Oedipus takes a Train Part I [mF] [inc]

It was the second day of a 10 day trip…

18 year old Danny and his mom Diana were taking a very long overdue vacation.

The first was spent covering distance to get to the Rocky Mountains. The trip including stopping at some point each day for an afternoon or evening at some interesting spot. Lots of amazing scenery and a lot of walking to do. The train was nice and modern and they did have a compartment. But rather than the 2 beds they had booked they had a single couch. The beds having collapsed and been removed from the other side on the last trip.

The train was full and it was take that compartment or skip it. Danny said he could sleep sitting up and she was small enough to sleep on the rest. He was half right. The first day was all traveling but the second was busy. Diana was beat. And as she lay trying to get comfortable she cursed.

"Something wrong mom?" he asks.

"Yes dammit. This excuse for a couch stinks."

"Yeah. Really. But ya know we are stuck with it and what passes for carpet under us is not very padded. You said you could not sleep there even with extra blankets remember?"

"Of course I remember what sort of idiot do you…." she start to rage and then stops sharply.

Tone softer, "Sorry. Tired."

He nods.

"Look I have an idea. Lets give it a try. Sit up for a sec."

She pulls the blanket with her. It was October and a little chilly. He had been sitting against the corner with both long legs on the ground. Now he rotates so that his right leg is along the back of the couch and his left is down on the ground. Pillow behind him he slides down a little so he is not quite upright. Putting a pillow against his shoulder he uses his other hand to wave her closer.

She eyes him for a moment. But tired as she is her logic is non-functional at the moment anyway so what the heck? Moving up against him she puts her pillow behind her as she lay against his right shoulder facing outwards. There is a moment of shifting for both of them. She pulls the blanket over her.

"Comfy?" he asks.

"Much more than I was. We will see." she is not an easy woman to please.



He actually falls to sleep easily. One arm around her. Diana however just sort of drifts. Her mind not wanting to sleep. This feels good. Feels like a long time ago. Divorced 3 years now. But there was a time when she was happy. A little smile touches her lips.

She snuggles up against him. His strong tall body cradling hers.

She drifts some more.

Dark thoughts not quite dreams. Her Ex. The fights. But those slowly fade and she thinks of the better times. Ok some kinky times with little private secrets. But hey nothing that wild. She does… miss it though.

She wiggles. He shifts and instead of away holds her a little tighter.

Diana begins to think of one of the better times. Reliving it slowly. Without realizing it she is moving too. Her generous ass slowly shifting. She is on her side half sitting with her butt pressed against his left leg.

Reaching out she grabs his left shoulder. Bending to slide off the pillow and onto his shoulder. Shifting her hip to balance herself all without any actual thought. Lost in the near sleep dream. Maybe it is her body acting all on it's own. Maybe the fact that her wiggling and moving has shifted his cock up along his left leg and gotten it hard.

For whatever reason she shifts one last time and panty covered crotch under her sweat pants presses along the length of his shaft. In the dream the sex gets intense. Her ass moves. Rubbing herself along his hardness.

In her her dream she has a big cock in her hard. Fingers glide over the silky smoothness of it. The head dripping she leans down to lick the fluid up. She pumps it harder. Feeling the pulse and the throb. Her other other between her own legs thrusting 3 fingers in and out of herself.

"Cum you little bitch." she snarls.

On the couch she is grinding faster. Wet and hot now. Still not awake she shudders. In the dream he cums like a geyser in her hands and in reality she cums too.

She is not awake.

He is.

Day 3

"Holy shit." he mutters for the 100th time today.

He had woke up because he felt like he needed to pee. Something wet touching him triggering a primal reaction. As he opened his eyes he had not really understood. But the quiet groan and the shudder clued him in. Danny had not dared to twitch for at least a half hour. He had controlled his breathing as much as he could. Thankfully she had shifted back to her pillows and pretty much passed out.

In the morning as soon as he could he locked himself in the bathroom. Plenty of cover noise. He almost tears his pants down. Cock out and throbbing. Hand wraps around it.

Every moment of last night plays out. Over and over and over. His hand pumps. His balls ache. He pants. When he cums it feels like the back of his head is going to come off. Every muscle shakes. Spraying the wall with blast after long blast.

When he can think again he looks at the mess. His hand still on his cock.

"Holy shit."

He knows this is wrong. It was an accident he tells himself. But since her divorce his mom has not dated or done anything at all. Being 18 his hormones are a constant rage. He has to pump or have someone else pump his dick almost every single day. Danny also knows that women reach their sexual peak later than guys. He has worried about her. Being lonely is no fun for anybody.

Not that long ago his curiosity got the better of him. While she was out he had gone through her room. Looking for any signs of sexual activity at all. He told himself at the time it was a little wrong but that he was just concerned. The fact that later that night he had fucked his girlfriend into unconsciousness had nothing to do with his mom.

Diana had woken up feeling great. Ok a little stiff in a few places but much better than yesterday. The two of them had taken out a canoe today and it is a lot of fun. The river is beautiful and quiet as they float along. It is a long day though. Nearly 11 pm by the time they have eaten and gotten back to the compartment.

He is trying to act normal. She does not seem to notice. When they get comfy again with her once again against his right shoulder on the pillow it seems very relaxed and natural. But thoughts of baseball are the the only thing that keep his dick relaxed.

They don't talk much at all. Worn out from the day's adventure. She drifts. Comfortable. Warm.

Danny expected to have to wait for a long time. But her breathing steadies and she relaxes quickly. Hard to tell how many minutes passes. But he slowly lets his control shift. His hand on her side moves now and then. She feels soft under his fingers.

He moves. Slowly but each shift rubs his cock against her ass. Thoughts of right and wrong have already been banished. He moves a little faster.

She shifts in his arms and he freezes. Face going a little pale. That expression changes when she shifts again her face sliding off her pillows and against his right shoulder. Her round bottom moving too. He almost dies when the sleeping woman presses down on him. He feels heat.

He should wait for a moment but he does not. His hips moving and his cock sliding along her again. There is the faintest of response back from her. He thinks this must be what the twilight zone feels like just before he cums. This morning he thought the back of his head was going to explode. Tonight it is his whole fucking body. He sees spots and trails before his eyes. The intensity of it makes him groan deeply. It seems endless too. Almost bouncing her as he humps and grinds.

Danny had the brains to pull on a condom before going to bed. Was a little tricky to keep it on and not sport a raging hard dick in front of mom.

He lays and breaths and she just cuddles against him. Her ass still moving just a little against his body. This will continue even as he drifts off to sleep….

Day 4

Diana had a great day on the 4th of the journey. A charming little town. Full of odd little shops. Danny was bored in about 5 minutes. So armed with some cash he took off to explore. He found a place where you could rent dirt bikes and run a few different courses. You had to prove yourself on each before they would let you ride the next. The last one was a full size competition course. Massive jumps and a lot of nasty fast turns.

Danny grinned and took out a bike. After a few runs on the first track he requested a qualifying run. He beats the required time by quite a lot and gets 9s on his style points. He moves on to the next track. By the time Diana finds him he is running the last track during a practice phase.

"I knew you would be here." She says standing next to him.

"You know I love bikes. I could live here."

"And you know I worry. This is dangerous."

He grins and says, "Yes. It is. Want a ride?"

Her eyes widen and she takes a step back.

"Are you crazy? It would scare me to death."

"Yes. It would. Want a ride?" he says with a wicked little smile

He sounds so supremely confident she finds her torn. It was totally nuts. But he did not sound like some kid. Certainly not her son. He was talented with trophies to prove it. She knew he was an excellent rider. But the very idea terrified her.

"Yes. Yes I do." she says with more than a hint of fear in her voice.

He helps her get on the back of the bike grabbing a helmet from one of the staff. Shows her where to put her feet. Pulling her arms around his waist and her tight against him.

"Hold on tight. Everything will be cool if you just hold on and don't panic. You know I love you and would never, ever, ever let anything hurt you right?"

"Yep. Take me for a ride. Show me what you can do." she says with almost no trace of fear.

No fear and a pulse between her legs.

The ride is amazingly fun. The air whipping through her hair. The throb of the bike seems to invade her whole body. Nipples hard as rocks but she knows he won't be able to feel them through his leather jacket. She hopes he can't hear the occasional soft moan as they fly across the jumps and bend tight into the corner. His young body feels strong and she holds on tight.

That night he is so exhausted that all thoughts of doing anything just fade. He does not worry about where his cock is but it happens to be down his left leg. She on the other hand has been horny since she climbed on that bike. It was terrifying and thrilling. She shivered remembering both. Snuggling down with him she drifts.

Not comfy she shifts. Still not comfy she curls her legs and slides down a little. Her right hand dropping down to his thigh. Diana is not really awake at this point. It is all sensation and odd random thoughts. On top of it all the need.

When her hand slides down just a little on his thigh and across his cock her reaction is instinctive. Pressing down on it she sighs softly. The human body working as it does his reacts too. Same sort of instincts even. He starts to get hard.

Drifting partially into dreams she enters an erotic land.

A man is tied down to a table.

She pumps his cock and torments him. His cries making her laugh.

Her view centers on the spear of flesh in her hand…

In the real world her hand is moving slightly along the end of his shaft. In the dream the man groans and she pumps faster. In the real world both are breathing harder. He dreams too. In his mind his lovely mother is screaming his name.

In his dream…

Diana is bent over a table. Skirt on the floor.

His cock hard and long thrusting deep into her pussy.

Hand gripping her hips. Thrusting. Over and over and over…

In the real world he cums. In the dream there is wetness and a fountain of cum.

Day 5

In the morning…

She wakes up and heads into the bathroom. A scent catching her nose. One she knows well. She sniffs and raises her hand. Her eyes widen and she licks a finger. Diana stumbles backward. It is a good thing the wall is only about a foot away. She smacks into it feeling a little dazed.

Diana looks at her hand. With a convulsive twitch she stuffs three of her fingers in her mouth. Eyes closing. So many things running through her mind. Chaos. Impossible. Crazy. So wrong she cannot even think in concrete terms. But as the minutes past her mind calmed.

Something had happened. But one thing was clear. This was male cum on her fingers. It could only have come from one place.

Her son.

So wrong she can barely think. But it has been so long.

Sticking her fingers back in the mouth she sits down on the toilet. Sweat pants and panties down at her feet she strokes her folds. Diana gets wet fast. Trying to keep quiet she rubs her clit hard and fast. Groaning she cums in mere minutes.

"Oh shit." she mutters as she looks down at the wet cum all over her fingers.

The day is another busy one. Danny and Diana are very touchy feely today. Hugging and holding hands. Other moms express jealousy at how close they are. Other sons snort and make rude comments. Everything goes well.

At night as they both lay together neither can sleep for some reason. They shift and move. First one and then the other. They apologize more than once. But both understand the other and try to get comfy.

Finally he sits up even more and pulls her up with him. One of the pillows falls away. This seems to kinda work for both of them because for a long time they just breathe.

It just starts. She shifts a little so her breath runs along his neck. His hand drops down a little and is on her ass. She moves again. So does he.

A very slow very subtle rhythm begins.

A little grind. A little rock. He gets hard. She gets wet.

They are not asleep.

But there is no acknowledgment of each other. Eyes mostly closed. But another shift and his cock is pressing along part of her covered slit.

When you are half asleep in the middle of the night time just does not seem to apply. Who knows how long they move against each other. Her hands clutch at him. Her mouth makes a slowly expanding wet wring as she holds a bit of his teeshirt in her teeth.

They do not move any faster until the very end. She groans and floods her panties. He grinds and sprays inside his shorts. There is a hot bubble of warmth wrapped around them. Hands move across each other.

She is drifting when she feels him kiss her cheek.

"thank you." he whispers.

She hears him just as she drops off.

Day 6

Today they did not touch at all during the day. It was awkward. Everyone noticed that too. The questions hanging over them. There other other times in life when time seems to go on forever. Like when you have no idea what to say to someone. Finally they both sat at opposite ends of the couch.

"We have to talk about it." she finally starts.

"Why? So you can tell me how terrible I am?"

She turns her head sharply. He feels guilty? This is already not going as she expected.

"You are not terrible. It… it was my fault. Not sure why I did that. Wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong."

"Your fault?" he is confused.

She blushes a deep scarlet.

"Yes. Something happened the other night. I should have just put it out of my mind. But I didn't. Last night was my fault." she confesses.

"What happened?" Danny asks intensely curious now.

He too is surprised. But his mind is racing forward now. Seeing amazing possibilities. This sudden shift making him far bolder than even with the bike ride.

"I don't think I should tell you."

"I think you should. We cannot hide things mom. Not now. Tell me please."

She blushes more and turns away. When she speaks it is to the wall.

"I had a dream. Or maybe a memory. But I must… I must have acted a little of it out. In the morning. I cannot say it….." there is a long pause. "In the morning there was some of your semen on my hand. I'm sorry. I am a horrible person." she says with a catch in her voice.

He responds strongly, "No you are not. It is just the train. This fucking couch. Stuff has been happening since the second day. Nobody is to blame. Especially not you. You are wonderful and don't you think anything different."

She looks at him with red eyes but lots of questions in them.

"Since… since the second day?" she says very softly.

He nods.

"Yeah. We have to sleep wrapped up together and ya know things just happen. Look mom I am fine. I love you. Lets just get some sleep and not worry about it."

She looks stunned. Head literally pulling back.

"Not worry about it? Are you nuts? We…. I mean I…" she just trails off.

"Yes I know. So? I need sleep and so do you. Want the floor instead?"

"Anything but on top of you will be fine." she snorts.

He reaches out to grab her wrist. He pulls. She resists a little but he pulls with his other hand. She ends up back up against him as he flips off the light.

"Danny stop." she says firmly.

He looks her right in the eyes and stays flatly, "No."

They stare at each other. She nudges against the arms that hold her in place. They don't budge.

Diana sighs and lays against him. That one little no holding her in place. She knows that if she fights he will let her go. She just…. doesn't want to. Not really. She should. But here in the private place she sighs and lays her head down against the pillows.

She also feels close to him now. Like the barriers have all been breached and she can tell him anything. Tell him the one thing she has never been able to tell anybody.

So she does. In a small voice almost as if she is afraid they will be overheard. Silly of course. They are in an enclosed cabin with the sound of the train drowning out everything.

"I kinda have a fetish. For cum. I. Well I used to… milk your dad all the time. He was not good for much but he indulged me in that. Often it was very other day. I… I miss it."

He should be stunned or shocked or something but he is not. Danny crossed over a day or so ago. The cock he had been forcing to stay soft just stiffens instantly.

"I am sorry he left you. He is a moron sometimes." he says close to her ear.

She nods and then well it just kinda starts. He rocks her a little. She sighs. They just don't stop. Diana finds herself just slowly shifting across his chest. Hips shifting slowly. She does not understand what is happening but it still does.

When he feels her ass first start to press against his hard cock he groans softly. She smiles a wicked little smile in the darkness. Rubbing her butt against him now. Feeling herself get wetter and wetter. Her nipples already are aching. Hard tight points on her chest.

"Come here." he whispers as his hand goes under them and he makes her move.

Danny moves his throbbing dick still trapped in his sweat pants to point up into his belly. She comes back down on top of him. A long deep intake of breath from her as her crotch comes down across his shaft. Fully on top of him.

She gasps when both of his hands come down on her backside. Taking big handholds of her generous ass. Moving and squeezing which just makes her press down harder on him. Diana is lost now. All thoughts and logic are just gone.

Starting with one long grind she starts to move against him. He groans and explores her ass. Hunger drives her and she moves faster. Her nightshirt pushed up already. Only her panties and his sweats between them now.

Faster. Both breathing harder.

Diana cannot believe what this feels like. For a moment she thinks how horrible she is being. This is her son. Wrong Diana. Sick. Twisted. Taboo. She knows all this. And with a huge grin on her face she realizes she does not care. Sex is all about doing things that are often considered wrong. Her past. Well many would condemn her for that too wouldn't they?

Danny is not being introspective at all. What he does do is pull her panties off to the side so his hardness can rub along her crack. The strong scent of her pussy hits his nose and he groans. He sees the tight ring of her asshole and groans hard. Grinding down and rocking his hips.

She grinds herself right over the edge.

Face down close to his ear she whispers, "I'm…. gonna…. cum.."

And she does. Hard. Violent. She bites down on his shoulder to keep from screaming. He bucks up against her. Danny feels consumed by lust. Yet somehow he does not cum even with her humping on his cock.

When she does slow down she sticks a hand down between them. Feeling the head of his cock. She grins and slides down. She pulls his sweats down just enough to free his cock. One hand wrapping around it. She looks up at him. Eye shining and wicked.

"May I?" she asks.

"Yes. Please." he answers with a sigh.

Diana lowers her mouth on her son's throbbing manhood. She can taste precum already so she does not waste time. Hand around the shaft. Lowering her head to kiss and then take it into her mouth. Tongue going to work. She starts to bob up and down. Danny is amazed at how much she takes but has little time to admire her technique.

It feels too good.

He cums. Spraying inside her mouth. She moves her head back keeping the head inside. Drinking deeply. Her other hand goes between her legs. Wet sounds echo in the room as her fingers blur across her slit.

Sucking. Stroking. They move together like a well oiled machine.

Before he is done shooting she is cumming too. He actually feels that through her mouth making his last blast extra powerful. Diana does not stop for another few minutes. Lightly sucking on him and licking the velvet shaft.

She crawls back into his arms without a word. They fall asleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3iw4a3/oedipus_takes_a_train_part_i_mf_inc


  1. This is Part I of II and then I have a follow-up story that is about the same length. I love questions so if anybody has any I would be happy to answer them. My main goal with a taboo subject is to make it seem believable. I want the reader to feel at least maybe this could happen.

  2. This was absolutely fantastic, enjoyed every bit. I only wish you spent more time describing their orgasms. Other than that I think it was awesome. Can’t wait for part II

  3. Thank you. Generally I do try to give them somewhat more detailed descriptions but looking back I see I really didn’t in this case. Probably because so far it is the idea that they are even happening which is kinda the focus. But I will go over part II before I post it and see if I can’t add some more detail. Thanks for the suggestion.

  4. I did find a nice logical break point to end this part at but there is still 4 more days to go on the trip. It gets more intense from here. Now that it is out in the open they will both explore their desires.

  5. Suggested edits: Day 2 In her (her) dream Her other (other) between Her other (hand) between Day 6: Often it was (very) other day Often it was (every) other day Pretty good!

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