Life drawing with a friend [FM]

Dan should be focusing on the old man modelling in the centre of the class but is instead staring past him and concentrating on a fellow student. He allows himself to bask in her beauty. Her crisp white blouse is falling away from her chest to expose the slight indents of the rib-cage along with a glimpse of her perfectly sculptured collar bones. He wants to run his palm ever so gently over the relief of her clavicles. He wants to wrap his hands tenderly around her elegant neck and lose himself in her essence.

At the beginning, he manages to chat with Elisa for precious but brief moments though as the weeks pass their conversations become longer and longer. He learns she is a modest and warm person but with a quick wit. Dan's heart flutters every time he sees her how could it not? Every time she raises that cheeky eyebrow at his jokes his soul lightens. He’d never met another human who enjoyed chatting at length about anything and everything that interested him until he met Elisa. And not only was she a real human, she was a beautiful and intelligent one at that.

And when she, inevitably, mentions her boyfriend it takes all of Dan's inner strength to control his face from melting. Sadness weighs heavy on Dan for the following class but after a stern talking to from himself he realises he should accept he’s lucky to have met someone like Elisa. However, at the next class, as always, his heart forgets its rhythm upon seeing her.

After the class, as they chat and walk to their cars Elisa suggests an idea to Dan. Elisa tells Dan she's low on funds so she's considering quitting the drawing class but wants to keep drawing people. She wonders if Dan would like to join her. Dan doesn’t really understand exactly what she is suggesting. Elisa says she wants to draw nudes and if Dan is willing she'd like to draw him naked. Dan doesn't know what to say except "Oh". Elisa apologises for being inappropriate and tells Dan to forget it. Dan interrupts, telling her that he'll do it. Dan's smile turns to a frown as he thinks of something, "Don't you live with your boyfriend?" he asks her. "Don't worry, he's always working late or away on business trips, so we'll have plenty of time to draw" she reassures him. Dan has another question "But won't he…you know, mind having you draw me naked and me drawing you?" Elisa is quick to respond "Hmm, well, let’s try me drawing you first and we’ll see how that goes. Anyway, he doesn’t need to know. It’s just art” Dan seems reassured…sort of. They organise a time to meet up before kissing each other on the cheek though Elisa's hand seems to linger on Dan's waist before departing. Electricity is buzzing through his veins. “Her hand lingered…definitely, did she know? Maybe that's a normal amount…Maybe she's just an affectionate person. That was definite lingering…Wasn't it? And I'm sure she was looking at me for too long as well…"

The flat is sparse, functional and impersonal. Dan is a little surprised by that lack of personal touch. Though, he does notice a solitary photo frame on a window sill. It’s a photo of Elisa and another girl pulling stupid faces. Dan smiles at the captured joviality and the small-scale rebellion. Dan looks for a photo of the boyfriend around the flat, he can’t see one.

Dan nervously and awkwardly strips off in the bathroom before moving to the living room. He leaves his clothes on a nearby stool. Elisa is wearing a tight fitting tank top and loose jeans. With warmth, she gives him some direction on his pose before proceeding to draw him. Any tingle of arousal Dan had before he started quickly leaves him as boredom takes over. Dan can’t even enjoy staring at Elisa because she has positioned him with his eyes down. Though, he can see her slender legs and bare feet with their long toes. Never a foot man but Dan is determined to derive as much enjoyment from Elisa's beauty as possible. The sudden rush of blood to his penis as he imagines himself sat at her feet kissing his way up her leg quickly brings him back to reality. "Shit. Did she notice? I don—Is my dick—Shit? It's bigger, isn't it? Is she looking at my dick?" Dan quickly looks up to check Elisa's focus. She's staring intently at her drawing. Dan calms himself down and tries to relax and not think about fucking Elisa as she intently adds detail to the sketch of his face.

She’s studying his face, the space around Dan is blurring as his energy, spirit becomes stronger. The shades of colour in his hair multiply. The outline of his body is sharper. Elisa can see the first hints of wrinkles at the corner of his eyes. She traces an imaginary line from the side of his face down along his jaw. She can feel his stubble tickle her palm. Her spectral thumb moves up to his lips before pulling down slowly and using the moisture from his mouth to create a trail from his bottom lip to his chin. Elisa suddenly feels hotness across her chest. She checks to make sure Dan hasn't noticed. He hasn't. She takes a deep breath and decides to move on. The only part left is the penis. She had noticed earlier that it had been recently shaved and had started to wonder how he shaved it before chastising herself for such thoughts. Now, she managed to concentrate and draw with care and attention.

Elisa brings the session to a close and tells Dan to come and look. Dan puts on his boxers and jeans inelegantly before standing behind Elisa and looking at her drawing. Obviously his eyes dart to the groin area of the drawing first. Yep, there's his completely unremarkable and flaccid penis. He thought this experience would arouse him not humble him.

Later in the week, Elisa messages Dan to organise another session. Dan doesn't feel so enthusiastic about it. But relents and agrees to meet her in a few days.

Dan comes out of the bathroom naked. He's not really sure why he gets changed in the bathroom but he just didn't question Elisa when she suggested it. A sense of professionalism seems to have overcome Dan. He's not thinking about Elisa's body or worrying about his own body. He just wants to be a good model and help out his friend. Elisa tells Dan to stand in front of her with his arms on his hips, chest out and head up. His eyes looking straight at her this time. Uh-oh.

After the initial apprehension wears off he loses himself in thought. Though, Dan’s thoughts tend to be mischievous and it’s not long before the possibility of drawing her naked produces tingling in his dick.

Elisa is not too far from completing the drawing. She chastised herself for wondering how smooth Dan’s skin was, how often Dan had to work out to get those large trap muscles, how much Dan sweats during a workout, how Dan— She managed to stop herself. But Dan’s flat stomach and toned abs were showing off the v shape from the hips to the groin. And this was causing Elisa problems, mainly because she was imagining how hard his abs were and how much she wanted to caress the line further and further down Dan’s body. With deep breaths and more focus she succeeds in finishing off the torso.

Elisa turns her attention to the finer details of Dan’s face. The light from the window behind him is highlighting one side of his face causing half of his iris to dazzle as it stares at her. She holds his gaze for a moment. Her hand isn’t drawing. Her mind is not thinking about detail. For a second, or a minute or an hour, they don’t know, it’s just them. She pulls herself out of the trance and returns to artist mode.

She's done. He puts on his boxers and walks over to look. Dan stands just to the left of Elisa and a few steps back. Elisa tells him to come closer, she wants him to see every detail. He moves closer to her. “No, c’mon closer” She grabs Dan’s waist and pulls him right behind her. She looks impressed "Huh, your abs are tight”, Dan mumbles out a “Thanks.” They’re both staring at the drawing now though Dan’s head is hovering over Elisa’s shoulder while his body stands a few centimetres behind her. Dan is trying to ignore the fact Elisa just grabbed his bare waist and the compliment that followed. If you could see the slight bulge in his boxers you’d realise he was failing. Dan has failed to say anything so Elisa begins to turn around, in an attempt to hide his aroused state he brings his arm around and points carelessly at the painting “I like that, you did that really well.” Elisa looks at the drawing. “What? Your penis?” she says. “Yep” responds Dan unconvincingly. “Thanks. Erm…” Elisa laughs nervously. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you…your penis”. And there goes Dan’s arousal. Dan is trying not to pout. Elisa tries to recover the situation “No, sorry. Seriously, you have…you have a beautiful penis. It’s is perfectly proportioned.” Dan is underwhelmed by the compliment.

The following Saturday, as her boyfriend is away for the weekend, she has asked him to model again. He agrees.

Dan strips off in front of Elisa and asks what position. She tells him to sit in the chair and look at her, he does as he’s told, but what he’s doing isn’t right for Elisa. She gives him a few more directions but he's just not getting it. She stands up and moves over to him. She gently picks up his arm and tenderly positions it on the arm of the chair. Then she places her hands on his knees and crouches down. She adjusts the angle of his legs. She stands up to go back to her stool but changes her mind and with her hand on the inside Dan’s thigh lightly pushes it outward. She returns to the easel while he tries to stop the blood from rushing to his dick. Dan is hyper aware of every millilitre of his body which was touched by Elisa, almost as if she’s sent a mild electric shock through his skin.

Elisa begins to draw. Dan fights the memory of Elisa crouched down in front of his naked body. He remembers her legs wide open as she positioned his legs, her summer dress falling covering her crotch. Back in reality, Dan’s eyes follow a line up her thigh and towards her pussy. Is it shaved? Probably. Hairy? Maybe. At least he’d have the differing textures of her pubic—- Dan forces himself to stop thinking. Oh dear, too late, he can feel it. The blood is pumping into his cock. He can feel it flex up briefly against his thigh. Did she see? He calms himself. Cricket. Cricket. Er, what’s the weather gonna be like tomorrow? Cloudy probably, yep, horrible weather here. Cricket. Cricket is good. Cricket is calm. And there we go. He sighs in relief.

The next hour or so goes by without incident.

She finishes. He stands up but forgoes his clothes. He walks over to her side and checks out her drawing. She can't help but take a glance at his cock and balls swinging and swaying as he walks over. Dan doesn’t notice.

He's almost leaning over her shoulder. Dan is talking about the drawing, giving compliments and some criticisms but Elisa is staring straight ahead and is gently nodding. Dan doesn’t notice her biting her lip. He looks her in the eyes and says something before smiling. She meets his gaze and smiles back broadly. He turns around and goes to pick up his clothes. She stares at his ass as he gets dressed. Dan is halfway dressed when Elisa blurts out that as her boyfriend is away they can draw for longer, so if he wants she can draw him again. Dan pauses and thinks. He says “Okay but I need a bit of a break before sitting still again”. Elisa jumps up “Tea then?” Dan responds “Please.”

They sit at the table drinking tea. Dan is just wearing his jeans. When Elisa crosses her legs her dress shows off a lot of her slender legs. Dan almost strains his neck by not looking at her smooth legs. They joke and laugh with ease. They feel comfortable in each other’s company.

Dan asks about any difficulty Elisa had in drawing him. She says his chest was a little difficult, he queries what in particular. She leans closer and lightly strokes the underside of his pectoral muscle. “Here” She says, she fails to retract her hand and begins to move it towards his neck while she gazes at him with big, glimmering eyes. She traces an imaginary line along the side of his neck “And here.” She cheekily looks down and withdraws her hand “Another part but that’s under your jeans. And I can’t touch you there!” They both laugh nervously. Elisa looks down so Dan can’t see her roll her eyes at herself. Dan suggests they start another drawing, she agrees. As Elisa walks over to her seat he realises her touch has left him with a partly engorged member. He winces before deciding to remove his jeans as slowly as possible. Elisa has prepared her next piece of paper. She’s staring at Dan. She’s lost in the contours of his back. The valley of his spine, the broad steppes of his shoulder and back muscles. He finally removes his boxers. A slight smile flickers across Elisa’s lips. She directs Dan to sit in the chair and to spread his legs, put his arm on his leg and rest his head in the other.

She begins to sketch him. She's sitting on a stool at a slight angle to him, her feet are crossed lightly and resting on a bar. He is staring at her bare, smooth legs.

The light from the window means he can see they've been shaved very recently. They're close together, her thighs ever so slightly squished together. She uncrosses her feet creating a gap running all the way up between her legs. His breathing deepens. The bottom of her skirt casts a shadow on the inside of her thigh. His vision, his thoughts are becoming more and more intense. He can feel her soft skin. It must feel like silk. He squeezes her fleshy thigh between—

Elisa notices the slow lengthening of Dan’s penis. The tone of the thick purple vein which travels along it is deepening. Elisa feels Dan watching her. She gets up quickly and moves over to the kitchen, asking if he wants some water. He snaps out of his fantasy. He expects a rush of embarrassment, but it doesn’t come only a hint of fear and a dash of excitement.

She is looking for glasses in the top cabinet. She's on her tip-toes, causing her dress to cling to her body. Within a second he notices. Lost in the curves of her body. Her skirt has risen to just below her ass. This dress is clingy and has made itself at home in the channel of her ass. Each butt cheek is gripped tightly by the dress. It doesn't take long for him to realise she isn't wearing any underwear. He feels his dick thicken again. He takes a deep breath and looks away.

She can't find any glasses high so she goes low. Crouched down, knees wide open. Her dress may as well not be there, the shape of her ass is clear as her dress is taut across it. He somehow manages to look away and curse God under his breath. He looks forlornly at his partially engorged cock. He looks over to the bathroom and thinks something over. Before he can reach a decision she places a glass of water on the table next to the chair. She sits on the stool and begins to sketch again.

He asks about her boyfriend trying to distract himself. She says he's working at some conference or something, she doesn’t even seem to want to talk about her boyfriend. She has one foot resting at the bottom of the stool causing a small bend in that leg while the other just touches the floor. The view of her inner thigh is increasing millimetre by millimetre as her straightened leg is moving towards him. His heart beat increases with every millimetre. So does the size of his dick.

He doesn't care about his imminent erection. Every thought is about her hidden pussy. Elisa is slowing down with her sketching, her attention is focused on Dan’s flawless, increasingly hardening cock. She doesn’t know if she’s appreciating it for its symmetry, the ideal curve of the head or the beauty of the human form.

Another millimetre. He can clearly see the bikini line of her exposed inner thigh. Definitely no underwear. His penis is almost filled, it flexes up. He doesn’t notice. Elisa has completely stopped sketching. It lurches up, finally fully erect. Dan realises what’s happening, he looks her in the eye. She's staring at his cock, biting her lip. Her tongue subtly licks her top lip. His eyes fall downwards. Her legs open a little bit more. His expectant gaze is met with a completely bald pussy lip before folds of soft pink skin with a trimmed line of hair above.

His penis flexes again.

She eases herself up slightly as she turns her body to face him, her legs now spread wide. Her glorious, juicy pussy stares at him. He stares back.



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