Kiara and Grace-Part one [ff] [slow buildup] [oral]

Kiara had had a crush on Grace for a while now, but sadly for Kiara, Grace was straight. This made Kiara's life very difficult as she was constantly around her friend that made her heart flutter and certain other parts of her tingle. This meant when Grace's parents were out of town and she invited Kiara over for a sleepover, Kiara saw her perfect chance to try to show Grace just how good being with a girl could be.

Grace opened the door to her house, wondering if her friend was here already. "Hey, you're early," Grace tried to smile warmly, but she was a little groggy from just getting up, even though it was already 1pm. Grace stood at a perfectly cute height of 5'3. She had beautiful brown eyes that Kiara wished she could just stare into for hours, watching the way the light bounced off them just right. Her golden brown hair seemed to flow perfectly down over her shoulders, just over her boobs, curling in all the right places and complementing her adorable body.

Grace's small, yet toned, figure was well displayed by what she was wearing. She had a loose, light purple shirt hanging perfectly over her body, making her look even cuter in Kiara's eyes. Underneath her shirt was her floral bra, hiding away her perky b cup breasts. Her lower half was only covered by her lacy purple panties and tight denim shorts that showed off the silky smooth white skin of her legs. Kiara almost couldn't wait for Grace to turn around so she could watch the perfection, that was Grace's callipygous ass, as she walked.

"Sorry love," Kiara smiled back, very much awake from having been plotting all morning. Kiara stepped through the doorway after being beckoned inside by Grace. Where Grace would've been called cute and sexy, Kiara would've been called hot and sexy. Kiara wasn't tall enough to tower over Grace, but at 5'8 the difference was noticeable enough. Her height gave her beautiful long legs that had a tan just beginning to fade in the cold winter months. Her boobs were also closer to the more classic image of beauty at a d cup, but Kiara much, much preferred Grace's somewhat smaller firm chest.

Kiara's darker, wavy brown hair stopped just above her ample breasts. Like Grace's it seemed to curl in just the right places, complimenting her face and body beautifully. Her sea green eyes had golden flecks in the centre that added to her mesmerising gaze that had driven so many guys and girls wild. Not that Kiara took much notice of them, her eyes had been focused on Grace for a long time.

Kiara wore black skinny jeans, emphasising her long, fit legs through the tight fabric. Underneath the skinny jeans she wore a lacy black pair of panties which perfectly matched her lacy black bra, tightly cupping and emphasising her very ample chest. Kiara's past loves had very much enjoyed burying their faces in her chest, but thats a story for another day. Over Kiara's bra she wore a green day t shirt, tight enough to show off the curves of her body. Even the straight Grace couldn't help but think how good Kiara looked.

"You sound sleepy," Kiara joked, pulling Grace into a hug just inside the door, pressing their equally beautiful, albeit for different reasons, bodies up against each other. The excitement of being so close, having her body pressed so tightly to, Grace's slightly smaller figure made Kiara's breathing quicken. She tried to push her more dirty thoughts and excitement out of her head for now, she had a lot of time for those later.

Grace's let out just the cutest, sleepy laugh,"yeah I only just had breakfast." Pulling away from the warmth of Kiara's body, Grace shut the door and stepped inside towards the kitchen, knowing Kiara would follow. Kiara's eyes drifted up and down her friends body, eventually resting on the ass she so desperately wanted to spank. So many thoughts ran through Kiara's head of the things she wished she could do to Grace, the kinds pleasure she could make her feel that no man ever could hope to match. "Can I get you a drink?" Grace waved her hand in front of Kiara's face,"hello? Earth to Kiara, anybody home?"

Kiara shook her head, hoping Grace hadn't noticed her eyes locked on her friends body, specifically, her ass. She felt her cheeks flushing just slightly before she replied,"oh uh, do you have any sparkling water? Sorry I was uh..," Kiara thought for just a second,"thinking about what we could do," she then smiled to Grace before setting her surprisingly large, heavy backpack down onto the kitchen table with a loud thud.

"So what did you wanna do, darling?" Grace asked her friend with a cheery grin plastered across her dreamy face. She reached into the fridge and pulled out a bottle of sparkling water before handing it to Kiara.

Kiara undid the bottle with almost no effort before taking a few sips of the refreshing drink. "Well I brought some movies and I figured we could bake something. Nothing too special (besides you, Kiara thought to herself)," Kiara returned the smile, her face lighting up as she felt almost intoxicated by Grace's cheeriness.

"Ohhh baking, yes! But let's do that a bit later, still too sleepy now. What movie did you want to watch?" Grace asked, practically yanking Kiara's arm off as she dragged her round to the living room. Kiara just about managed to grab her bag and swing it along behind her as she was pulled through her crushes' house at a fast pace.

"Well I brought a few different ones, but I was thinking we could watch black swan first?" Kiara suggested. "I know you don't like horror, but it's really good," she added, emphasising the really. Of course Kiara liked the film, but she wanted to see Grace's reaction to the lesbian relationship and have the chance to get up close to her to 'protect' her from the horror.

"Okay, as long as you promise it's not too scary," Grace replied, taking a seat on the couch. Kiara quickly ran to the TV, turning it on and putting in the DVD as quickly as she could, ever so eager to get back to Grace. She set herself down as close as she possibly could to grace, her jeans rubbing up against Grace's sexy, bare legs. Grace made no movement away from Kiara. 'Score,' Kiara thought, enjoying every moment she got to be this close to Grace, even if it did get her all hot and bothered.

The two girls begin to watch the film in relative peace and quiet, occasionally talking about what was happening. As the film began to grow more frightening Kiara could feel Grace flinching against her. Kiara jumped on this opportunity and wrapped her arm around Grace's shoulders, pulling ear her in close. Kiara's face lit up when she felt Grace cuddle up into her, Grace's head practically pressing against one of Kiara's boobs. Even if it was a tad uncomfortable, Kiara didn't mind at all.

Then came the lesbian sex scene. Even being unable to see most of Grace's face, Kiara could practically feel Grace blushing as they watched the two women have sex. One of the better reactions Kiara had hoped for. Unbeknownst to Kiara, Grace had her lip bitten as she watched, her eyes locked on the screen. True, her face was blushing like crazy, but she couldn't help liking what she saw. Grace didn't really give it much thought though. I mean she was straight, right?

A minute or so after the intense on screen sex Grace got up, hiding her blushing face with her curly golden locks. "I just need some, uh, a cold drink," Grace said a little awkwardly. "Did you want another one?" Grace asked, gesturing to Kiara's now empty bottle.

"Oh sure, I just better go pee first, love," Kiara followed Grace out of the room. Grace stopped at the fridge, using it to further hide her face as she wasn't sure if she was still red as a tomato or not. When she heard Kiara close the bathroom door, she pressed one of the cool bottles of water to her face before taking several large gulps. What she had just watched was still flashing through her mind, even if she wasn't actively thinking about it. Grace simply dismissed the yearning she was feeling between her legs as nothing.

On the way to the bathroom Kiara bit her lip in excitement, knowing Grace had blushed while watching the movie. This gave Kiara even more hope that Grace wasn't as straight as she said she was. Kiara quickly used the bathroom. Before going back to the living room Kiara psyched herself up in the mirror, making sure her hair and just enough makeup complimented her already beautiful face and her curvaceous figure. Satisfied with how she looked, she stepped out of the bathroom and headed back to the living room, sitting back down close to Grace who seemed to not be blushing anymore.

Once again Grace clung onto Kiara, something that made Kiara smile. She loved how cute Grace looked and the chance to cuddle up close to Grace's warm, fit body was just what Kiara wanted. Of course it did have some downsides. What with the lesbian sex scene and constantly thinking about Grace Kiara felt herself getting more and more turned on, having to force herself to think about other things and, like Grace, take a few long gulps of cold water. Also, Kiara did hate seeing Grace scared by the movie, but she did seem to be enjoying it nonetheless.

When the credits began to roll Grace released her grip from Kiara and sat up straight. "Thanks for that love, I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway," Grace said in a joking tone, although there was a hint of seriousness in it.

You won't be sleeping, you'll be too busy doing something else, Kiara thought, suddenly very glad she wasn't too impulsive to say that out loud. "Aww, I'm sorry darling. I'll cuddle you to sleep if you want," Kiara half joked, hoping Grace would take it seriously and say yes to give her the chance to press her half naked body against Grace's as they both slept, spooning under the covers.

"You might have to," Grace smiled before standing up straight. She began to stretch in front of Kiara, sticking her chest out and her arms up into the air, either side of herself. Kiara could only watch as Grace's loose shirt rode up over her belly, just giving Kiara the briefest glimpse of her tight, purple panties. Kiara felt herself gasp slightly, thankfully not loud enough for Grace to hear. All that effort to ignore her growing hunger for Grace gone in that instant. She couldn't believe herself getting that aroused just by the briefest sight of Grace's panties along with her flat stomach and breasts just poking through her shirt. At that moment Kiara just wished she could stick her hand down into her own panties and solve her problem of growing wetness between her legs.

Kiara quickly bit her lip, forcing herself to get distracted from the yearning for Grace from her whole body. Kiara stood up next to Grace, trying to push her dirty thoughts back down inside her mind. "So, uh, did you wanna bake something now? I was thinking cupcakes," Kiara tried her best to look excited at the thought of baking with her friend instead of longing.

"Sure thing, love!" Grace half shouted, looking equally excited. She then turned off the TV and went out to the kitchen, expecting Kiara to follow. Of course Kiara quickly tagged on behind Grace and followed her to the kitchen. Grace was already going through the cupboards, searching for ingredients. It took the two girls a few minutes gather everything they needed. Kiara even got the chance to hold Grace up on the counter to reach something on the top shelf, maybe getting a bit too into holding Grace's ass and running her hand down Grace's bare legs.

The two girls quickly learned that making cupcakes is messy business when you spend half your time chatting. This led to their clothes getting more and more covered in flour and cake mix. "You might as well take your top off at this rate," Kiara suggested, trying to seem as innocent as possible when really she was desperate for grace to do so.

"Same to you, love," Grace gestured to Kiara's equally messy band shirt before pulling her purple one over her head. Kiara stared, almost mesmerised, by Grace's chest which was now only covered by her floral print bra along with small flecks of cake mix her shirt had failed to absorb. Kiara's eyes flicked across Grace's now almost bare chest, getting lost in it. It was at that moment that Kiara noticed Grace looking back over to her. Kiara quickly looked away and tried to seem busy before taking her own shirt off. Even the straight Grace couldn't help but admire Kiara's race now on display. Kiara even thought she caught Grace looking, but couldn't quite be sure.

Now half naked, the girls continued to bake, still making a mess before they finally put the cupcakes in to cook. "I did not think we made that much of a mess," Grace said, a hint of dismay in her voice, realising they were going to have to clean up.

"Don't worry love, it's not so bad," Kiara moved to Grace's side and wrapped her arm around Grace, pushing their bare sides together. The skin on skin contact felt like electricity to Kiara and it even left Grace wanting more, not that she did anything about it. One thing Grace did do is glance across at Kiara's chest, almost feeling jealous of Kiara's seemingly gravity defying bust. Ironically Kiara felt equally jealous of Grace's smaller, perky chest. "I'll wash you dry?" Kiara suggested, almost catching her shorter friend in the act of staring at her chest.

"You got it," Grace smiled warmly. While the cupcakes cooked the two girls washed up and cleaned most of the kitchen, laughing and joking around in the process. "Phew," Grace sighed as they finally finished the cleaning. "Time to make the icing." Making the icing didn't take nearly as long as cleaning and the cupcakes were done just in time. "Kiara, love, uh, you've got some icing on your chest," Grace gestured to Kiara's cleavage.

"Where?" Looking down Kiara couldn't quite see what Grace was talking about.

"There," Grace pointed again. After a few more tries Grace finally gave up. "Oh just let me get it." Much to Kiara's shock, Grace leaned her head down and licked in between Kiara's wonderful breasts. A sudden gasp from Kiara could be heard as her cheeks lit up and she could feel her pussy on fire. Grace didn't quite know why she had put her face down onto Kiara's chest, but she sure knew she had enjoyed it. As Grace moved her head away both girls stood, blushing in silence.

"Time to ice the cakes," Kiara coughed, her voice a little shaky as she broke the silence.

"Yeah," Grace replied, quickly turning her attention to the cakes, her mind constantly playing over what she had just done and wondering why she had done it. Kiara's chest was just so big and beautiful, Grace thought, it didn't mean anything. The icing began in silence, but being such good friends the two girls soon returned to their happy selves, laughing and joking alongside one another, although neither forgot what had happened. "Aaaannnnndddd done!," Kiara said, finally finishing the last cupcake. Kiara brought one of the cakes up to Grace's lips,"here, you have the first bite."

"No, lets both have it," Grace smiled, pushing the cake back to Kiara's lips as she leaned in closer. Kiara closed her eyes as she took the first bite, trying to imagine she was leaned just a little more forward and there was no cake in the way, her lips pressed against Grace's. Sadly for Kiara, fantasy doesn't always become reality. That as not to say Grace wasn't imagining the same thing, her mind so confused by the constant thoughts she was having about Kiara. Was Kiara always this hot? Grace asked herself, having seen her friend half naked many times before. I mean, she hasn't changed at all, she just looks incredible, like I want to just touch her all over, Grace thought. She quickly shook her head as she finished the first bite of her cake, trying to ignore her increasingly dirty thoughts about her friend.

Grace picked up her own cake after the first bite of Kiara's and both girls proceeded to munch down a few of the small cakes while they hung out in the kitchen chatting. "It's later than I thought, guess time does fly when you're having fun," Kiara said, noticing the time was 7pm.

"Ohhhh, you wanna play truth or dare now?!" Grace seemed a little giddy, maybe it was the sugar.

"Sure thing, love," Kiara replied, following Grace up to her room, both of them still not wearing t shirts. As Kiara ran up the stairs behind Grace she again took the chance to stare at Grace's ass as she felt her own boobs bounce slightly with each step she took. The two girls sat themselves down on the floor in Grace's bedroom. They played a few rounds of the game, only choosing truths to begin with. Nothing too interesting was asked.

"Truth or dare?" Grace asked Kiara. "And you can't choose truth again," she added.

"Tough choice," Kiara joked. "Dare," she said decisively.

Grace thought for a moment, "I dare you to…," she stopped to think again, thoughts of Kiara's chest right in front of her flooded into her mind,"take off your bra," Grace couldn't understand why she so desperately wanted Kiara's breasts to just be released from her bra.

"O-okay," Kiara stuttered out, obviously shocked and excited by this turn of events. Kiara wanted to try and make Grace like her, but it seems like she didn't have to try much. Kiara reached her hands behind her back, shakily unhooking her bra before pulling it off. Kiara now sat with her chest totally on display to Grace who was very clearly staring

"Holy crap! I forgot how amazing your boobs were," Grace exclaimed, having seen them before in more innocent situations. Grace's eyes remained locked on Kiara's large breasts, feeling herself grow more excited the longer she looked.

"My eyes are up here, love," Kiara joked, leaning forward to poke Grace.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry," Grace blushed profusely, hiding her face behind her hair. "They're just so big and perfect," Grace said weakly.

Just like Grace, Kiara felt herself blushing. She couldn't help but feel giddy as Grace complimented her chest. Thinking it over she decided to continue with the game, rather than ask if Grace wanted to feel them. "So, truth or dare?" Kiara asked after a few seconds.

"Dare," Grace spoke weakly, her blushing had subsided a little and now her eyes were flicking between Kiara's face and chest.

"I dare you to…" Kiara stopped to think, just as Grace had. "Wait one sec, love," Kiara disappeared from the room before coming back with her backpack. She set it down on Grace's bed which bounced under the weight of it. With her back to Grace she pulled out a can of whipped cream and shook it, being careful to hide it from Grace's vision. She almost giggled out as she sprayed cool whipped cream over her nipples, covering each one. "I dare you to…" Kiara turned around,"lick the whipped cream off my nipples," Kiara had a mischievous grin across her face.

If Grace had been blushing before, right now her face was on fire. She shakily stood up next to Kiara and almost eagerly leaned her head down which was easy for her, being shorter. Kiara just barely stopped herself from moaning out as she felt Grace's mouth wrap itself over her left nipple. Within a few seconds Grace had licked the whipped cream off and was now just licking and sucking at Kiara's nipple, flicking over it with her tongue before she gently bit it. "Uhhhh…the other…uhh..nipuhh," Kiara struggled to speak out, feeling her panties practically starting to get soaked through as the smaller girl licked and sucked at her nipple.

Upon hearing Kiara Grace quickly switched over to her right nipple, quickly sucking it clean and giving it much the same treatment, much to Kiara's surprise and excitement as she struggled to hold in her mild moans. Grace even felt herself getting excited as she licked and sucked, loving the feeling of Kiara's breast in her mouth. She was so confused by the things she was feeling for her friend, but she definitely knew something was happening inside her panties.

After a few more seconds Grace pulled her head away and both girls secretly wished she had kept it there a whole longer, but nothing was said. One moment of awkwardness later they were sat back on the floor, both blushing. "Truth or dare?" Grace finally broke the silence.

"Truth," Kiara said weakly, not knowing if she could handle getting even more turned on than this without release.

"Did you, uh, enjoy that?" Grace still spoke awkwardly, her blushing had toned itself down a little though.

Kiara couldn't even bring herself to speak, she just nodded. The moment was still playing through Kiara's head, wishing she could go back to it. Grace smiled, glad she had made Kiara feel good. Her confusion about Kiara was just starting to clear itself up in her head. Kiara is hot as fuck, Grace thought, feeling herself blush yet again at the thought of her.

"Truth or dare," Kiara spoke. You could practically cut the sexual tension in the room with a knife.

"Dare," Grace said, doing her best to ignore her strange, new feelings. Kiara didn't answer with an I dare you, she simply shook the bottle of whipped cream before saying,"your turn, love."

Getting a little too excited at the thought of Kiara's mouth wrapped around her nipple, Grace hurriedly took off her bra, tossing it away in a heartbeat. She offered up her chest to Kiara, pushing her shoulders back and boobs out. With care, Kiara applied the whipped cream across Grace's perky nipples, finding the little shiver she gave adorable.

Being slightly taller it was more difficult for Kiara to lean down while sitting, so she opted to push Grace back onto the ground. Grace let out a little gasp as she felt Kiara's arms on her shoulders, pushing her back and pinning her down. Grace leaned her head up to watch Kiara climb on top of her, Kiara's boobs hanging down and almost touching Grace's stomach. One of Kiara's legs moved inbetween Grace's, her knee moving up against Grace's shorts. Grace's could just about feel the pressure between her legs which when coupled with Kiara's mouth wrapping around her nipple and adeptly licking and sucking away the cream before continuing on Grace's nipple alone. This forced an audible moan out of Grace's mouth and she wasn't even embarrassed because of how incredible it felt to have an incredibly hot girl leaning over her and sucking on her nipple. Kiara soon remembered Grace's other nipple and moved across to it, repeating what she had just done and knowing exactly how good it felt. Kiara's actions elicited more small moans from Grace.

Neither girl wanted to stop, but eventually Kiara moved off, the disappointment on Grace's face very visible before she hid it away. It was almost unbelievable that neither had just straight up kissed the other at this point. Either they were both too oblivious to what either one wanted or they were both too shy to act at this moment. Both girls still looked hungry for one another, but Grace was the first to speak, forcing herself to continue the game, seeing as she had already enjoyed it so much,"truth or dare?"

"Truth," Kiara finally broke the dare streak, needing a break from being so overwhelmed by endorphins forcing her body into overdrive.

"What's it like to, uh, be with another girl?" Grace tried her best to sound innocent while asking, but at that point it was basically impossible.

Kiara practically jumped at the chance to answer this. "It feels incredible, with the right girl. It's different to being with a guy, more sensual and a woman knows what a woman wants," Kiara did her best to emphasise how good being with another girl could be. As she spoke Grace stared on, practically hanging off Kiara's every word, desperation growing within her to try it out. After Kiara finished speaking, satisfied with her explanation, she asked,"truth or dare?"

"Truth," Grace copied Kiara.

"Have you ever thought about being with a girl?" Kiara asked, staring longingly into Grace's beautiful brown eyes.

"I sure have now," is what Grace wanted to say, but all she could manage was,"yes," while nodding and blushing. She also wanted to add you! But just couldn't quite bring herself to do it. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Kiara answered firmly, growing almost too desperate at this point, if she hadn't been wearing any panties she would've been getting the floor wet, a fact she shared with grace.

"I dare you to kiss me," Grace said, standing up,"like you have with girls," Grace tried hard not to blush, just barely managing it.

Kiara jumped to her feet, the blood rushing to her head making her a tad dizzy as she stepped towards Grace. Don't fuck this up, Kiara thought to herself. She slowly stepped towards the smaller girl. Kiara's breasts began to rub against just above Grace's as she drew every closer. Grace felt Kiara's surprisingly strong arms wrap around her, holding her in place and pulling her in tighter. Grace's knees practically trembled in anticipation, she figured Kiara was the only thing keeping her on her feet. The two girls bodies were tightly pressed up against each other, only the wettest part of each girl was covered at this point. Grace felt her breath quicken along with Kiara's and she put her hands on Kiara's hips, over her lacy panties. Kiara brought one of her hands up to behind Grace's head, gently gripping the back of her neck, forcing Grace to shiver at Kiara's soft touch.

Both girls closed their eyes as Kiara moved her face towards Grace's. when their lips finally met after so much anticipation it was like electricity for them. Kiara felt so giddy at the chance to kiss her crush and Grace could feel the rush of endorphins flowing through her body. Kiara gripped onto Grace even tighter, finding the feeling of their bodies pressed tightly together absolutely incredible. Kiara hadn't believed a simple kiss could feel this good. It made all the waiting totally worth it, just with that moment.

Of course, Kiara didn't stop with a kiss and Grace was certainly glad she didn't. There wasn't even a doubt in either of the girl's minds that their game was over. This was much more entertaining. Kiara pushed her tongue into Grace's mouth pressed up against hers, mingling their tongues together, tasting her. The pair continued to to kiss, the moment getting more and more intense as they both grew more firm and bolder with their kisses.

Finally Grace felt Kiara pull away from their kiss, she even leaned her head up, desperate for it to not stop. Snapping her eyes open she just about saw Kiara moving her head to the side before feeling Kiara kissing at her neck. It took Kiara a few tries, but she quickly found the more sensitive spots on Grace's neck which she proceeded to kiss, lick and nibble at softly, making Grace shake and grow more excited each time. Kiara moved around behind Grace, having to bend a ways down to still be able to kiss at Grace's neck. She continued to switch sides, beginning to force ever so slight moans out from between Grace's lips.

Kiara's hands drifted across Grace's smooth body, gently dragging her nails across her stomach, being very careful to not hurt her at all. Kiara's hands drifted up to Grace's breasts, gently cupping and squeezing them in sync with her running her thumb across Grace's perfectly perky nipples. Still kissing up and down Grace's neck, Kiara took hold of Grace's hands, bringing them up to Grace's boobs and using her own hands to cup her boobs. The shorter girl quickly got the idea and began to feel her own breasts, knowing exactly how she liked to be touched, not that Kiara was very far off at all.

Satisfied with Grace's hands, Kiara released them and let her hands drift back down Grace's body, a clear target in mind. Kiara gently began to undo the button on Grace's tight shorts. Grace continued to flick her fingers across her nipples, wishing Kiara's hands were doing it, but she much preferred what Kiara's hands were doing at that moment. Kiara pulled away Grace's shorts, letting them drop to the floor. Grace weakly kicked them off her own feet, almost falling over in the process given how shaky her legs were.

Kiara ever so slowly slid one of her hands down inside Grace's lacy panties, immediately noticing how wet she was. Her hand slid over Grace's clit which was just aching for attention. The touch alone caused Grace to let out a noticeable moan, finally feeling Kiara's soft hand rubbing against her sopping wet pussy. Just gently to begin with, Kiara's hand slowly started to massage Grace's pussy, paying special attention to her clit as Kiara sped up the movements of her hand.

Kiara continued kissing at Grace's neck, loving her adorable little moans and the panting coming from her mouth as she enjoyed the soft fingers rubbing against her. "You like that, don't you?" Kiara asked in her most sultry voice, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from Grace's lips.

"Fuck yes! Please don't stop!" Grace practically begged Kiara, almost shouting the house down already.

"Oh I won't, darling," Kiara breathed on Grace's neck, continuing her relentless, yet gentle, assault on Grace's tender begging pussy. Grace began to breathe more and more deeply, her legs starting to shake as Kiara's hands and lips along with her own hands forced pleasure to build up inside her, rising up through her whole body from her pussy. Kiara had to wrap her free arm round Grace's stomach, holding her tightly as she bucked her hips back and bent forwards. With one final, deafening moan, Grace felt one of her most incredible orgasms wash over her, crashing through her whole body like a dam being broken open. She quivered against Kiara who just began to slow down before setting Grace down ever so carefully onto the bed.

Grace had to just lay back and catch her breath as Kiara looked down at the sexy, wet little mess in front of her. To Kiara she had never looked sexier than when she had been so overcome with pleasure. After a few seconds of watching the panting girl Kiara sat down next to her, quickly taking her skinny jeans off to show her bare tanned legs. Her panties still clung to her desperate wet pussy though. "You…you can do that," Grace gestured to herself meaninglessly," with just a hand!," Grace tried to shout weakly, although it wasn't much above speaking volume. "I think I'm a lesbian," Grace half joked.

Kiara couldn't help but smile, feeling very proud of her own skills. As desperate as her own pussy was for the attention Grace's had got, she wanted to show Grace more. "Think you've got another one in you, love?" Kiara ran one hand over Grace's chest, gently swirling a finger or two over each nipple then letting her hand drift down low, right next to Grace's panties, before coming right back up. Her teasing was rewarded with a minor whine from Grace.

"Just…" Grace took a few deep breaths,"a sec," Grace pushed herself up and leaned on Kiara's now equally naked body. "Don't you want me know?" Grace tried to offer.

"Later," Kiara winked,"now is about you," she said firmly, lifting Grace up off of the edge of the bed to set her down in the middle of it. Grace felt so safe and loved in Kiara's arms as she held her up and was almost sad to be put down, but she knew it'd feel a lot better soon. Grace rested her head on her fluffy pillows, watching intently as Kiara took off her own panties at the edge of the bed. In the light Grace could just about see the wetness glistening in the light as Kiara crawled up onto the bed and up on top of Grace.

By now Grace had caught her breath and she was staring into the eyes of the taller girl over her. "What does this me-" Kiara cut Grace off with a kiss.

"Talk later, fun now," Kiara spoke firmly before leaning in to kiss Grace again. Just like before she began to mingle her tongue with Grace's, enjoying every second. As they made out both girls ran their hands up each others bodies. Grace in particular because she had more access to Kiara's. Her legs even wrapped around Kiara's, pulling her body even closer. She could just about feel Kiara's wetness dripping onto her stomach. Even Kiara couldn't believe how wet she was, but she had been waiting a long time for this.

Ever so slowly Kiara began to move her body down, having to really force herself to break their kiss. Kiara kissed down Grace's jawline, moving down her neck next, giving her more sensitive spots extra attention. Continuing down Grace's seemingly flawless body, Kiara kissed and licked, constantly teasing. Her next short stop was at Grace's breasts. She took time to take each one into her mouth for the second time tonight, sucking and licking at it while one of her hands gently teased the other. Kiara's lips quickly travelled over Grace's belly, laying only a few kisses in her rush. Sitting up, Kiara pulled at Grace's panties, getting Grace to lift up her legs to help. Kiara threw away Grace's panties as Grace's legs were still closed, concealing herself. Taking hold of either knee, Kiara spread Grace's legs wide, giving herself plenty of room and revealing Grace's wet, pink pussy. Kiara leaned down, positioning her head so it was just hovering above Grace's pussy. She could smell the arousal coming off of Grace just as Grace could feel Kiara's breath against her pussy, almost making her beg for Kiara to move her head forward and stop the teasing.

Kiara couldn't wait any longer, she moved her head down onto Grace's pussy, spreading her lips with 2 fingers before moving her mouth directly over her clit. Grace could immediately feel Kiara licking at her pleading clit which instantly made her moan out. Having had a lot of practice, Kiara was good with her tongue and she made excellent use of that talent on Grace.

As Kiara kept licking she felt one of Grace's hands tangle in her hair, gently pulling her head in even close as Grace was forced to arch her back. When Kiara had a nice steady rhythm of licks going she slowly rubbed the entrance to Grace's pussy with 2 of her fingers. Given Grace's wetness it wasn't hard for Kiara to push inside the tight hole. Grace's pussy clung onto Kiara's fingers as she began to work them in and out, working her way up to matching the pace of her tongue.

Grace felt Kiara's fingers curling up inside her, reaching for her g spot as she continued to happily lick and suck at her clit. The sounds of Grace's high pitched moans filled the air, gradually increasing in intensity as Kiara's fingers found her most sensitive spot inside and began to repeatedly rub against it with a come hither motion. No guy had ever put so much effort into making Grace squirm in orgasmic pleasure. The stimulation of her g spot being constantly rubbed along with Kiara's quick, powerful licks, flicking across her clit made Grace's orgasm build up even faster than before.

"Kiara!" Grace moaned out, gripping Kiara's hair tightly and almost hurting kiara as she pulled her head in close, her legs wrapping around Kiara's head by accident. This only spurred Kiara on to keep licking and rubbing inside Grace, slowly pushing her fingers in and out at the same time. "I want to taste you Kiara!" Grace half cried out, feeling her orgasm just begin to build up inside of her. Kiara would've just kept licking, but Grace was quite instant, tugging on Kiara's hair to bring her head up.

Kiara came up to Grace and laid down next to her, flat on the bed. Grace began to move herself towards Kiara's now extremely desperate pussy, but Kiara grabbed her by the arm gently. "Get on top of me," Kiara half whispered, suddenly very aware of how much she needed release after so much build up and anticipation. Grace didn't waste a second in turning herself around and climbing on top of Kiara, in a 69 position. Kiara quickly pulled a pillow under her head, helping her to lean up to Grace's pussy and resume her powerful licks against her clit, enjoying the taste of her long time crush.

Grace was a tiny bit hesitant at first to put her head between Kiara's legs, but once she did she didn't look back for a second. Even hearing Kiara begin to moan and feeling her quiver beneath her was enough to make Grace feel incredible. Kiara gripped the bed sheets in her hands, not wanting to scratch Grace, as she felt the inexperienced Grace begin to lick her pussy. Despite her having never been with a girl, she very quickly learned where to lick to make Kiara moan out louder and louder. Both girls could now relying their orgasms building up as they each licked away. Grace, having already been licked and fingered, was the first to be pushed over the edge into bliss. She had to stop licking just to let out a long moan as her whole body shook with pleasure atop Kiara. Grace quickly went back to licking as Kiara rested her head back, having trouble keeping her head up to lick with Grace's long licks sending jolts through her trembling body.

Kiara rested her head back on the pillow, her mouth wet with Grace's juices. Kiara felt two of Grace's fingers slowly work their way inside her, even at the odd angle. "Fuck," Kiara moaned out loudly, teetering on the edge of her first orgasm with the girl she adored. After a minute more or so of licking and fingering Grace finally pushed Kiara into bliss, carrying on as she came, forcing more and more pleasure to wash over her, making her whole body shake.

Eventually Grace stopped licking and just about managed to push herself off of Kiara and lay down next to her. Both girls were panting to catch their breath at this point.

"Wow," is all Grace could manage.

"Yeah," is all she got in reply, Kiara's breaths beginning to slow down, the tingling of her body also easing up.

Even if it was still early both girls felt exhausted and they knew it. Kiara lifted up the covers and climbed underneath with Grace, getting behind her and hugging her close. It didn't take long for the two to drift off into a peaceful, dreamy sleep, spooning each other till morning.



  1. Love the detail and the build up of sexual actions ;) very enjoyable, we need more stories like this! Keep it up.

  2. Your writer’s voice is very good. Loved the details, some wonderful female insight. Kudos to you, kitten

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