Ashley’s Casting, Chapter 3 [dream] [no sex]

Wiping the cum out of my eyes, I started trying to stand up. Brian had his back turned towards me, and was speaking quietly enough on his phone that I couldn't hear what he was saying. The camera was still rolling, and I was so close to it that I knew I'd be able to smash it, to get rid of that footage.

Drenched in semen, I started tiptoeing towards the camera, grabbing my clothes as I went. The camera was within reach, and I took it silently. Brian still hadn't turned around – I couldn't believe it! I snuck out of the door, peeked to make sure no one was about to walk in on my naked body, and – heart pounding – ran towards a stairwell, slipped my clothes on, and disappeared down the street, still wiping cum from my hair. I had escaped! And I had taken that awful footage with me! What I didn't know is that Brian had let it happen…

"Yeah," Brian said into the phone, wiping cum off of his dick. "I let her go. No, of course I let her take the camera. She thinks she's free. Well, don't worry. We'll get her, and we'll capture the really good stuff. Yeah, I talk to you later."

I was out of money, but I called my roommate, and after bending the truth a little about my situation she promised to send me enough money to fly back home. The only catch was that it would take until the end of the weekend. With two days to spare, I found a hostel and decided to shack up with my remaining cash until my money came in.

I had about fifty dollars, and the camera in my bag, which I still hadn't destroyed. I was surprised how little I had been freaked out about the porno-ambush thing; as a matter of fact, I had been considering watching the footage, but I was just nervous enough not to. It sat silently at the foot of my rented bed.

After the group dinner at the hostel near the end of my first day there, I thanked the owner and decided to return to my room to sleep early. The sheets were itchy, and I had a tough time falling asleep – I tossed and turned for almost an hour, trying to clear my head. But when I finally fell asleep, I had the weirdest dream…

I dreamt that I had awoken in some sort of huge castle or mansion, alone in an enormous bed. I must have been rich, because I was wearing beautiful robes, and there were dresses and scarves hanging all over the cavernous room. The big windows were open and soft air was drifting in.

I stood up and walked over to a mirror, and when I peered into it, a face not unlike mine looked back – the only difference being that it was already made up, my hair perfect.

I realized that I had been holding a phone since I woke up – the old flip-phone variety. I instinctively opened it, and found only one button. I pressed it out of curiosity, and held it to my ear.

I was greeted by an older woman, who asked me in a royal-sounding voice, "hello, your highness. Would you like breakfast A, B, or C this morning?"

"Breakfast A," I found myself saying, although not sure why.

"It will arrive to your quarters shortly. Please present yourself accordingly."

I hung up, and the moment I did so the phone had disappeared, along with my robes. I was suddenly completely naked, kneeling on a carpet in the middle of the room, a soft breeze blowing through had made my nipples become hard. I looked around, confused, but all of the clothes that had been hanging when I woke up were gone. I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said.

The door slowly opened, and I could see there was a small crowd of men waiting behind it. "Come in," I repeated.

They entered my chamber, and I realized that each one of them was naked, holding an unbelievably massive erection. They encircled me.

"You asked for breakfast, madam?" Said the man closest to my face.

Before I could say anything, I was jerked awake. I was no longer in my fantastic chamber, but a dark, cold, room, with just a few unnatural lights hanging from the ceiling. One thing was the same, though – and that was the circle of men standing around me.

I've been really busy, sorry guys! I hope this is enough for now. Feel free to message me with more ideas or just to chat! ~Audrey


1 comment

  1. Make these faster! This is one time where the words "Slower you slut" are not acceptable.

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