Oedipus takes a Train Part II [mF] [inc] [Mdom] [Fdom]

Day 7

Today they have reached a sort of balance. They are in physical contact a lot during the day. To others they are getting along very well but not to the somewhat disturbing heights of earlier in the trip.

Diana comes out of the shower to find him sprawled on the couch in a robe. He got in the shower first and has been waiting patiently reading a book. When she enters the little room he grins.

"I think I need your help mom." he says sounding rather earnest.

"Oh? With what love?"

He moves and loses the robe. Laying flat on the couch. His cock slightly quivering on his belly. Naked of course.

"I think I need a hand." he says and cannot suppress the grin.

She looks at him and there is a deep, twisty, hot shiver. A wave of lust. She licks her lips and drops the robe and towel on the floor. Kneeling by him she looks at his hands and up at his face. He puts his hands behind his head. She nods and strokes one finger very lightly over his dick.

The rod of flesh twitches and bounces up off his flat tummy. She sighs softly and feels the heat in herself. She touches him more. Just a single finger. Very light little strokes. Looping around the head. He moans softly and his cock gets harder.

She soon as it standing up all on it's own. His body lightly quivering. Her other hand comes up to cup his balls. Going slow and easy with them. When she wraps her fingers into an O and moves them down his cock still not making full contact his hips push up.

She grabs the shaft tight near the tip. Squeezing now. Stroking a little but most just really holding onto it firmly.

"This is my cock?" the words come out of her lips without thought.

For just a second she freezes. Those are words from the past. She was not sure she wanted to go where they lead but still she had said them.

"Yesssss." he hisses out.

Her left hand squeezes his balls just the tiny bit more than before. Nothing near pain but still.

"Yes ma'am" she states flatly.

His eyes which had been closed slam open and he looks at her.

"Yes ma'am." he says as he puts his head back down and closes his eyes.

Diana is more than a little freaked out at the moment. She is also hotter than hell. Her clit and nipples achingly hard and she was waiting for the first drip to run down her leg.

Her head lowers down and her lips wrap around his cock. Danny cannot believe strength of the sensations. He realizes that not doing anything like this let him focus. He did not have to hold back at all she would take care of that. There was a moment of darkness over ma'am but he put that aside for later. For now the sensations she was producing in his dick were too good to ignore.

Pulling her head back she does something new. Both hands come up and she lightly scratches his hardness. His breathing goes deeper.

"oooooh fuck… that feels good." he murmurs.

"Does my cock like that?"

"Yes…. ma'am." he finds that word does not come easy.

"I'm glad"

She is really good at this. Somehow she has learned things few women do. It is like he was handing his own cock with the direct knowledge he has. The scratching is intense. Just hard enough for sensations to ripple through him but not harming him more than a touch of redness building up.

She takes the shaft back in her hand and licks on it. The she looks at him and slowly gets one of her own fingers wet.

"What about this? Does my cock like this?"

Her hand goes below his balls and that wet finger first circles the little ring of his ass a few times and then pushes a little into hit.

"woaw. that is…. dirty. but yeah. yeah I like it." he says groaning.

She lets him get away without the ma'am cause her own little pussy is throbbing so hard she is rubbing herself against the side of the couch. Arching her hips a little to get solid contact.

"I want my cock to cum for me now."

She lowers her head onto it. Lips, hand, and tongue working together. Her finger start to slowly slide in and out of his ass. He is breathing hard. His hands want to reach out and grab her. His hips arch.

He cums with a deep harsh sound. She goes into bliss. The feel of it making her grind herself against the couch smearing it with her wetness. Drinking him down. Feeling the pulses in his cock. Feeling the power of it. Her cock. Her cum.

Each blast is distinct. The first so strong half of it goes right down her throat. The ones that follow she is able to catch on her tongue. Swirling it around her mouth. The taste so strong. Her pussy is pulsing. She can feel her own cream welling up.

She is greedy and keeps sucking on him until he starts to go limp. Little dribbles leaking out to be gobbled up. Finally she lays her head down on his stomach.

"Thank you." she says but she is facing away from him. Maybe it was meant for the cock.

Danny is just blown away. It was the focus and purity of solo sex but ramped up by like a 100. It was amazing. Stunning. The little shadow from before still lurks but it barely touches the feeling of contentment he is experiencing right now. Barely.

It takes him a long while but finally he moves. Sitting up he pulls her up onto the couch. He is a little insistent and resists a little with little sounds. But she ends up on her hands and knees facing away from him. When his hands spread her wet slit open and his tongue licks along it she moans long and low.

"Oh god yes. Please lick me. I want to cum so bad." she begs.

Wow he can actually feel the words. He likes them. He is no virgin but the most he has every gotten out of his girlfriends have been a nice moan of his name and a few oh my gods. He feels a rush of power.

He does what she wants and while not as experienced as she by a very long shot he does know the basics. Long licks for a while and then shorter ones to tease the hard bud at the top. Pushing his face against her to stab his tongue deeply into her. Then more licking.

But it is when he locks his lips around her clit that she quivers. She has somewhat large nipples and clit. Nothing overly odd but they do stick out more than most. Her clit when fully hard extends half and inch out of it's hood. Long enough to see the vague similarities it has to a male dick. Her husband never liked it. But the young man between her legs now is pulsing his lips around it and making her thrash against the couch.

60 seconds of having her clit sucked and she explodes in a violent orgasm. Pushing back hard against his face. Trying not to wail and scream she just vibrates and shakes. He rides her the whole way. Losing his hold on her little bud but licking and feeling the gush of cum out of her. Realizing for the first time that girls cum pretty much the same way as guys.

He realized too that he liked the taste of it. Wondering if it ran in the family with a chuckle.

What happens next is fast. Danny stands up and with one move thrusts his very hard cock into her pussy. She is still feeling the waves of pleasure and the cock brings more. She throws herself into it. Not thinking at all. Just feeling. She even says.

"Fuck me. Hard. Now. FUCK ME!" she almost screams at the end.

Shifting up he grabs her ass with one hand and his dick with the other. His hand slides down and he pries her lips open with them. Fingers slipping on her wet pink flesh. He pauses for just a moment. The head of his cock just inches from the wet hole.

There was a kind of rush he has never known. Could not put it into words. But it is powerful. He is sure. He is strong.

"Alright. I will! I will fuck you hard until you beg me to stop." he growls

That was the plan anyway. It lasts for all of 3 minutes. During which she cums again, twice, and he explodes and buries himself deep inside her. It is an amazing few minutes. So raw and so powerful the memory of it will make him hard and her wet for years to come. Sweat pouring off them both. Bodies shaking and twitching. Even little touches produce new waves of pleasure.

They slump together. They move into sleeping positions still naked and dripping. They nuzzle and all is warm and fuzzy.

Just as she is falling asleep the realization of what just happened hits her. It is somewhat hard not to jump up off him and scream in fear.

Her son just came inside her.

Day 8

They were somewhere. To be honest if you had asked the young man where he would not have been able to tell you. Hell if you had asked him what he was doing 5 minutes ago he would not be able to answer with anything even close to the truth. Diana kept them moving. She was in a slight daze but the need to act normally was strong and she did normal things with a fake smile on her face.

Danny's thoughts the next day were focused somewhere else entirely. The squeeze of his balls and the ma'am was bugging him. It just. Well it just bugged him and he was having a hard time understanding why exactly.

His mother had not hurt him. It was a playful threat and she was sucking his dick at the time. The little game was great. He was 18 years old and had a horny cumslut to play with. Hard to complain there. But still…

He remembered something from 2 years ago. His birthday. Three girls had grabbed him and managed to hold onto him long enough to spank him a few times. He had let them pull down his pants and bare his ass. Two of them had never seen his cock. At this point he had already known he had more than the average guy so he was more than happy to show it off. But. After about the 4th blow he had gotten violently angry. Breaking free easily banging the girls up in the process. They had ended up in a huddle on the floor while he screamed at them.

"Don't ever try that again. Don't think about trying it. EVER!" he had roared.

None of them had ever spoke to him since. One had been his girlfriend too.

Later on he could not figure out why he had done that. They had not hurt him. The slaps had barely stung. Some part of him rebelled. He was helpless and they were in control for a moment.

He didn't like that. Nope. Not at all.

The anger returned. Like it had just happened. How fucking dare they?

It just hit him. And the thought was like a missing piece of himself fitting into place. A word. Meaning. Understanding. The word rolled around in his head and produced the most wicked smile that had ever graced his young face.

To say it felt like magic. It had a power and he felt it filling him. The word lingering in the air.


Later that evening…

Diana starts off stern.

"Last night you did something that cannot happen again. If I get pregnant by you… That just cannot happen." she says as she tosses a large box of condoms at him.

He nods and sets the box aside. He is sitting in the middle of the couch.

"Fine. Rubbers when I fuck mommy. But there is something I want to talk about." he too has a little stern going.

This attitude surprises her since she had expected remorse and perhaps an apology.

"What… what is that?"

"We need to make a little deal. I will let you play your little games with my cock. It is your cock. However you are mine. Starting with your ass."


He reaches out to grab her by the wrist. Pulling her forward she goes across his lap. Reaching up he flicks on the radio a little loud but it is not too late yet. That and the noise of the train are a fair bit of cover sound. He pushes the robe off her butt and it hangs onto the floor.

"I did not like you squeezing my balls and making me call you ma'am."

Smack! his hand lands on her ass with a good sting.

"I am not some little pussy you can control." he states.

Smack! Smack!

She is moving but not fighting all that hard. More stunned than anything. Wanting to speak but her words keep getting drowned out in his or the sharp slaps on her ass.

"So here is the deal. I will play your toy, ma'am and all. But otherwise you are mine completely and I don't want to play any more games about it. I know what you are now. I know what you want."

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

"You are a cumslut. A horny little cunt that wants to be filled. Say it! Say I am a cumslut."

"Danny! Stop. Don't make me do this." she pleads. Trying to hang onto control.

Smack! Smack! SMack! SMack! The last two harder and she howls and shakes.

"Say it." he says rather calmly actually.

"I…. am… am……….. a cumslut." she manages to get out.

SMack! SMack!

"Oh come on you can do better than that."

"I am a cumslut!" she says clearly and it truth be told with a little bit of relish.

There is a rush in him. Power. Damn this feels fucking good. He rubs her ass now. Hand dipping down to lightly stroke her slit.

SMack! SMack! SMack! SMack! His hand is relentless.

Diana shakes her ass and howls softly. A long low animal sound. Butt on fire but it is matched by the now almost dripping wet pussy.

"Very good. Now say I am your slut to do with as I will."

She takes a deep breath. The hand stroking her feels so good after the smacks. It is only for the trip Diana. Why not?

"I am your slut to do with as you will."

"I am a bad girl who deserves to be punished."

"I am a very bad girl and I do deserve to be punished." she cannot help but giggle a little bit.

His hand comes back up to make circles on her slightly red backside. Spreading her cheeks open for a moment to examine her a little more closely. Already starting to treat her body like his property. He could not describe what this feels like if you asked him. But it is gooood.

SMack…. SMack….. SMack….. SMack…..

"From now on when we are alone you will call me… Master."

She turns her head to look at him. Suddenly not quite so sure. But then he thinks of herself calling him that and she cannot deny the pulse that races out from her hot crotch. She moans just a little.

"Yes Master. I am yours now."

Victory. So sweet. And damn does it make his cock hard.

The next few moments are a steady rain of blows on her sore bottom.

SMAck… SMAck…. SMAck….. SMAck….. SMAck…. SMAck…. SMAck….

When he finally stops she is panting hard. Eyes red. Not crying but close. The fire in her is beyond description. Nothing in her life has ever pushed her this far. Nothing but lust and the desire to obey is left inside her.

"Then my sexy slavegirl. Open that box. Wrap my dick and I am going to fuck you until we both pass out."

"Yes Master."

Diana kneels down and undoes his belt. She pulls it slowly out of the loops. Looking up at him with a little blush she sets it on the end of the couch.

Shyly but with a pulse between her legs that almost twists her body she says, "In case you need it later."

The grin on his face is nothing but evil pleasure.

The pants and shorts come off. His hardness gets covered in latex. Then he grabs her wrist and pulls her forward. Onto the couch face up against the cool wall. His hands run over her red butt. He shows no hesitation and running his fingers everywhere. Pressing briefly against her tight ring and then right into her sopping wet cunt.

"I love your ass." he says with appreciation clear in his voice.

"Oh please! I have a fat mom ass." she says dismissively.


The blow on her upturned butt drives all the air out of her in a strong grunt. Holy fuck the fire of it just explodes inside her.

"Don't you ever say that again. You are beautiful. Not some little girl but a woman. Never say that again do you understand?" his tone is harsh.

She smiles as the breath huffs in and out of her, "Yes Master. I am sorry and I will never say it again."

This produces another groan from her. One of pleasure.

Followed by even more as he thrusts inside her. This time he maintains control. For some reason he suddenly feels the need to impress. Needless to say… he does.

Day 9

Sometimes life is kind. On the stop the night before a couple had left the train. One of them was feeling ill. This left an open cabin with a single bed. Danny and Diana grinned like idiots at each other while the porter was telling them the news. They tried to control their joy. Both felt like everyone could just read the truth on their faces.

"There is only a single bed ma'am but your son can use the couch." the porter suggests.

Diana blushes as her mind thinks quite different thoughts.

"Oh… yes. Thank you. We will uumm manage." she stumbles a bit.

They moved into the new room.

She had decided to really throw herself into the role. For a couple more days she would be devoted to his every need and whim. There was a little shiver as she imagined some of the nasty things his 18 year old mind might come up with.

"Does the new room meet with Master's approval?" she asks honestly wanting to be sure.

He looks around. Mostly at the bed. There was a couch on the other side of the room like the one they had been sleeping and fucking on. This was much better.

"It does. Did you accomplish your task this afternoon?"

She blushes as his hand comes up to fondle her left breast. She only has a light dress on. Thin cloth with nothing underneath. The porter could not take his eyes off her when he had been there.

"I did Master. Although I am a little scared."

"That is the point. It means you did what you were told."

"I will do anything you ask. May I ask one small favor of my Master?"

He was really enjoying her tone. This was not a game. It was not sarcastic. She meant it and it made him feel like a god. This was just so right for him. Ok the mom part was really, really, really wrong. But there were other girls in the world. Other women too. Right now though he wanted this one.

"You may ask."

"Please fuck me in the ass tonight. You have not done that yet and I want you to." she says with a blush.

He grins and nods, "Very well sexy slave. I will bend you over an give you a good dirty buttfucking tonight. But first you are going to perform for me. Get the stuff."

He strips down to his shorts and gets on one end of the bed.

She goes for a bag and peels off her dress. There is a few minutes of boxes being opened and plastic rustling. He enjoys watching her bare butt move. Little flashes of her pussy making his cock start to pay attention too.

Diana climbs onto the other end of the bed. Lying on her back with her knees up and spread a little. She has a huge fake cock with her and a little bottle. There are also a pair of clamps. Propping herself on pillow she spreads her knees wide. Pink little pussy spreading gently. Gleaming traces of moisture already on it.

"Put on the clamps and give me a nice show slave. Fuck that huge cock for Master." he says with lust in his voice.

"Yes Master. This thing is bigger than anything I have ever had in me. I am scared of it. But I will do as I am told."

Taking the two clamps she pinches first one and then the other nipple. They get hard. She winces and kicks her feet as the clamps close tight. She adjusts them a little.

"Tighter." he says softly.

She screws them down whimpering. Her whole torso twists as she masters the pain. Face flushed.

The bottle is opened and the massive cock is made wet and slick. Her hand stroking her slit as she brings the wide head against herself. Sliding and rotating to slowly settle firmly against the entrance to her wet depths. Diana shifts her legs more and thrusts her crotch out a little more getting a better angle.

She pushes. It hurts. She pushes more. It hurts more but the head slides in a little. Deep breath.

Relaxing just a little she slides the big toy inside her. It is 10 inches long and a good 6 are buried now. Diana throws her head back and her thighs shake. Body adjusting but the pull hurts. A lot. As it fades the slow rush of heat and wet builds.

When she looks over at his she sees three things. He is naked now. His cock looks rock hard and his eyes look like they are on fire. Lust all over his face.

"It hurts Master but I won't stop. I am going to fuck myself good and hard for you."

"Then I will reward you for that my slave." he says with clear satisfaction in his voice.

She pulls the cock slowly out. Whimpering a little as it tugs sensitive skin. Her pussy gripping it tightly. The push back in is easier as is the one that follows. One hand goes up and touches her clamped nipple. There is a little rush of pain but this one makes her moan. She does it again harder. She slides the cock in and out faster.

He watches in amazement. Raw pure sex. Every second the desire to take her grows. Afraid if his cock gets any harder it will burst.

Just the huge girth of the fake dick and the intense sensations from her tortured nipples are sending Diana on a fast spiral to an orgasm. Looking at him watching. Knowing she is doing this because he ordered her to. She always knew she was a little submissive. But the time with her no good husband had brought out only the hostile Dom side.

She felt whole for the first time is a very long while. In this most bizarre of situations. As wrong as it all was it was just simple. She was serving her master. Wanting to. Needing to. And those thoughts were spiraling through her head as she groans and fucks the cock fast.

When she cums she pulls the cock out and rubs her clit hard. There is a small spray of cum as she convulses up off the bad. Her wide spread pussy muscles clamping down in the ripples of the climax. Her ass hits the bed a moment later but her fingers have yet to stop. Wave after crashing wave burning through her.

Panting hard she looks at him, "Did I…. Did I please you?"

"You did. Now up on all fours. Point that sexy ass at me. I want it. I want to fuck it. I am going to put my hand over your mouth and I want to hear you scream as hard as you can."

Her eyes widen a touch followed by a lustful grin. She flips over and her generous ass is pointing and wiggling at him. Her hands reach back. One on each cheek she spreads herself open to him. He moves to her. Coated in her juices already the head of his cock slides across her tight ass ring easily. He had planned on going slow but she just pushes back against him,

There is a long moment where her ass is resisting. Tight. A little grunt from her. A deep breath from him. Then in. Cock sliding deeper. Her little cry but then pushing back more.

"Fuck me hard Master. You have made me yours. Show me how much you mean it. Make me scream. Make it hurt. Fuck me until I am nothing more than a crying little bitch. When you wish to cum please shoot your cum down my throat. I need it in my mouth. Pleeeeeaaassee!"

Her words get her exactly what she wants. More than he thought he would do. Her ass gets fucked. Pulling back and thrusting into her. Giving her a good deep ass reaming. Balls slapping against her crotch.

He enjoys her ass. She enjoys being taken. Leaning down he nuzzles along her neck. His hand snaking around to her right to caress along her jaw. Then something new.

He kisses her.



She kisses back.

His cock stabs into her as his hand wraps around her mouth.

"Now my little cunt. Cry for me." he says in a voice she has never heard.

He starts to fuck her harder and rougher. His crotch smacking into her with more and more force. The already tortured muscles of her ass burning more with each second. But there is more.

SMAck! SMAck! SMAck! SMAck!

One hand is across her mouth and the other is smacking her ass every other stroke. Hard. Already red her bottom is slowing catching on fire. Diana is grunting and starting to sob a little.

Thrust! Thrust! SMAck! Thrust! Thrust! SMAck!

He fucks her without mercy. Not even thinking about what he feels just using his cock to push his mother as far as she could go. He wanted to break her down. It was just a primal need he barely understood but he wanted it. Bad.

The first tear hits his hand. He smacks her even harder. SMACk! Almost his full strength. She does yelp loudly against his fingers. But he also hears a muffled word.


He grins like a predator pouncing on dinner. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! For a long moment he just beats her ass hard. This gets him what he wants.

A long scream barely contained by his hand. Tears running down her face.

Now he fucks her again. Feeling it. So good. So powerful. His cock feels a mile long. She is his. So completely. So totally. Nothing has ever felt like this. It is like he has stepped into a whole new world.

Pulling his cock out of her. Forcing her to spin around. Pulling her up my the hair one hand going to his cock. Her mouth wide open. Tongue out. Her eyes catch him and they are bright. Seemed so natural. The cum was psychedelic. Danny explodes. The first blast going across her tongue and down her throat. He saw trails of light and glowing spots. His balls emptying themselves down her throat. She took it all this time. Keeping her mouth open as much as she can.

He pumps for a long time. When he lets her go she looks up at him.

"Master is pleased?" in such a hopeful voice despite the panting licking her lips.

"Master is very pleased." he manages.

"May I cum now?"


She flips over pointing her crotch at him. Grabbing up the discarded latex cock she pushes it back into her ass. Holding it in place her hand becomes a blur on her clit. She arches up. Her ass shakes.

Fingers making loud wet sounds that go along with her harsh breathing. Alternating between jamming three fingers into her self and rubbing hard and fast on her long clit.

From the moment she starts the pleasure is intense. She is completely lost in the waves that fill her.

She looks him in the eyes as she convulses near climax. Hissing out one word and as she does so flying over the edge and cumming hard.


Day 10

When it is finally time to leave the train they are more than a little reluctant. Even as the porter knocks on the door for the last time she is on her knees sucking him. He has to pull her up making her protest.

"We have to go mom."

"Don't wanna." she says pouting.

He grabs her hair and fucks her mouth. Fast and rough. She is cooing around his cock. Tongue working as much as it can. When he explodes she slurps and pulls him hard against her.

"Lets go."

Outside they set their bags down in a corner. It is a long walk to the car. They are out of the main flow of traffic and nobody is paying attention to them.

"Danny you know we have to go back to normal now right?"

"I know that is what you want."

"It is how it has to be. This was… well it was amazing. I will cherish the memory. But now it is over."

He moves to her. Hand going around her waist as he pushes her back against a wall. Hand going inside her pants and down her ass. Two fingers find their target and invade her ass.

She looks at him with a touch of fear in her eyes.

He smiles back and says very softly…


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3jsa2y/oedipus_takes_a_train_part_ii_mf_inc_mdom_fdom


  1. Suggested edits: Day7 He is a little insistent and resists a little with little sounds He is a little insistent and (she) resists a little with little sounds When she looks over at (his) she sees three things When she looks over at (him) she sees three things day 9 Pulling her up (my) the hair Pulling her up (by) the hair Good going!

  2. Holy fuckin shit that was hot! I loved that his domination of her was honest and not angry. Too often mdom incest stories are filled with hate and cruelty. Not to be too grammar nazi, but … Watch your "tense". You switch between past tense and present tense in the same paragraph, major grammar no-no. Try to keep the same tense throughout the whole, it’s a much easier read.

  3. Glad you liked it. Sorry about the tense problem. Usually I am consistent but for some reason this time I kept drifting. I corrected most of it but I know I missed some. Not sure why.

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