TheTask7’s CYOA-1: Setting it up

Well here goes nothing. This will be the first part for either a very short or long little project. Reason being is that I don't see this sub reedit getting much action despite over 20,000 subs First things first, we need a setting and a character to control in it. Setting comes first of course, because said character could be a specific race in one setting that you guys want and not in another.

Here's a list of settings I could base the character in:

A: The World of Warcaft (if you choose this, the character will be roughly neutral to the horde and alliance battle, stress roughly)

B: Tamriel (From the Elder Scrolls series ofc, probably around Skyrim timeline)

C: Dungeons&Dragons (standard setting)

D: Shadowrun (thought it could be an interesting choice)

E: Community Choice setting (just don't be too obscure)

Also, please specificy in this thread character gender, I'm not going to bother with the Heinz 57 variety of genders over in tumblr, but don't let that stop you guys from choosing a tomboy female character or trappy male.

1: Male

2: Female

3: Futanari (for you exotics out there)

The next part should finish up crating the character. It is where I list a slew of characters to choose from varying races, archetypes, and etc. After that I shall start the actual CYOA bit.

So once a day or more has passed and I've garnered votes from at least 5 or more redditors, I'll post the next part



  1. I’m still interested in doing this, but I’ll need more than two votes before I continue.

  2. B or C, and a woman. Bonus points if she gets the standard fantasy boy hero background, like a farmers daughter who turns out to be heir to the throne, or a barmaid who comes across a secret amulet/map.

  3. I can’t use upvotes since I need comments to tell me what they want to happen next. Like I need to see a comment saying they want action A or B done.

  4. It seems the setting will be Tamriel and the character’s gender will be female. I need to do one more thread on choosing the character and the story can begin.

  5. I intended for the adventure to be vague and mainly about the mishaps of the character. But now that I think about it, I could probably work something like this into the adventure. Not right away of course.

  6. Given the sub reddit, I figured it would have to be a sex amulet, etc, but the quest to get her throne or follow the map would lead to plenty of opportunities for mishaps, as well as the standard tropes of the Hero’s Journey. It would be fun to see your interpretation of those tropes (the arrival of the mysterious stranger that starts the adventure, the wise mentor, the temptress, etc) and how your audience chooses to respond.

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