Elder Scrolls CYOA – 2

I will not be doing any other races aside from the four below for this CYOA unless by popular demand. In order to keep messiness to a minimum, I have here a small group of predetermined characters that you guys would control and I would narrate.

A: Ruenwel Calrion- An Altmer (high elf) noble teenage woman born in Lillandril on the Summerset Isles. She has flaxen hair with a beautiful face which seems even more perfect when she puts on makeup, her body shape is rather slender with a small bust. As she is from a refined noble family, Ruenwel is quite a haughty and arrogant girl who abosultely believes in the superiority of her race’s magical powers. She fights as a battlemage with light armor and specializes in conjuration, alteration, and restoration. Secretly, she fantasizes about bedding with the “inferior” races, sometimes with more than one.

B: Swift Ashda- A Reguard sword singer around her early thirties who is particularly skilled with dual swordplay, she prefers the swords to be equal length. She has a short head of black hair reaching her eyes and ears and her skin, like all Redguards, is brown. Ashda has an above average chest and an even more impressive butt. She prefers the “dominant” role and even carries around a strap-on to use on women and effeminate men. On occasion she likes to be “taken” by those who can beat in her in battle. Oh and she HATES conjuration magic, HATES it.

C: Haalanu Halaril- A Dunmer (dark elf or “drow”) who was born to, raised, and trained by an ex-Morag Tong member in Cheydinhal (her age is unknown). She is skilled in the usual assassin abilities like archery, swords, sneaking, thievery, and illusion magic but she is also extremely physically adept. Haalanu is quite voluptuous for a Dunmer or any elf in that regard and of course beautifully enchanting when considering her looks. She has no real preference when it comes to sex, but likes to administer oral pleasure often and isn’t against using her body to get what she wants.

D: Brunha the Red- The classic Nord warrior woman proficient in heavy armor and loves to use blunt weaponry with one or two hands. She likes to smash in peoples heads until their blood gets on her, hence the “red” moniker. Brunha has auburn colored hair and has pale skinned since she has never left her home of Skyrim and she is twenty-four years old. The tallest of the four and has the body attributes to match with a chest size slightly smaller than Haalanu and a butt just smaller than Ashda. Brunha, while not a virgin, is surprisingly shy and pure regarding acts of an intimate nature, of course she is curious.

Please choose options A, B, C, or D and once the popular vote has been made after a day or few, I'll start the very first chapter of this adventure. PLEASE NOTE- all four characters will start off in Cyrodiil (Ruenwel in Anvil, Ashda in the Imperial City, Haalanu in Cheydinhal, and Brunha in Bruma).

I made two more characters, but I preferred the aforementioned four and decided to let you guys choose between my chosen four.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3iolar/elder_scrolls_cyoa_2


  1. I vote B. Ashda definitely sounds like the most interesting (how would a woman who likes to dominate deal with a world/adventure that’s trying to dominate/kill her.) Otherwise I vote A, as long as you wanted to write her as an intelligent young woman (a noble family would give her a good education along with that arrogance) as opposed to a bratty teenage girl whose haughtiness gets her humiliated (I know some people like those stories, but it sounds way less interesting for a multi-part adventure.)

  2. If Ruenwel wasn’t intelligent, she wouldn’t be as good at magic as she is. So don’t worry on that part. It’s her people skills that she’s bad at, at least when not among noble type folks.

  3. Some very good options here, I’m torn between c and d. But I think I’m leaning D, I feel like this presents some fun options.

  4. As I see it, here are the votes: A- 4 B- 1 C- 2 D- 3 Seeing this, I’ll need at least one, two, or three more votes to decide on who gets to be our heroine between Brunha and Ruenwel. If you are going to vote two options, please state a preference on which one so it can help me decide.

  5. Hm, since there seem to be no more new votes, I’ll start the story sometime tomorrow with the character being Ruenwel Calrion. (Unless someone else votes in the meantime. I wonder what sorts of mishaps our lovely young Altmer will get herself into?

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