purse and ran out of his house, forgetting that there was even a scrabble game to finish.

That was Saturday, and we still haven’t spoken about it yet.

Do I tell Rachel? Should he tell Rachel? Or should we pretend this never happened? With a sigh I exit my car; I can’t avoid my friends forever.

I make my way over to the courtyard, and I see Rachel give me a huge grin. Great…she still has no idea.

“Morning Rach” I mutter out “Is something wrong…you look sick?” My friend, the ever perceptive, Benjamin Rodman asks.

“She’s fine Ben! It’s just 7 am on a Monday…you know how Courtney can be.” Rachel answers for me.

“Yeah” I answer while staring at the ground.

“Hmmm did you have a hard time sleeping,” Ethan asks me. I look up to see a mischievous glint in those green eyes of his.

But before I can even begin to question him, the school bell rings, sending us off to class. I breath a sigh of relief to be alone in Calculus class. I know it’s weird. Normally, I hate my first morning class as none of my friends are in it. But right now, with all the drama that has sprung up between me and Ethan (literally sprung), I am just happy to be alone and working on math. Yes math. My brain can still handle math. Math is logical. Math makes sense. Math isn’t sexy.

“Ok class quiet down” yells my teacher Mrs. Orangeman, “Today we will be going over finding lines tangent to the curve.”

I am copying down notes. But all i can see is the shape of the parara being a breast and the flat line that Mrs. Orangeman is drawing is Ethan.

And suddenly Ethan is on top of me. Kissing me. Working his way down to my boobs. Licking them. Pulling and grabbing them.

“Courtney!” Mrs. Orangeman’s voice pulls me out of my day dream.

“Umm yes Mrs. Orangeman” I reply trying to keep my voice in check.

“How would I solve problem number 3” She asks but it is more of a command.

I look down in my book “ummm take the derivative.” I give the most generic guess I can and I hope she takes it.

“Good” Mris. Orangeman clips out to me. “Thank god she likes me” I think to myself as she moves onto her next victim: “Billy how would we take the derivative.”

I feel the telltale wetness between the folds of my pussy lips. Mmmm damn that little wet daydream has left me turned on. I need to get rid of this pent up sexual tension.

Raising my hand I ask. “Mrs. Orangeman, may I please go to the bathroom?”

“Fine Courtney but make it quick” she sighs out.

“Yes ma’ma” I reply.

I rush down the hall to the ugly pink tiled restroom. I lock the thin off white stall door in hope that it will give me some privacy, but that’s probably asking for too much as there is a full foot between the floor and the bottom of the door and several inches between the door and the next stall’s wall.

I push myself up into the corner of the bathroom stall, hoping no one else will enter as I slowly unzip my pants. Sliding my tight tan shorts down to my thighs, I start to trace the soft fabric of my white cotton panties. Ever so slightly I brush a finger over my quickly swelling pussy lips. A soft gasp escapes me as I push part of the panties aside to trace a finger over my still smooth pussy. Right now, I know, it's not the most sexy of places, but I am so horny at just the thought of Ethan. I want this…no I need this. Like the bad little girl I am I begin to run my finger up and down my wet slit. The elastic of my panties is pushing against my right lips, which is giving me an even better sinsation. My index finger finds my clit. I brush it up and down to the side. Then I begin to try and find that one…ohhhh I let out a soft giggle. There it is. That spot underneath my clit that makes me giggle with pleasure. I slow move my finger down my silky smooth slit. Deeper and deeper until I find that warm soft hole. Mmmm, I moan out as I curve my index finger. I begin to swirl my index finger around and around, feeling the little wet ridges of my pussy. My walls tightening with every thought of Ethan.

Slowly, I move my other hand up my flat stomach and to my plump pale breasts. Pulling down my shirt and bra my left boob is now exposed. I start to grope at it: squeezing and pushing. My fingers pinch and twist my little pink nipple. I can feel my heart rate increase and I know I'm getting closer to losing it. With rapid breaths two finger are now inside my wet pussy, furiously pounding in and out….in and out.

“Oh..yes..yessss, yesssss right there Ethan!” I moan out.

My pussy walls spasm around my finger as tingles of pleasure race through my body. And for a moment I am on cloud 9 as all my sexual tension and stresses have been released.

And then I hear it, the sound of the bathroom sink being turned on…OH FUCK!



  1. > finding lines tangent to the curve Sexy sexy math. Courtney is quite the nymph for being so turned on during a calculus class, heh. I thought the beginning was rather cool to start developing some tension. Definitely a nicely written masturbation scene as well. I look forward to what you have in store. Stay awesome. :)

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