Father/daughter in Future Post-apocalyptic Society [Mf] [inc] [fantasy]

November 29th, 2320

Today is my birthday. But it’s not just any birthday; it’s my 15th birthday. In Pachem, where I live, this is very special. Today is the day I start my transition from girl to woman. Over the next three years, I will learn everything I need to know in order to maximize my contribution to the fatherland and to my community. Mother will teach me how to run a household. I’ll be taught the feminine wisdoms of generations passed—or, at least, the wisdoms of the past six generations. Nothing exists from the time before the revolution save for a few myths and legends. Tonight we’ll have a big party. I can’t wait for the dancing and the cake! I’ll finally be allowed to try wine. It’s the most special day in any Pachem woman’s life. And after the party, I’ll have my christening ceremony with Father. No one knows what happens during the ceremony. Once a girl reaches womanhood, she stops attending school. Even if I do see my friends that have started the journey, they’re not allowed to tell me what happens. It’s a secret.

“It’s time to start getting you ready” says Mother as she enters my bedroom. Well, it’s not really mine. I share it with my brother and sister. After tonight, though, I’ll get a room of my own. I wish that she was more excited. I’m so jealous of my friends and their warm, loving mothers. They seem to love throwing muliets for their daughters. I know Mother is organizing mine out of obligation only. But she’s been cold and distant my whole life, why stop now? “Get in the bath” she orders. I’m washing myself as usual when she hands me a razor and cream. “You need to shave the hair under your arms, on your legs, and around your womanhood.” “What?” I ask. “Didn’t you hear me?” she looks at me with raised eyebrows. “Okay” I shrug as I begin shaving. I guess this is something adults do. I finish my bath and walk back into the bedroom to find new undergarments on my bed. At least, I think they’re undergarments. There’s a white bra with matching panties. They’re lacy and mostly see-through. Mother comes in and hands me a garter belt and stockings to match. “Those are for you—for under your dress.” I put on my new articles and I feel… different. I’m looking at myself in the mirror when I hear from the other room “Are you dressed yet? We haven’t got all afternoon!” I quickly put on my muliet dress, a white and form-fitting gown, and my matching white high heel shoes. These are much less comfortable than what I’m used to. But, no one said womanhood would be easy.

In the bathroom there’s a spread of cosmetics and creams. “These are yours” Mother says, glancing at the vanity. “Now I’m only going to show you how to use everything once. Pay attention.” I’m so excited to finally have makeup! Mother shows me how to apply everything from foundation to lipstick to blush. I must say, when we finish I look very glamorous—even more than I was expecting. The red lipstick especially makes me feel…powerful. Mother shows me how to dry and curl my hair. I love the way it bounces! Just like the women on the Pantene commercials! “Okay, are you ready?” Mother asks. I grin at her at she rolls her eyes “let’s go.”

The party is everything I hoped it would be. Thanks to my aunt, everything is decorated beautifully in lavender and silver—my favorite colors. The people of my commune all got together to make food. It was some of the freshest seafood I’d ever tasted. And the fruit was sweet like candy. At first I didn’t really like the wine, which was disappointing, my mother told me to keep drinking it. After a while, it wasn’t so bad. In fact, it made me feel kind of silly. Everyone danced and sang late into the night. To close the party, Father and I danced to the traditional muliet ceremonial song. After the last note, the guests cheered and started to make their exits.

“Lura, are you ready?” father asked. “I guess so,” I answered. It’s hard to know if you’re ready if you don’t know what to be ready for. “Okay, let’s go to your new room.” He holds my hand as we stroll back to the house. Things are always so much nicer with Father. He is kind and patient, the honey to my mother’s vinegar. He leads me up to the their floor and into my new bedroom. It’s beautiful! There’s a big, four post bed, two nightstands, AND it’s painted lavender. He sits down on the bed and pats the spot next to him “come have a seat.” I sit down and he grabs my hand. “Lura, as you know, for the next three years your mother is going to teach you how to run a household and be a mother.” I nod. “Well I am going to be teaching you how to be a wife and lover.” I tilt my head and look at him inquisitively. “Husbands and wives participate in something called fornication. They do it to express their love, and when the time is right, to create children.” I feel a tingling between my legs, but I’m not sure why. “I’ll begin now. Make sure to tell me if anything doesn’t feel good.” I nod.

Father begins unzipping my dress. “Stand up, sweetheart” he instructs. The dress begins to fall off my body. As it drops to the ground he looks at me in the mirror. “Someday you will make a man very happy.” He unclasps my bra and removes it gently from my shoulders. Standing behind me, he kisses my neck and runs his hands down my waist. “Why don’t you lay down on the bed?” I sit down and lay back, my legs hanging off the side.” Father kneels between my legs and removes my shoes. He drags his fingers gently form my feet all the way up to where my stockings are attached to my belt and unclips them. Slowly, he removes each stocking from my legs. My body feels different—more alert and sensitive, swollen even. Father presses two fingers between my legs. “Good, you’re lubricated—very lubricated” he says “that will make tonight easy.”

He unclips my belt and tosses it to the floor. Reaching up from the side of the bed, Father gently takes each of my nipples between two fingers. A little moan escapes my lips. He squeezes them gently and I feel my legs involuntarily spread just a little. Then he runs each of his ten fingers down the length of my torso. I squirm. It doesn’t tickle, but it makes me feel… something. For quite sometime, Father gently runs his hands all around my womanhood, but doesn’t touch it. He caresses my inner thighs, my lower belly, but not my special spot. I don’t know why, but I really want him to.

Finally, with just the tip of his pointer finger, he taps the very top of it. I gasp. “Father please do that again!” “Sure sweetheart” he coos, “I think you’re ready. Oh and in here, you should call me Daddy.” “Okay Daddy.” He takes to fingers and rubs the special spot in slow, gentle circles. I never want it to end. Nothing could feel better than this. Then, I feel something different. Something wet. I look down and Daddy is licking me! My legs spread even wider as I try to push myself into him. Sometimes he uses big, long licks and sometimes tiny, quick licks. I feel something building up inside me. I’m scared of it. It’s like a balloon. What will happen if it pops? “Daddy, something’s happening,” I gasp. “It’s too much!” He removes his mouth from my womanhood and says “no that’s good, sweetheart. Just relax.” I lay my head back down and he returns his lips to me.

Feeling more relaxed after Daddy’s reassurance; I let myself melt into the feeling. I grind my hips into Daddy’s face. I feel the urge to touch myself and gently pinch my nipples—just like Daddy did. “It’s happening Daddy!” I say as I feel my body reaching a tipping point. Suddenly, I feel daddy in a new spot. It’s his finger and he’s sliding it INSIDE me! I let out a loud cry. I can’t help it. Suddenly an intense pulsating starts between my legs and reverberates through my whole body. I start twitching and tensing up. I feel myself tighten and then loosen around Daddy’s finger over and over. This lasts for what seems like forever.

After the feeling finally subsides, I ask Daddy what happened. “That was an orgasm, sweetheart.” “I really liked it.” “Good, that will happen every time we practice. And eventually, I will teach you how to make that happen to me.” Feeling tired, I crawl into the covers. “Daddy, will you sleep with me?” He looks hesitant “I’m not really supposed to, honey.” His eyes scan my face and then my breasts. “I suppose just this one night.” He gets under the covers with me and I snuggle into him. I feel something very big and hard press into my behind. “Daddy what is that?” “I’ll show you another night. Go to sleep now, it’s been a long day.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3oovk5/fatherdaughter_in_future_postapocalyptic_society

1 comment

  1. Suggested edits: Parag 6 fingers gently (form) my feet fingers gently (from) my feet Excellent!

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