Coaxed? Coerced? Compelled. [M/F, BDSM, forced orgasm]

Today hasn't been simple.

Walking down the third floor hall your heels click the hardwood floors.

Three? Really? Who demands three like that! He didn't even ask nicely! Pssssssh! Orgasms were supposed to be fun. And the first one certainly was. And the second was a delicious struggle. But the third. Chills roll through you. That was metaphysically out of you screaming. Literally, screaming. It felt great and terrible at the same time.

"Don't forget, we have some shopping to do in an hour." You hear that now familiar radio-esk voice call from the second floor.

Sven. That’s all you really knew him as besides Sir. And you almost exclusively used Sir at this point. 6’1 and around 190lbs his sandy blonde hair and crisp blue eyes made it hard to determine his age. But the best part? He was well endowed. Eight inches and so thick there was that heavy thuwmp you felt when he smacked himself against your face. Shaking your head you try to focus.

Glancing down you try to recall when you were last fully clothed. Two…no…three days ago. Shopping could be fun. But that familiar ache flows from your stomach and sets in hard between your legs. Knowing that your body is at his beck and call…yum. Your nipples harden briefly as a goose bump driven shudder rolls through you. Best not to surrender too quickly. Being used is just too much fun. But everyone has to work a little bit for it…yes?

Yes. Yes they do.

Carefully you walk hall trying to keep the heels from announcing your movement so you can surprise him just once. Like a lithe cat…but stuck with a collar and a bell. Well the collar isn't metaphorical but the bell is. At least the heavy D ring on the collar doesn't jingle. But just once you'd like to dress yourself for a day. Your full breasts double bounce as you glide to a stop at the stairwell.

"Did someone say shopping?!" You giggle. “It’s not like I ever get to wear clothes around here. Why bother?”

After a slight pause you hear "Indeed. But this will be a little different." From below.

"Meaning I won’t be getting fucked silly by a bunch of strangers?" You say loudly and relieved that today is looking like a light day.

Another slight pause and "Just focus on getting ready. It’s important that we get to the clothing store on time." And you can hear the smile roll across his face.

Relief ebbs slightly as you follow up with "What does that mean?"

As your thighs involuntarily tighten. Yes…but no. That second one was a struggle and the third just…well…animalistic. The grueling need driven by your wildfire libideo as it ehbed and pushed against your exhausted body. So sore.

But the only clue you get is "Stores have hours where they are open and closed. Now, I'll be up to dress you in twenty minutes. Clean up and no makeup until after you’re dressed."

You roll your eyes and pantomime "Blah blah blah…" Quietly with your mouth while tilting your head back at forth. Which unfortunately makes the D ring chime against the silver collar. Fuck!

"I heard that. Ten swats." You hear the smile more clearly now.

Jumping slightly you belt out "I'll clean up right now. But realize the swats really aren’t a viable form of punishment for me."

With a laugh you hear “One has to try at least!”

Your legs still quiver. The butterflies in your stomach wake slightly and goosebumps roll over your skin as you recall earlier today. Several hours earlier an intense experience happened. At first it seemed like after four months you were finally getting the attention you deserve! There you lay, stripped in bed with only a sheet. Having been used multiple times by multiple partners the night prior, you were appreciating the rest.

But Nooooooo! No rest for the wicked. You smile to yourself as you quickly skip down into the master bath. Tub or shower? Shower. There's no time. But you smirk as you think about the last time you were in that tub and drained every ounce of sexual energy out of him. His scent is so amazing. If you could just find out how to wrap yourself in his arms all the time you certainly would.

Waiting for the water to warm you remove your heels and set aside a towel. So soft and fluffy. He does have great taste in materials. Towels, clothing, art, house finishings, decor…leather, ropes, gear, devices…Damnit! Not again. You feel a slight tightness between your legs. No more distractions. Best to recuperate while you can.

Quickly showering you step out and towel off. The smooth terry cloth caressing your skin. Just like the hands that have been all over your body these last few months. At that thought a taught ache blooms between your legs. So sore. Your full breasts heave as you breath in. Trying to calm yourself. You can’t get wet right now. It’s just too much…and that’s something you’d never thought you’d say. A soft whimper passes your lips.

You step back and focus on you brushing out your wet tresses. They spill in very small knots. Well kept by a professional hair dresser every two weeks, it’s hard to find much to complain about. But you set to drying it out as best you can.

You watch yourself in the mirror. A nice natural form. Curvy and subble that’s brought so much pleasure to others…and had pleasure from them. Your curves quake softly with each brush stroke. You know you’re breasts are always his focus. That’s how you’ll always get him. When he thinks he has full control you can always erode it slightly by bending just a little to low. Or shifting your arms up to push them up.

Celestial. That’s how he describes your body.

With a giggle you heft your breasts and give your butt a quick wiggle as you pad down the hall again into the master closet.

You stand on the leather ottoman and wait…hair slightly damp.

Waiting…again. So boring! You look around the closet. It always amazes you how you can find something new that you didn’t notice before. This shirt or that skirt or those shoes…the shoes…mmmm…best closet ever!

You idly flash back to just earlier today.

At first you were startled by the whirring of a vibrating wand. But once it lightly touched your thigh the wildfire within you sparked. And after what felt like minutes the sheet was gone…somewhere…and thighs wrapped tight around the head of the wand and on your way to bliss. His hand came up on the back of your neck. His thumb and forefinger firmly gripping your muscles at the base of your neck. Massaging. Relaxing you. Light breathing and just a mild focus and you were there. Hips thrusting and all done.

That was a great appetiser but the lustful fire always blazes and flames until the second one leaves you fully sated.

It took a bit longer for the second. And halfway through you got bored and started to back away…but the vibrator followed. And you tried again but just wasn't feeling it right away. Some coaxing and you really did try. But then you heard a murmur of frustration from him.

Then your world spun and you were pinned with knees on your arms and a jean covered crotch in your face. It wasn't as hard after that. Fantasizing about the large member that you've loved with every part of your body…right there. Only protected by an inch of distance and some jeans. Your neck tilted and your lips pressed against his jeans as you ran your lips over the edge. If he's determined maybe you can distract him.

It almost worked. His pelvis came forward and you could feel the growing firmness behind the cloth. But his hand clamped on the same spot on your neck again and forced your head up. Now all you could do was watch the vibrator between your legs as your amazing tits pooled on your chest.

With his scent fully in your nose you finally felt the tickle at the base of your mind. How does he always smell so good? He can synthesize whatever he wants as long as he gives you a mouth full of your favorite oral delicacy.

That first real spark which will race down your spine and kick off a sensation that you absolutely need. Your stomach tightened and your chest heaved with breath. Arms pinned and uncomfortable but not enough to distract you from the inevitable it starts to race down you. Your legs spread wider and you push your mound up to rub against the vibrator. “Very good. Give me another.” you vaguely heard him say through lust fogged perceptions. But the motion invoked that soreness you get from too much exercise…but not where most normal people feel. Only were a true slut feels it. Between her legs. You’ve been so used. Pounded again and again. That soreness ached through your pussy…and you didn’t care.

One more orgasm would be amazing.

And then the fire rolled through you. As if it was ignited by gasoline. It coursed through you. Quickly, firmly and draining. The flow of lust leaving your legs. Your clit so hard and swollen. Your lithe frame started to shake. A soft breath that changed to a moan…shifted to a throated gasp as you finally started to cum. The fire rushing through you as you squealed out “Yes. Yes. Yes! Yes! YES!” as the blaze crested.

Finally it started to die down. Breathing slowed and his legs came off your arms. Limply you lay there.

Then felt him moving around you. You felt his hands…was that…Cuffs on your ankles? But they felt strange…a weird weight…or pressure…or…you can’t close your legs. Is that a spreader bar? Glancing up with lust drunk eyes struggling to focus you look down. It was. He’d hooked a spreader bar between your ankles. Not like you’ve EVER tried to close your legs before.

Lazily you murmur “That’s ridiculous…you don’t need one of those.”

You think you see him grin and hear “We’ll see.”

You roll your eyes to yourself. Some men never listen. Never really get it. It’s not like you’ve ever turned down a good fucking…or even fought off a bad one! But if he wanted to pretend let him. For someone so experienced he does seem a bit like an amature right now. But in retrospect you should have put up a slight verbal protest. Then it got ludicrous. Rolling you onto your side then face down. While your legs are still splayed open. He firmly takes your hands he ties them in reverse prayer. Ok, that’s enough.

“Really? You think I’m going to fight anything later?” you smirk.

Then a serious tone comes through from behind you. “Give it a few minutes. We’ll see.”

Then a thought rocked through your mind. What if he just leaves me here like this for the rest of the day? That would be no fun at all. And just like him! Had his fun with his toy and now time to put it away? Fuck.

But before any other thought can come after you felt a very firm and slick phallus at your opening. Slowly pushing against your sensitive and abused pussy. Such a pounding she’s had lately. And all you could do is let loose a long throaty moan as it entered you. A sense of tension and light soreness boiled through you. Still sensitive and he’s wasn’t letting up. Then it clicked.

You’re were going to cum again whether you wanted to or not. And for the first time in your life you considered trying to close your legs.

Your mind raced for a way to confirm. “Wait…wait…let's give your favorite little fuckbox a rest for an hour or two.”

Then then most hellish chuckle came from behind you. Followed by a flat and empathy devoid “Nah. Besides…I didn’t need the restraints, did I?”

You groan out “Well how was I supposed to know your intentions?”

Only to hear back “By now you should realize I’m always going to push you.”

And an insidious smile played across your lips for a brief moment.

As the phallus is pushed into you colors roll through the back of your mind. A myriad of dazzling colors exploded through your mind. Cycling and rolling through various shades. Until they settled on a simple familiar color. A deep red which promised to bloom into a vibrate flame orange if not quelled soon.

The phallus felt strangely pliable yet firm. It started to fill you. You could feel it intruding against your soft and abused inner walls. It was heavily and taxing at the same time. The taught soreness reminded you just how much you had been used…and just made you wet even more. Short clipped breaths began to sputter out of your mouth as you tried to focus. But it didn’t help. You were too sensitive and worn out.

Your breasts pressed firmly against the mattress pooled beneath you. This was terrible. No way to distract him. Then you had the bright idea of jiggling your backside. In hindsight it must have been hilarious. So sore with the phallus opening you up all you could do was writhe. Which managed to get you a firm smack on the right cheek but that was it.

And it still kept going deeper. Ranging into you at a depth that only a few men, him included, had explored. The fire. It was awake now. Something about the persistent reminder about how well used you were staged it’s key position. Seated deep inside you. That fire began to grow. The heat followed. It stoked your body and rolled through to settled deep between your legs. You must be incredibly wet in spite of how sore you are. And delicious thoughts fogged the pain and boiled your lust. Being used so much. Firmly. Soundly. It was beyond your comprehension. And you relished it.

Finally the phallus bottomed out against your cervix and that was it. Your mind switched into animal mode and your sexual energy started to charge up to a threshold that you couldn’t understand.


No time for anything else. You laid the right side of your face firmly on the mattress and set your mind to a new idea. You started to gingerly fuck the phallus back. You could only muster a slow rolling motion given your position. But it was enough. You could feel your sore inner walls yielding to the intrusion.

A delightfully abused pussy still ached with hypocritical needs. One to be filled, fucked and pounded until she yielded all her energy to him. The other a protesting ache which constantly cried out for a rest. Time to recover.

His scent still lingered and helped to calm you through it. It was so extraordinary. Filling your mind to a point that you felt you would do anything to taste him. You loved to lick and suck him deep into your throat for as long as you could. Letting him just close off your breathing as you struggled to touch your tongue to his full balls. Those were moments you cherished. Would lock away into your special mental vault to pull up eons from now when you needed personal release.

And then a brilliant bright surprise hit your clit. A quiet vibrator thrummed against the sensitive nub and you were off. The fire coursing through you. He was going to have another orgasm from you no matter what. And…at this point…that was more than fine with you.

Minutes went by and the phallus just remained locking into your depth. The only stimulation from it was rolling your hips into it. Yet now you could feel him turning it slowly. Then you heard the most unearthly hoarse moan come from…somewhere. It sounded like an animal in rut. And you realized it was from you. God. That was terribly embarrassing. You cut it off as soon as you heard it.

A hard smack came across your ass followed by “Don’t hide from it. You need this as much as I do.”

You nodded your head.

Really? You thought to yourself. Is this what I need? I’ll show him what I really need. And the challenge was on. You started doing more than just rolling your hips. You began thrusting your hips forcing the phallus to gently rub your sore cervix.

How long had this gone on for? You couldn’t clearly remember.

Hours…certainly at least one. Nope. Now that you’re here in the closet you realize it was probably a few minutes. Sighing loudly with exasperation you feel the tension currently between your legs. At this point, after the shower you’re so worn out and sore. Three orgasms and not counting what happened last night. But just reliving this most recent orgasm gets you wet. Reaching down you check and sure enough. Your excitement has started to build a light clear fluid at your opening…again.

Your mind races back to earlier and how you were determined to help him extract this third orgasm from you.

Amazingly you were starting to feel the fire flood closer to your mind. If this kept up it was likely you would cum again.

It was after a time you felt and heard the strangest sensation. It sounded like a quick snake hiss. And felt the phallus expand inside you. You let loose an exclamation of surprise and at the same time felt your soft supple inner walls protest slightly. It had inflated.

You smiled inwardly in spite of the discomfort. A+ for creativity!

With each thrust you felt the inflation grow. It passed the post workout soreness and moves into the really good stretch of aching muscles. Fuck. You needed that so badly. That stretch would never have happened without something like that.

But slowly the wildfire inside you forced your mind fade back into the rhythmic need. That hammering in your body was your pulse. Hot flaming blood coursed through you now. Your clit…it was unimaginable. So overstimulated yet still it clearly begged for another release. You couldn’t control yourself.

It was the build up that took forever. So close to the edge then fading back. You were certain it would never come. You could feel his hands adjusting multiple times trying to relieve tired muscles but still he pushed you on. Through sensations you could barely remember now.

And then it hit. It had snuck up on you like a mugger with a blackjack. Depravity scratched at the thin veil left on your psyche with just one claw. A slight tear. But the pressure behind that veil was like Hoover Dam being held back by a sturdy piece of paper. The licentiousness rushed through shattering what was left of your coherent psyche and surged up and into your mind. Rolling down through our body. Through every muscle, bone and nerve ending. A fiery electric energy that no one could stop.

The phallus continued to grow. Stretching you out. And it wasn’t moans or groans at this point. Flat out grunts. Inelegant…don’t give a flying fuck who hears…just need to cum and cum hard…grunts.

Your body thrust wildly back and repeatedly. Almost forcing the phallus to beat an entrance against your cervix. As if it was a thick battering ram forcing entrance into your womb.

Out of nowhere your back arched over itself. Accidentally thrusting your womb to the phallus you blindly recall a slight pressure that felt like your womb opening just a little. It bumped your cervix hard and pain and pleasure shot up through your spine as your breath just locked. Eyes rolled back and you were done.

A burning blaze of hot orange lust rolled through you so hard your back muscles didn’t relax for a full half minute. You lay there arched with your chest so high only your nipples touched the floor. Hair shook and you trembled like a drug addict getting a fix.

Then a slow relax as you numbly remember him removing the restraints.

Well, that was certainly it for today! If I hit a wall like that certainly I get rewarded with shopping! And just for that I’ll tease him some you think to yourself. Looking around the closet you try to locate that top he likes to put you in. The one where your tits fall out every few minutes. Spotting it you get up and rearrange the cloths so it’s more obvious.

Hearing footsteps in the hall you rush back to stand on the ottoman and wait for him to enter.

“I see you’re up and about.” he says.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask.

“Well you slept for several hours and I honestly wasn’t sure if you’d wake up in a fully cohesive state. Mentally I mean. At the end…you…well, you stopped breathing for at least twenty seconds while your eyes rolled back and your eyelids just fluttered.” he says flatly.

You scoff. “It’ll take more than a hard orgasm and a little inflatable dildo to do me in.”

“Agreed.” he chuckled. “Here. Put these on and do your makeup to match. The shop closes soon. Oh…and one more thing. Bend over.”

Sighing you step off the ottoman and turn your back to him. With the ottoman in front of you, you lean forward to place your palms flat on the leather surface. Ass up and heavy breasts hanging down you wait with slight trepidation.

You hear him come around to your side and without warning his hand quickly and silently jets through the air. And comes to land firmly on your right ass cheek. A slight sting flares up and you feel it. Your head jerks up slightly as you moan lustfully.

You grunt and utter “Thank you Sir for my first smack.”

Well…at least he’s not stuffing his huge cock inside me! You think gratefully to yourself…and then a slight regret creeps in at the back of your mind. And so it goes. Two, three, four, five, six…and now they hurt. Your butt will be hot and bright red for hours. With each smack you let your tits sway forward then back. You catch him staring out of the corner of his eye. Good!

With heavy panting you finally yell out “Thank you Sir for my tenth smack. Would you like to spank me again?”

Lightly his hand caresses your cheeks…smoothing out the hot burn slightly. “No. Dress and makeup. Quickly.”

You nod and grab the cloths then race into the bathroom…stuck wondering where you’re heading and what you’ll be wearing. But more importantly what will you have to do?

Sorting out the cloths you start to…which is…what the fuck is this shit?! Underwear? A business skirt? Blouse? What kind of sex fiend dresses conservatively? Ugh. Quite boring! “Underwear? Really?” You yell out.

Along with hearty laughter you hear “Well maybe it's time you learned some decency.”

“Decency? That’s exactly what I need. Right after I’m done draining another cock with my mouth I’ll skip down to Church and learn all about God…and seduce the clergy.” you scoff as you reluctantly pull the tight black thong on. And tight it is. Almost as if it was intentionally one size too small.

“Yes, yes, you’re an accomplished slut…to be regarded and whorshiped by all.” You hear his voice closer and he enters the bathroom. “But before you get too full of yourself stop dressing for a moment.”

You halt and he walks up to you. Gently guiding your form to bend over the counter. And you feel the thong start to slide down your full bottom. Oh shit! Oh no. Not a fucking. Not right now. Too sore. You skitter slightly and say “Wait…just let my wet little cocksheath relax for a moment.”

“No, no. This isn’t that but it might be uncomfortable. Just try and think about…other things…like seducing clergy.” and you can hear the smile on his face without even looking in the mirror.

There is a pressing sensation but not his finger. Something is entering you and it isn’t that big but it also almost has a grip to it. You can feel one side sliding over your clit as another enters past your full, swollen and all to sensitive vulva. You whimper slightly but he keeps pushing this weird finger like gripping device against you. You can feel the base of it start to settle. The front, which runs over your clit by about two fingers width is firmly in place, it the clearly curves down and then back up to enter inside your abused pussy.

“See. Not too bad.” he says as you feel the thong come back up. He adjusts it…and the motions trigger that soreness again and you worry that if he stays at this too long a small spark will fire in the deep recesses of your mind and start your lustful wildfire again. But once firmly in place he steps back. “Think of that like a plug.”

You test your inner muscles with a squeeze around it and immediately regret it. Ugh. Just way too sore right now. Well at least you know what’s not happening inside you for the rest of the day.

Then he motions for you to continue as he takes out his phone. Quickly you pull the light blue skirt up. At least there isn’t panty hose. And you don the white silk blouse. It’s a snug fit for your chest but not enough to show anything off. You frown to yourself. Well this just got a whole lot more boring.

You pull up the matching business jacket and set to your makeup while he watches. You try to make sure you roll your ass a bit too much…and accidentally hike the skirt up just a bit. His eyes shoot from his phone and down to watch and you smile quietly to yourself as you put on your lipstick. Maybe just be a little careful with how much you tease tonight. Yes. Just a little. Don’t want too much attention later.

“We’ll head to the car now. Just remember to listen closely and do as you’re told.” He says smoothly as he checks his phone.

You snort. You litterally snort out of your nose. And say “Like you’ve ever enjoyed when I do that. Besides…I’m entitled to a little trouble. Just the fun kind though!”

He grins…the same smile you swear you’ve seen on Satan himself, and raises his phone slightly. “You certainly are!” His thumb comes down on the screen and an intense vibration shoots from the device snuggled up against your clit and inside you and held firmly by your thong.

Surprised you cry out and let out a throaty moan as you lean on the counter hard and sink slowly down. Your poor sore pussy. So properly attended the past 12 hours has hit a new threshold. This stimulation…while thoroughly enjoyable…is so intense you can’t catch your breath. The vibration shoots through you for another two seconds that seem like weeks. And finally cuts out.

Panting like an air starved animal you try to catch your balance but just end up sliding further until your ass hits the floor. So this is “Shopping.” ugh. This is not going to be easy.

“Come on. Remember? Stores have hours by which they open and close.” and he tilts his head back and forth in a mock gesture of you from earlier.

In spite of everything a laugh leaves your lips as you prepare to stand and head out. Shopping it is!
